Indiana House passes "religious freedom" bill

Alrightie Hoosiers, get your Christ on and discriminate against the Gheys at will.
Bummer. Gonna suck when it's struck down as unconstitutional.

Where does the constitution force a person to bake a cake they don't want to bake? Isn't that involuntary servitude?

It's the Equal Accomodation laws. You know, those things you can't stand but I swore to uphold.

Should have never targeted you have the blow back, stupid people

Oh we haven't begun to target Christians yet. You just wait. Gonna make you guys afraid to tell people beyond your own congregations you're religious.

I would tell you to go fuck yourself with a tire iron, but you would probably enjoy it.

Fucking Fascist. The biggest assholes in the world today are stuffy, prick atheists.

Oh you'll be free to be whatever mental illness you care to be at your homes, in your insane asylums, but everywhere in-between any overt religious declaration will have people regarding you just as they would any crazy person. It's coming.
Where does the constitution force a person to bake a cake they don't want to bake? Isn't that involuntary servitude?

It's the Equal Accomodation laws. You know, those things you can't stand but I swore to uphold.

Should have never targeted you have the blow back, stupid people

Oh we haven't begun to target Christians yet. You just wait. Gonna make you guys afraid to tell people beyond your own congregations you're religious.

I would tell you to go fuck yourself with a tire iron, but you would probably enjoy it.

Fucking Fascist. The biggest assholes in the world today are stuffy, prick atheists.

Oh you'll be free to be whatever mental illness you care to be at your homes, in your insane asylums, but everywhere in-between any overt religious declaration will have people regarding you just as they would any crazy person. It's coming.

LOL Go play with your b/f fruiter, gawd you people are mental
Where does the constitution force a person to bake a cake they don't want to bake? Isn't that involuntary servitude?

It's the Equal Accomodation laws. You know, those things you can't stand but I swore to uphold.

Should have never targeted you have the blow back, stupid people

Oh we haven't begun to target Christians yet. You just wait. Gonna make you guys afraid to tell people beyond your own congregations you're religious.

I would tell you to go fuck yourself with a tire iron, but you would probably enjoy it.

Fucking Fascist. The biggest assholes in the world today are stuffy, prick atheists.

Oh you'll be free to be whatever mental illness you care to be at your homes, in your insane asylums, but everywhere in-between any overt religious declaration will have people regarding you just as they would any crazy person. It's coming.

Stop trying to control other people's lives, you sad tired sack of shit.
Funny how they name these laws the opposite of what they really are.

Well, they couldn't exactly name it the STRAIGHTS ONLY LUNCH COUNTER ACT, now could they?

Because gay people are being denied seats at lunch counters, right?

The problem is the definition of a public accommodation as basically "any business out there" A public accommodation is some place a person actually walks into and performs a transaction, not "everything involving commerce"
What ISIS is doing right now in the name of Islam is casting an increasingly dark shadow on ALL religions. Eventually people are gonna start asking themselves how Islam is any different than Christianity and all the others. Especially when Westboro and the like are doing things extremist Muslims do. And not shortly thereafter religion will cease being something respectable and be thought of as it is, a mental illness.
What ISIS is doing right now in the name of Islam is casting an increasingly dark shadow on ALL religions. Eventually people are gonna start asking themselves how Islam is any different than Christianity and all the others. Especially when Westboro and the like are doing things extremist Muslims do. And not shortly thereafter religion will cease being something respectable and be thought of as it is, a mental illness.

Now you're building a straw man
What ISIS is doing right now in the name of Islam is casting an increasingly dark shadow on ALL religions. Eventually people are gonna start asking themselves how Islam is any different than Christianity and all the others. Especially when Westboro and the like are doing things extremist Muslims do. And not shortly thereafter religion will cease being something respectable and be thought of as it is, a mental illness.

Now you're building a straw man

You wish.

Kathleen Taylor Neuroscientist Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness
What ISIS is doing right now in the name of Islam is casting an increasingly dark shadow on ALL religions. Eventually people are gonna start asking themselves how Islam is any different than Christianity and all the others. Especially when Westboro and the like are doing things extremist Muslims do. And not shortly thereafter religion will cease being something respectable and be thought of as it is, a mental illness.

Now you're building a straw man

You wish.

Kathleen Taylor Neuroscientist Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness

Who in the hell is Katheleen Taylor? Some left loon the homos paid to do a "study"? LMAO
Bummer. Gonna suck when it's struck down as unconstitutional.

Where does the constitution force a person to bake a cake they don't want to bake? Isn't that involuntary servitude?

It's the Equal Accomodation laws. You know, those things you can't stand but I swore to uphold.

Should have never targeted you have the blow back, stupid people

Oh we haven't begun to target Christians yet. You just wait. Gonna make you guys afraid to tell people beyond your own congregations you're religious.

You're outnumbered and would be wise to remember that, we're sick of your whiny ass BS
Look at the silly bullying behavior.
What ISIS is doing right now in the name of Islam is casting an increasingly dark shadow on ALL religions. Eventually people are gonna start asking themselves how Islam is any different than Christianity and all the others. Especially when Westboro and the like are doing things extremist Muslims do. And not shortly thereafter religion will cease being something respectable and be thought of as it is, a mental illness.

Now you're building a straw man

You wish.

Kathleen Taylor Neuroscientist Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness

Who in the hell is Katheleen Taylor? Some left loon the homos paid to do a "study"? LMAO

Levity, the last resort of the condemned.
Christians don't actually outnumber rational people. Rather, when a stranger asks you over the phone you just say what you think is a good answer. Actually reliigous Christians are few and far between. And those willing to be fed to the lions even fewer still.
This seems like a rather unnecessary law considering Indiana's Public Accommodation Laws do not cover gays. Does this law only apply to private businesses?
Funny how they name these laws the opposite of what they really are.

Well, they couldn't exactly name it the STRAIGHTS ONLY LUNCH COUNTER ACT, now could they?

Because gay people are being denied seats at lunch counters, right?

What do you think the purpose of this bill is, dipshit?

It's so bigots can have STRAIGHTS ONLY businesses.

As long as they put a sign up, in this day and age, the market will handle it. And I doubt most actual walk in, cash/carry type businesses would even resort to this. What this prevents is people having to decide between their religious convictions and going out of business when it comes to a good or service that is 1) non-vital and 2) not really a public accommodation at all.
Funny how they name these laws the opposite of what they really are.

Well, they couldn't exactly name it the STRAIGHTS ONLY LUNCH COUNTER ACT, now could they?

Because gay people are being denied seats at lunch counters, right?

What do you think the purpose of this bill is, dipshit?

It's so bigots can have STRAIGHTS ONLY businesses.

As long as they put a sign up, in this day and age, the market will handle it. And I doubt most actual walk in, cash/carry type businesses would even resort to this. What this prevents is people having to decide between their religious convictions and going out of business when it comes to a good or service that is 1) non-vital and 2) not really a public accommodation at all.
Like I said, they couldn't exactly name it the STRAIGHTS ONLY LUNCH COUNTER ACT, now could they.

But that's exactly what it is.

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