Incredulity: Who Elected This President???

Trump is a bigot and racist and those are the qualities you adore

Obama is corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent and those are qualities libs like yourself adore. :cuckoo:

You're being far too kind to Obama and his voters....
who elected this president is the header here I'd like to bring up the fact that obama was elected by large majorities Your moron bush was selected ...lost the overall vote and was given the electorial vote by SC and his lying cheating brother

Clearly, the meaning of the title is beyond you.
Have someone read the entire title to you, and explain what it implies.
Any third grader should be able to.
it's plain to see you got beyond the 3rd grade but perhaps you can help me out??
an EX Brooklyn guy

Sure thing:

It means that it is unbelievable that any thinking individual voted this failure into office.
The OP proves the implication....dozens of failures that not a single Liberal has even tried to deny.

That's from a lil' ol' Southern Gal
Obama is corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent and those are qualities libs like yourself adore. :cuckoo:

You're being far too kind to Obama and his voters....
who elected this president is the header here I'd like to bring up the fact that obama was elected by large majorities Your moron bush was selected ...lost the overall vote and was given the electorial vote by SC and his lying cheating brother

Clearly, the meaning of the title is beyond you.
Have someone read the entire title to you, and explain what it implies.
Any third grader should be able to.
it's plain to see you got beyond the 3rd grade but perhaps you can help me out??
an EX Brooklyn guy

Sure thing:

It means that it is unbelievable that any thinking individual voted this failure into office.
The OP proves the implication....dozens of failures that not a single Liberal has even tried to deny.

That's from a lil' ol' Southern Gal

Nothing in the OP can be blamed on Obama, and you haven't even tried to refute that.
Obama is corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent and those are qualities libs like yourself adore. :cuckoo:

You're being far too kind to Obama and his voters....
who elected this president is the header here I'd like to bring up the fact that obama was elected by large majorities Your moron bush was selected ...lost the overall vote and was given the electorial vote by SC and his lying cheating brother

Clearly, the meaning of the title is beyond you.
Have someone read the entire title to you, and explain what it implies.
Any third grader should be able to.
it's plain to see you got beyond the 3rd grade but perhaps you can help me out??
an EX Brooklyn guy

Sure thing:

It means that it is unbelievable that any thinking individual voted this failure into office.
The OP proves the implication....dozens of failures that not a single Liberal has even tried to deny.

That's from a lil' ol' Southern Gal
Obama has gone through almost 8 years now of republicans ,southern haters ,racists throwing feces against the wall I have neither the time or inclination to answer your cut and paste...have there been failures?? sure there have but many owing to the slime bags on the repub side of congress Their negligence speaks for itself....and now you anti obama folks want to give america the worst pos you can? Shame on you
You're being far too kind to Obama and his voters....
who elected this president is the header here I'd like to bring up the fact that obama was elected by large majorities Your moron bush was selected ...lost the overall vote and was given the electorial vote by SC and his lying cheating brother

Clearly, the meaning of the title is beyond you.
Have someone read the entire title to you, and explain what it implies.
Any third grader should be able to.
it's plain to see you got beyond the 3rd grade but perhaps you can help me out??
an EX Brooklyn guy

Sure thing:

It means that it is unbelievable that any thinking individual voted this failure into office.
The OP proves the implication....dozens of failures that not a single Liberal has even tried to deny.

That's from a lil' ol' Southern Gal
Obama has gone through almost 8 years now of republicans ,southern haters ,racists throwing feces against the wall I have neither the time or inclination to answer your cut and paste...have there been failures?? sure there have but many owing to the slime bags on the repub side of congress Their negligence speaks for itself....and now you anti obama folks want to give america the worst pos you can? Shame on you

"...I have neither the time or inclination to answer your cut and paste..."

Why do all of you Liberals have that Pavlovian response....lying.

You have the time and the've posted a dozen responses aimed at doing that.

Stop lying.
who elected this president is the header here I'd like to bring up the fact that obama was elected by large majorities Your moron bush was selected ...lost the overall vote and was given the electorial vote by SC and his lying cheating brother

Clearly, the meaning of the title is beyond you.
Have someone read the entire title to you, and explain what it implies.
Any third grader should be able to.
it's plain to see you got beyond the 3rd grade but perhaps you can help me out??
an EX Brooklyn guy

Sure thing:

It means that it is unbelievable that any thinking individual voted this failure into office.
The OP proves the implication....dozens of failures that not a single Liberal has even tried to deny.

That's from a lil' ol' Southern Gal
Obama has gone through almost 8 years now of republicans ,southern haters ,racists throwing feces against the wall I have neither the time or inclination to answer your cut and paste...have there been failures?? sure there have but many owing to the slime bags on the repub side of congress Their negligence speaks for itself....and now you anti obama folks want to give america the worst pos you can? Shame on you

"...I have neither the time or inclination to answer your cut and paste..."

Why do all of you Liberals have that Pavlovian response....lying.

You have the time and the've posted a dozen responses aimed at doing that.

Stop lying.
from NY Carbineer,,,,,,,,Nothing in the OP can be blamed on Obama, and you haven't even tried to refute that.
Let's be honest....
. ...IQ, when it applies to you, should be written in lower case.

You clearly know less than nothing about the economy, nor have you read the two dozen facts I provided in the OP.....

....all you know about is that the other being the a Democrat.

You are the proud possessor of the single most important characteristic of the Democrat voter.....gullibility.

Speaking of which....did you know that if you say 'orange' very slowly, it sounds just like 'gullible'?
Truth be told I haven't wiped the stench of the republican party off me yet I was one all my life until the moron bush came around I even voted for that *** in 2000 Never again will I vote for repub slime

I've seen your posts: you're lying through your teeth.

Things more trustworthy than you:

a. Mexican tap water

b. A rattlesnake with a 'pet me' sign

c. Taking the elevator with Ray Rice

d. Bill Cosby as the bartender

e. A Jimmy Carter economic plan

f. emails from a Nigerian princess

g. Brian Williams newscast.

h. The Jeffrey Dahmer Diner special of the day
Trump is a bigot and racist and those are the qualities you adore

Obama is corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent and those are qualities libs like yourself adore. :cuckoo:
and trump is a racist a bigot and a con man and those are his good qualities

Let's be honest....
. ...IQ, when it applies to you, should be written in lower case.

You clearly know less than nothing about the economy, nor have you read the two dozen facts I provided in the OP.....

....all you know about is that the other being the a Democrat.

You are the proud possessor of the single most important characteristic of the Democrat voter.....gullibility.

Speaking of which....did you know that if you say 'orange' very slowly, it sounds just like 'gullible'?
Truth be told I haven't wiped the stench of the republican party off me yet I was one all my life until the moron bush came around I even voted for that *** in 2000 Never again will I vote for repub slime

I've seen your posts: you're lying through your teeth.

Things more trustworthy than you:

a. Mexican tap water

b. A rattlesnake with a 'pet me' sign

c. Taking the elevator with Ray Rice

d. Bill Cosby as the bartender

e. A Jimmy Carter economic plan

f. emails from a Nigerian princess

g. Brian Williams newscast.

h. The Jeffrey Dahmer Diner special of the day
Trump is a bigot and racist and those are the qualities you adore

Obama is corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent and those are qualities libs like yourself adore. :cuckoo:

You're being far too kind to Obama and his voters....
Let's try it again.

Obama is a.......


Oh yeah, and a POS as well.

And as goes for his supporters they're nothing but gullible and ignorant dumbfucks!

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We, the people elected this president.
See how much time you could have saved by just thinking for a moment instead of compulsively typing?

politicalshit isn't happy if she not typing her 1, 2, 3 , bull shit ... that you clear;y stated in two sentences ... she wants people to believe she's cerebral
Truth be told I haven't wiped the stench of the republican party off me yet I was one all my life until the moron bush came around I even voted for that *** in 2000 Never again will I vote for repub slime

I've seen your posts: you're lying through your teeth.

Things more trustworthy than you:

a. Mexican tap water

b. A rattlesnake with a 'pet me' sign

c. Taking the elevator with Ray Rice

d. Bill Cosby as the bartender

e. A Jimmy Carter economic plan

f. emails from a Nigerian princess

g. Brian Williams newscast.

h. The Jeffrey Dahmer Diner special of the day
Trump is a bigot and racist and those are the qualities you adore

Obama is corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent and those are qualities libs like yourself adore. :cuckoo:

You're being far too kind to Obama and his voters....
Let's try it again.

Obama is a.......


Oh yeah, and a POS as well.

And as goes for his supporters they're nothing but gullible and ignorant dumbfucks!

so tell us what you really thing moron
Truth be told I haven't wiped the stench of the republican party off me yet I was one all my life until the moron bush came around I even voted for that *** in 2000 Never again will I vote for repub slime

I realize that you Bolshevik drones have the intellect of a stalk of broccoli. Still, do your masters REALLY think that you telling that absurd lie makes you credible to normals? We have no less than 15 of you radical left fucktards running around claiming you were life long Republicans. Obviously the leftist hate sites program you to tell that lie.
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Truth be told I haven't wiped the stench of the republican party off me yet I was one all my life until the moron bush came around I even voted for that *** in 2000 Never again will I vote for repub slime

I realize that you Bolshevik drones have the intellect of a stalk of broccoli. Still, do your masters REALLY think to you telling that absurd lie makes you credible to normals? We have no less that 15 of you radical left fucktards running around claiming you were life long Republicans slithering about in here. Obviously the leftist hate sites program you to tell that lie.


I smirk every time some far left wing goober --- who is clearly incapable of thinking on his own --- pretends that he "used to be" a Republican.

It is such an unconvincing and obviously dishonest piece of rhetorical fluff. Tried and untrue. Failed before. Fails now. Will fail again.

Not even good for much of a laugh.
In a way, it could be said that the people who voted for Obama were those who did not/could not vote for the second of the two party dictatorship's offerings combined with nearly half the eligible voters who didn't vote.
The remainder of us voted for another party.
Are you disoriented? You asked who elected this president, and the answer is We The People. For future reference, you might note that is the same group who will elect Hillary.

I am not convinced Hellary will be the next POTUS Bulldog. 3-6 months ago, yes, but the orange clown has already outperformed any prediction I saw. Never underestimate the value of humor when voting for president.
In a way, it could be said that the people who voted for Obama were those who did not/could not vote for the second of the two party dictatorship's offerings combined with nearly half the eligible voters who didn't vote.
The remainder of us voted for another party.

In a way, you "can" say any foolish crap you wish.

But the truth remains. It was true in 2008 and in 2012. The only viable choices presented were the nominees of the TWO major political parties. That may not always be the case. But it was the case then.
Are you disoriented? You asked who elected this president, and the answer is We The People.

Nah. It's you. "Those people". And the mask the media devised for him to cloud the uneducated minds of "those people".

Of course, McCain and Romney being campaign schleps helped.

Isn't it isn't it true, that the POTUS is generally elected by the low info voters? Consider- The division of Reps, Dems, an unaffiliated voters is about a 1/3 each, ergo, few if any unaffiliated voters even participate in the primary process, btw- I am unaffiliated. By and large, Dems vote for the dem, and Reps vote for the rep. With that said, a large portion of the unaffiliated really don't pay attention until the fall leading into the election. At that point, they generally will watch the political ads and be greatly influenced by what they see between episodes of 2 Broke Girls and The Big Bang theory. In my opinion, those are the people who provide the margin of victory for the winner.

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