Indian Blogger hacked to death with machetes...good thing he didn't have a gun..right?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
2,290 a disarmed society the young, the strong the aggressive will rape, rob and murder the physically weak, or those they outnumber......the only thing that can even the battle is if the weak victim has a gun...this man learned this the hard way.....he paid with his life......

It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use Another Bangla Blogger Hacked to Death by Islamists - The Truth About Guns

The forty-year old Chowdhury, who blogged under the name Niloy Neel, was a secular athiest who lived in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Yesterday, six members of the Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent branch Ansar al-Islam broke into Chowdhury’s apartment and hacked the writer to death with machetes. “There were six people who knocked on his door, saying that they were looking to rent a flat. Two of them then took him to a room and slaughtered him there,” Muntashirul Islam, a deputy police commissioner, said, according to The Guardian . . .

You won’t hear anything about that from Mr. Bloomberg or his allies at the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, though. No guns were used. Outside of their mandate, you see.

Chowdhury had regularly contributed to the Bengali-English freethinker blog Mukto-Mona, which discusses philosophy and religion from a secularist perspective; its writers are often skeptical of religion generally and of Islam in particular. Chowdhury is the fourth such critic of Islam to be hacked to death in Bangladesh this year, joining Anatna Bijoy Das, Washiqur Rahman, and American writer Avijit Roy who were also slain in a similar fashion by Muslims angered by the critique of their faith.

But you won’t hear about any of that from Mr. Bloomberg or his pseudo-intellectual blog The Trace. No way to blame it on the NRA.

According to Mukto-Mona, Chowdhury had written earlier with concern about the lack of security in Bangladesh, and his concern about being attacked for his beliefs on Facebook.

“Two men were following me two days ago. This happened when I was on my way back from attending the rally organized to protest [t]he Murder of Ananta Bijoy Das. First, when I reached a certain place via public bus, they came with me to the same spot. Then, when I got on to a Laguna to reach my destination, one of them climbed aboard the Laguna with me. On the Laguna I realized this was the same guy who was on the bus with me, but there were two of them then. I thought to myself, well, it’s possible; perhaps one of them was going somewhere else so he took a different route….

But yeah....good thing he didn't have a gun......better that he quietly submit to his slow death being hacked at with machetes.....he is a shining example for anti gunners everywhere...when you are an anti gunner and you are attacked by monstrous killers, go quietly into that darkness, show the world how a gun grabber dies because they refuse to use a gun to stop the murder.....
"Indian Blogger hacked to death with machetes...good thing he didn't have a gun..right?"

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your confusion of correlation and causation.

And like most on the reprehensible right, you attempt to exploit this tragic event for some perceived partisan gain.
Yes CJ,
In addition, I've never seen a one-sided coin.
What the lead does not mention is all the firearms related fatalities that do NOT take place, due to restrictions.

I'm not endorsing restrictions.
I'm calling attention to the pro-gun bias.
My objection to the bias:
The lead actually may take the right position.
But by applying faulty logic, instead of helping to make the position more persuasive, it makes it less persuasive. It undermines it.

What persuades me is a logically unflawed argument taking an irrefutable position on a topic.

This is not that.
How many lame-ass threads have we had on USMB with the same exact theme? A victim of violence wouldn't of been killed if they had a gun. I would care to bet there have been over 100 threads all using the same exact logic. Now I'm not saying the way over used logic is wrong, but it certainly is way over used, way over used.
Starting another thread that mirrors the theme of over 100 other threads, isn't a sign of brilliance at all but rather the opposite. a disarmed society the young, the strong the aggressive will rape, rob and murder the physically weak, or those they outnumber......the only thing that can even the battle is if the weak victim has a gun...this man learned this the hard way.....he paid with his life......

It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use Another Bangla Blogger Hacked to Death by Islamists - The Truth About Guns

The forty-year old Chowdhury, who blogged under the name Niloy Neel, was a secular athiest who lived in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Yesterday, six members of the Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent branch Ansar al-Islam broke into Chowdhury’s apartment and hacked the writer to death with machetes. “There were six people who knocked on his door, saying that they were looking to rent a flat. Two of them then took him to a room and slaughtered him there,” Muntashirul Islam, a deputy police commissioner, said, according to The Guardian . . .

You won’t hear anything about that from Mr. Bloomberg or his allies at the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, though. No guns were used. Outside of their mandate, you see.

Chowdhury had regularly contributed to the Bengali-English freethinker blog Mukto-Mona, which discusses philosophy and religion from a secularist perspective; its writers are often skeptical of religion generally and of Islam in particular. Chowdhury is the fourth such critic of Islam to be hacked to death in Bangladesh this year, joining Anatna Bijoy Das, Washiqur Rahman, and American writer Avijit Roy who were also slain in a similar fashion by Muslims angered by the critique of their faith.

But you won’t hear about any of that from Mr. Bloomberg or his pseudo-intellectual blog The Trace. No way to blame it on the NRA.

According to Mukto-Mona, Chowdhury had written earlier with concern about the lack of security in Bangladesh, and his concern about being attacked for his beliefs on Facebook.

“Two men were following me two days ago. This happened when I was on my way back from attending the rally organized to protest [t]he Murder of Ananta Bijoy Das. First, when I reached a certain place via public bus, they came with me to the same spot. Then, when I got on to a Laguna to reach my destination, one of them climbed aboard the Laguna with me. On the Laguna I realized this was the same guy who was on the bus with me, but there were two of them then. I thought to myself, well, it’s possible; perhaps one of them was going somewhere else so he took a different route….

But yeah....good thing he didn't have a gun......better that he quietly submit to his slow death being hacked at with machetes.....he is a shining example for anti gunners everywhere...when you are an anti gunner and you are attacked by monstrous killers, go quietly into that darkness, show the world how a gun grabber dies because they refuse to use a gun to stop the murder.....
Six versus one? He would have need this:
PH #5
Cute toy PH. All that's needed for that is:
- the electricity to run it
- ammunition for it
- and enough range to operate it.

If the lone man is attacked in a closet, that weapon would be a very bad choice.
PH #5
Cute toy PH. All that's needed for that is:
- the electricity to run it
- ammunition for it
- and enough range to operate it.

If the lone man is attacked in a closet, that weapon would be a very bad choice.
Was he attempting to change shirts so he looked better dead?
When you are facing 6 machete armed men...having a machete yourself is no advantage.....a gun gives the victim an actual chance to survive.

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