Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

The passenger should have acted like an adult and left the plan as requested. Instead he acted like a child and our society today rewards him, disgusting...
So you think the passenger was wrong and the aviation police were right in the way they handled the situation?

The passenger was asked to leave the plane by law enforcement, he refused and I quote "I am not going", "You can drag me out, but I am not going", "I would rather go to jail", "make a lawsuit against United Airlines" and you want to defend this, really?

This is not the behavior of a adult, it is the behavior of a defiant child...

He got what he asked for, never call the bluff of law enforcement...
It wasn't about "calling law enforcement's bluff", it was about the coercive use of force, for the bottom line. That is no longer Capitalism.
He was right

In the world of a child yes he was right, in the real world of adults he was wrong and got what he asked for...

What was being done to him was grossly unfair and he refused to cooperate

So why don't you get all of the millions and millions of passengers who have been the "grossly unfair" poor victims of over booked flights and march on Washington or better yet start a Class Action Lawsuit?
It is the nature of nonviolent protest

Don't fight unjust laws with violence but by refusing to comply. Worked for Gahndi, worked for MLK

Unjust laws are changed

Watch what happens to the next paying customer who is ordered to give up their seat
Snowflakes Unite!

Nice. So what is going to be your theme song? Kummbya seems dated.
That's the way it works

Compliance with unjust laws does not bring about change

Otherwise Rosa Parks would still be riding on the back of the bus
Try as you might, David Dao is not Rosa Parks.

Rosa Parks' niece rejects comparison with Dr. David Dao

Never said he was....but the similarities:

1. Both paid for a seat like any other passenger
2. Both were ordered to relinquish their seat for another passenger
3. Both refused nonviolently
4. Both had the police called and were forcibly removed
5 The actions of both led to changes to show they were right

The differences

1. Rosa was arrested and Dr Dao never will be ( you owe me $25 million)
The passenger should have acted like an adult and left the plan as requested. Instead he acted like a child and our society today rewards him, disgusting...
Why should he have done that? He's likely going to make millions from this.
Dao should have deplaned and handled it at the gate, not break several Federal and State laws by refusing to leave.

While I readily agree that physical force wasn't necessary, he was lawbreaker and that plane wasn't leaving until he was off of it.
Which laws? And, the airline probably won't be going to court. is United's airplane
They can do whatever they want with their property. We have seen what happens when they do whatever they want with their passengers

Their United brand is an international joke an their CEO must grovel and apologize daily

On time safely?
How did that work out for Dr Dao?
No, it's not. Feel free to continue push lies, but smart people can see you are lying when you do.
Save us your dwelling in minutia.
United apologized and refunded the passengers money
Are you saying United took the blame for Republic?
Cops can't order you to do things not involving law or safety. DOA was not violating law nor was there a safety issue. Per the law, United violated the law because the flight was not overbooked so they had no right to remove him.

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?

Don't forget that the lunatic also escaped and ran BACK onto the plane. Terrifying the passengers for round 2. But I was not there, I heard it on the internet.
You're fucked in the head. It was the disgusting violence they witnessed at the hands of the rent a cop that terrified them.
Most of the passengers were fully with Dao, many saying they were sorry what he went through and more than half even marched off the plane after that.
The airlines decided to kick off 4 paying passengers, so they could fly four of their own employees free.
Because four of their employee snowflakes couldn't plan ahead for a simple trip of under 300 miles. And of course, they being a superior race and all.....
The snowflakes are those who think they need to lie to get their way.

The snowflakes are those who seek to distort the truth to push a political agenda.
what truth distortion for what political agenda?
There are several of them. Examples; claiming that Dao violated Federal law means supporting capitalist pigs or claiming that Dao is equal to Rosa Parks. Claiming falsely that the aircraft was staffed by United Airlines or that the crew assigned to ride in the back did it for fun or by choice. Claims that anyone who got off the aircraft was a spineless capitalist coward bowing to overbearing authority. Shit like that.
The passenger should have acted like an adult and left the plan as requested. Instead he acted like a child and our society today rewards him, disgusting...
Why should he have done that? He's likely going to make millions from this.
Dao should have deplaned and handled it at the gate, not break several Federal and State laws by refusing to leave.

While I readily agree that physical force wasn't necessary, he was lawbreaker and that plane wasn't leaving until he was off of it.
Which laws? And, the airline probably won't be going to court.
Federal Aviation Administration laws. You know, like the one telling you not to smoke on the plane and that you have to do as the Flight Attendant says.

Probably, but whether or not the FAA decides to pursue legal action isn't the airline's call.
In the world of a child yes he was right, in the real world of adults he was wrong and got what he asked for...

So why don't you get all of the millions and millions of passengers who have been the "grossly unfair" poor victims of over booked flights and march on Washington or better yet start a Class Action Lawsuit?
It is the nature of nonviolent protest

Don't fight unjust laws with violence but by refusing to comply. Worked for Gahndi, worked for MLK

Unjust laws are changed

Watch what happens to the next paying customer who is ordered to give up their seat
Snowflakes Unite!

Nice. So what is going to be your theme song? Kummbya seems dated.
That's the way it works

Compliance with unjust laws does not bring about change

Otherwise Rosa Parks would still be riding on the back of the bus
Try as you might, David Dao is not Rosa Parks.

Rosa Parks' niece rejects comparison with Dr. David Dao

Never said he was....but the similarities:

1. Both paid for a seat like any other passenger
2. Both were ordered to relinquish their seat for another passenger
3. Both refused nonviolently
4. Both had the police called and were forcibly removed
5 The actions of both led to changes to show they were right

The differences

1. Rosa was arrested and Dr Dao never will be ( you owe me $25 million)
You just can't help yourself when it comes to lying and pushing a political agenda, eh? LOL
It is the nature of nonviolent protest

Don't fight unjust laws with violence but by refusing to comply. Worked for Gahndi, worked for MLK

Unjust laws are changed

Watch what happens to the next paying customer who is ordered to give up their seat
Snowflakes Unite!

Nice. So what is going to be your theme song? Kummbya seems dated.
That's the way it works

Compliance with unjust laws does not bring about change

Otherwise Rosa Parks would still be riding on the back of the bus
Try as you might, David Dao is not Rosa Parks.

Rosa Parks' niece rejects comparison with Dr. David Dao

Never said he was....but the similarities:

1. Both paid for a seat like any other passenger
2. Both were ordered to relinquish their seat for another passenger
3. Both refused nonviolently
4. Both had the police called and were forcibly removed
5 The actions of both led to changes to show they were right

The differences

1. Rosa was arrested and Dr Dao never will be ( you owe me $25 million)
You just can't help yourself when it comes to lying and pushing a political agenda, eh? LOL
What is a lie?

Did I lie when I said you would never pay your bet? Deadbeats are so predictable
Save us your dwelling in minutia.
United apologized and refunded the passengers money
Are you saying United took the blame for Republic?
Translation: GFY, DW. I'm lying because I have an agenda to push and you're fucking it up.

Was it a United airlines aircraft or not?

N632RW FAA Registry - Aircraft - N-Number Inquiry

Why is the CEO of United apologizing?

The passengers booked United, United is responsible
Ahhhh, now you are actually acting like a person who wants to know the truth.
What is a lie?

Did I lie when I said you would never pay your bet? Deadbeats are so predictable
Fascinating that you don't know the difference between a lie and the truth.

I always pay my bets when I lose, but I rarely lose. You are lying by calling me a deadbeat since there is not bet won yet. The fact you are a liar and so free about quickly calling me a deadbeat tells me you've been a deadbeat on more than one occasion. You know, like adulterers always think their spouse is cheating on them and liars always think people are lying to them.
There is something seriously wrong with you. Dao did not seek "special treatment." He sought the same treatment every other passenger was granted -- a seat on that plane.

He lost the drawing. His bad luck. So, yes he did ask special treatment. He asked to stay on INSTEAD of following the results of the drawing.
Putz... he didn't enter a drawing.
I always pay my bets when I lose, but I rarely lose.

Then it is possible you WILL pay 25 million? :eek:

BTW My opinion is you are going to lose. The CEO himself said he did nothing wrong.
I won't lose. The CEO doesn't control the City of Chicago nor the FAA. The CEO is solely concerned with PR and profits at United, not the law.

That has got to put a wet blanket on any attempt at prosecution. A prosecutor has got to have serious doubts about a conviction when there will be evidence submitted that the CEO believes he did nothing wrong. Therefore they will not file charges in the first place.
There is something seriously wrong with you. Dao did not seek "special treatment." He sought the same treatment every other passenger was granted -- a seat on that plane.

He lost the drawing. His bad luck. So, yes he did ask special treatment. He asked to stay on INSTEAD of following the results of the drawing.

Old Yeller


What drawing?.

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