Increasing Number Of Indicators Point To Society Destabilizing

First of all, ignoring your other points for now, is a falling birth rate a bad thing?

People like generational social welfare schemes, so society faces the problem of paying for the retirement of our seniors. A stable system would have each generation prepaying, over the course of their working lives, for their own retirement expenses That's not happening even now.


Look at those numbers. Contributions PLUS INVESTMENT GAINS that compound over a person's working life, create an mean asset base of $61,000 per senior citizen but the cost of supporting that senior with SS and their medical care requires an ADDITIONAL $180,000 for men and $207,000 for women. This money has to come from somewhere. It comes from those presently in the workforce.

Now if you keep population constant, and you assume no inflation over the generations, then you face massive FICA taxes increases to balance income against expenses. An expanding population allows you to dilute the costs and so charge lower premiums, but now we're into Ponzi scheme territory. A shrinking population actually exacerbates the problems, now you need even higher FICA tax increases.

Those high taxes on the young and working results in this outcome, the poor young are subsidizing the rich old:


This in turn further delays family formation, results in smaller families, and further distorts the generational math.

If there were fewer of us wouldn't we all be safer and more comfortable?

A liberal billionaire silenced the Sierra Club on limiting immigration and population growth. When we import a third worlder into the US we MASSIVELY increase their pollution footprint but liberals are full steam ahead on importing more third worlders. We've experienced massive third world immigration in the last decade and most all of these people are net tax consumers, that is, NET burdens on society, so we're both increasing our pollution footprint and making our public finances worse. The only group opposing immigration is found in conservative-land.

To square the circle as you propose requires the smaller and younger generation being more economically productive per capita than the older and larger generation. Look at what's happening with our population, male income is falling, marriage rate is falling, income inequality is growing, labor force participation is dropping. Society is sick and it's not working, it's moving in the wrong direction to what you propose and no higher taxes on the wealthy doesn't fix the problem because the economy is not a static function, it operates dynamically and this is what happens to Federal Tax Revenue when we modify marginal tax rates:

"Increasing Number Of Indicators Point To Society Destabilizing"

Only to you and other delusional rightists frightened of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.
"Increasing Number Of Indicators Point To Society Destabilizing"

Only to you and other delusional rightists frightened of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

This coming from a far left Obama drone..

That wants to divide/label America by race, gender, politic ties, etc.

The far left hates anything and everything that is not far left..
I love that he is threatened by empowered women. It lets me know that ignorance is on the way out when those that practice it so vividly are on the run.
I love that he is threatened by empowered women. It lets me know that ignorance is on the way out when those that practice it so vividly are on the run.

I know, right? What is it about conservative values that leads some of its adherents to oppose women working outside the home, being educated and being economically empowered?
I love that he is threatened by empowered women. It lets me know that ignorance is on the way out when those that practice it so vividly are on the run.

I know, right? What is it about conservative values that leads some of its adherents to oppose women working outside the home, being educated and being economically empowered?

In the conservative world view, simplistic views are the ones that are most easily understood. Think of it like NASCAR and the movie Talledegah Nights. There was a line in there that sums up the world view..."if you're not first, you're last". Think about terms of history, what determined who was first? The biggest military. So in a conservative world-view, you have to have the world's biggest military. Liberals think the same thing but from the standpoint of being able to sustain the country, not being able to obliterate every other one. Anyway, some of that desire to be the biggest, baddest, and most feared is healthy but it's probably been a good 90 years since a conservative was actually in the business of wanting to be big, strong, and feared so that the country could afford to grow from within.

Today, the "We've got to be number 1" hogwash has placed itself into the skin of there being only a finite amount of power available in the world and anytime you give some up, your enemy becomes more powerful. The 2014 GOP is old, white, male, and on decline so any loss of power is seen as a threat by it's members since those gaining clout are neither old, nor white, nor male.

This is one of the reasons why I think, sometime in the next 10 years, someone will bring up expanding the House of Representatives to better represent the larger population. Whomever brings it up, the GOP will support it because it's the only way to maintain power at the constant levels.
Society is destabilizing because economic disparity is increasing; in other words, labor technology and the power of capitalism has wrested scarce resources from the majority of the population. This is an economic issue, not a cultural issue.
I love that he is threatened by empowered women. It lets me know that ignorance is on the way out when those that practice it so vividly are on the run.

I know, right? What is it about conservative values that leads some of its adherents to oppose women working outside the home, being educated and being economically empowered?
Are you still pushing your misinterpretation of what he wrote? WTF is wrong with you??
Society is destabilizing because economic disparity is increasing; in other words, labor technology and the power of capitalism has wrested scarce resources from the majority of the population. This is an economic issue, not a cultural issue.

Thanks for your opinion, but you're wrong. Gee, this argument by assertion trick you liberals use is fantastic, and so quick too.
I love that he is threatened by empowered women. It lets me know that ignorance is on the way out when those that practice it so vividly are on the run.

I know, right? What is it about conservative values that leads some of its adherents to oppose women working outside the home, being educated and being economically empowered?
Are you still pushing your misinterpretation of what he wrote? WTF is wrong with you??
You're right, she is dumb.
I love that he is threatened by empowered women. It lets me know that ignorance is on the way out when those that practice it so vividly are on the run.

I know, right? What is it about conservative values that leads some of its adherents to oppose women working outside the home, being educated and being economically empowered?
Are you still pushing your misinterpretation of what he wrote? WTF is wrong with you??
You're right, she is dumb.
Did I hurt your feelings Tiny Tim?
I love that he is threatened by empowered women. It lets me know that ignorance is on the way out when those that practice it so vividly are on the run.

I know, right? What is it about conservative values that leads some of its adherents to oppose women working outside the home, being educated and being economically empowered?
Are you still pushing your misinterpretation of what he wrote? WTF is wrong with you??
You're right, she is dumb.
Did I hurt your feelings Tiny Tim?

You think I've never been exposed to liberal forms of argumentation before? Attacking the person when you can't attack his argument is standard operating procedure for emotional liberals. Why would anyone have their feelings hurt when a spazz is having a fit? I do enjoy reminding you of your spinster status though, you dried up old hag.
There is no point in answering your alleged question. You wouldnt understand the answer. That's because you're stupid. We've proven this already.

More avoidance and insults. But no actual answer. A liberal could answer that question in a heart beat. Honestly, openly and thoroughly.

Do conservatives support women working, being educated and being economically empowered?

Its such a simple question. And yet in this entire thread its confounded and set running every conservative to see it. Which again, speaks volumes.[/QUOTE]

I know. But the Rabbit doesn't give an honest answer to a simple question to ANYBODY. He's not just avoiding your question. He just likes to insult everybody equally.

And really, it is the simple part that eludes him. He's a rabbit. He thinks everybody is out to trick him. So there must be more to it than the simple part.

Right you silly wabbit?.
I love that he is threatened by empowered women. It lets me know that ignorance is on the way out when those that practice it so vividly are on the run.

I know, right? What is it about conservative values that leads some of its adherents to oppose women working outside the home, being educated and being economically empowered?
Are you still pushing your misinterpretation of what he wrote? WTF is wrong with you??
You're right, she is dumb.
Did I hurt your feelings Tiny Tim?

You think I've never been exposed to liberal forms of argumentation before? Attacking the person when you can't attack his argument is standard operating procedure for emotional liberals. Why would anyone have their feelings hurt when a spazz is having a fit? I do enjoy reminding you of your spinster status though, you dried up old hag.

Your argument is nearly 100% your opinion and enjoys support of only the most addle minded folks in the forum. There is no need to attack something that is almost as impotent as you are IRL.
I know, right? What is it about conservative values that leads some of its adherents to oppose women working outside the home, being educated and being economically empowered?
Are you still pushing your misinterpretation of what he wrote? WTF is wrong with you??
You're right, she is dumb.
Did I hurt your feelings Tiny Tim?

You think I've never been exposed to liberal forms of argumentation before? Attacking the person when you can't attack his argument is standard operating procedure for emotional liberals. Why would anyone have their feelings hurt when a spazz is having a fit? I do enjoy reminding you of your spinster status though, you dried up old hag.

Your argument is nearly 100% your opinion and enjoys support of only the most addle minded folks in the forum. There is no need to attack something that is almost as impotent as you are IRL.

Saying that a dog is a cat doesn't make the dog into a cat. Learn that lesson.

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