Increase in Cigarette tax from roughly 80 cents to $2.50 on ballot in Colorado

I would say smokers are dumber than lottery players
smokers dont lose their house and their life savings on cigarettes

Neither do most gamblers. My habit is $14 in lottery tickets a week, A few hundred during football season on pools and fantasy, and a trip to AC or Vegas every other year. And there I feel pains when I lose more than $300 or so (which makes me stop)

For that amount of money you could easily drop $1000 on a NYC Gun Permit
Paying money for a gun permit? What a fucking waste of money.
Not one of my guns are registered and Ive been collecting since I bought my first firearm in 1978. Still have that one too, its a Mossburg Bolt action 243 with a Redfield 4X12 scope. Gun was old when I bought it used.
The $2.50 a pack tax in Colorado can be used to provide low cost marijuana
Makes me laugh every time they've increased the tax on cigarettes Ive been able to find ways to smoke that costs less than when the taxes were raised.

That makes me smile.
It's statistically proven that smokers earn less than non smokers.

This tax will punish the poor. Why are liberals so cruel? They obviously hate the poor.
In Davis cannot smoke in the city limits, unless you're on private property.

We have a ballot proposition increasing cigarette taxes out here too.

I just quit smoking 5 months ago...and nearly have all my friends back. I was quite an ass hole when I quit, for a while.

Smokers will feel a lot better if they just quit!

And nobody is telling you that you can't smoke, except in Dav
It's statistically proven that smokers earn less than non smokers.

This tax will punish the poor. Why are liberals so cruel? They obviously hate the poor.
In Davis cannot smoke in the city limits, unless you're on private property.

We have a ballot proposition increasing cigarette taxes out here too.

I just quit smoking 5 months ago...and nearly have all my friends back. I was quite an ass hole when I quit, for a while.

Smokers will feel a lot better if they just quit!

And nobody is telling you that you can't smoke, except in Davis...they're just charging you more
Do whatever the collective tells you to do, and you will not be punished… LOL
I don't even know what that means..."the collective".....

My Doctor and my girlfriend told me to quit smoking.

Plus my Mum died of lung cancer in 2004.

I decided to quit, so I reduce the chances that I put my loved ones through watching me suffer and die from cancer.

Something like that may happen anyway, but I'd feel guilty for making them all watch, if I didn't quit.

Plus, I feel way better.

Smoking wrinkles your skin
My only objection to states raising the tax on cigarettes is there should be a requirement that the full tax be spent on healthcare costs of cigarettes smokers and education on cigarettes

It should not become a windfall for other programs
I don't smoke.
I agree that they are 'death sticks'.
That being said....

Cigarettes are LEGAL.
So how can the government admit they are LEGAL, bad for you, are addictive, and yet punitively jack up the cost on a public product, basically forcibly - economically - stripping an American citizen of their right / choice to buy a product?

It's like they are trying to force cigarettes into extinction but are trying to make as much of a profit as they can while doing so.
I don't smoke.
I agree that they are 'death sticks'.
That being said....

Cigarettes are LEGAL.
So how can the government admit they are LEGAL, bad for you, are addictive, and yet punitively jack up the cost on a public product, basically forcibly - economically - stripping an American citizen of their right / choice to buy a product?

It's like they are trying to force cigarettes into extinction but are trying to make as much of a profit as they can while doing so.

People will never stop smoking just like they will never stop drinking that's why these taxes exist

But you can drink and smoke basically for free if you want and pay no exorbitant taxes

It's not hard to grow tobacco, or brew your own beer, make your own wine or distill your own whisky
It's statistically proven that smokers earn less than non smokers.

This tax will punish the poor. Why are liberals so cruel? They obviously hate the poor.
Smokers cost a lot of money to take care of when they are at the end of their lives
Makes me laugh every time they've increased the tax on cigarettes Ive been able to find ways to smoke that costs less than when the taxes were raised.

That makes me smile.
sooner or later it rains, and those half smoked butts in the gutter get wet.
It's statistically proven that smokers earn less than non smokers.

This tax will punish the poor. Why are liberals so cruel? They obviously hate the poor.
Smokers cost a lot of money to take care of when they are at the end of their lives
I wonder what is the greater expense. A smoker at the end of his life (providing the end has to do with smoking) or the generational welfare family that mooches off of the taxpayer for their entire life.
No, the Lottery is a tax on stupid people.

That being said I play every week, but I know I can't win more than a few dollars. For me its the action, not the end result.

I would say smokers are dumber than lottery players
smokers dont lose their house and their life savings on cigarettes

Neither do most gamblers. My habit is $14 in lottery tickets a week, A few hundred during football season on pools and fantasy, and a trip to AC or Vegas every other year. And there I feel pains when I lose more than $300 or so (which makes me stop)
most people who eat sugary and fatty foods dont weigh 500lbs either, that doesn't mean addiction isn't real

Agreed, but when you regulate based on the actions of the worst people involved, you screw over others who are able to handle themselves.

I enjoy pot a few times a year. It should be legal, but drug laws are there to attempt to protect the most easily addicted people, not me.
Addicts are so quick to shout Not Me, Not Me!
I would say smokers are dumber than lottery players
smokers dont lose their house and their life savings on cigarettes

Neither do most gamblers. My habit is $14 in lottery tickets a week, A few hundred during football season on pools and fantasy, and a trip to AC or Vegas every other year. And there I feel pains when I lose more than $300 or so (which makes me stop)
most people who eat sugary and fatty foods dont weigh 500lbs either, that doesn't mean addiction isn't real

Agreed, but when you regulate based on the actions of the worst people involved, you screw over others who are able to handle themselves.

I enjoy pot a few times a year. It should be legal, but drug laws are there to attempt to protect the most easily addicted people, not me.
Addicts are so quick to shout Not Me, Not Me!
no quicker than the non addicts are to shout, tax them, tax them.
besides, If I am supposed to pay for abortions and not complain, I don't think its asking too much for you to chip in for my health care due to smoking.
The greedy left don't have the guts to impose this type of tax on alcohol. Nice vamp fangs libs way to suck the poor dry.
The greedy left don't have the guts to impose this type of tax on alcohol. Nice vamp fangs libs way to suck the poor dry.
There is a heavy tax on alcohol

What do you think that stamp on the top of liquor bottles is?

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