"Independents are walking away from Trump"---'Bout time!

These people have realized that there should be more to this country than the stock market or libertarian purity.

Last time it was extreme authoritarianism that Trump represents - and now extreme libertarianism.

Soon you will get it Mac - extreme, unapologizing AMERICANISM. Get on the train or get run over.
"""President Trump's re-election may depend on flipping blue states like Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, and New Hampshire, people close to or involved with his campaign told Politico...
The campaign has always remained determined to win over those four states, but they were once considered luxury add-ons. But now campaign aides, senior administration officials, and GOP donors are reportedly privately acknowledging that it's just as plausible Trump loses Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to the presumptive Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, which would put Trump under the 270 electoral vote threshold required to win if everything else played out as it did in 2016. Wisconsin, in particular, is looking quite tenuous for Trump, NBC News reports. "Independents are walking away from Trump," said Charlie Sykes, a former conservative radio talk show host in Wisconsin. "That's a big deal.""""

So, President Hillary should glide to reelection.

Whatever you do, don't look at Facebook until, at least until election day in December. OK
These people have realized that there should be more to this country than the stock market or libertarian purity.

I doubt it but they may get tired of the adolescent antics.

They've gotten tired of his juvenile behavior.
His Twitter account is like something a acne-ridden, monkey-spanking 16-year-old would write.

Too much credit there. 12-13 year old.

Add that to this:

And it's downright scary for this SOB to win in November.

The country loses either way.
"""President Trump's re-election may depend on flipping blue states like Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, and New Hampshire, people close to or involved with his campaign told Politico...
The campaign has always remained determined to win over those four states, but they were once considered luxury add-ons. But now campaign aides, senior administration officials, and GOP donors are reportedly privately acknowledging that it's just as plausible Trump loses Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to the presumptive Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, which would put Trump under the 270 electoral vote threshold required to win if everything else played out as it did in 2016. Wisconsin, in particular, is looking quite tenuous for Trump, NBC News reports. "Independents are walking away from Trump," said Charlie Sykes, a former conservative radio talk show host in Wisconsin. "That's a big deal.""""

You on here telling us all about your silly wet dreams again? Don't worry you'll age out of it. Well at least most of us do as we mature. Then again many lefties never seem to reach maturity.
If you only poll Moon Bats you will only get Moon Bat responses. We found that out in 2016, didn't we?

Trump will win by a landslide.

There are a lot of idiots in this country but not enough to elect that worthless shithead Biden.
These people have realized that there should be more to this country than the stock market or libertarian purity.

Last time it was extreme authoritarianism that Trump represents - and now extreme libertarianism.

Soon you will get it Mac - extreme, unapologizing AMERICANISM. Get on the train or get run over.
That navel gazer wouldn't know a libertarian from a Pop Tart.
These people have realized that there should be more to this country than the stock market or libertarian purity.

I doubt it but they may get tired of the adolescent antics.

They've gotten tired of his juvenile behavior.
His Twitter account is like something a acne-ridden, monkey-spanking 16-year-old would write.

Too much credit there. 12-13 year old.

Add that to this:

And it's downright scary for this SOB to win in November.

Ya lying dog-faced pony soldier
"""President Trump's re-election may depend on flipping blue states like Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, and New Hampshire, people close to or involved with his campaign told Politico...
The campaign has always remained determined to win over those four states, but they were once considered luxury add-ons. But now campaign aides, senior administration officials, and GOP donors are reportedly privately acknowledging that it's just as plausible Trump loses Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to the presumptive Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, which would put Trump under the 270 electoral vote threshold required to win if everything else played out as it did in 2016. Wisconsin, in particular, is looking quite tenuous for Trump, NBC News reports. "Independents are walking away from Trump," said Charlie Sykes, a former conservative radio talk show host in Wisconsin. "That's a big deal.""""

And all this hinges on an NBC NEWS REPORT ?

Are you seriously telling us this, (with a straight face) ? :rolleyes:
"""President Trump's re-election may depend on flipping blue states like Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, and New Hampshire, people close to or involved with his campaign told Politico...
The campaign has always remained determined to win over those four states, but they were once considered luxury add-ons. But now campaign aides, senior administration officials, and GOP donors are reportedly privately acknowledging that it's just as plausible Trump loses Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to the presumptive Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, which would put Trump under the 270 electoral vote threshold required to win if everything else played out as it did in 2016. Wisconsin, in particular, is looking quite tenuous for Trump, NBC News reports. "Independents are walking away from Trump," said Charlie Sykes, a former conservative radio talk show host in Wisconsin. "That's a big deal.""""

An alt-left website nobody has heard of with NO SOURCES makes a claim............................BLAINE SWEETER falls for it.

Another Blainey thread fail.

Some never even got close to the Orange Virus to begin with. That's why the label 'Never-Trumper' exists.
Yeah, those are the Bushbot neocons that drips like you screeched about for eight years....Now you chumps are besties, and you deserve one another.
"""President Trump's re-election may depend on flipping blue states like Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, and New Hampshire, people close to or involved with his campaign told Politico...
The campaign has always remained determined to win over those four states, but they were once considered luxury add-ons. But now campaign aides, senior administration officials, and GOP donors are reportedly privately acknowledging that it's just as plausible Trump loses Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to the presumptive Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, which would put Trump under the 270 electoral vote threshold required to win if everything else played out as it did in 2016. Wisconsin, in particular, is looking quite tenuous for Trump, NBC News reports. "Independents are walking away from Trump," said Charlie Sykes, a former conservative radio talk show host in Wisconsin. "That's a big deal.""""

No they aren't, they're fed up with you lawless animals and want Trump to win and rid the country of you.
If you only poll Moon Bats you will only get Moon Bat responses. We found that out in 2016, didn't we?

Trump will win by a landslide.

There are a lot of idiots in this country but not enough to elect that worthless shithead Biden.
That would be a huge win for debt. You must love deficits.
These people have realized that there should be more to this country than the stock market or libertarian purity.

Last time it was extreme authoritarianism that Trump represents - and now extreme libertarianism.

Soon you will get it Mac - extreme, unapologizing AMERICANISM. Get on the train or get run over.
That navel gazer wouldn't know a libertarian from a Pop Tart.

Mac is really showing himself to be a pathological liar - that or a very confused individual.
"""President Trump's re-election may depend on flipping blue states like Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, and New Hampshire, people close to or involved with his campaign told Politico...
The campaign has always remained determined to win over those four states, but they were once considered luxury add-ons. But now campaign aides, senior administration officials, and GOP donors are reportedly privately acknowledging that it's just as plausible Trump loses Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to the presumptive Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, which would put Trump under the 270 electoral vote threshold required to win if everything else played out as it did in 2016. Wisconsin, in particular, is looking quite tenuous for Trump, NBC News reports. "Independents are walking away from Trump," said Charlie Sykes, a former conservative radio talk show host in Wisconsin. "That's a big deal.""""

Charlie Sykes is a never Trumper who lost his Conservative radio audience for his not so Conservative positions.

It's hilarious just how Gullible Leftist are when it comes to Fake News.

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