Since the “Covid vaccine” rollout 1,800 have collapsed, 1,200 deaths in athletes.

It magically vanished the night of Biden's first State of the Union. All of the covid updates on radio/TV, the daily tracking numbers, etc., just stopped lol. All across the country. All of the corrupt media in unison did the same thing. Massive scam.
Want to know why THEY are trying to ban tiktok? Don't think for a second the left would care for a single second if their heroes the Chinese were "spying on us" with tiktok. Of course they are spying on us. Everything tracks us. Every app.

Here's why. Cause tiktok isn't part of silicon valley globalist kabal who have turned into nothing but puppets for their overlords.

Here's why.

One of the better videos I've seen. Listen to the whole thing and see how the plandemic was just that.

“Since the “Covid vaccine” rollout 1,800 have collapsed, 1,200 deaths in athletes. Historically their has been 29 deaths/collapses in athletes ‘globally’ under the age of 35. In USA 65-70 cardiac arrests & cardiac related deaths in athletes on average”. @LeslieManookian @NFLPA

Huh, and the 2nd one the announcer said, "We have seen so many of these over the last few years."

Kind of like this...

And these

Ooooops, is X also being controlled by THE CHINESE??

In answer to your question. Arhletes have always collapsed throughout history.
Google Marc Vivien Foe. He collapsed on the pitch in distressing scenes.Pre covid and pre vax nuttiness.

Athletes tend to push the envelope anyway and many of them take things that arent good for them. It isnt shocking that a few might go too far.
Want to know why THEY are trying to ban tiktok? Don't think for a second the left would care for a single second if their heroes the Chinese were "spying on us" with tiktok. Of course they are spying on us. Everything tracks us. Every app.

Here's why. Cause tiktok isn't part of silicon valley globalist kabal who have turned into nothing but puppets for their overlords.

Here's why.

One of the better videos I've seen. Listen to the whole thing and see how the plandemic was just that.

Name one.

“Since the “Covid vaccine” rollout 1,800 have collapsed, 1,200 deaths in athletes. Historically their has been 29 deaths/collapses in athletes ‘globally’ under the age of 35. In USA 65-70 cardiac arrests & cardiac related deaths in athletes on average”. @LeslieManookian @NFLPA

Huh, and the 2nd one the announcer said, "We have seen so many of these over the last few years."

Kind of like this...

And these

Ooooops, is X also being controlled by THE CHINESE??

The Trump vaccine strikes again.

Follow the money!
Wow, exactly 1,200 deaths. You've got to admire the precision. Well, you could if it were remotely true.
It’s only of athletes. Thousands if not millions more of normies have also had terrible health issues from the vax. I know three people that had terrible side effects from it and easily could had died from it.

But hey, just blindly trust in an experimental vaccine with no long term studies. I’m sure it will turn out well despite all the warning signs we’ve already seen in the last three years.
It’s only of athletes. Thousands if not millions more of normies have also had terrible health issues from the vax. I know three people that had terrible side effects from it and easily could had died from it.

But hey, just blindly trust in an experimental vaccine with no long term studies. I’m sure it will turn out well despite all the warning signs we’ve already seen in the last three years.

Their TV does their thinking. They can't help it.

He may have along with biden, fauci, nih, big pharma, fda, cdc.
Biden and Fauci didn't throw billions at big pharma to develop the vaccine.

Trump bullied the FDA to hurry up and produce the vaccine because he had an election to win.

That said, do you think the house should subpeana all of the above?
Biden and Fauci didn't throw billions at big pharma to develop the vaccine.

Trump bullied the FDA to hurry up and produce the vaccine because he had an election to win.

That said, do you think the house should subpeana all of the above?
Yes they did. They continued fleecing the public out of billions while lining their own pockets. All need to be criminally charged.
Yes they did. They continued fleecing the public out of billions while lining their own pockets. All need to be criminally charged.
How does a pandemic disease advisor and a presidential candidate give our tax money to big pharma?

Is Trump so inept, incompetent and clueless that Biden rolled into the White House and dictated to the executive to give billions of socialist money to big pharma while Trump was president?

That is quite a tale you got there.

JFC. We really need to keep Trump from the White House.

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