Indian Tribe Wants to Preserve Heritage - Blacks Angry!

Why MUST we mix races?

What is the point, other than it being part of the progtard's vision of their melting pot utopia where everyone is the SAME?
Individuals are free to partner with those of other races. So it's not that we MUST mix races; however, it's that race mixing is not prohibited.

As such, America will become more and more a blended population as time goes on.
Who are you to tell any race they HAVE to allow another race to marry them? What right do you have to do that?

And I see no advantage at all to a "blended population." Again, why does everyone have to be the SAME? That's just politically correct leftist hyperbole.
And who are you to tell any individual that he/she cannot marry someone who is not of the same race? I am not ruled by my race? Are you ruled by your race?
So are you trying to say that someone should be FORCED to marry someone?

What if that's the way they want it?
Why MUST we mix races?

What is the point, other than it being part of the progtard's vision of their melting pot utopia where everyone is the SAME?
Individuals are free to partner with those of other races. So it's not that we MUST mix races; however, it's that race mixing is not prohibited.

As such, America will become more and more a blended population as time goes on.
Who are you to tell any race they HAVE to allow another race to marry them? What right do you have to do that?

And I see no advantage at all to a "blended population." Again, why does everyone have to be the SAME? That's just politically correct leftist hyperbole.
And who are you to tell any individual that he/she cannot marry someone who is not of the same race? I am not ruled by my race? Are you ruled by your race?
So are you trying to say that someone should be FORCED to marry someone?

What if that's the way they want it?
No, I am saying the opposite. I'm saying it should be up to individuals to choose who they marry. If two people of different races choose to marry, so be it. If individuals choose to limit themselves to their own race, well that's fine too.
Why MUST we mix races?

What is the point, other than it being part of the progtard's vision of their melting pot utopia where everyone is the SAME?
Individuals are free to partner with those of other races. So it's not that we MUST mix races; however, it's that race mixing is not prohibited.

As such, America will become more and more a blended population as time goes on.
Who are you to tell any race they HAVE to allow another race to marry them? What right do you have to do that?

And I see no advantage at all to a "blended population." Again, why does everyone have to be the SAME? That's just politically correct leftist hyperbole.
And who are you to tell any individual that he/she cannot marry someone who is not of the same race? I am not ruled by my race? Are you ruled by your race?
So are you trying to say that someone should be FORCED to marry someone?

What if that's the way they want it?
No, I am saying the opposite. I'm saying it should be up to individuals to choose who they marry. If two people of different races choose to marry, so be it. If individuals choose to limit themselves to their own race, well that's fine too.
For what it is worth, I rarely taught a kid half black, and half white, that was not very, very angry.

I mean first generation mixed, because half the kids I taught were Franco/African Creoles.
Why MUST we mix races?

What is the point, other than it being part of the progtard's vision of their melting pot utopia where everyone is the SAME?
Individuals are free to partner with those of other races. So it's not that we MUST mix races; however, it's that race mixing is not prohibited.

As such, America will become more and more a blended population as time goes on.
Who are you to tell any race they HAVE to allow another race to marry them? What right do you have to do that?

And I see no advantage at all to a "blended population." Again, why does everyone have to be the SAME? That's just politically correct leftist hyperbole.
And who are you to tell any individual that he/she cannot marry someone who is not of the same race? I am not ruled by my race? Are you ruled by your race?
So are you trying to say that someone should be FORCED to marry someone?

What if that's the way they want it?
No, I am saying the opposite. I'm saying it should be up to individuals to choose who they marry. If two people of different races choose to marry, so be it. If individuals choose to limit themselves to their own race, well that's fine too.
That being said, if your goal is to "keep you own race pure", well good luck with that. You may restrict you own marriage to you own race, but your children and grandchildren may not.
Why MUST we mix races?

What is the point, other than it being part of the progtard's vision of their melting pot utopia where everyone is the SAME?
Individuals are free to partner with those of other races. So it's not that we MUST mix races; however, it's that race mixing is not prohibited.

As such, America will become more and more a blended population as time goes on.
Who are you to tell any race they HAVE to allow another race to marry them? What right do you have to do that?

And I see no advantage at all to a "blended population." Again, why does everyone have to be the SAME? That's just politically correct leftist hyperbole.
And who are you to tell any individual that he/she cannot marry someone who is not of the same race? I am not ruled by my race? Are you ruled by your race?
So are you trying to say that someone should be FORCED to marry someone?

What if that's the way they want it?
No, I am saying the opposite. I'm saying it should be up to individuals to choose who they marry. If two people of different races choose to marry, so be it. If individuals choose to limit themselves to their own race, well that's fine too.
That's what I'm saying.
Individuals are free to partner with those of other races. So it's not that we MUST mix races; however, it's that race mixing is not prohibited.

As such, America will become more and more a blended population as time goes on.
Who are you to tell any race they HAVE to allow another race to marry them? What right do you have to do that?

And I see no advantage at all to a "blended population." Again, why does everyone have to be the SAME? That's just politically correct leftist hyperbole.
And who are you to tell any individual that he/she cannot marry someone who is not of the same race? I am not ruled by my race? Are you ruled by your race?
So are you trying to say that someone should be FORCED to marry someone?

What if that's the way they want it?
No, I am saying the opposite. I'm saying it should be up to individuals to choose who they marry. If two people of different races choose to marry, so be it. If individuals choose to limit themselves to their own race, well that's fine too.
For what it is worth, I rarely taught a kid half black, and half white, that was not very, very angry.

I mean first generation mixed, because half the kids I taught were Franco/African Creoles.
Do you think that the anger of the kids was due to the genetics of being of mixed race, or was it more due to something else?
Who are you to tell any race they HAVE to allow another race to marry them? What right do you have to do that?

And I see no advantage at all to a "blended population." Again, why does everyone have to be the SAME? That's just politically correct leftist hyperbole.
And who are you to tell any individual that he/she cannot marry someone who is not of the same race? I am not ruled by my race? Are you ruled by your race?
So are you trying to say that someone should be FORCED to marry someone?

What if that's the way they want it?
No, I am saying the opposite. I'm saying it should be up to individuals to choose who they marry. If two people of different races choose to marry, so be it. If individuals choose to limit themselves to their own race, well that's fine too.
For what it is worth, I rarely taught a kid half black, and half white, that was not very, very angry.

I mean first generation mixed, because half the kids I taught were Franco/African Creoles.
Do you think that the anger of the kids was due to the genetics of being of mixed race, or was it more due to something else?
It was due to the racism on both sides.

But, you knew that already.
Well, I don't think anyone here is saying that marrying someone of your own race should not be an option.
And who are you to tell any individual that he/she cannot marry someone who is not of the same race? I am not ruled by my race? Are you ruled by your race?
So are you trying to say that someone should be FORCED to marry someone?

What if that's the way they want it?
No, I am saying the opposite. I'm saying it should be up to individuals to choose who they marry. If two people of different races choose to marry, so be it. If individuals choose to limit themselves to their own race, well that's fine too.
For what it is worth, I rarely taught a kid half black, and half white, that was not very, very angry.

I mean first generation mixed, because half the kids I taught were Franco/African Creoles.
Do you think that the anger of the kids was due to the genetics of being of mixed race, or was it more due to something else?
It was due to the racism on both sides.

But, you knew that already.
In my community, most of the mixed race kids I've taught have not been inherently angry.

And you are right, I knew that already. However, there are those who would argue that the anger is due to breeding.
Why MUST we mix races?

What is the point, other than it being part of the progtard's vision of their melting pot utopia where everyone is the SAME?
Individuals are free to partner with those of other races. So it's not that we MUST mix races; however, it's that race mixing is not prohibited.

As such, America will become more and more a blended population as time goes on.
Who are you to tell any race they HAVE to allow another race to marry them? What right do you have to do that?

And I see no advantage at all to a "blended population." Again, why does everyone have to be the SAME? That's just politically correct leftist hyperbole.
And who are you to tell any individual that he/she cannot marry someone who is not of the same race? I am not ruled by my race? Are you ruled by your race?

What right does the black race have to tell American Indians that they MUST marry outside of their race or forgo government assistance? That's racial blackmail (no pun intended).
Why MUST we mix races?

What is the point, other than it being part of the progtard's vision of their melting pot utopia where everyone is the SAME?
Individuals are free to partner with those of other races. So it's not that we MUST mix races; however, it's that race mixing is not prohibited.

As such, America will become more and more a blended population as time goes on.
Who are you to tell any race they HAVE to allow another race to marry them? What right do you have to do that?

And I see no advantage at all to a "blended population." Again, why does everyone have to be the SAME? That's just politically correct leftist hyperbole.
And who are you to tell any individual that he/she cannot marry someone who is not of the same race? I am not ruled by my race? Are you ruled by your race?

What right does the black race have to tell American Indians that they MUST marry outside of their race or forgo government assistance? That's racial blackmail (no pun intended).
I don't beleive any race should be telling individuals who they should be allowed to marry or not marry!
How many white people are happy with their child marrying a black, hispanic or oriental?
How many Orientals, blacks or Hispanics are happy with their child marrying a white person?
Greeks marrying non Greeks...Huge NO NO....
Before I knew anything about how Greeks being insular, upon asking out a Greek girl for dinner, she told me straight out that her family would never allow her to even DATE a non Greek. Case freakin closed
A Native American Indian tribe wants to preserve its heritage but a group of Black politicians wants to put a stop to it. Wait a minute!!! We're all forced to endure the annual, February "Black History Month" but blacks don't want Indians to celebrate their history and heritage? Isn't that a tad bit disingenuous of them?
Past ban on marrying blacks may mar tribe's future
WASHINGTON (AP) — Several members of the Congressional Black Caucus are urging the Obama administration to withhold federal recognition of a Virginia Indian tribe because of its history of banning intermarriage with blacks.

In January, the Interior Department proposed recognizing the Pamunkey tribe in southeast Virginia, which would make members eligible for special benefits in education, housing and medical care — and allow the tribe to pursue a casino. A decision on recognition, which would be the first for a Virginia tribe, is due by March 30.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs said that the significant number of Pamunkey-Pamunkey marriages and efforts to encourage them helped satisfy a criterion for federal recognition: that a predominant portion of the group comprises a distinct community and has existed as one from historical times to the present.
Past ban on marrying blacks may mar tribe s future CNS News

We can allow an all black ...:
a) ... Miss Black American pageant.
b) ... colleges and Universities.
c) ... entertainment television (BET)
d) ... magazines (Ebony)

... but Indians aren't allowed to have an all Indian tribe? What gives?

Not like indians are the only ones with that sort of ban. Was common for Catholics and Jews too.

Agreed! See my post above.

All ethnicities share this concern. For various reasons some believe a 'pure ethnicty' is desireable, and so try to control who intermarries with whom. Jews worry interfaith marriages will result in children not being raised Jewish, indians apparently worry interethnic marriage will result in children being half indian the first generation, quarter the next, and on n on.

Simple fact though is this is inevitible. Human race will eventually be so interbred the ethnicites as they exist now will be long gone. Sooner we're all some tannish shade the better. Though I'm sure we'll still find something to hate one another about. Stars on our bellies, or no stars on our bellies...:)
I disagree..
So you you're going to toss the race card at me now?
Why MUST we mix races?

What is the point, other than it being part of the progtard's vision of their melting pot utopia where everyone is the SAME?
Individuals are free to partner with those of other races. So it's not that we MUST mix races; however, it's that race mixing is not prohibited.

As such, America will become more and more a blended population as time goes on.
Who are you to tell any race they HAVE to allow another race to marry them? What right do you have to do that?

And I see no advantage at all to a "blended population." Again, why does everyone have to be the SAME? That's just politically correct leftist hyperbole.
And who are you to tell any individual that he/she cannot marry someone who is not of the same race? I am not ruled by my race? Are you ruled by your race?

What right does the black race have to tell American Indians that they MUST marry outside of their race or forgo government assistance? That's racial blackmail (no pun intended).

that's HILARIOUS, because that is EXACTLY what I would tell black women.

"If you get pregnant by a black man , you are barred from welfare for LIFE"
All ethnicities share this concern. For various reasons some believe a 'pure ethnicty' is desireable, and so try to control who intermarries with whom. Jews worry interfaith marriages will result in children not being raised Jewish, indians apparently worry interethnic marriage will result in children being half indian the first generation, quarter the next, and on n on.

Simple fact though is this is inevitible. Human race will eventually be so interbred the ethnicites as they exist now will be long gone. Sooner we're all some tannish shade the better. Though I'm sure we'll still find something to hate one another about. Stars on our bellies, or no stars on our bellies...:)

I tend to disagree. True ... the Liberal/Socialist push to intermarry for the sake of intermarriage is alive and well and many there be who will fall for their mantra hook, line, and sinker. However, there will always be pockets where various ethnic groups remain true to their roots and heritage. I consider the Feline Family. Lions and Tigers have been around for centuries. They're still Lions and Tigers. Can they interbreed? Yes. Do they interbreed without man's interference? No.

There's no evolutionary advantages in remaining ethnicly "pure." Quite a lot of disadvantages in fact as seen in Jews and blacks with inherited genetic conditions becoming more and more common as with Taysach's in Jews, and sickle cell in blacks. Interethnic breeding helps to suppress heriditary contions like these.

I disagree again. There are various advantages to remaining ethnically pure. Firstly, if God is the Planner and Designer then I should think that His current design IS as it should be. He, not we, get to exercise His will in such a manner. Secondly, history shows that Europeans are far more advanced where architecture; engineering; technology; medicine; travel; communication; etc. are concerned as compared to African peoples. Would it benefit the European peoples to reduce their standards by mixing their blood with a people who's standards are far lower?

Maybe God created us ethnicly pure to teach us that staying thus is bad, but intermarrying is good?

Not if you read what He has to say about it:

Genesis 1:25, "And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good."

1 Kings 11:2, "Of the nations concerning which the LORD said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods: Solomon clave unto these in love."

Following that logic, you must therefore never eat any hybrid vegetables.

Do you consider mules an abomination?
Why MUST we mix races?

What is the point, other than it being part of the progtard's vision of their melting pot utopia where everyone is the SAME?

Because science proves that the mixing of the gene pool vastly improves the viability of a species well into the future. It makes the species, overall, more resistant to sicknesses, insures that a decent portion of the population survives a possible pandemic and it is also proven that mixing actually increases IQ.

So, once again, a bone-stupid Contard loses out. Logic and numbers triumph over RWNJ hate any day of the week.
Why MUST we mix races?

What is the point, other than it being part of the progtard's vision of their melting pot utopia where everyone is the SAME?

Because science proves that the mixing of the gene pool vastly improves the viability of a species well into the future. It makes the species, overall, more resistant to sicknesses, insures that a decent portion of the population survives a possible pandemic and it is also proven that mixing actually increases IQ.

So, once again, a bone-stupid Contard loses out. Logic and numbers triumph over RWNJ hate any day of the week.

There's NO DOUBT about those things.


When you do , if they don't kill you. The following are likely to happen

You lose an eye at a riot you're man took you to
Your kid gets shot by the police at 12 years old cuz no responsible male told him how to behave
Your kid gets shot at age 18 by the police see above

So, yes absolutely a black woman increases both her and her child's chances of survival if she doesn't breed with a black man.

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