Indian jihadist group calls for attacks on non Muslims

You tell such creative stories :)

Keep up the good work!

really? In fact----I am not at all creative. Whenever the task included writing a piece of fiction-----I was STUMPED---- It was so much an issue with me that I discussed it with my comp. teacher (he was very fond of me----I had the unique distinction in my freshman comp class of reading MY weekly composition to the class EVERY WEEK------he also made me a tutor in the
"remedial room") My comp. teacher told me that my
writing is JOURNALISTIC ??? well---that is what he said. It is very factual and very clear----not particularly "creative"

Let's post article after article on Muslims every day and I'm the one going overboard? I see no reason to be posting articles on Muslim violence when you're doing an admirable job.

I think you should see that your beloved Hindus aren't exactly religious paragons either. No religion of peace there. Open your eyes :)

Am I running around to all of these forums telling what your beloved Muslims are doing in other regions of the world, such as Africa? If I wanted to waste my time being on these various forums all day long, I could certainly find plenty to post. I will reiterate, folks, never post any article about any Muslim group calling for the murder of non Muslims. If you do, we will see Coyote getting on her high horse because she doesn't want to see anything like this. just post them all in Mid East General. For example - India is actually "Asia", Yemen is in Africa and Australia is Australia. None are actually in the Mid East.

When did you first recognize yourself as a Nazi pig?

PS Coyote is wrong again Yemen is considered MIDEAST -----as is Israel and Iraq and Egypt and Syria.
India is not considered "Mideast"---nor is Iran etc.

I wonder where coyote things "Mideast" is She is
confused in many ways
You're correct - Yemen is Mideast, I was thinking of Sudan. But I am quite sure neither India nor Australia are in the Middle East :)

I will await more creative Rosie stories with eagerness - they don't have to be good to be interesting.

Meanwhile, religous intolerance around the world marches on. Sad state of affairs.
You're correct - Yemen is Mideast, I was thinking of Sudan. But I am quite sure neither India nor Australia are in the Middle East :)

I will await more creative Rosie stories with eagerness - they don't have to be good to be interesting.

Meanwhile, religous intolerance around the world marches on. Sad state of affairs.

some people use the word "story" as an implication that an account of an event is fictional. My impression is, that since you are a snotty bitch----YOU use the word
"story" in that manner. My comments on the message board are true----I am not surprised that a lying bitch as are you ------would like to imply that they are not true-----it is a technique often employed by sociopaths---
(check the DSM V and writings regarding female
sociopaths in particular)
You're correct - Yemen is Mideast, I was thinking of Sudan. But I am quite sure neither India nor Australia are in the Middle East :)

I will await more creative Rosie stories with eagerness - they don't have to be good to be interesting.

Meanwhile, religous intolerance around the world marches on. Sad state of affairs.

Here Coyote is trying to convince us that the ISIS thing is just "A HUMAN NORM" -------- For some real insight ask me------I am in a position much better than most (but not all) people to know having learned about islam from muslims-----and also from non muslims who have lived in shariah cesspits or have a family legacy of having lived in shariah cesspits. One of the best sources we have on the messageboard is "ROUDY"---
he lived as a jew in both Iraq and Iran and is even fluent in Arabic and Farsi. coyote knows the Nazi literature.----as do I------I read it as a child. I lived in what had once been a Nazi enclave in the USA----and
the stuff was "leftover" Of course I was attracted to it----IT WAS ALL ABOUT JOOOOS (lots of stuff about dem noble "arabs" too) I was a blank page back then----I knew nothing. To be honest----like coyote---I was not even clear as to where places like Syria and Israel and Yemen WERE I knew "Egypt" (nile) and
"MESOPOTAMIA" (tigris eurphrates---SUMERIA!!!)
Gotta love those tolerant Hindus :cool:

The Hindu fundamentalists: request to ban the Muslim call to prayer in India
...The protest follows a series of incidents in Mangalore in recent days, in which groups of thugs threw stones against two mosques. In another incident, some Hindu extremists entered a madrassa (Islamic religious school) in the village of Vittla, shouting slogans of victory. In other cases, the individual Muslim citizens were beaten by radical militants. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 28/05/2014)
Christians in India Demand Justice for 2008 Orissa Massacre
Around 4,000 Christian homes and 400 churches were destroyed in a string of violence in the remote eastern region of India between August and September of 2008. Angry Hindus reportedly organized against Christians who were converting Indians to Christianity and urging them to leave their caste system.

Many of the Hindus that had converted were Dalits, or "Untouchables," who are the lowest caste in India and make up around one-fifth of the population. Dalits are treated as less than human, and reportedly see converting to Christianity as a way to escape their low class status.

"We saw 14 to 15 families being forced to drink cow urine as part of the conversion ceremony to purify their sins and then they had to sign a letter saying that they had become Hindus and would obey orders to attack Christians," one resident from Kandhamal, Vinod Nayak, revealed to CBN, referring to attempts by Hindus to force those who had converted to Christianity back into the caste system.

Those who refused to convert where reportedly raped or killed, and more than 50,000 Christians were displaced and forced to move into relief camps.

The Gujarat massacre: New India's blood rite]
In February 2002 the western Indian state of Gujarat, governed by the Hindu nationalist chief minister Narendra Modi, witnessed one of the country's biggest pogroms. Responding to reports that Muslims had set fire to a train carriage, killing 58 Hindu pilgrims inside, mobs rampaged across the state. The riots flared up again on 15 March – 10 years ago on Wednesday – and killing, raping and looting continued until mid-June. More than 2,000 Muslims were murdered, and tens of thousands rendered homeless in carefully planned and coordinated attacks of unprecedented savagery.

The killers may have been in touch with police and politicians. According to the 2011 Amicus report, two cabinet ministers even sat in police control rooms. A senior police officer and minister, murdered in 2003, claimed that Modi explicitly instructed civil servants and police not to stand in the killers' way. Of course, Modi has always denied involvement and condemned the riots.

The pogrom was extensively televised by India's innumerable – and then much less complacent – TV channels. Many middle-class Indians were shocked to hear how even the very young had not been spared – the slayers of Muslims were seen smashing the heads of children against rocks.

Side note: In 2005, an Indian government investigation finds that the fire was an accident and not caused by Muslims.

Hindus Destroy Mosque in Religious Tinderbox
Tens of thousands of Hindus storm the Babri Masjid mosque in the northern city of Ayodhya, demolishing it with sledgehammers and their bare hands. They assert that the site was the birthplace of the Hindu deity Ram and was taken from Hindus in the 16th century by India’s first Mughal ruler, who built a mosque on the site.

Riots claim more than 1,000 lives, most of them Muslims, in the worst religious clashes since the nation's bloody partition of British India in 1947. [/I]​

Extremist Indian Hindu Leader Parvin Togadia Calls For Occupying Muslim Homes, Says: 'When You Go Out In Streets, Plan To Spit [On Muslims]'
At a recent event in Bhavnagar, a town in Gujarat state, VHP president Pravin Togadia called for evicting Muslims from their homes and urged his extremist followers to occupy their houses and shops by forcibly capturing them, or through other tactics such as getting them entangled in legal cases.

India: Hindu Extremists Pass Laws Restricting Christianity
Christians in India are facing threats as Hindu extremists have taken over village councils to pass laws restricting religions other than Hindu. The laws reportedly make Christian prayer, meetings, and literature illegal, and non-Hindu missionaries are now banned in 50 towns.

Though India’s constitution guarantees citizens freedom of religion, state government authorities in Chhattisgarh have not intervened with the new laws. Authorities maintain that they are monitoring the situation.

Church leaders say that Christians have already been affected. At the most extreme, Christians have been denied access to food and water, or evicted from villages.

Extremist Hindus 'forced reconversions' spark Indian Christians' alarm[/SIZE]

India's Christians face attacks by Hindu extremists

You should have one of the older kids explain to you what a tu quoque fallacy is some day.
Gotta love those tolerant Hindus :cool:

The Hindu fundamentalists: request to ban the Muslim call to prayer in India
...The protest follows a series of incidents in Mangalore in recent days, in which groups of thugs threw stones against two mosques. In another incident, some Hindu extremists entered a madrassa (Islamic religious school) in the village of Vittla, shouting slogans of victory. In other cases, the individual Muslim citizens were beaten by radical militants. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 28/05/2014)
Christians in India Demand Justice for 2008 Orissa Massacre
Around 4,000 Christian homes and 400 churches were destroyed in a string of violence in the remote eastern region of India between August and September of 2008. Angry Hindus reportedly organized against Christians who were converting Indians to Christianity and urging them to leave their caste system.

Many of the Hindus that had converted were Dalits, or "Untouchables," who are the lowest caste in India and make up around one-fifth of the population. Dalits are treated as less than human, and reportedly see converting to Christianity as a way to escape their low class status.

"We saw 14 to 15 families being forced to drink cow urine as part of the conversion ceremony to purify their sins and then they had to sign a letter saying that they had become Hindus and would obey orders to attack Christians," one resident from Kandhamal, Vinod Nayak, revealed to CBN, referring to attempts by Hindus to force those who had converted to Christianity back into the caste system.

Those who refused to convert where reportedly raped or killed, and more than 50,000 Christians were displaced and forced to move into relief camps.

The Gujarat massacre: New India's blood rite]
In February 2002 the western Indian state of Gujarat, governed by the Hindu nationalist chief minister Narendra Modi, witnessed one of the country's biggest pogroms. Responding to reports that Muslims had set fire to a train carriage, killing 58 Hindu pilgrims inside, mobs rampaged across the state. The riots flared up again on 15 March – 10 years ago on Wednesday – and killing, raping and looting continued until mid-June. More than 2,000 Muslims were murdered, and tens of thousands rendered homeless in carefully planned and coordinated attacks of unprecedented savagery.

The killers may have been in touch with police and politicians. According to the 2011 Amicus report, two cabinet ministers even sat in police control rooms. A senior police officer and minister, murdered in 2003, claimed that Modi explicitly instructed civil servants and police not to stand in the killers' way. Of course, Modi has always denied involvement and condemned the riots.

The pogrom was extensively televised by India's innumerable – and then much less complacent – TV channels. Many middle-class Indians were shocked to hear how even the very young had not been spared – the slayers of Muslims were seen smashing the heads of children against rocks.

Side note: In 2005, an Indian government investigation finds that the fire was an accident and not caused by Muslims.

Hindus Destroy Mosque in Religious Tinderbox
Tens of thousands of Hindus storm the Babri Masjid mosque in the northern city of Ayodhya, demolishing it with sledgehammers and their bare hands. They assert that the site was the birthplace of the Hindu deity Ram and was taken from Hindus in the 16th century by India’s first Mughal ruler, who built a mosque on the site.

Riots claim more than 1,000 lives, most of them Muslims, in the worst religious clashes since the nation's bloody partition of British India in 1947. [/I]​

Extremist Indian Hindu Leader Parvin Togadia Calls For Occupying Muslim Homes, Says: 'When You Go Out In Streets, Plan To Spit [On Muslims]'
At a recent event in Bhavnagar, a town in Gujarat state, VHP president Pravin Togadia called for evicting Muslims from their homes and urged his extremist followers to occupy their houses and shops by forcibly capturing them, or through other tactics such as getting them entangled in legal cases.

India: Hindu Extremists Pass Laws Restricting Christianity
Christians in India are facing threats as Hindu extremists have taken over village councils to pass laws restricting religions other than Hindu. The laws reportedly make Christian prayer, meetings, and literature illegal, and non-Hindu missionaries are now banned in 50 towns.

Though India’s constitution guarantees citizens freedom of religion, state government authorities in Chhattisgarh have not intervened with the new laws. Authorities maintain that they are monitoring the situation.

Church leaders say that Christians have already been affected. At the most extreme, Christians have been denied access to food and water, or evicted from villages.

Extremist Hindus 'forced reconversions' spark Indian Christians' alarm[/SIZE]

India's Christians face attacks by Hindu extremists

You should have one of the older kids explain to you what a tu quoque fallacy is some day.[/QUOTE::

SHEEEESH doggie--------"tu quoque" I WAS FORCED TO GOOGLE !!!!!!!!!!
Gotta love those tolerant Hindus :cool:

The Hindu fundamentalists: request to ban the Muslim call to prayer in India
...The protest follows a series of incidents in Mangalore in recent days, in which groups of thugs threw stones against two mosques. In another incident, some Hindu extremists entered a madrassa (Islamic religious school) in the village of Vittla, shouting slogans of victory. In other cases, the individual Muslim citizens were beaten by radical militants. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 28/05/2014)
Christians in India Demand Justice for 2008 Orissa Massacre
Around 4,000 Christian homes and 400 churches were destroyed in a string of violence in the remote eastern region of India between August and September of 2008. Angry Hindus reportedly organized against Christians who were converting Indians to Christianity and urging them to leave their caste system.

Many of the Hindus that had converted were Dalits, or "Untouchables," who are the lowest caste in India and make up around one-fifth of the population. Dalits are treated as less than human, and reportedly see converting to Christianity as a way to escape their low class status.

"We saw 14 to 15 families being forced to drink cow urine as part of the conversion ceremony to purify their sins and then they had to sign a letter saying that they had become Hindus and would obey orders to attack Christians," one resident from Kandhamal, Vinod Nayak, revealed to CBN, referring to attempts by Hindus to force those who had converted to Christianity back into the caste system.

Those who refused to convert where reportedly raped or killed, and more than 50,000 Christians were displaced and forced to move into relief camps.

The Gujarat massacre: New India's blood rite]
In February 2002 the western Indian state of Gujarat, governed by the Hindu nationalist chief minister Narendra Modi, witnessed one of the country's biggest pogroms. Responding to reports that Muslims had set fire to a train carriage, killing 58 Hindu pilgrims inside, mobs rampaged across the state. The riots flared up again on 15 March – 10 years ago on Wednesday – and killing, raping and looting continued until mid-June. More than 2,000 Muslims were murdered, and tens of thousands rendered homeless in carefully planned and coordinated attacks of unprecedented savagery.

The killers may have been in touch with police and politicians. According to the 2011 Amicus report, two cabinet ministers even sat in police control rooms. A senior police officer and minister, murdered in 2003, claimed that Modi explicitly instructed civil servants and police not to stand in the killers' way. Of course, Modi has always denied involvement and condemned the riots.

The pogrom was extensively televised by India's innumerable – and then much less complacent – TV channels. Many middle-class Indians were shocked to hear how even the very young had not been spared – the slayers of Muslims were seen smashing the heads of children against rocks.

Side note: In 2005, an Indian government investigation finds that the fire was an accident and not caused by Muslims.

Hindus Destroy Mosque in Religious Tinderbox
Tens of thousands of Hindus storm the Babri Masjid mosque in the northern city of Ayodhya, demolishing it with sledgehammers and their bare hands. They assert that the site was the birthplace of the Hindu deity Ram and was taken from Hindus in the 16th century by India’s first Mughal ruler, who built a mosque on the site.

Riots claim more than 1,000 lives, most of them Muslims, in the worst religious clashes since the nation's bloody partition of British India in 1947. [/I]​

Extremist Indian Hindu Leader Parvin Togadia Calls For Occupying Muslim Homes, Says: 'When You Go Out In Streets, Plan To Spit [On Muslims]'
At a recent event in Bhavnagar, a town in Gujarat state, VHP president Pravin Togadia called for evicting Muslims from their homes and urged his extremist followers to occupy their houses and shops by forcibly capturing them, or through other tactics such as getting them entangled in legal cases.

India: Hindu Extremists Pass Laws Restricting Christianity
Christians in India are facing threats as Hindu extremists have taken over village councils to pass laws restricting religions other than Hindu. The laws reportedly make Christian prayer, meetings, and literature illegal, and non-Hindu missionaries are now banned in 50 towns.

Though India’s constitution guarantees citizens freedom of religion, state government authorities in Chhattisgarh have not intervened with the new laws. Authorities maintain that they are monitoring the situation.

Church leaders say that Christians have already been affected. At the most extreme, Christians have been denied access to food and water, or evicted from villages.

Extremist Hindus 'forced reconversions' spark Indian Christians' alarm[/SIZE]

India's Christians face attacks by Hindu extremists

You should have one of the older kids explain to you what a tu quoque fallacy is some day.

Oh yes, let's not talk about religious violence...after all, the OP was talking about Hindus. Please review the OP :)
Gotta love those tolerant Hindus :cool:

The Hindu fundamentalists: request to ban the Muslim call to prayer in India
...The protest follows a series of incidents in Mangalore in recent days, in which groups of thugs threw stones against two mosques. In another incident, some Hindu extremists entered a madrassa (Islamic religious school) in the village of Vittla, shouting slogans of victory. In other cases, the individual Muslim citizens were beaten by radical militants. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 28/05/2014)
Christians in India Demand Justice for 2008 Orissa Massacre
Around 4,000 Christian homes and 400 churches were destroyed in a string of violence in the remote eastern region of India between August and September of 2008. Angry Hindus reportedly organized against Christians who were converting Indians to Christianity and urging them to leave their caste system.

Many of the Hindus that had converted were Dalits, or "Untouchables," who are the lowest caste in India and make up around one-fifth of the population. Dalits are treated as less than human, and reportedly see converting to Christianity as a way to escape their low class status.

"We saw 14 to 15 families being forced to drink cow urine as part of the conversion ceremony to purify their sins and then they had to sign a letter saying that they had become Hindus and would obey orders to attack Christians," one resident from Kandhamal, Vinod Nayak, revealed to CBN, referring to attempts by Hindus to force those who had converted to Christianity back into the caste system.

Those who refused to convert where reportedly raped or killed, and more than 50,000 Christians were displaced and forced to move into relief camps.

The Gujarat massacre: New India's blood rite]
In February 2002 the western Indian state of Gujarat, governed by the Hindu nationalist chief minister Narendra Modi, witnessed one of the country's biggest pogroms. Responding to reports that Muslims had set fire to a train carriage, killing 58 Hindu pilgrims inside, mobs rampaged across the state. The riots flared up again on 15 March – 10 years ago on Wednesday – and killing, raping and looting continued until mid-June. More than 2,000 Muslims were murdered, and tens of thousands rendered homeless in carefully planned and coordinated attacks of unprecedented savagery.

The killers may have been in touch with police and politicians. According to the 2011 Amicus report, two cabinet ministers even sat in police control rooms. A senior police officer and minister, murdered in 2003, claimed that Modi explicitly instructed civil servants and police not to stand in the killers' way. Of course, Modi has always denied involvement and condemned the riots.

The pogrom was extensively televised by India's innumerable – and then much less complacent – TV channels. Many middle-class Indians were shocked to hear how even the very young had not been spared – the slayers of Muslims were seen smashing the heads of children against rocks.

Side note: In 2005, an Indian government investigation finds that the fire was an accident and not caused by Muslims.

Hindus Destroy Mosque in Religious Tinderbox
Tens of thousands of Hindus storm the Babri Masjid mosque in the northern city of Ayodhya, demolishing it with sledgehammers and their bare hands. They assert that the site was the birthplace of the Hindu deity Ram and was taken from Hindus in the 16th century by India’s first Mughal ruler, who built a mosque on the site.

Riots claim more than 1,000 lives, most of them Muslims, in the worst religious clashes since the nation's bloody partition of British India in 1947. [/I]​

Extremist Indian Hindu Leader Parvin Togadia Calls For Occupying Muslim Homes, Says: 'When You Go Out In Streets, Plan To Spit [On Muslims]'
At a recent event in Bhavnagar, a town in Gujarat state, VHP president Pravin Togadia called for evicting Muslims from their homes and urged his extremist followers to occupy their houses and shops by forcibly capturing them, or through other tactics such as getting them entangled in legal cases.

India: Hindu Extremists Pass Laws Restricting Christianity
Christians in India are facing threats as Hindu extremists have taken over village councils to pass laws restricting religions other than Hindu. The laws reportedly make Christian prayer, meetings, and literature illegal, and non-Hindu missionaries are now banned in 50 towns.

Though India’s constitution guarantees citizens freedom of religion, state government authorities in Chhattisgarh have not intervened with the new laws. Authorities maintain that they are monitoring the situation.

Church leaders say that Christians have already been affected. At the most extreme, Christians have been denied access to food and water, or evicted from villages.

Extremist Hindus 'forced reconversions' spark Indian Christians' alarm[/SIZE]

India's Christians face attacks by Hindu extremists

You should have one of the older kids explain to you what a tu quoque fallacy is some day.

Oh yes, let's not talk about religious violence...after all, the OP was talking about Hindus. Please review the OP :)

why not talk about religious violence? I am in a very unique position for this discussion----I have had VERY close relationships-----very CANDID relationships with people from both south east asia and the middle east----- Sikhs, Muslims, Jews, Christians and even a few Zoroastrians----who very correctly saw me as a kind of neutral recipient of their POV's and
family legacy accounts. Go right ahead..........go for it coyote-------tell us that HINDUS have the same approach to non hindus that muslims have towards non muslims-------I need a good laugh
Last edited:
I laughed too that Coyote had to chime in because some of her beloved Muslims were calling for attacks on non-Muslims (which of course that would include Coyote, you IRosie, and myself if we happened to be in India at this time, even if we were just tourists. Strange how you never see Coyote mention how the Muslims blow up shrines and attack Hindus when they are on pilgrimages. In fact, when you think about it, Coyote has been very silent about what ISIS and other radical Muslim groups are doing to non Muslims and even to other Muslims of different sects. Remember, we are not allowed to say anything bad about Muslims in front of Coyote -- no matter how many innocent people they have killed and are still killing.

The only question I have about this disgustingly dishonest creature is whether she is just a useful idiot or is an actual Jihadist. The M.O. does not change no matter what board she infests, and it is always involves attempts to intimidate people into submission over Islam, along with attacks on any group Jihadists typically oppose.

I think there is a very good reason she has never submitted a pic.
I laughed too that Coyote had to chime in because some of her beloved Muslims were calling for attacks on non-Muslims (which of course that would include Coyote, you IRosie, and myself if we happened to be in India at this time, even if we were just tourists. Strange how you never see Coyote mention how the Muslims blow up shrines and attack Hindus when they are on pilgrimages. In fact, when you think about it, Coyote has been very silent about what ISIS and other radical Muslim groups are doing to non Muslims and even to other Muslims of different sects. Remember, we are not allowed to say anything bad about Muslims in front of Coyote -- no matter how many innocent people they have killed and are still killing.

The only question I have about this disgustingly dishonest creature is whether she is just a useful idiot or is an actual Jihadist. The M.O. does not change no matter what board she infests, and it is always involves attempts to intimidate people into submission over Islam, along with attacks on any group Jihadists typically oppose.

I think there is a very good reason she has never submitted a pic.

Coyote is nothing new----she is a typical Nazi------many people do not know what I DO know about Nazis----they
are very pro Islamic filth. I do know because I read the Nazi literature way back----long ago----before 1960---when
I was a child and -----very naïve I did know that I am a jew----but had no concept of what is a "Nazi" what is an "arab" or what is a "muslim"-----and I actually have very little notion of what is "Judaism". To me "Judaism" as NO SANTA CLAUS-------and I did know that historically there was a bad guy named "HITLER"----something like MING---(enemy of Flash Gordon) With that level of "knowledge" I read the Nazi literature that littered the more seedy parts of my Nazi ---(restricted) town.

Coyote lives by it
I laughed too that Coyote had to chime in because some of her beloved Muslims were calling for attacks on non-Muslims (which of course that would include Coyote, you IRosie, and myself if we happened to be in India at this time, even if we were just tourists. Strange how you never see Coyote mention how the Muslims blow up shrines and attack Hindus when they are on pilgrimages. In fact, when you think about it, Coyote has been very silent about what ISIS and other radical Muslim groups are doing to non Muslims and even to other Muslims of different sects. Remember, we are not allowed to say anything bad about Muslims in front of Coyote -- no matter how many innocent people they have killed and are still killing.

The only question I have about this disgustingly dishonest creature is whether she is just a useful idiot or is an actual Jihadist. The M.O. does not change no matter what board she infests, and it is always involves attempts to intimidate people into submission over Islam, along with attacks on any group Jihadists typically oppose.

I think there is a very good reason she has never submitted a pic.

Seems that all you have left are personal attacks. :)
Seems that all you have left are personal attacks. :)

Poor Coyote. Here some repulsive subhumans called for the murder of innocent people, and all you did was show your solidarity with them by hating the same people they hate.

What's wrong with people that they won't join you in your hatred for anything that isn't Islamist, anyway?
You're not making any sense there Dogma.

Are you suggesting that killing innocent people is ok if they are of the wrong brand or their killers the right brand?

Silly me, I always assumed killing innocent civilians to be wrong - regardless of religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or political persuasion.

I'm glad you've clarified your stance now - to summarize your view, some are ok to kill (or, at least not worth shedding a tear for) and others are the acts of "repulsive subhumans"- it all depends on the brand of the killer and brand of the victim.

Now, tell me more about how these repulsive subhumans you seem concerned with that are markedly "different" from the rest of the repulsive subhumans. Perhaps there are subtleties among murderous thugs that we are missing or that you feel an affinity for.
Silly me, I always assumed killing innocent civilians to be wrong .

So, THAT'S who you vented your hateful little spleen against Hindus , the likes of which would be the first killed by your little darlings here instead of actually voicing even the mildest objection to the darlings, themselves.

It was because you actually support a concept diametrically opposed to the one you displayed .

yeah, right.

Why is it that every single Islamist lowlife I have ever encountered tries this same trick as you by saying they support something completely opposite of what they just supported? Is there some giant cookie cutter out there stamping you out?
Don't know about cookie cutters.

I just don't see any difference whether it's religious violence conducted by Muslims, Hindus or any other brand of human. You seem to think there is a difference. Dead is dead and none of them asked for it. They're just ordinary people trying to live ordinary lives. Something, it seems, you fail to recognize in your ceaseless effort to divide and categorize people according to religion rather than individual actions. You've outted yourself quite clearly.
You've outted yourself quite clearly.

As somebody who sees the pattern in your b.s? Somebody who can see what you are up to? Somebody who recognizes telltale Islamist apologetics? Somebody who notices how every time the subject has to do with Islamists wanting to kill innocent people how you side with them by attacking the same people they want to attack?

Yeah, I've really "outed" myself there.
I laughed too that Coyote had to chime in because some of her beloved Muslims were calling for attacks on non-Muslims (which of course that would include Coyote, you IRosie, and myself if we happened to be in India at this time, even if we were just tourists. Strange how you never see Coyote mention how the Muslims blow up shrines and attack Hindus when they are on pilgrimages. In fact, when you think about it, Coyote has been very silent about what ISIS and other radical Muslim groups are doing to non Muslims and even to other Muslims of different sects. Remember, we are not allowed to say anything bad about Muslims in front of Coyote -- no matter how many innocent people they have killed and are still killing.

The only question I have about this disgustingly dishonest creature is whether she is just a useful idiot or is an actual Jihadist. The M.O. does not change no matter what board she infests, and it is always involves attempts to intimidate people into submission over Islam, along with attacks on any group Jihadists typically oppose.

I think there is a very good reason she has never submitted a pic.

Seems that all you have left are personal attacks. :)

at whom is your baseless remark directed, coyote?
Silly me, I always assumed killing innocent civilians to be wrong .

So, THAT'S who you vented your hateful little spleen against Hindus , the likes of which would be the first killed by your little darlings here instead of actually voicing even the mildest objection to the darlings, themselves.

It was because you actually support a concept diametrically opposed to the one you displayed .

yeah, right.

Why is it that every single Islamist lowlife I have ever encountered tries this same trick as you by saying they support something completely opposite of what they just supported? Is there some giant cookie cutter out there stamping you out?

Dog-----one of the oft repeated statements about islam is the STRIDENT ASSERTION------ISLAM IS NOT
MONOLITHIC. I have known---quite well----many many muslims from many different countries--------yes it is---it is
very monolithic and its creed is entirely identical to the
Nazi creed with regard to "others" I was amazed---MORE THAN 45 years ago----at the fact that newly arrived to the USA muslims from India and Pakistan could quote Nazi propaganda by rote. If you examine shariah law---
you will understand the affinity------Nuremburg law was lifted
from the same source which is the basis of shariah. Lots of people LIKE it

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