Indian software engineer gets killed in CA, his parents blame Trump

Again, you are going to have to show that Rudy did this independent of the larger picture. Crime rates across the US declined during the period. You still have failed to provide any evidence that reductions in crime rates were special to Republican versus Democratic rule.

Edit: I get the feeling that I'm debating somebody with zero ground in academics. I don't think you actually know the logical fallacies you are committing here.

Table 1

The opportunity cost of the time it takes to convince someone of something that what is widely accepted but they refuse to beleive is greater than the cost of spending my time elsewhere. If you would have conceded the fact that Rudy Juliani reduced crime in NY then there would be an honest atmosphere to continue with other disagreements on the issue. Adding the additional insult to the academic qualifications of a fella with a MA in Military History only demonstrates an urge to drive the conversation out of the academic realm and in to the trash heap. That aside, I've learned to take those without my level of education seriously and wouldn't dare dismiss them as "oh, well they have no academic background so their opinions don't count." Perhaps you do so in an attempt to hurt my pride in order to control my behavior into eliciting what you consider an academically minded response? Well then watch me let the merits stand and walk away.
I agree with the fact that crime decreased in NY. I agree with the fact that Rudy was in charge during that period. I question why you are drawing a correlation between these two things when I provided evidence that the nation, at large, showed reductions in crime rate.

Thus the burden of proof remains on you to show that Republican rule has a noted effect on crime rates in comparison to democratic rule.

The only folks to question Rudy in modern times are those with a political axe to grind. Of course, the burden on you is to prove that the reduction of crime in one city is for the same reasons for the reduction of crimes in others. After all it was you who accused me of academic dishonesty for not providing proof that Rudy is the cause. Now you assert that there was some other magical factor in which you have provided no proof. A simple google search of crime reduction in NY under Rudy will demonstrate that even those on the left begrudgingly give him credit. Now you want me to relitigate accepted facts? Indeed, the ball is in your court to tear down the common consensus, not mine to prove the common consensus is true. After all, there's not many I need to convince on something so widely accepted. And you expect me to attempt to convince you? No need. As this is common consensus the debate has been won already to all that matters. No need to waste my time with you. Your credibility on acceptance of facts and honesty went out the window when the personal insults entered into the conversation.
I don't have to tear down common consensus...I provided evidence to back my claim that crime rates decreased in general in the US. NYC is part of the US. The burden remains upon you to prove that the results in NYC are special to Republican rather than democratic rule. You have provided this much evidence: ZERO to support your claims. If it is so easy for you to Google results that show that Republican rule is superior to Democratic rule, then it remains a mystery why you have stubbornly refused to provide such evidence to back your claims.

Table 1

Assuming your assessment to be correct, you have yet to prove that the reduction in crime in NY is for the same reason for the reduction in crime in sayyyy... LA. You made the claim that Rudy is not to credit for reduction in crime in NY. Exactly what magical phonomina was then? People suddenly matured all of a sudden nation wide?

I don't know what your counter argument is so therefore I cannot address it. Now if you said that Rudy Juliani did not reduce crime in NY but "X" is the reason then we would have equal propositions. In reality you shouldn't be arguing that Rudy Juliani reduced crime, he did. We should be arguing to what extent can he take credit for it and to what extent he cannot. That's an honest debate. To disarm Rudy of all credit is simply disingenuous and more political than factual.
I'm not proposing something because I don't pretend to know something that it outside of my scope. For instance, I can say that humanity exists right now...but I cannot say how we came into existence.

Likewise, if you are proposing a reasoning for a phenomena you have to provide evidence for that reason. I'm simply stating that the entirety of America, NYC included, showed declines in crime rates. You are asserting that Rudy's rule was somehow not reflective of the burden of proof is on you since you are making a claim both for reasoning and for a unique display of the data.

Have you written any peer reviewed papers or taken any philosophy courses? It really seems like you are lost on basic reasoning or burden of proof here.
That's so shameless. It was probably some career criminal, who was fleeing robbing someone else, and kills this guy, and the parents try to say it was a hate crime and due to Trump? How shameless. I'm sorry your kid is dead, but blame the liberals and their pro criminal policies that allows people like that to be on the streets.

Kin allege killing of Warangal boy in US a hate crime
Why did they blame president Trump? He did nothing against that man...
Words can't kill. :dunno:
You could not be more wrong.

Why? If you say for example "kill all Indians" and somebody go and kill a Indian you're not guilty.
The man who killed is.
Just my opinion of course ;)
Words of a demagogue have power to lend permission and respectability to all sorts of actions.


Theres really no proof Trump has anything to do with this. It looks like a robbery.
That's so shameless. It was probably some career criminal, who was fleeing robbing someone else, and kills this guy, and the parents try to say it was a hate crime and due to Trump? How shameless. I'm sorry your kid is dead, but blame the liberals and their pro criminal policies that allows people like that to be on the streets.

Kin allege killing of Warangal boy in US a hate crime
Why did they blame president Trump? He did nothing against that man...
Words can't kill. :dunno:
You could not be more wrong.

Why? If you say for example "kill all Indians" and somebody go and kill a Indian you're not guilty.
The man who killed is.
Just my opinion of course ;)
Words of a demagogue have power to lend permission and respectability to all sorts of actions.


Theres really no proof Trump has anything to do with this. It looks like a robbery.

The US media still isn't touching this story and the Police still haven't made their press release about the arrest. Any theories why? Indian press all over the story.

A murdered son, a shocked home: How a Telangana family is coping with a student-shooting in the US

They haven't figured out how to blame the actions of a black thug on Trump yet.

Give them time. There is no amount of bullshit that is too much for them to spew if it means they can smear Trump.

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