Increase in athlete deaths

He was a test subject for the vaccine back then. they just kept that fact hidden. They have been planning this for decades.

I'm sure there is someone somewhere trying to create some sort of angle as to his cause of death being tied to Hunter Biden.
He was a test subject for the vaccine back then. they just kept that fact hidden. They have been planning this for decades.
It is a nasty virus so it stands to reason the antidote is also nasty. It is such a nasty virus, they refrain from labeling it "the flu" cuz it is soooo special. This tells me it was probably created in the Chinese lab.

I can't tell you of how many people I have encountered that have had nasty and even fatal reactions to the vaccine

One health care professional I know took the vaccine and had excruciating migrane headaches, so much so, she could not work for months.

She told me that when she was seen by other health care profssionals and she asked the question, "Could this be from the vaccine?", the fear in their eyes was very telling. All of them were scared to death to make any connections

Luckily, however, her physician said it was probably from the vaccine, and warned her that she probably should not get any boosters.

Not sure how long that doctor will have a job.

I can't tell you of how many people I have encountered that have had nasty and even fatal reactions to the vacci

I can tell you how many encountered that have...ZERO.

Weird how only you folks that think it is killing millions of people meet these people
it is now a political incident because people like the OP and Sue need these deaths so they can push their narrative that the vaccine are death in a needle.

I suspect each time they get one of these stories they are happy as a pig in shit

It's not pushing a narrative. I know four people who took the shot and all had heart attacks within days to a week. All in their 40s, healthy. All died.
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It's not pushing a narrative. I know four people who took the shot and all had heat attacks within days to a week. All in their 40s, healthy. All died.


The story of young athletes dying was probably partly inspired by reports of myocarditis, principally in young men. Although the risk of myocarditis was very low, and the cases were generally mild and resolved without complications after a few days, people were understandably scared. However, much of the risk was probably driven by the shorter four-week interval between the first and second doses that was used initially in other countries, and data from the United States and Israel shows that the risk is lower after booster doses. In the United States, the CDC reviewed data on 2.8 millions teens who got boosters. There were 64 preliminary reports of myocarditis, of which 32 were confirmed after chart review. What is more, all the cases recovered and there were no deaths. The Israeli data showed a similar result, with lower rates of myocarditis post booster compared to the second dose. Overall, both studies found about one to five cases per 100,000, which is similar to the background rate of myocarditis. Also worth pointing out that both U.S. and U.K. data show that myocarditis is far more common after a COVID infection than after vaccination.

:rolleyes: …..When people fact-checked lists purporting to show that young athletes had died, they often contained names like Hank Aaron, who died last year at the ripe old age of 86, or Alex Stalock, who developed myocarditis, but from a COVID infection in November 2020 prior to the vaccines becoming available. He is still alive.

….While cases of young athletes dying during sports events do occasionally happen, it is often due to a genetic condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

No, it's true. I've been on this board for about 15 years. I have no reason to post lies about someone's death.

As I said, nobody on here has any way of knowing if it is true or not.

It is odd that everyone that is against the vaccine suddenly knows all sorts of people dying from it while I literally know not a single person that had a reaction worse than feeling crappy for a day or two.
If deaths ramp up it will be hard to moderate out or algorithm away , it’s gonna go one way or the other
You almost sound... worried...

You almost sound stupid...well not almost to be honest.

I am a data geek by trade.

When I see a study like this the very first thing to enter my mind is "why did they leave out 16 years worth of data?".

The study makes no mention of why they did so.

There is no good logical reasons to leave out that data, unless it did not support their claims.

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