Indian Science Conference: Climate change is NATURAL


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Huge AGW k00k losing on this :biggrin::biggrin::spinner:

Rajesh Agnihotri senior scientist at the Radio and Atmospheric Science Division, National Physics Laboratory, who mapped changing trends in India's monsoons, said there was nothing to suggest that this was because of man-made climate change.

Hypothetically, even if man stopped industrial activity, stopped using cars and stopped using air-conditioners, monsoon patterns would still change," said Agnihotri.

lsquo Fears of man-made global warming exaggerated rsquo - The Economic Times

Of course, the AGW religious nutters will fly in here and say these people "are not real scientists!!"


Season and climate is a fairly complex phenomenon. We have seasons because Earth's axis is tilted so that for six months in a year northern hemisphere is tilted towards Sun and for another six months it is southern hemisphere which is tilted towards Sun. The regions that fall in southern hemisphere experience extreme summer and winter because the tilt of earth's axis is such that southern hemisphere is tilted towards Sun during summer and it is tilted away from Sun during winter. Although seasons on Earth are directly attributed to the tilt of Earth's axis, their intensity depends on the distance between Earth and Sun at a given time of the year.

There is another funky thing that is happening with Earth's axis, both points of axis themselves make circle. Those of you who have played with tops during your childhood probably have noticed that the top of the top starts to make a circle as its spin starts to lose its intensity. This visualization comes in handy when imagining the circle that Earth's axis makes. So basically, either ends of Earth's axis are making a circle which takes about 26000 years to complete. As you guessed it, this means that the tilt of Earth's axis that is attributed to seasons on Earth is itself changing. This means that for 13000 years southern hemisphere will have the kind of weather it has now and in another 13000 years northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere will switch place. Of course the switch takes place gradually. This means that over a period of roughly 13000 years, the regions that are considered warm now will become cold and vice versa.

There is another factor to consider when it comes to climate change on Earth; it is the orbit of our solar system around the center of our galaxy. We don't have much data on this because people who experienced the hitch did not leave any data for us to analyze. This journey takes very long time and takes us through some interesting corners of the galaxy. Last time our solar system was in the same spot in its orbit as it is today was when dinosaurs roamed Earth. This probably is not our immediate concern as it will be few billions years before we may pass through a troubled region of our galaxy.

Having said all that, it is ridiculous to underestimate the damage pollution can do to us humans on Earth. Therefore it is our duty to minimize pollution as much as we can without being dramatic about it.
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According to those orbital forcings, the Milankovitch cycles, the earth should still be slowly cooling now, as it had been for thousands of years. Yet the earth recently did an about face and started warming quickly. Going the opposite way of the natural cycle is further evidence that humans are the cause of the sudden warming.
According to those orbital forcings, the Milankovitch cycles, the earth should still be slowly cooling now, as it had been for thousands of years. Yet the earth recently did an about face and started warming quickly. Going the opposite way of the natural cycle is further evidence that humans are the cause of the sudden warming.
Its is cooling you fucking moron...

We've been cooling since we made this interglacials' optimum, 8,000-10,000 years ago..
Is this the same indian science symposium with the lecture about ancient indian flying machines and inter-planetary spaceships?
Why yes, it is...
Sanskrit shocker Claims of 7 000yo inter-planetary planes shake up Indian Science Congress RT News

If you could read, you would have known that the scientists are not saying that the pollution created by man does not count. Here is what the scientists are saying:

"Climate change is a natural phenomenon while pollution is caused by man. We are definitely accelerating the process of climate change, but we cannot predict the rate or extent of climate change that can be attributed to man

Just like any other country, India has various organizations both public and private that employ scientists who have varied degree of views on things like climate. You are making an assumption that there is a homogeneous body called 'Indian Scientists'.

I personally am not too crazy about the ancient Indian inter-planetary spaceship but if there are some scientists who are investigating that then that is their business. There are scientists in western countries who are studying intelligent design theory. I do not see you deriding western scientists over that. Then why do you have such a strong desire to deride Indian scientists?
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One of the biggest issues with the graph is the fact that durations between plots changes. From 0 to 200 years its at a thirty year plot, from 200 to 20,000 its a 100 year plot, from 20,000 years to 1 million years its a 5,000 year plot and beyond that its 100,000 year plots..

If all the time scales were appropriately the same our noise today would not even be a blip in geological history. This is the same parlor trick Mann used to get his hockey stick, attaching an inappropriate proxy to the thermometer record that had a different time scale. The present Holocene would be but a blip in the next graph segment to the left.
That was only about Indian Monsoons.

Remember Skook, reading is fundamental. You being a moron doesn't make anything a hoax, it just makes you a moron.


Move to the Congo and Amazon to get them to lower their carbon footprint
That was only about Indian Monsoons.

Remember Skook, reading is fundamental. You being a moron doesn't make anything a hoax, it just makes you a moron.
I see that you are a mixed up person. you don't know if you are a he and she, but if you are two people, then let's rename you, one of you is 'mo' and the other 'ron' together, you are a 'moron'!!!! Sometimes I crack my ownself up!!!!!
Is this the same indian science symposium with the lecture about ancient indian flying machines and inter-planetary spaceships?
Why yes, it is...
Sanskrit shocker Claims of 7 000yo inter-planetary planes shake up Indian Science Congress RT News

And here is the response by one of the participants. Funny how you left that out... Or maybe not...

"NASA scientist Ram Prasad Gandhiraman started an online petition, demanding that the Indian Science Congress to cancel Bodas’s lecture, because it mixed mythology and science. "If we scientists remain passive, we are betraying not only the science, but also our children," said the petition, which was signed by over 1,000 people. Overall, in the last couple of weeks dozens of scientists slammed the idea to give a platform to “pseudoscience.”" soon as they see the scientists are Indian, they automatically call bs. Right......those fake Indian scientists!!:2up:

Like the fake scientists who just released research supporting the sun as the likely reason for ANY warming at ANY time.

Or the fake scientists who have concluded that minor volcanic eruptions have had significant impacts on climate bs of course!!!:coffee: soon as they see the scientists are Indian, they automatically call bs. Right......those fake Indian scientists!!:2up:

Like the fake scientists who just released research supporting the sun as the likely reason for ANY warming at ANY time.

Or the fake scientists who have concluded that minor volcanic eruptions have had significant impacts on climate bs of course!!!:coffee:

It is common sense to ask that what could be more likely cause of warming than a massive fusion reactor (Sun) at the center of our solar system. soon as they see the scientists are Indian, they automatically call bs. Right......those fake Indian scientists!!:2up:

Like the fake scientists who just released research supporting the sun as the likely reason for ANY warming at ANY time.

Or the fake scientists who have concluded that minor volcanic eruptions have had significant impacts on climate bs of course!!!:coffee:

It is common sense to ask that what could be more likely cause of warming than a massive fusion reactor (Sun) at the center of our solar system.
Well that's CO2!!! It's greater than the sun!!! soon as they see the scientists are Indian, they automatically call bs. Right......those fake Indian scientists!!:2up:

Like the fake scientists who just released research supporting the sun as the likely reason for ANY warming at ANY time.

Or the fake scientists who have concluded that minor volcanic eruptions have had significant impacts on climate bs of course!!!:coffee:

It is common sense to ask that what could be more likely cause of warming than a massive fusion reactor (Sun) at the center of our solar system.
Well that's CO2!!! It's greater than the sun!!!

We do not have data for sustained period of time to recognize a definite pattern. However, what we do know suggests towards causes that are beyond our control.

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