Indian jihadist group calls for attacks on non Muslims

Not sure what you are talking about Sally. There is no such rule. You brought up the issue "keeping up with what's happening around the world".
Not sure what you are talking about Sally. There is no such rule. You brought up the issue "keeping up with what's happening around the world".

Sp tell me -- what is your problem if I just want to post on this forum? Do I have to run all around to different forums to make you happy and say that your new friends are just wonderful. I klnow what is happening around the world the minute I open my newspaper in the morning, but evidently you close your eyes to a lot.
Not sure what you are talking about Sally. There is no such rule. You brought up the issue "keeping up with what's happening around the world".

Sp tell me -- what is your problem if I just want to post on this forum? Do I have to run all around to different forums to make you happy and say that your new friends are just wonderful. I klnow what is happening around the world the minute I open my newspaper in the morning, but evidently you close your eyes to a lot.

I don't have a problem with it. You are the one telling me to "open my eyes" around the world.

I read a lot Sally. And I read about more than just the latest Muslim outrages.

I don't close my eyes.

I don't dish out crap other members "new friends" doing this or that or start attacking their personal lives and employment.

I don't pretend ANY religion is peaceful because once they have a majority peace and tolerance become optional. As is the case with the Hindus in India.

It's not so peaceful is it but you "close your eyes" to it.

I don't have a problem with whether you post just in the ME or not. But why don't you quit telling other people what they should be doing?
Not sure what you are talking about Sally. There is no such rule. You brought up the issue "keeping up with what's happening around the world".

Sp tell me -- what is your problem if I just want to post on this forum? Do I have to run all around to different forums to make you happy and say that your new friends are just wonderful. I klnow what is happening around the world the minute I open my newspaper in the morning, but evidently you close your eyes to a lot.

I don't have a problem with it. You are the one telling me to "open my eyes" around the world.

I read a lot Sally. And I read about more than just the latest Muslim outrages.

I don't close my eyes.

I don't dish out crap other members "new friends" doing this or that or start attacking their personal lives and employment.

I don't pretend ANY religion is peaceful because once they have a majority peace and tolerance become optional. As is the case with the Hindus in India.

It's not so peaceful is it but you "close your eyes" to it.

I don't have a problem with whether you post just in the ME or not. But why don't you quit telling other people what they should be doing?

Boo hoo, we get all this back and forth because Coyoe didn't like the thread about an Indian Muslim group wanting to kill the non Muslims. Perhaps on her vacation, Coyote can hop over there and tell them it isn't nice to think that way. After all, she felt she had to do a lot of research on what some Hindus have done so she has to tell this Muslim group not to emulate them.
Silly Sally. You just want to ignore the very real human atrocities perpetrated by Hindus while reminiscing on some anonymous Muslim who "told you" he wanted to kill a whole bunch of Hindus. Maybe he wanted to kill the Hindus who partook in this massacre and burned children alive and bashed infants onto rocks. Maybe YOU should do some research ... :)
Muslims in India aren't going to do anything. Most Muslims are lucky to be alive in India. Hindus have been killing Muslims by the thousands in India since Independence.

"'Election' massacres of Muslims darken India immigration debate"

Election massacres of Muslims darken India immigration debate Reuters

not entirely true------in fact muslims in india have been killing hindus by the thousands ----it's a kind of reciprocal situation.
REMEMBER MUMBAI? there are other sectarian situations as well------between Sikhs and hindus----a bit with tamils etc etc The situation is far worse in Pakistan where murder and rape---depending on sect and religion is
LEGAL. Long long ago----when I was young (and beautiful) a young muslim medical school graduate here in the US for "residency" training-----told me incessantly about his HATRED FOR HINDUS-------(he seemed to expect me to hate them too because they have "idols"<<< well, I don't)----but finally I said to him----"if you and yours HATE hindus so much---why did your family not go to Pakistan in 1948"? ----he just got angry and did not really answer-----it was years before I came to understand----HE WAS A SHIITE----
in Pakistan they SHOOT Shiites in the head in drive bys---especially---- "prominent citizens" like doctors.

PS---he also told me regarding Hindus
"SOMEDAY WE WILL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"---(uhm---he seemed to thing I had a taste for that idea----I was very young and very taciturn----which is why I was the recipient of
such interesting confidences)
Silly Sally. You just want to ignore the very real human atrocities perpetrated by Hindus while reminiscing on some anonymous Muslim who "told you" he wanted to kill a whole bunch of Hindus. Maybe he wanted to kill the Hindus who partook in this massacre and burned children alive and bashed infants onto rocks. Maybe YOU should do some research ... :)

My research came to me----over the past 47 years----directly from people----hindus, muslims and a few Zoroastrians and a few Sikhs and a few Christians and a few jews----from India and Pakistan-----I would estimate well over 100 persons who spoke to me in full confidence. Coyote---you have no clue. Muslims love to murder hindus------of all the people in the world---the people MOST able to quote your islamo Nazi propaganda---the stuff written by Nazi war criminals ----are PAKISTANIS AND MUSLIMS FROM INDIA (in my experience) The persons who ALL AGREE---that muslims are aggressive murderers-----are
non muslims from INDIA and PAKISTAN (a few christtians---I never met a jew from Pakistan---and only one Sikh ---Punjabi) btw----I was close friends with all---
including the muslims--------it was a bit frustrating----nothing would dissuade them from their "viewpoints"
Silly Sally. You just want to ignore the very real human atrocities perpetrated by Hindus while reminiscing on some anonymous Muslim who "told you" he wanted to kill a whole bunch of Hindus. Maybe he wanted to kill the Hindus who partook in this massacre and burned children alive and bashed infants onto rocks. Maybe YOU should do some research ... :)

disgusting coyote----IMAGINES that she knows what she is talking about because some IMAGINARY "friend" said----
"your are smart---coyote"----long long ago----in a dream
Silly Sally. You just want to ignore the very real human atrocities perpetrated by Hindus while reminiscing on some anonymous Muslim who "told you" he wanted to kill a whole bunch of Hindus. Maybe he wanted to kill the Hindus who partook in this massacre and burned children alive and bashed infants onto rocks. Maybe YOU should do some research ... :)

ATTENTION; ATTENTION: If anyone finds any articles which state that other Muslim groups have popped up in India that are inciting others to kill non Muslims, please do not post a thread about it, even if a dozen groups happen to pop up, because you see what has happened since I first posted about a group. Everything should be hush, hush about something like this. The Muslim woman from a southern state in India now living in the U.S. wanted to see 850 million Hindus exterminated for the express purpose of Islam ruling India once again. Not only was she posting about her hopes several times, but she would constantly refer to the Hindus as rats. Imagine if a Hindi originally from Pakistan living here in the U.S. stated that he wanted to see all the Muslims exterminated in Pakistan since that land originally belonged to the Hindus for thousands and thousands of years!!!
Silly Sally. You just want to ignore the very real human atrocities perpetrated by Hindus while reminiscing on some anonymous Muslim who "told you" he wanted to kill a whole bunch of Hindus. Maybe he wanted to kill the Hindus who partook in this massacre and burned children alive and bashed infants onto rocks. Maybe YOU should do some research ... :)

ATTENTION; ATTENTION: If anyone finds any articles which state that other Muslim groups have popped up in India that are inciting others to kill non Muslims, please do not post a thread about it, even if a dozen groups happen to pop up, because you see what has happened since I first posted about a group. Everything should be hush, hush about something like this. The Muslim woman from a southern state in India now living in the U.S. wanted to see 850 million Hindus exterminated for the express purpose of Islam ruling India once again. Not only was she posting about her hopes several times, but she would constantly refer to the Hindus as rats. Imagine if a Hindi originally from Pakistan living here in the U.S. stated that he wanted to see all the Muslims exterminated in Pakistan since that land originally belonged to the Hindus for thousands and thousands of years!!!

Sally----not everyone knows how hostile INDIAN MUSLIMS are to hindus-------You learned about it from a particularly virulent bitch on the net------I learned about it LONG LONG ago when I first began working in a situation which brought me in contact with LOTS of people (actually virtually all of them medical graduates---young and in training) from India and Pakistan----mostly--some Iranian--some arab) Young and short as I was----and THERE in the weekend evenings----all the young boys TALKED TO ME------not because I am so charming--more
because there was no one else around so-----NONTHREATENING. (the women in my town were all over 5' 8" ----those poor boys were FRIGHTENED---I looked
'human') I learned almost IMMEDIATELY how much hatred the muslim boys had for HINDUS ------of course I also learned that Iranians HATE arabs-----and south east muslims--------and even turks HATE arabs. Most impressive---the muslims from areas that had no jews----knew Nazi literature by ROTE. Way back then---Iranian did not hate jews as much as they hated arabs (all very much pre 1979) Coyote is a kind of person who "knows" ----the "party line of 'liberal humanism' as touted today"
Hindu Nationalist Group Seeking to Cleanse Christian Presence From India Is Not Unlike ISIS Watchdog Group Warns

Supporters of Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi, prime ministerial candidate for India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party and Gujarat's chief minister, cheer as they listen to Modi during a rally in Hiranagar, India, March 26, 2014.

International Christian Concern has warned that Sangh Parivar, an umbrella Hindu nationalist group, is inflicting suffering and looking to cleanse the minority Christian population in India, much like terror group ISIS is doing in Iraq and Syria.

The watchdog group said in a press release that the nationalist group and its associate organizations have been directing hate speech toward Christians and leading attacks on pastors and churches in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Believers are reportedly worried that radical Hindu nationalism and persecution of minorities will escalate.

There have been reports of churches being turned into Hindu temples, and entire mobs attacking Christian houses — ICC shared of one incident in July where a church in Sahakarinagar village was rampaged by a group of 25 Hindu radicals, led by Hemanth Singh, a leader in the local Bajrangdal group. Rev. R. C. Paul, who was leading a Bible study at the church at the time, was beaten along with several other members.

"We were shaken and are very scared of the situation in the area. We are concerned of our safety, even going alone outside looks very dangerous at the moment," Paul said.

Hindu Nationalist Group Seeking to Cleanse Christian Presence From India Is Not Unlike ISIS Watchdog Group Warns

Supporters of Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi, prime ministerial candidate for India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party and Gujarat's chief minister, cheer as they listen to Modi during a rally in Hiranagar, India, March 26, 2014.

International Christian Concern has warned that Sangh Parivar, an umbrella Hindu nationalist group, is inflicting suffering and looking to cleanse the minority Christian population in India, much like terror group ISIS is doing in Iraq and Syria.

The watchdog group said in a press release that the nationalist group and its associate organizations have been directing hate speech toward Christians and leading attacks on pastors and churches in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Believers are reportedly worried that radical Hindu nationalism and persecution of minorities will escalate.

There have been reports of churches being turned into Hindu temples, and entire mobs attacking Christian houses — ICC shared of one incident in July where a church in Sahakarinagar village was rampaged by a group of 25 Hindu radicals, led by Hemanth Singh, a leader in the local Bajrangdal group. Rev. R. C. Paul, who was leading a Bible study at the church at the time, was beaten along with several other members.

"We were shaken and are very scared of the situation in the area. We are concerned of our safety, even going alone outside looks very dangerous at the moment," Paul said.

Remember, folks, do not mention any Muslim group in any country which is calling for the murder of non Muslims. If you do, you will get Coyote up in arms and she will start dragging up her research about other religions. Even if you find a hundred groups calling for the murder of non Muslims, Coyote will start digging up her stuff. Meanwhile, it is very strange that Coyote has never brought up articles about what the Muslims are doing to the Christians in the Middle East, no matter how many Christians have been killed so far.
Hindu Nationalist Group Seeking to Cleanse Christian Presence From India Is Not Unlike ISIS Watchdog Group Warns

Supporters of Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi, prime ministerial candidate for India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party and Gujarat's chief minister, cheer as they listen to Modi during a rally in Hiranagar, India, March 26, 2014.

International Christian Concern has warned that Sangh Parivar, an umbrella Hindu nationalist group, is inflicting suffering and looking to cleanse the minority Christian population in India, much like terror group ISIS is doing in Iraq and Syria.

The watchdog group said in a press release that the nationalist group and its associate organizations have been directing hate speech toward Christians and leading attacks on pastors and churches in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Believers are reportedly worried that radical Hindu nationalism and persecution of minorities will escalate.

There have been reports of churches being turned into Hindu temples, and entire mobs attacking Christian houses — ICC shared of one incident in July where a church in Sahakarinagar village was rampaged by a group of 25 Hindu radicals, led by Hemanth Singh, a leader in the local Bajrangdal group. Rev. R. C. Paul, who was leading a Bible study at the church at the time, was beaten along with several other members.

"We were shaken and are very scared of the situation in the area. We are concerned of our safety, even going alone outside looks very dangerous at the moment," Paul said.

Bull shit----the ONLY issue that hindus have with Christians is their INCESSANT PROSELYTIZING Muslims
have LAWS making it legal to rape and murder non muslims and believe that their PIG IN THE SKY declared such laws "HOLY"---------thanks for the stinking crap lies----coyote

I have been close friends with lots of people from India for more than 45 years-----hindus, Christians, Sikhs, muslims, Sikhs------a few Jains (a sect of Hinduism) and jews and a few Zoroastrians. close close close-----and I have had CLOSE CLOSE muslim friends from Pakistan and Iran (and also jews) ------YOUR "INFORMATION" is shit----your BIG agenda is to pretend that muslims are victims of something-------they would love you on the mosques where everyone is a PREVERSE LIAR -ENEMEEE ISLAM (so rape their women and kill their men and pillage them for allah)
In India Hindu threat to Christians Convert or flee Conflict Resolutions and World Security Solutions

BOREPANGA, India: The family of Solomon Digal was summoned by neighbors to what serves as a public square in front of the village tea shop.

They were ordered to get on their knees and bow before the portrait of a Hindu preacher. They were told to turn over their Bibles, hymnals and the two brightly colored calendar images of Christ that hung on their wall. Then, Digal, 45, a Christian since childhood, was forced to watch his Hindu neighbors set the items on fire.

" 'Embrace Hinduism, and your house will not be demolished,' " Digal recalled being told on that Wednesday afternoon in September. " 'Otherwise, you will be killed, or you will be thrown out of the village.' "

Pretty nasty. With this sort of stuff going on all over the world, it makes you really value our Constitutionally protected freedoms.
Hindu Nationalist Group Seeking to Cleanse Christian Presence From India Is Not Unlike ISIS Watchdog Group Warns

Supporters of Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi, prime ministerial candidate for India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party and Gujarat's chief minister, cheer as they listen to Modi during a rally in Hiranagar, India, March 26, 2014.

International Christian Concern has warned that Sangh Parivar, an umbrella Hindu nationalist group, is inflicting suffering and looking to cleanse the minority Christian population in India, much like terror group ISIS is doing in Iraq and Syria.

The watchdog group said in a press release that the nationalist group and its associate organizations have been directing hate speech toward Christians and leading attacks on pastors and churches in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Believers are reportedly worried that radical Hindu nationalism and persecution of minorities will escalate.

There have been reports of churches being turned into Hindu temples, and entire mobs attacking Christian houses — ICC shared of one incident in July where a church in Sahakarinagar village was rampaged by a group of 25 Hindu radicals, led by Hemanth Singh, a leader in the local Bajrangdal group. Rev. R. C. Paul, who was leading a Bible study at the church at the time, was beaten along with several other members.

"We were shaken and are very scared of the situation in the area. We are concerned of our safety, even going alone outside looks very dangerous at the moment," Paul said.

Bull shit----the ONLY issue that hindus have with Christians is their INCESSANT PROSELYTIZING Muslims
have LAWS making it legal to rape and murder non muslims and believe that their PIG IN THE SKY declared such laws "HOLY"---------thanks for the stinking crap lies----coyote

I have been close friends with lots of people from India for more than 45 years-----hindus, Christians, Sikhs, muslims, Sikhs------a few Jains (a sect of Hinduism) and jews and a few Zoroastrians. close close close-----and I have had CLOSE CLOSE muslim friends from Pakistan and Iran (and also jews) ------YOUR "INFORMATION" is shit----your BIG agenda is to pretend that muslims are victims of something-------they would love you on the mosques where everyone is a PREVERSE LIAR -ENEMEEE ISLAM (so rape their women and kill their men and pillage them for allah)

:dunno: tell all that to the people being persecuted....
In India Hindu threat to Christians Convert or flee Conflict Resolutions and World Security Solutions

BOREPANGA, India: The family of Solomon Digal was summoned by neighbors to what serves as a public square in front of the village tea shop.

They were ordered to get on their knees and bow before the portrait of a Hindu preacher. They were told to turn over their Bibles, hymnals and the two brightly colored calendar images of Christ that hung on their wall. Then, Digal, 45, a Christian since childhood, was forced to watch his Hindu neighbors set the items on fire.

" 'Embrace Hinduism, and your house will not be demolished,' " Digal recalled being told on that Wednesday afternoon in September. " 'Otherwise, you will be killed, or you will be thrown out of the village.' "

Pretty nasty. With this sort of stuff going on all over the world, it makes you really value our Constitutionally protected freedoms.

Yes, it is, and it is pretty obvious that most of the nasty stuff going on in largge areas of this planet is being done by Muslims.
In India Hindu threat to Christians Convert or flee Conflict Resolutions and World Security Solutions

BOREPANGA, India: The family of Solomon Digal was summoned by neighbors to what serves as a public square in front of the village tea shop.

They were ordered to get on their knees and bow before the portrait of a Hindu preacher. They were told to turn over their Bibles, hymnals and the two brightly colored calendar images of Christ that hung on their wall. Then, Digal, 45, a Christian since childhood, was forced to watch his Hindu neighbors set the items on fire.

" 'Embrace Hinduism, and your house will not be demolished,' " Digal recalled being told on that Wednesday afternoon in September. " 'Otherwise, you will be killed, or you will be thrown out of the village.' "

Pretty nasty. With this sort of stuff going on all over the world, it makes you really value our Constitutionally protected freedoms.

OH goody goody-----coyote found in some remote part of india------a morement to take converts FROM HINDUISM back to Hinduism-----the EXCEPTION TO THE RULE---which in her DEPRAVED MIND------justifies the fact that muslims EXECUTE converts FROM ISLAM and kill non muslims LEGALLY under the stinking filth shariah code---
(my own husband was born in a shariah cesspit----during the ESCAPE by his mother from RAPE AND FORCED CONVERSION TO THE STINKING FILTH THAT COYOTE SO LOVES) <<<< legal---not only legal ----but CLEAR SHARIAH LAW ----the kind that coyote so loves.

I do not think coyote will be able to find instances of families not originally HINDU that the hindus wanted to convert to Hinduism-----so she will lie
Christians are being persecuted in INDIA ----albeit rarely---for CONVERTING FROM HINDUISM to Christianity-----that is all----of course coyote jumps up and down with glee when converts from islam are mutilated to death---LEGALLY in
"advanced countries" in their CAPITAL CITIES so she is DELIGHTED that she found an objection to hindus who converted from Hinduism to Christianity to PROVE that Islamic
execution at the highest level of government is DECREED
In India Hindu threat to Christians Convert or flee Conflict Resolutions and World Security Solutions

BOREPANGA, India: The family of Solomon Digal was summoned by neighbors to what serves as a public square in front of the village tea shop.

They were ordered to get on their knees and bow before the portrait of a Hindu preacher. They were told to turn over their Bibles, hymnals and the two brightly colored calendar images of Christ that hung on their wall. Then, Digal, 45, a Christian since childhood, was forced to watch his Hindu neighbors set the items on fire.

" 'Embrace Hinduism, and your house will not be demolished,' " Digal recalled being told on that Wednesday afternoon in September. " 'Otherwise, you will be killed, or you will be thrown out of the village.' "

Pretty nasty. With this sort of stuff going on all over the world, it makes you really value our Constitutionally protected freedoms.

Yes, it is, and it is pretty obvious that most of the nasty stuff going on in largge areas of this planet is being done by Muslims.

actually---right now---not that POL POT is dead and the muslim "saint" adolf hitler is dead----and stalin is dead---just about ALL THE FILTH going on on the planet is ISLAAAAM
I had no idea it was ok to terrorize, kill, and forceably convert Christians but ONLY if they had originally converted from Hinduism. I'm sure they will be relieved to hear your pronouncement :)

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