Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

They violated their own contract Dumbass. Dao simply stood his ground, having held up his end of said contract. The airline supremely FUCKED UP. Now get up off your knees, wipe the corporate jizz off your chin and DEAL with that. The company itself already did.

The Contract for Carriage you posted is the new and improved policy PogoStickUpMyAss. The FAA has allowed airlines to bump involuntary passengers for decades, they have to compensate them when this occurs...

As I stated before, 2 wrongs don't make it right...

Dr. Dumb Dumb has anointed you as his # 1 fan, RW is holding on to you tight...

You're the King of the Dick Sucking in the Carolina's, RW claims most of their public restrooms have your name & number, some even have your picture...
Next time a law enforcement officer tells you to do something, I suggest you do it anything short of jumping off of tall buildings ...

Ya see what I mean? In GWV's authoritarian, brown-shirt sympathizing world - If the State tells you to do anything -- anything -- short of orders to plunge to your death from tall heights, even if you are within your rights, you better damn well do it.

Common sense is one of your weakest attributes...
Capitalism involves voluntary social transaction that result in mutually beneficial trade; socialism is about the coercive use of force.

This isn't Socialism by any stretch of the imagination, we live with basic rules, following them rarely leads to this type of confrontation...
Yes, they are.

No they're not, I am certain I could find hundreds of times the average consumer is wrong, including you, want to bet?
How long are you going to keep your customers by telling them what they don't want to hear?

I don't want the Dr. Dao's of the world for customers, I want the 3 who had enough common sense to get off the plain and take the compensation, most customers are like them, not Dr. Dumb Dumb...

I have had the Dr. Dao's for customers and they are typically very miserable people and their goal is to make everyone they associate with miserable as well...
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Cops can't order you to do things not involving law or safety. DOA was not violating law nor was there a safety issue. Per the law, United violated the law because the flight was not overbooked so they had no right to remove him.

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?


Please link to any dictionary that shows the definition of "ask" to be "broken nose, fractured sinuses, two broken teeth, knocked unconscious = concussion, needing reconstructive surgery".

That's the definition of being mugged in a dark alley.

I just don't get why or how anyone can continue to defend the indefensible.

Would any of you big biz apologist say the same about this vicious attack if the victim had been your own parent or g-parent?

Would you?

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Can you point out were I apologized for UA?!?! Oh, that's right you can't...

The moron Dr. Dumb Dumb could have avoided the whole issue if he had just followed their orders to deplane, but he challenged them, pretty f'ing stupid...

Next time a law enforcement officer tells you to do something, I suggest you do it anything short of jumping off of tall buildings or you could end up looking like Dr. Dumb Dumb...
By that same logic, this all could have been avoided had United simply kept up their end of the agreement and flown the doctor and his wife to Kentucky.

And when you find that perfect world, stay there and leave us alone...
Cops can't order you to do things not involving law or safety. DOA was not violating law nor was there a safety issue. Per the law, United violated the law because the flight was not overbooked so they had no right to remove him.

He clearly disobeyed their request and even challenged them to do it, they have full authority to ask him to leave the plane, want to bet?
No, police and security guards do not have the right to order citizens around at their pleasure. By telling him to leave they themselves violated the law. I posted the exact law in an early post here.

The FAA says UA can, you want to bet?
Yes, they are.

No they're not, I am certain I could find hundreds of times the average consumer is wrong, including you, want to bet?
How long are you going to keep your customers by telling them what they don't want to hear?
It depends on whether that is a business norm or not. In this case, passengers all agree to contracts of carriage. Most are about the same. Airlines do their best to avoid bumping passengers and try to make the best of it. In Dao's case, he violated the law and the law was called in...then they fucked it up.
The law says United was wrong.

No it doesn't, the FAA clearly says UA can and they did!!
Poor poor Dr Dao. He just could have complied. But NO, he is special, he's Oriental. If he was a white guy, this wouldn't be an issue. He was JUST going home, no lives were at stake ,at least so I am told. NOW, let's say if,expedition was the key, why he did he agree to fly on stand by? Something is fishy here.
Dr Dao was not asking for special treatment. He wanted to be treated like everyone else on the plane

It was United trying to reaccomodate him
This whole situation could have been avoided if all the passengers were armed
Well, now I can think clearly and see my keyboard. I think it is a flash-in- the pan issue, it will go away. You get what you pay for.
Possibly, but I think airlines will raise ticket rates but stop overbooking. They'll standardize how to handle passengers like Dao, such as deplaning the aircraft first before risking an altercation. Penalties for missing a flight will be increased. "The Dao Effect".
Yes, they are.

No they're not, I am certain I could find hundreds of times the average consumer is wrong, including you, want to bet?
How long are you going to keep your customers by telling them what they don't want to hear?
It depends on whether that is a business norm or not. In this case, passengers all agree to contracts of carriage. Most are about the same. Airlines do their best to avoid bumping passengers and try to make the best of it. In Dao's case, he violated the law and the law was called in...then they fucked it up.
The law says United was wrong.

No it doesn't, the FAA clearly says UA can and they did!!
Agreed, but the liberals thinking Dao is the airline Rosa Parks won't ever agree even when the FAA does nothing to United (or Republic) and slaps Dao with a fine.
Yes, they are.

No they're not, I am certain I could find hundreds of times the average consumer is wrong, including you, want to bet?
How long are you going to keep your customers by telling them what they don't want to hear?
It depends on whether that is a business norm or not. In this case, passengers all agree to contracts of carriage. Most are about the same. Airlines do their best to avoid bumping passengers and try to make the best of it. In Dao's case, he violated the law and the law was called in...then they fucked it up.
The customer is always right, is more of a norm; ask any Merchant in Commerce.
Airliners aren't Ubers and this isn't the normal form of business. How many people died in a Donut shop disaster the past 10 years?
Are you, "running for Congress"? They cannot tell the difference between the common offense and the common defense.

There was no exigency requiring that passenger be forcibly removed; only the "bottom line".
Are you, "running for Congress"? They cannot tell the difference between the common offense and the common defense.

There was no exigency requiring that passenger be forcibly removed; only the "bottom line".
No. Why would I want to be a fucking politician or a fucking lawyer?

Disagreed, as I've pointed out, but unlike you, I won't rush to judgment, browbeat people with an uninformed and completely wrong opinion. I'm content to let this play out over the summer.

Just so we're clear and more fucking morons don't go high and left with exaggerated claims, I disagree with the way the O'hare aviation officer handled this. There were better and smarter ways to get Dao off the aircraft.
Are you, "running for Congress"? They cannot tell the difference between the common offense and the common defense.

There was no exigency requiring that passenger be forcibly removed; only the "bottom line".
No. Why would I want to be a fucking politician or a fucking lawyer?

Disagreed, as I've pointed out, but unlike you, I won't rush to judgment, browbeat people with an uninformed and completely wrong opinion. I'm content to let this play out over the summer.

Just so we're clear and more fucking morons don't go high and left with exaggerated claims, I disagree with the way the O'hare aviation officer handled this. There were better and smarter ways to get Dao off the aircraft.
They could have offered him a cookie

We have a glass of milk for you outside
Are you, "running for Congress"? They cannot tell the difference between the common offense and the common defense.

There was no exigency requiring that passenger be forcibly removed; only the "bottom line".
No. Why would I want to be a fucking politician or a fucking lawyer?

Disagreed, as I've pointed out, but unlike you, I won't rush to judgment, browbeat people with an uninformed and completely wrong opinion. I'm content to let this play out over the summer.

Just so we're clear and more fucking morons don't go high and left with exaggerated claims, I disagree with the way the O'hare aviation officer handled this. There were better and smarter ways to get Dao off the aircraft.
What exigency was there to forcibly remove a passenger, under our form of Capitalism, besides the "bottom line"?
Are you, "running for Congress"? They cannot tell the difference between the common offense and the common defense.

There was no exigency requiring that passenger be forcibly removed; only the "bottom line".
No. Why would I want to be a fucking politician or a fucking lawyer?

Disagreed, as I've pointed out, but unlike you, I won't rush to judgment, browbeat people with an uninformed and completely wrong opinion. I'm content to let this play out over the summer.

Just so we're clear and more fucking morons don't go high and left with exaggerated claims, I disagree with the way the O'hare aviation officer handled this. There were better and smarter ways to get Dao off the aircraft.
They could have offered him a cookie

We have a glass of milk for you outside
The right wing would not have any problem enacting legislation allowing Merchants in Commerce (under our form of Capitalism), the coercive use of force, at twenty thousand feet;

don't complain, be Patriotic--airlines.
Are you, "running for Congress"? They cannot tell the difference between the common offense and the common defense.

There was no exigency requiring that passenger be forcibly removed; only the "bottom line".
No. Why would I want to be a fucking politician or a fucking lawyer?

Disagreed, as I've pointed out, but unlike you, I won't rush to judgment, browbeat people with an uninformed and completely wrong opinion. I'm content to let this play out over the summer.

Just so we're clear and more fucking morons don't go high and left with exaggerated claims, I disagree with the way the O'hare aviation officer handled this. There were better and smarter ways to get Dao off the aircraft.
What exigency was there to forcibly remove a passenger, under our form of Capitalism, besides the "bottom line"?
Terms of the Contract of Carriage which Dao agreed to when he bought his ticket.

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