Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

Cops can't order you to do things not involving law or safety. DOA was not violating law nor was there a safety issue. Per the law, United violated the law because the flight was not overbooked so they had no right to remove him.

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?

Don't forget that the lunatic also escaped and ran BACK onto the plane. Terrifying the passengers for round 2. But I was not there, I heard it on the internet.

Old Yeller

First a "drawing" and now this.

Please post links.


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I always pay my bets when I lose, but I rarely lose.

Then it is possible you WILL pay 25 million? :eek:

BTW My opinion is you are going to lose. The CEO himself said he did nothing wrong.
I won't lose. The CEO doesn't control the City of Chicago nor the FAA. The CEO is solely concerned with PR and profits at United, not the law.

That has got to put a wet blanket on any attempt at prosecution. A prosecutor has got to have serious doubts about a conviction when there will be evidence submitted that the CEO believes he did nothing wrong. Therefore they will not file charges in the first place.
And then you've got the chief of security there saying officers should not board a plane under those circumstances.
Cops can't order you to do things not involving law or safety. DOA was not violating law nor was there a safety issue. Per the law, United violated the law because the flight was not overbooked so they had no right to remove him.

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?


Please link to any dictionary that shows the definition of "ask" to be "broken nose, fractured sinuses, two broken teeth, knocked unconscious = concussion, needing reconstructive surgery".

That's the definition of being mugged in a dark alley.

I just don't get why or how anyone can continue to defend the indefensible.

Would any of you big biz apologist say the same about this vicious attack if the victim had been your own parent or g-parent?

Would you?

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There is something seriously wrong with you. Dao did not seek "special treatment." He sought the same treatment every other passenger was granted -- a seat on that plane.

He lost the drawing. His bad luck. So, yes he did ask special treatment. He asked to stay on INSTEAD of following the results of the drawing.

Old Yeller


What drawing?.

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They picked 4 random to NOT travel after they did not get 4 "volunteers".
The airlines decided to kick off 4 paying passengers, so they could fly four of their own employees free.
Because four of their employee snowflakes couldn't plan ahead for a simple trip of under 300 miles. And of course, they being a superior race and all.....
The snowflakes are those who think they need to lie to get their way.

The snowflakes are those who seek to distort the truth to push a political agenda.
what truth distortion for what political agenda?


No need to distort when we've got video.

Divine.Wind if this were your parent or g-parent, would you be calling them a liar?

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Cops can't order you to do things not involving law or safety. DOA was not violating law nor was there a safety issue. Per the law, United violated the law because the flight was not overbooked so they had no right to remove him.

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?

Don't forget that the lunatic also escaped and ran BACK onto the plane. Terrifying the passengers for round 2. But I was not there, I heard it on the internet.

Old Yeller

First a "drawing" and now this.

Please post links.


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He apparently ran back onto the plane a few minutes later, disoriented and with a bloody nose, attempting to return to his seat and saying “I have to get home.” According to Bridges, this resulted in a two-hour delay.

United Airlines dragged a passenger off a plane and apologized for “having to re-accommodate” him

He fell on the armrest. Scam artist. funny. funny. A Grown Adult acting like this.
There is something seriously wrong with you. Dao did not seek "special treatment." He sought the same treatment every other passenger was granted -- a seat on that plane.

He lost the drawing. His bad luck. So, yes he did ask special treatment. He asked to stay on INSTEAD of following the results of the drawing.

Old Yeller


What drawing?.

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They picked 4 random to NOT travel after they did not get 4 "volunteers".

Which (again) they can't do --- according to THEIR OWN CONTRACT. :banghead:

Once again for you slow kids --- if the airline's gonna bump you they need to do it before boarding. Not after.
Cops can't order you to do things not involving law or safety. DOA was not violating law nor was there a safety issue. Per the law, United violated the law because the flight was not overbooked so they had no right to remove him.

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?

Don't forget that the lunatic also escaped and ran BACK onto the plane. Terrifying the passengers for round 2. But I was not there, I heard it on the internet.

Old Yeller

First a "drawing" and now this.

Please post links.


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He apparently ran back onto the plane a few minutes later, disoriented and with a bloody nose, attempting to return to his seat and saying “I have to get home.” According to Bridges, this resulted in a two-hour delay.

United Airlines dragged a passenger off a plane and apologized for “having to re-accommodate” him

He fell on the armrest. Scam artist. funny. funny. A Grown Adult acting like this.

Not what any of the various vids show.

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There is something seriously wrong with you. Dao did not seek "special treatment." He sought the same treatment every other passenger was granted -- a seat on that plane.

He lost the drawing. His bad luck. So, yes he did ask special treatment. He asked to stay on INSTEAD of following the results of the drawing.

Old Yeller


What drawing?.

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They picked 4 random to NOT travel after they did not get 4 "volunteers".

Which (again) they can't do --- according to THEIR OWN CONTRACT. :banghead:

Once again for you slow kids --- if the airline's gonna bump you they need to do it before boarding. Not after.

Nor would that mean he had no choice.

He bought the seat. That's his part of the contract.

Their part does not say they can mug him, put him in the hospital, humiliate him and the recast.

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None of you were there so you don't know what this civil rights "pioneer" said or did?

I dunno, but they might be kicking themselves in the ass now for getting off so easily now that the see Dao stands to make millions.
Good logic. Lets all refuse any and all and start fights anywhere and never know.

but again, Dao did nothing wrong. It's the officers who dragged him off the plane who are on administrative leave, not Dao.
It is normal Union crap to go on leave for this sort of crap. The good "Doctor" LOL! was already on leave for all sorts of violations. Land O' Goshen! It is not his plane. He did plenty wrong.

Can you name one?
I've asked this several times but not one of the 1% big biz apologists have answered --

If he were your parent, your grand parent, your spose, your family would you still say the airline was correct and your family member deserved those injuries?

For once, be honest.

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There is something seriously wrong with you. Dao did not seek "special treatment." He sought the same treatment every other passenger was granted -- a seat on that plane.

He lost the drawing. His bad luck. So, yes he did ask special treatment. He asked to stay on INSTEAD of following the results of the drawing.

Old Yeller


What drawing?.

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They picked 4 random to NOT travel after they did not get 4 "volunteers".

Which (again) they can't do --- according to THEIR OWN CONTRACT. :banghead:

Once again for you slow kids --- if the airline's gonna bump you they need to do it before boarding. Not after.

Nor would that mean he had no choice.

He bought the seat. That's his part of the contract.

Their part does not say they can mug him, put him in the hospital, humiliate him and the recast.

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Also doesn't even say they can evict him after they've already boarded him. They broke their own Contract of Carriage. It baffles me that the corporapoligists don't get that.
The passenger should have acted like an adult and left the plan as requested. Instead he acted like a child and our society today rewards him, disgusting...
Why should he have done that? He's likely going to make millions from this.
Dao should have deplaned and handled it at the gate, not break several Federal and State laws by refusing to leave.

While I readily agree that physical force wasn't necessary, he was lawbreaker and that plane wasn't leaving until he was off of it.
Which laws? And, the airline probably won't be going to court.
Federal Aviation Administration laws. You know, like the one telling you not to smoke on the plane and that you have to do as the Flight Attendant says.

Probably, but whether or not the FAA decides to pursue legal action isn't the airline's call.
What legal action does the FAA have?
Cops can't order you to do things not involving law or safety. DOA was not violating law nor was there a safety issue. Per the law, United violated the law because the flight was not overbooked so they had no right to remove him.

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?

Don't forget that the lunatic also escaped and ran BACK onto the plane. Terrifying the passengers for round 2. But I was not there, I heard it on the internet.

Old Yeller

First a "drawing" and now this.

Please post links.


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He apparently ran back onto the plane a few minutes later, disoriented and with a bloody nose, attempting to return to his seat and saying “I have to get home.” According to Bridges, this resulted in a two-hour delay.

United Airlines dragged a passenger off a plane and apologized for “having to re-accommodate” him

He fell on the armrest. Scam artist. funny. funny. A Grown Adult acting like this.

"He fell on the armrest."

Most retarded post in the thread.

And that's saying something.
I've asked this several times but not one of the 1% big biz apologists have answered --

If he were your parent, your grand parent, your spose, your family would you still say the airline was correct and your family member deserved those injuries?

For once, be honest.

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That's not a fair question because most people reasonably hold a different set of standards based on being related to the victim. For example, I personally don't believe individuals should be legally allowed to kill rapists. I believe the justice system should take care of such people. However, that's not an opinion I would hold if someone raped a member of my family.
"He fell on the armrest."

Most retarded post in the thread.

And that's saying something

don't blame me. Read the thread. Why post links? "they" don't read them. Luddley demands links. sigh.

The Chicago police department eventually issued a statement describing the security officers as “Aviation Police” and saying the man “fell” on the armrest.
"He fell on the armrest."

Most retarded post in the thread.

And that's saying something

don't blame me. Read the thread. Why post links? "they" don't read them. Luddley demands links. sigh.

The Chicago police department eventually issued a statement describing the security officers as “Aviation Police” and saying the man “fell” on the armrest.
& He doubles down on retardo.

Who could have imagined such a thing. :lol:

Read your own link, doof.

& maybe catch the fuck up.
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"He fell on the armrest."

Most retarded post in the thread.

And that's saying something

don't blame me. Read the thread. Why post links? "they" don't read them. Luddley demands links. sigh.

The Chicago police department eventually issued a statement describing the security officers as “Aviation Police” and saying the man “fell” on the armrest.

Don't blame you for your own words?

As I said, that's not what the videos show.

His injuries don't bear that out either.

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I've asked this several times but not one of the 1% big biz apologists have answered --

If he were your parent, your grand parent, your spose, your family would you still say the airline was correct and your family member deserved those injuries?

For once, be honest.

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That's not a fair question because most people reasonably hold a different set of standards based on being related to the victim. For example, I personally don't believe individuals should be legally

allowed to kill rapists. I believe the justice system should take care of such people. However, that's not an opinion I would hold if someone raped a member of my family.

Okay, I see your point.

I'm not related to this man but I feel compassion and sorrow for what was done to him. His entire life was changed by this attack and he will have to find a way to deal with that.

Humans have and should have empathy for each other that transcends color, nationality our our lot in life.

Earlier in the thread, one of the usuals snarled that because he's a doctor, he believed his time was worth more than ...

But, reading about his escape from Vietnam - he is not a man of privilege and very obviously worked hard for whatever success he has.

None of that is germane to the issue of what was done to him.

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What is a lie?

Did I lie when I said you would never pay your bet? Deadbeats are so predictable
Fascinating that you don't know the difference between a lie and the truth.

I always pay my bets when I lose, but I rarely lose. You are lying by calling me a deadbeat since there is not bet won yet. The fact you are a liar and so free about quickly calling me a deadbeat tells me you've been a deadbeat on more than one occasion. You know, like adulterers always think their spouse is cheating on them and liars always think people are lying to them.
Divine Welcher

Noun 1. welcher - someone who swindles you by not repaying a debt or wager
chiseler, chiseller, defrauder, grifter, scammer, swindler, gouger - a person whoswindles you by means of deception or fraud

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