Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake


I don't want to discuss the issue?? ....
Correct. English 101; lead with your most important point first. Yours was
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
Clearly you don't want to discuss the issue. I've filled you with facts from the get go yet you post comments like the one above. Fine. You are entitled to remain both ignorant and have your opinion without any input from me.
So you can't' cite this mysterious FAA "law" that Dao didn't break.

I watched that question go by several times. Every time, the dancer comes out. :dance:

I don't want to discuss the issue?? ....
Correct. English 101; lead with your most important point first. Yours was
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
Clearly you don't want to discuss the issue. I've filled you with facts from the get go yet you post comments like the one above. Fine. You are entitled to remain both ignorant and have your opinion without any input from me.

Run, Forrest! Runn!!! :scared1:

If you can't cite a law that Dao violated which prompted the airlines to call for security, then you were obviously lying when you made such a ludicrous allegation.

But then, I already knew you were lying. Even you know it, which is why you're avoiding answering now.

Poor poor Dr Dao. He just could have complied. But NO, he is special, he's Oriental. If he was a white guy, this wouldn't be an issue. He was JUST going home, no lives were at stake ,at least so I am told. NOW, let's say if,expedition was the key, why he did he agree to fly on stand by? Something is fishy here.
Poor poor Dr Dao. He just could have complied. But NO, he is special, he's Oriental. If he was a white guy, this wouldn't be an issue. He was JUST going home, no lives were at stake ,at least so I am told. NOW, let's say if,expedition was the key, why he did he agree to fly on stand by? Something is fishy here.
Personally, I think he was either on drugs or had some kind of mental issue prior to boarding. Race, nationality and occupation has nothing to do with it. If this goes to trial, we'll see a lot more about David Dao's life.

But that's just the lawsuit.

When the Feds charge him, his life will change for-evah! ;)


What Happens If You Disobey a Flight Attendant?

14 CFR 121.580 - Prohibition on interference with crewmembers.

49 U.S. Code § 46504 - Interference with flight crew members and attendants
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Sure it is easy now to know what they "should have" done. But at the time...they were trying to get a plane off on schedule. Many others affected. 3 people said OK I suppose. No mention of other resistors? Suddenly this nutjob did not want to play by similar rules. Cops called in. He fights it. Now everybody is an expert. AFTER.....
Agreed about the post-incident self-appointed experts on this forum. We actually do have a couple of experts on this topic, but the extreme leftwingers dogpiled them. These LWL self-appointed experts confuse the difference between what is and what should be. I told them the rules several times and was accused of being a "corporate butt-licker", a supporter of beating up 70 year-old men and a lot of other childish, highly emotional nonsense. Nothing is going to change the mind of these people since they have chosen to only see it their way despite the facts and the reality.

Actually I already posted the rules, literally. The ones United Airlines wrote themselves and in this case utterly failed to honor. That's still back in post 844. Hasn't changed.

Maybe that's why the company itself admitted to its own fuckup. Because it's spelled out right there in UA's own contract.

Got that? United Airlines has already conceded ----- and you're still licking.
Post 94 and 107
Sure it is easy now to know what they "should have" done. But at the time...they were trying to get a plane off on schedule. Many others affected. 3 people said OK I suppose. No mention of other resistors? Suddenly this nutjob did not want to play by similar rules. Cops called in. He fights it. Now everybody is an expert. AFTER.....
Agreed about the post-incident self-appointed experts on this forum. We actually do have a couple of experts on this topic, but the extreme leftwingers dogpiled them. These LWL self-appointed experts confuse the difference between what is and what should be. I told them the rules several times and was accused of being a "corporate butt-licker", a supporter of beating up 70 year-old men and a lot of other childish, highly emotional nonsense. Nothing is going to change the mind of these people since they have chosen to only see it their way despite the facts and the reality.

Actually I already posted the rules, literally. The ones United Airlines wrote themselves and in this case utterly failed to honor. That's still back in post 844. Hasn't changed.

Maybe that's why the company itself admitted to its own fuckup. Because it's spelled out right there in UA's own contract.

Got that? United Airlines has already conceded ----- and you're still licking.

There are actually a fair number of cons here who actually applaud the actions of a grown-ass, stout healthy 30 something men beating an unarmed, 69 year old grandfather.

This should give some people pause.
Sorry, I have a frightened puppy dog in my lap, the messicans are shooting off guns or fireworks or whatever, as is their liberal given right. Anyway, Dr Dao could have just paid more for better seating IF he was so concerned about such a thing, he's a doctor, he has the cash. Really?
Sorry, I have a frightened puppy dog in my lap, the messicans are shooting off guns or fireworks or whatever, as is their liberal given right. Anyway, Dr Dao could have just paid more for better seating IF he was so concerned about such a thing, he's a doctor, he has the cash. Really?
Since his license to practice had been suspended and he, no doubt, paid some healthy fines for his crimes, even though the state let him practice one day a week, I'm not sure he is flush with cash.
In Dao's case, he violated the law and the law was called in...then they fucked it up.
Still can't say?

What law did Dao violate that prompted the airlines to involve security?

A statute number will suffice.
Sorry, I have a frightened puppy dog in my lap, the messicans are shooting off guns or fireworks or whatever, as is their liberal given right. Anyway, Dr Dao could have just paid more for better seating IF he was so concerned about such a thing, he's a doctor, he has the cash. Really?
Since his license to practice had been suspended and he, no doubt, paid some healthy fines for his crimes, even though the state let him practice one day a week, I'm not sure he is flush with cash.
Well, since you put it that way...I was wondering why this issue suddenly went away. There you go. My pup is still freaking out BY the way. I can barely see the keyboard over her head. If Messicans freak a poor dog out, it makes ya topic, I know.
Sorry, I have a frightened puppy dog in my lap, the messicans are shooting off guns or fireworks or whatever, as is their liberal given right. Anyway, Dr Dao could have just paid more for better seating IF he was so concerned about such a thing, he's a doctor, he has the cash. Really?
Since his license to practice had been suspended and he, no doubt, paid some healthy fines for his crimes, even though the state let him practice one day a week, I'm not sure he is flush with cash.
Well, since you put it that way...I was wondering why this issue suddenly went away. There you go. My pup is still freaking out BY the way. I can barely see the keyboard over her head. If Messicans freak a poor dog out, it makes ya topic, I know.
There's a lot of lawyers drooling over this at the moment. That part will probably be settled out of court and the airlines will just pass it to the passengers.

The part I'm interested in is what will the Feds do about this?
I always pay my bets when I lose, but I rarely lose.

Then it is possible you WILL pay 25 million? :eek:

BTW My opinion is you are going to lose. The CEO himself said he did nothing wrong.
I won't lose. The CEO doesn't control the City of Chicago nor the FAA. The CEO is solely concerned with PR and profits at United, not the law.

That has got to put a wet blanket on any attempt at prosecution. A prosecutor has got to have serious doubts about a conviction when there will be evidence submitted that the CEO believes he did nothing wrong. Therefore they will not file charges in the first place.
You don't know how the FAA works, do ya? LOL

Sorry, but it's a different group in more ways than one. Like I said, this hoopla will die down as soon as United pays off the lawyers. The FAA is patient, if not completely heartless.

Yea, but the FAA would be the last ones wanting to start a whole lot of negative publicity about all this again, especially after it has all died down.
Sorry, I have a frightened puppy dog in my lap, the messicans are shooting off guns or fireworks or whatever, as is their liberal given right. Anyway, Dr Dao could have just paid more for better seating IF he was so concerned about such a thing, he's a doctor, he has the cash. Really?
Since his license to practice had been suspended and he, no doubt, paid some healthy fines for his crimes, even though the state let him practice one day a week, I'm not sure he is flush with cash.
Well, since you put it that way...I was wondering why this issue suddenly went away. There you go. My pup is still freaking out BY the way. I can barely see the keyboard over her head. If Messicans freak a poor dog out, it makes ya topic, I know.
Addendum: Gunshots or fireworks, POP POP POP. Apparently dogs don't like the loud noise Hispanics bring with them, that exuberant gregarious culture of theirs seems to frighten small dogs.I don't like it too much, either. Off Topic. I know.
I always pay my bets when I lose, but I rarely lose.

Then it is possible you WILL pay 25 million? :eek:

BTW My opinion is you are going to lose. The CEO himself said he did nothing wrong.
I won't lose. The CEO doesn't control the City of Chicago nor the FAA. The CEO is solely concerned with PR and profits at United, not the law.

That has got to put a wet blanket on any attempt at prosecution. A prosecutor has got to have serious doubts about a conviction when there will be evidence submitted that the CEO believes he did nothing wrong. Therefore they will not file charges in the first place.
You don't know how the FAA works, do ya? LOL

Sorry, but it's a different group in more ways than one. Like I said, this hoopla will die down as soon as United pays off the lawyers. The FAA is patient, if not completely heartless.

Yea, but the FAA would be the last ones wanting to start a whole lot of negative publicity about all this again, especially after it has all died down.
Possibly. It's up to them. We'll see.
Sorry, I have a frightened puppy dog in my lap, the messicans are shooting off guns or fireworks or whatever, as is their liberal given right. Anyway, Dr Dao could have just paid more for better seating IF he was so concerned about such a thing, he's a doctor, he has the cash. Really?
Since his license to practice had been suspended and he, no doubt, paid some healthy fines for his crimes, even though the state let him practice one day a week, I'm not sure he is flush with cash.
Well, since you put it that way...I was wondering why this issue suddenly went away. There you go. My pup is still freaking out BY the way. I can barely see the keyboard over her head. If Messicans freak a poor dog out, it makes ya topic, I know.
Addendum: Gunshots or fireworks, POP POP POP. Apparently dogs don't like the loud noise Hispanics bring with them, that exuberant gregarious culture of theirs seems to frighten small dogs.I don't like it too much, either. Off Topic. I know.
Someone win a soccer game?

How do you know they are Mexicans?
Sorry, I have a frightened puppy dog in my lap, the messicans are shooting off guns or fireworks or whatever, as is their liberal given right. Anyway, Dr Dao could have just paid more for better seating IF he was so concerned about such a thing, he's a doctor, he has the cash. Really?
Since his license to practice had been suspended and he, no doubt, paid some healthy fines for his crimes, even though the state let him practice one day a week, I'm not sure he is flush with cash.
Well, since you put it that way...I was wondering why this issue suddenly went away. There you go. My pup is still freaking out BY the way. I can barely see the keyboard over her head. If Messicans freak a poor dog out, it makes ya topic, I know.
Addendum: Gunshots or fireworks, POP POP POP. Apparently dogs don't like the loud noise Hispanics bring with them, that exuberant gregarious culture of theirs seems to frighten small dogs.I don't like it too much, either. Off Topic. I know.
Someone win a soccer game?

How do you know they are Mexicans?
Well, call it a a well informed hunch. Leave it at that. Loud Messican music and people doing that iee coyote yipping stuff accentuated with gunshots. I rather doubt they are Europeans. Sorry, my pup is huffing and puffing in desperation she is so afraid. This is one of those "IN the moment" things.
Cops can't order you to do things not involving law or safety. DOA was not violating law nor was there a safety issue. Per the law, United violated the law because the flight was not overbooked so they had no right to remove him.

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?
No, police and security guards do not have the right to order citizens around at their pleasure. By telling him to leave they themselves violated the law. I posted the exact law in an early post here.
Yes, they are.

No they're not, I am certain I could find hundreds of times the average consumer is wrong, including you, want to bet?
How long are you going to keep your customers by telling them what they don't want to hear?
It depends on whether that is a business norm or not. In this case, passengers all agree to contracts of carriage. Most are about the same. Airlines do their best to avoid bumping passengers and try to make the best of it. In Dao's case, he violated the law and the law was called in...then they fucked it up.
The law says United was wrong.
Sorry, I have a frightened puppy dog in my lap, the messicans are shooting off guns or fireworks or whatever, as is their liberal given right. Anyway, Dr Dao could have just paid more for better seating IF he was so concerned about such a thing, he's a doctor, he has the cash. Really?
Since his license to practice had been suspended and he, no doubt, paid some healthy fines for his crimes, even though the state let him practice one day a week, I'm not sure he is flush with cash.
Well, since you put it that way...I was wondering why this issue suddenly went away. There you go. My pup is still freaking out BY the way. I can barely see the keyboard over her head. If Messicans freak a poor dog out, it makes ya topic, I know.
There's a lot of lawyers drooling over this at the moment. That part will probably be settled out of court and the airlines will just pass it to the passengers.

The part I'm interested in is what will the Feds do about this?
Well, now I can think clearly and see my keyboard. I think it is a flash-in- the pan issue, it will go away. You get what you pay for.

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