Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

None of you were there so you don't know what this civil rights "pioneer" said or did?

I dunno, but they might be kicking themselves in the ass now for getting off so easily now that the see Dao stands to make millions.
Good logic. Lets all refuse any and all and start fights anywhere and never know.

but again, Dao did nothing wrong. It's the officers who dragged him off the plane who are on administrative leave, not Dao.
It is normal Union crap to go on leave for this sort of crap. The good "Doctor" LOL! was already on leave for all sorts of violations. Land O' Goshen! It is not his plane. He did plenty wrong.
Yea ...yea
Heard it all before

If you don't let us abuse you it will cost you more money

You should thank us for kicking you off the flight

Maybe you can open up SnowFlake Airlines. Where you can do anything you want to do except go into the cockpit. Wanna demand to open up the Exit doors? Go ahead. This is SnowFlake where you make the rules.

Want to stay on during a stop? OK we will clean around you. This is SnowFlake, where the inmates are King. Don't want to sit in your assigned seat? OK we will move you anywhere you want. Just ask us.

Decide you Don't want to stop? OK we will just make it a straight-thru for you SnowyFlake #1. Hope we have enough fuel.

Normal folks will choose United.
Good god that the best you can do?
No, the slippery slope will not lead to passengers being allowed to do whatever they want......but will prevent airlines from doing whatever they want

We have seen what happens when airlines do whatever they want
None of you were there so you don't know what this civil rights "pioneer" said or did?

I dunno, but they might be kicking themselves in the ass now for getting off so easily now that the see Dao stands to make millions.
Good logic. Lets all refuse any and all and start fights anywhere and never know.

but again, Dao did nothing wrong. It's the officers who dragged him off the plane who are on administrative leave, not Dao.
It is normal Union crap to go on leave for this sort of crap. The good "Doctor" LOL! was already on leave for all sorts of violations. Land O' Goshen! It is not his plane. He did plenty wrong.

You're such an idiot. United Airlines' own CEO said Dao was not at fault in any way...

When asked, "do you think he's [David Dao] at fault in any way," Muñoz replied, "no. He can't be. He was a paying passenger sitting in our seat in our aircraft and no one should be traded that way." Muñoz continued, "to remove a booked, paid, seating passenger... we can't do that."

So who do I believe? The CEO whose company will soon face a major lawsuit? Or some numbnut on the Internet with a double-digit IQ?
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Seems like the conservative position on this is to not stand up for yourself.

This is a over reach by an individual who could careless about anyone other than himself, he clearly violated the law enforcement officers request to leave the plane. When he is sitting there saying just kill me? The Conservative Position is get your ass off the plane as you have been requested to do, instead we have the Liberal Position which would have been, let's ground the flight and not service any of our customers?

Seems like the conservative position on this is to not stand up for yourself.

The Conservative Position would be to adhere to the law enforcement officers request and get off the plane and then and only then raise hell about it. Instead, you want to defend the immature actions of child who throws a tantrum and threatens the other passengers on the plane because all he cares about is himself. The mature way to handle this was to get off the plane, demand they get me on the next flight and get over it, period!

To not stand up for your rights.

If acting like a child is standing up for your rights, then it's no wonder you think he acted appropriately...

To bow down to the corporation making unwarranted demands of you.

Unwarranted demands? When do you recognize it's not always about you!

What a bunch of limp-wristed pussies. :gay:

So your a male with Faun as a username?
Good lord. What a tragic heap of a mess this post is/

I can't even ...

No you can't, it's too much for you...
Your first sentence is a humongous pile of bullshit.

It goes downhill from there.
but will prevent airlines from doing whatever they want

It is their Airplane? Start you own Airlines? Drive with Pogo all over the country. You people are always so judgmental with everyone elses' money and property. They should be able to decide who go up to 30,000 feet. I don't want that loon on my row.

We have seen what happens when airlines do whatever they want mean like a 99.9% on-time safely record? No murders on board? Only $25 to check a bag? on and on I could go.
OK I give up now. I tried to defend the Airlines. I don't care if the Cops beat this loon senseless. Follow orders or face the music (chin music). This guy has criminal history too. It was a Bad Luck draw for these Police. Do you want to go in there and try to get this nutjob to obey? How long do you give him? How many chances?

I am tired of "special" treatment for every Tom Juan and Kuang that acts up.
but will prevent airlines from doing whatever they want

It is their Airplane? Start you own Airlines? Drive with Pogo all over the country. You people are always so judgmental with everyone elses' money and property. They should be able to decide who go up to 30,000 feet. I don't want that loon on my row.

We have seen what happens when airlines do whatever they want mean like a 99.9% on-time safely record? No murders on board? Only $25 to check a bag? on and on I could go. is United's airplane
They can do whatever they want with their property. We have seen what happens when they do whatever they want with their passengers

Their United brand is an international joke an their CEO must grovel and apologize daily

On time safely?
How did that work out for Dr Dao?
OK I give up now. I tried to defend the Airlines. I don't care if the Cops beat this loon senseless. Follow orders or face the music (chin music). This guy has criminal history too. It was a Bad Luck draw for these Police. Do you want to go in there and try to get this nutjob to obey? How long do you give him? How many chances?

I am tired of "special" treatment for every Tom Juan and Kuang that acts up.
There is something seriously wrong with you. Dao did not seek "special treatment." He sought the same treatment every other passenger was granted -- a seat on that plane.
There is something seriously wrong with you. Dao did not seek "special treatment." He sought the same treatment every other passenger was granted -- a seat on that plane.

He lost the drawing. His bad luck. So, yes he did ask special treatment. He asked to stay on INSTEAD of following the results of the drawing.
OK I give up now. I tried to defend the Airlines. I don't care if the Cops beat this loon senseless. Follow orders or face the music (chin music). This guy has criminal history too. It was a Bad Luck draw for these Police. Do you want to go in there and try to get this nutjob to obey? How long do you give him? How many chances?

I am tired of "special" treatment for every Tom Juan and Kuang that acts up.
When I hand a company big bucks for an item, and I plan my life spending even bigger bucks based upon that initial company fulfilling the agreement they said they would, I would be more than pissed if they screwed me over and cancelled the deal at the last second.

A lot of people take vacations and need that plane to get them to their vacation spots. People order wedding cakes and don't expect the bakery to call the 5 minutes before the wedding to say never mind. People don't take their car in for an oil change to have the owner drain the oil and then go on vacation.
He broke no laws.

I didn't say he did, now did I?

Common sense tells you to obey law enforcement's request, but that would be difficult for you as well...
Cops can't order you to do things not involving law or safety. DOA was not violating law nor was there a safety issue. Per the law, United violated the law because the flight was not overbooked so they had no right to remove him.
There is something seriously wrong with you. Dao did not seek "special treatment." He sought the same treatment every other passenger was granted -- a seat on that plane.

He lost the drawing. His bad luck. So, yes he did ask special treatment. He asked to stay on INSTEAD of following the results of the drawing.
Nobody on that plane agreed to the terms of that drawing

They were threatened by airline personnel to either volunteer or they will volunteer for you

United had no justification to kick off seated passengers......they promise to never do it again
There is something seriously wrong with you. Dao did not seek "special treatment." He sought the same treatment every other passenger was granted -- a seat on that plane.

He lost the drawing. His bad luck. So, yes he did ask special treatment. He asked to stay on INSTEAD of following the results of the drawing.
The result: he won the lottery.

(albeit at a lost of his front teeth, broken nose, concussion. etc...)

He also gained rights for millions of paying consumer's rights.
Cops can't order you to do things not involving law or safety. DOA was not violating law nor was there a safety issue. Per the law, United violated the law because the flight was not overbooked so they had no right to remove him.

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?
He was right

In the world of a child yes he was right, in the real world of adults he was wrong and got what he asked for...

What was being done to him was grossly unfair and he refused to cooperate

So why don't you get all of the millions and millions of passengers who have been the "grossly unfair" poor victims of over booked flights and march on Washington or better yet start a Class Action Lawsuit?
It is the nature of nonviolent protest

Don't fight unjust laws with violence but by refusing to comply. Worked for Gahndi, worked for MLK

Unjust laws are changed

Watch what happens to the next paying customer who is ordered to give up their seat
Snowflakes Unite!

Nice. So what is going to be your theme song? Kummbya seems dated.
That's the way it works

Compliance with unjust laws does not bring about change

Otherwise Rosa Parks would still be riding on the back of the bus
Try as you might, David Dao is not Rosa Parks.

Rosa Parks' niece rejects comparison with Dr. David Dao is United's airplane
They can do whatever they want with their property. We have seen what happens when they do whatever they want with their passengers

Their United brand is an international joke an their CEO must grovel and apologize daily

On time safely?
How did that work out for Dr Dao?
No, it's not. Feel free to continue push lies, but smart people can see you are lying when you do.
Cops can't order you to do things not involving law or safety. DOA was not violating law nor was there a safety issue. Per the law, United violated the law because the flight was not overbooked so they had no right to remove him.

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?

Don't forget that the lunatic also escaped and ran BACK onto the plane. Terrifying the passengers for round 2. But I was not there, I heard it on the internet.
The airlines decided to kick off 4 paying passengers, so they could fly four of their own employees free.
Because four of their employee snowflakes couldn't plan ahead for a simple trip of under 300 miles. And of course, they being a superior race and all.....
The snowflakes are those who think they need to lie to get their way.

The snowflakes are those who seek to distort the truth to push a political agenda.
what truth distortion for what political agenda?

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