Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

Whos' to say this Lunatic did not bash his head into the Wall in the Airline tunnel when he broke free and ran off? I mean if he has ANY real injuries............just a thought. I put nothing past a professional scam artist. Ask far he would go to erase his debts? His gambling debts? His destroyed career? Did someone say something about trading drugs for blowjobs? His destroyed marriage. Would $1 million help him out? His family debts? student loans? Think outside the box..................
^ How a psychotic thinks.
That's no joke.

One simple, offhand definition of psychosis is distorted reasoning.

No need to distort when we've got video.

Divine.Wind if this were your parent or g-parent, would you be calling them a liar?

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If they were lying like rightwinger, paperview, Faun and a few others here? Yes, I would. I'd be a bit more polite about it, but I'd certainly correct them. If, like those first three, after repeated attempts to show them where they are wrong fail, then like a dementia or mentally ill patient, I'd give up on them per se and only input links and corrections to show others how these three are wrong if not outright liars.
Thanks for grouping me with such fine folks. It definitely lets me know I'm on the right track. And you can cry all you want about how wrong we are, but so far, we have United Airlines, airport security, and a plane full of eyewitnesses agreeing with us.

You have Old Yeller and GWV5903.

Yes, they are.

No they're not, I am certain I could find hundreds of times the average consumer is wrong, including you, want to bet?
How long are you going to keep your customers by telling them what they don't want to hear?
It depends on whether that is a business norm or not. In this case, passengers all agree to contracts of carriage. Most are about the same. Airlines do their best to avoid bumping passengers and try to make the best of it. In Dao's case, he violated the law and the law was called in...then they fucked it up.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

What law do you think Dao violated that led to United calling security to step in
By that same logic, this all could have been avoided had United simply kept up their end of the agreement and flown the doctor and his wife to Kentucky.
Better to have deplaned everyone then removed Dao if he didn't leave then replane all the passengers minus four.
No, better to have found other accommodations for those 4 employees who needed to get to Kentucky rather than force passengers, who were already boarded, off the plane.
Better to have deplaned everyone then removed Dao if he didn't leave then replane all the passengers minus four.
I'm sure there are several acceptable ways that situation could have been resolved. But it was inevitable that the authoritarian direction our Nation has been moving in would manifest in this way as it's been doing in many other ways.

It was a matter of time.
By that same logic, this all could have been avoided had United simply kept up their end of the agreement and flown the doctor and his wife to Kentucky.
Better to have deplaned everyone then removed Dao if he didn't leave then replane all the passengers minus four.
No, better to have found other accommodations for those 4 employees who needed to get to Kentucky rather than force passengers, who were already boarded, off the plane.
No, better to have found other accommodations for those 4 employees who needed to get to Kentucky rather than force passengers, who were already boarded, off the plane.

Sure it is easy now to know what they "should have" done. But at the time...they were trying to get a plane off on schedule. Many others affected. 3 people said OK I suppose. No mention of other resistors? Suddenly this nutjob did not want to play by similar rules. Cops called in. He fights it. Now everybody is an expert. AFTER.....
Better to have deplaned everyone then removed Dao if he didn't leave then replane all the passengers minus four.
I'm sure there are several acceptable ways that situation could have been resolved. But it was inevitable that the authoritarian direction our Nation has been moving in would manifest in this way as it's been doing in many other ways.

It was a matter of time.

All this complaining .....


It could have been worse. ;):)

By that same logic, this all could have been avoided had United simply kept up their end of the agreement and flown the doctor and his wife to Kentucky.
Better to have deplaned everyone then removed Dao if he didn't leave then replane all the passengers minus four.
No, better to have found other accommodations for those 4 employees who needed to get to Kentucky rather than force passengers, who were already boarded, off the plane.
No, better to have found other accommodations for those 4 employees who needed to get to Kentucky rather than force passengers, who were already boarded, off the plane.

Sure it is easy now to know what they "should have" done. But at the time...they were trying to get a plane off on schedule. Many others affected. 3 people said OK I suppose. No mention of other resistors? Suddenly this nutjob did not want to play by similar rules. Cops called in. He fights it. Now everybody is an expert. AFTER.....

"Rules"? "RULES"??

I got your "rules" right here Gummo. Go read United Airlines' own Contract of Carriage in post 842 you inveterate moron.

The airline had no basis. They FUCKED UP and they ADMITTED they fucked up.
Better to have deplaned everyone then removed Dao if he didn't leave then replane all the passengers minus four.
I'm sure there are several acceptable ways that situation could have been resolved. But it was inevitable that the authoritarian direction our Nation has been moving in would manifest in this way as it's been doing in many other ways.

It was a matter of time.
True about other means of resolving the situation and I'll even agree about the authoritarian direction our government has been moving for a few decades now. I trace it back to Bill Clinton and the rising partisanship on both sides of the Congressional aisle. Nobody wants to compromise anymore; it's all "My way or the highway" be it guns, abortion, healthcare, etc.
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Better to have deplaned everyone then removed Dao if he didn't leave then replane all the passengers minus four.
I'm sure there are several acceptable ways that situation could have been resolved. But it was inevitable that the authoritarian direction our Nation has been moving in would manifest in this way as it's been doing in many other ways.

It was a matter of time.
True about other means of resolving the situation and I'll even agree about the authoritarian direction our government has been moving for a few decades now. I trace it back to Bill Clinton and the rising partisanship on both sides of the Congressional ailse. Nobody wants to compromise anymore; it's all "My way or the highway" be it guns, abortion, healthcare, etc.

You're actually putting your name on a post that wants to blame partisanship on ---- Bull Clinton, a man with no spine whatsoever?

You're desperate, son.
Capitalism involves voluntary social transaction that result in mutually beneficial trade; socialism is about the coercive use of force.
Are you confusing socialism and totalitarianism? They are not the same, you know, in spite of the propaganda you obviously subscribe to.

For your information, capitalism in its most ambitious configuration is about exploitation of workers. But the form of capitalism which underlies the U.S. economic system is successfully controlled by certain socialist regulations, such as labor laws, Social Security, banking laws, et al.
totalitarianism is a form of socialism since it usually involves a command economy.
Yes, they are.

No they're not, I am certain I could find hundreds of times the average consumer is wrong, including you, want to bet?
How long are you going to keep your customers by telling them what they don't want to hear?
It depends on whether that is a business norm or not. In this case, passengers all agree to contracts of carriage. Most are about the same. Airlines do their best to avoid bumping passengers and try to make the best of it. In Dao's case, he violated the law and the law was called in...then they fucked it up.
The customer is always right, is more of a norm; ask any Merchant in Commerce.
You're actually putting your name on a post that wants to blame partisanship on ---- Bull Clinton, a man with no spine whatsoever?

You're desperate, son.
1) It's Bill Clinton, not Bull.

2) Incorrect. I trace the trend of extreme partisanship and authoritarianism but to that era. If anything, Clinton was a consequence of the trend, not the cause of it.

3) Interesting that you think he was spineless. Something we can agree upon. He put his dick first and the country second. That was part of why his administration went so wrong. If he'd more spine, maybe Gore would have won.
You're actually putting your name on a post that wants to blame partisanship on ---- Bull Clinton, a man with no spine whatsoever?

You're desperate, son.
1) It's Bill Clinton, not Bull.

2) Incorrect. I trace the trend of extreme partisanship and authoritarianism but to that era. If anything, Clinton was a consequence of the trend, not the cause of it.

3) Interesting that you think he was spineless. Something we can agree upon. He put his dick first and the country second. That was part of why his administration went so wrong. If he'd more spine, maybe Gore would have won.

Bull Clinton's spinelessness has nothing to do with "his dick". You gotta get over this ah, fixation.

But yeah if you're such a partisan hack that you'd actually attribute a 'my way or the highway' to a jellyfish, yeah you're fuggin' desperate.
Yes, they are.

No they're not, I am certain I could find hundreds of times the average consumer is wrong, including you, want to bet?
How long are you going to keep your customers by telling them what they don't want to hear?
It depends on whether that is a business norm or not. In this case, passengers all agree to contracts of carriage. Most are about the same. Airlines do their best to avoid bumping passengers and try to make the best of it. In Dao's case, he violated the law and the law was called in...then they fucked it up.
The customer is always right, is more of a norm; ask any Merchant in Commerce.
Airliners aren't Ubers and this isn't the normal form of business. How many people died in a Donut shop disaster the past 10 years?
Sure it is easy now to know what they "should have" done. But at the time...they were trying to get a plane off on schedule. Many others affected. 3 people said OK I suppose. No mention of other resistors? Suddenly this nutjob did not want to play by similar rules. Cops called in. He fights it. Now everybody is an expert. AFTER.....
Agreed about the post-incident self-appointed experts on this forum. We actually do have a couple of experts on this topic, but the extreme leftwingers dogpiled them. These LWL self-appointed experts confuse the difference between what is and what should be. I told them the rules several times and was accused of being a "corporate butt-licker", a supporter of beating up 70 year-old men and a lot of other childish, highly emotional nonsense. Nothing is going to change the mind of these people since they have chosen to only see it their way despite the facts and the reality.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
Disagreed, but it easy to see you clearly do not want to discuss this issue.

I don't want to discuss the issue?? That's not all I said in that post.
I also challenged you to cite the law Dao violated which led to security being called in to handle the matter.

So discuss..... cite the law...
Better to have deplaned everyone then removed Dao if he didn't leave then replane all the passengers minus four.
I'm sure there are several acceptable ways that situation could have been resolved. But it was inevitable that the authoritarian direction our Nation has been moving in would manifest in this way as it's been doing in many other ways.

It was a matter of time.

All this complaining .....


It could have been worse. ;):)

LOL In some ways I wish we'd return to the 1970s. A lot better class of people traveling by air those days.

I remember in the mid-90s we had "The Summer of the Bus People". That was when rates fell so low that the people who usually rode buses began filling up airplanes. Their luggage would literally be Walmart shopping bags and they'd be wearing house slippers and sweatpants.
Sure it is easy now to know what they "should have" done. But at the time...they were trying to get a plane off on schedule. Many others affected. 3 people said OK I suppose. No mention of other resistors? Suddenly this nutjob did not want to play by similar rules. Cops called in. He fights it. Now everybody is an expert. AFTER.....
Agreed about the post-incident self-appointed experts on this forum. We actually do have a couple of experts on this topic, but the extreme leftwingers dogpiled them. These LWL self-appointed experts confuse the difference between what is and what should be. I told them the rules several times and was accused of being a "corporate butt-licker", a supporter of beating up 70 year-old men and a lot of other childish, highly emotional nonsense. Nothing is going to change the mind of these people since they have chosen to only see it their way despite the facts and the reality.

Actually I already posted the rules, literally. The ones United Airlines wrote themselves and in this case utterly failed to honor. That's still back in post 844. Hasn't changed.

Maybe that's why the company itself admitted to its own fuckup. Because it's spelled out right there in UA's own contract.

Got that? United Airlines has already conceded ----- and you're still licking.

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