Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

So why don't you get all of the millions and millions of passengers who have been the "grossly unfair" poor victims of over booked flights and march on Washington or better yet start a Class Action Lawsuit?
Stop lying, the flight was not overbooked.
He was right

In the world of a child yes he was right, in the real world of adults he was wrong and got what he asked for...

What was being done to him was grossly unfair and he refused to cooperate

So why don't you get all of the millions and millions of passengers who have been the "grossly unfair" poor victims of over booked flights and march on Washington or better yet start a Class Action Lawsuit?
It is the nature of nonviolent protest

Don't fight unjust laws with violence but by refusing to comply. Worked for Gahndi, worked for MLK

Unjust laws are changed

Watch what happens to the next paying customer who is ordered to give up their seat
He broke no laws. This is evidenced by the stark reality that not only was he not charged with any crimes, but in fact, the 3 officers involved have all been put on administrative leave.

I hope that wasn't too hard on ya? I know how thin your skin is.
The fact you are compelled to make half of your post lies and insults tells me even you don't believe your own words.

No matter. We'll know in a few months as I've been stating all along. There is United airlines, Republic airlines, the other airlines, the City of Chicago, the State of Illinois and the US Federal Aviation Administration involved here. I'm content to sit back and enjoy the fun over the summer.
Well then that works out for both if us as I'm equally as content to laugh at you throughout the summer.
True and every passenger that flies in the US from now on will eventually pay for it.

In true Liberal fashion they are very quick to spend everyone else's money. They don't think someday their nephew will now have to pay the new "Dao fee" to fly to their smelly funeral in Jackson MS. Of course that is assuming anyone would wish to attend.

Every one is special. No one has to follow any rules. Make a scene, maybe you can scam a big payday.
So why don't you get all of the millions and millions of passengers who have been the "grossly unfair" poor victims of over booked flights and march on Washington or better yet start a Class Action Lawsuit?
Stop lying, the flight was not overbooked.

It could have been overbooked too. Maybe they had some "no-shows"? that is why they "over-book" in the first place. Do they have to put it on MSLSD for you to view?
The horrendous treatment of Dr. Dao resulted in every passenger on that flight being compensated.
True and every passenger that flies in the US from now on will eventually pay for it.
Does this mean when some corporation is treating you unfairly and like shit, you cower to them because in the back of your mind you're thinking, if I don't do as they ask, even though I'm right and they're wrong -- I'd better acquiesce because otherwise, others will end up paying higher prices?
So why don't you get all of the millions and millions of passengers who have been the "grossly unfair" poor victims of over booked flights and march on Washington or better yet start a Class Action Lawsuit?
Stop lying, the flight was not overbooked.

It could have been overbooked too. Maybe they had some "no-shows"? that is why they "over-book" in the first place. Do they have to put it on MSLSD for you to view?
Stop lying. That flight was not overbooked. Dr. Dao and his wife were already in their seats.
So why don't you get all of the millions and millions of passengers who have been the "grossly unfair" poor victims of over booked flights and march on Washington or better yet start a Class Action Lawsuit?
Stop lying, the flight was not overbooked.

It could have been overbooked too. Maybe they had some "no-shows"? that is why they "over-book" in the first place. Do they have to put it on MSLSD for you to view?
Jesus christ. Acquaint yourself with the basic facts for once.
True and every passenger that flies in the US from now on will eventually pay for it.

In true Liberal fashion they are very quick to spend everyone else's money. They don't think someday their nephew will now have to pay the new "Dao fee" to fly to their smelly funeral in Jackson MS. Of course that is assuming anyone would wish to attend.

Every one is special. No one has to follow any rules. Make a scene, maybe you can scam a big payday.
It's not other people's is THEIR money
They paid for the seat, They are losing a day in their schedule, They are being inconvenienced

Resisting unjust rules is what built our country
I was on United flight 3411. Here's what I saw.

Unfortunately, I was aboard United Airlines flight 3411 from Chicago to Louisville, Ky., on Sunday. Even more unfortunate was the fact that I was returning from a spring break trip with seven of my students from Louisville Male High School who also witnessed the unconscionable treatment of the passenger.

The disgusting mishandling of the situation included everyone from the rude ticket agent who demanded that this man give up his seat on the flight United overbooked, to one of the officers laughing in the midst of the incident, to the violent, abusive way the passenger was dragged off the plane by the officer. It was the worst possible model for my students, and frankly, was traumatizing to many of us who watched this from such close proximity.

What are we modeling for our children? Are we teaching our children to scream at other people, to jump quickly to force if we can’t get the results we want, to use violence to solve problems, to have total disrespect for other people?

I was appalled at how United Airlines and the officers handled the situation, but I was also encouraged by my fellow passengers’ attempts to interfere — despite how helpless we all felt. Some passengers audibly protested to the officers, some stood and removed themselves from the plane rather than continue to witness the abuse, and one father, while trying to console his 8-year-old daughter, confronted the officer saying, among other things, “you ought to be ashamed of yourself!” These are the models of which I hope our children will see more.

— Jason Powell, Louisville, Ky.
It's not other people's is THEIR money
They paid for the seat, They are losing a day in their schedule, They are being inconvenienced

Resisting unjust rules is what built our country

It always seems the Corporations pass on any costs (settlements) to us "the consumer". Hence the "Dao Fee" lingers up ahead. IMVHO

Just like Taxes. Corporations don't pay Taxes, they pass them off to "us". This is where I resist the "Orange Buffoon" incoming goods border tax. Of course if we had "Fair Trade" the other way........hey, the "Orange Clown" is right Again! here here!
And any Windbag who absurdly thinks Dao is going to be charged with anything is off his fucking rocker.

Airport security officials who hauled United Airlines passenger off overbooked flight 'shouldn't have been on plane'
Jeff Redding, security chief at the Chicago Department of Aviation said security officers should not respond to calls like that which saw David Dao hauled from a flight

"Airport officials who sparked fury by hauling a United Airlines passenger off an overbooked flight should not have even boarded the plane, a security chief has claimed.

Authorities in Chicago are investigating why three officers, now placed on administrative leave, were on the plane before David Dao, 69, was dragged off the flight.

The officers, who are unarmed and meant to back up local police, were called by airline employees after the doctor refused to give up his seat for crew that needed to be repositioned for other flights.

The resulting altercation left Dao with a broken nose, concussion and needing reconstructive surgery, according to his lawyers, who have said he is likely to sue.

Jeff Redding, who is in charge of safety and security at the Chicago Department of Aviation, which operates O'Hare International Airport, said airport security are not supposed to respond to such calls.

"If it is a customer service-related incident, then you don't need to board the plane at all," Redding told a group of Chicago city council members on Thursday.

The official however could not immediately say how his officers were instructed about the use of force.


Once the officers were on the plane, they bungled the situation, according to United Airlines' pilots' union.

The United Master Executive Council on Thursday accused the security officers of actions that were "grossly inappropriate."

"For reasons unknown to us, instead of trained Chicago Police Department officers being dispatched to the scene, Chicago Department of Aviation personnel responded," the union said.
Airport security who hauled passenger off flight 'shouldn't have been on plane'
It's not other people's is THEIR money
They paid for the seat, They are losing a day in their schedule, They are being inconvenienced

Resisting unjust rules is what built our country

It always seems the Corporations pass on any costs (settlements) to us "the consumer". Hence the "Dao Fee" lingers up ahead. IMVHO

Just like Taxes. Corporations don't pay Taxes, they pass them off to "us". This is where I resist the "Orange Buffoon" incoming goods border tax. Of course if we had "Fair Trade" the other way........hey, the "Orange Clown" is right Again! here here!
Yea ...yea
Heard it all before

If you don't let us abuse you it will cost you more money

You should thank us for kicking you off the flight
He was right

In the world of a child yes he was right, in the real world of adults he was wrong and got what he asked for...

What was being done to him was grossly unfair and he refused to cooperate

So why don't you get all of the millions and millions of passengers who have been the "grossly unfair" poor victims of over booked flights and march on Washington or better yet start a Class Action Lawsuit?
It is the nature of nonviolent protest

Don't fight unjust laws with violence but by refusing to comply. Worked for Gahndi, worked for MLK

Unjust laws are changed

Watch what happens to the next paying customer who is ordered to give up their seat
Snowflakes Unite!

Nice. So what is going to be your theme song? Kummbya seems dated.
The horrendous treatment of Dr. Dao resulted in every passenger on that flight being compensated.
True and every passenger that flies in the US from now on will eventually pay for it.
Does this mean when some corporation is treating you unfairly and like shit, you cower to them because in the back of your mind you're thinking, if I don't do as they ask, even though I'm right and they're wrong -- I'd better acquiesce because otherwise, others will end up paying higher prices?
No. What it means it that if a person perceives they are being treated unjustly, that does not give them the right to treat others unjustly much less break both federal and state laws.

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