Incredible!: NY Court Rules Spanking Is A 'Reasonable Use Of Force' Against Children


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Jul 11, 2013
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I just wonder sometimes that if spanking a child would stop him from flippantly using the term "******" as an adult.
I doubt it in these cotton pickin days and times, especially after all the violence they're committing against whites.
And this is coming from the liberal state of New York. Reading the comments on some of the news websites and blogs tonight, liberals are up in arms over this ruling. I mean come on, how can you raise a child and not spank them once in a while for doing something they weren't supposed to do? It IS NOT Abuse.

Court rules it's 'reasonable use of force' for parents to spank their kids - NY Daily News allow a child to grow up without consequences for rotten behavior is the perfect recipe for a sociopath. You are doing them no favor sparing the rod when they are way out of line.

Punishment should not be excessive and used sparingly.. but it should sting. Never leave praise out of the equation either. I think a good formula is 20% consequences, strictly adhered to, & 80% praise...depending on the by case..& a work ethic taught at the youngest age..feeding the cat when they're four in trade for their afternoon cookie or fruit...that type of thing. Their transition into productive, moral, adjusted adults should be seamless at that point.

Raise every kid like that & 90% of your prison & welfare popuation would disappear within one generation. Maybe New York got out a calculator & crunched those numbers?
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And this is coming from the liberal state of New York. Reading the comments on some of the news websites and blogs tonight, liberals are up in arms over this ruling. I mean come on, how can you raise a child and not spank them once in a while for doing something they weren't supposed to do? It IS NOT Abuse.

Court rules it's 'reasonable use of force' for parents to spank their kids - NY Daily News

Your comments about "liberals" are not even related to any facts stated in the news piece - you have derailed your own thread.


The fail is strong in you.
Never had to whip my 2 kids, just the threat of a ass whoopin kept them in line. I have nothing against spanking, some of those little shits out there are evil.

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