Indiana is for Bigots - video and Pence running for cover

How funny is it that the corporations are steamrolling the Christian Right and all of its nutty supporters?

It's the Voice of the Corporations are People my friend!

how 'funny' is it that corporate CEOs like Apple's Tim Cook slam Indiana while he sells products to countries that kill gays....?
Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.

Then they aren't true Christians and cannot claim to be.

In the following discussion, this article's survey of over 3,000 gay men is "the Given":

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Jude 1 divides the homosexual issue into two components and prescribes a different protocol for each:

1. The individual homosexual, who the Christian is supposed to reach out to in compassion "making a difference" in their disfigured lives. The reward for doing this is salvation for the Christian.

2. The homosexual movement, the subculture that always seeks to overthrow normal values in its twisted quest to feel legitimate and not have to face the source of its pain by bumping up against moral values. Sodom was given as an example. But in Jude 1 of the New Testament (the Bible of modern Christians) it said that the same applies to other cities like Sodom. San Francisco would be a modern example. Ancient Greece, another. The "reward" for failing to stave off this advancement is eternity in the pit of fire for any Christian who fails.

Apparently it is (very) important to God that the matrix itself within which all humans learn and live and are tested, not be fundamentally tampered with. I'll leave readers here to meditate on why that is...

Since marriage is the hub of any culture, homosexuals seeking to overtake it is one and the same as homosexuals seeking to take over a culture. A Christian who partakes in enabling that, by choice or by force, is damned either way to the pit of fire. A Christian has no choice. They MUST not participate in so-called "gay marriage". Just as they MUST not harm individual gays: Grand Theater in California Shocked Sodomite Suppression Act US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I laugh at the title of this thread BTW. "Pence running for cover"....and all the GOP bigwigs too who have got his back? I think they've seen the poll on this thread and have done the math: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 831 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


So . . . you take one stance in your first paragraph and then defend bigotry in the next five? Lol. Let your GOD be the judge. It's not your job to judge. Regardless of your religion, homosexuals are human beings.

The ill don't make great judges of their own behavior. Did you read the results of the 3,000 gay men questioned? Childhood molestation survivors and their resulting habituated behaviors are not to be mainstreamed. They are to be dealt with compassionately. You are coming from a premise of "trying to copulate with the same gender and play pretend mom and dad is OK". The Christian faith teaches that it is not. There's the impasse. And it is precisely that impasse that Pence is dealing with.

You seem to forget there are two sides to the "is homosexuality to be normalized" debate. Pence hasn't forgotten that. Neither have 82% of the repondents to the "Should Churches..." poll.

I haven't said anything about any of those things. The only reason why a person would refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple is because of their hatred. That's the bottom line. There is no other logical explanation. It's not YOUR job to judge them. God doesn't need your help. Baking a cake or taking pictures or whatever is NOT approving of anyone's lifestyle. In fact, there are a plenty of sleazy heterosexuals couples who get married for money or who have no intentions on being faithful, some are abusive, etc.

Where do you get off claiming it's hatred? You lose all credibility when you do that
Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.

Then they aren't true Christians and cannot claim to be.

In the following discussion, this article's survey of over 3,000 gay men is "the Given":

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Jude 1 divides the homosexual issue into two components and prescribes a different protocol for each:

1. The individual homosexual, who the Christian is supposed to reach out to in compassion "making a difference" in their disfigured lives. The reward for doing this is salvation for the Christian.

2. The homosexual movement, the subculture that always seeks to overthrow normal values in its twisted quest to feel legitimate and not have to face the source of its pain by bumping up against moral values. Sodom was given as an example. But in Jude 1 of the New Testament (the Bible of modern Christians) it said that the same applies to other cities like Sodom. San Francisco would be a modern example. Ancient Greece, another. The "reward" for failing to stave off this advancement is eternity in the pit of fire for any Christian who fails.

Apparently it is (very) important to God that the matrix itself within which all humans learn and live and are tested, not be fundamentally tampered with. I'll leave readers here to meditate on why that is...

Since marriage is the hub of any culture, homosexuals seeking to overtake it is one and the same as homosexuals seeking to take over a culture. A Christian who partakes in enabling that, by choice or by force, is damned either way to the pit of fire. A Christian has no choice. They MUST not participate in so-called "gay marriage". Just as they MUST not harm individual gays: Grand Theater in California Shocked Sodomite Suppression Act US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I laugh at the title of this thread BTW. "Pence running for cover"....and all the GOP bigwigs too who have got his back? I think they've seen the poll on this thread and have done the math: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 831 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


So . . . you take one stance in your first paragraph and then defend bigotry in the next five? Lol. Let your GOD be the judge. It's not your job to judge. Regardless of your religion, homosexuals are human beings.

The ill don't make great judges of their own behavior. Did you read the results of the 3,000 gay men questioned? Childhood molestation survivors and their resulting habituated behaviors are not to be mainstreamed. They are to be dealt with compassionately. You are coming from a premise of "trying to copulate with the same gender and play pretend mom and dad is OK". The Christian faith teaches that it is not. There's the impasse. And it is precisely that impasse that Pence is dealing with.

You seem to forget there are two sides to the "is homosexuality to be normalized" debate. Pence hasn't forgotten that. Neither have 82% of the repondents to the "Should Churches..." poll.

I haven't said anything about any of those things. The only reason why a person would refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple is because of their hatred. That's the bottom line. There is no other logical explanation. It's not YOUR job to judge them. God doesn't need your help. Baking a cake or taking pictures or whatever is NOT approving of anyone's lifestyle. In fact, there are a plenty of sleazy heterosexuals couples who get married for money or who have no intentions on being faithful, some are abusive, etc.

Where do you get off claiming it's hatred? You lose all credibility when you do that

What else is it? You think you're going to hell for baking a cake?
How funny is it that the corporations are steamrolling the Christian Right and all of its nutty supporters?

It's the Voice of the Corporations are People my friend!

how 'funny' is it that corporate CEOs like Apple's Tim Cook slam Indiana while he sells products to countries that kill gays....?

It's the hypocrisy of the left and homosexuals. If it were not so sad it would be funny
Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.

Then they aren't true Christians and cannot claim to be.

In the following discussion, this article's survey of over 3,000 gay men is "the Given":

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Jude 1 divides the homosexual issue into two components and prescribes a different protocol for each:

1. The individual homosexual, who the Christian is supposed to reach out to in compassion "making a difference" in their disfigured lives. The reward for doing this is salvation for the Christian.

2. The homosexual movement, the subculture that always seeks to overthrow normal values in its twisted quest to feel legitimate and not have to face the source of its pain by bumping up against moral values. Sodom was given as an example. But in Jude 1 of the New Testament (the Bible of modern Christians) it said that the same applies to other cities like Sodom. San Francisco would be a modern example. Ancient Greece, another. The "reward" for failing to stave off this advancement is eternity in the pit of fire for any Christian who fails.

Apparently it is (very) important to God that the matrix itself within which all humans learn and live and are tested, not be fundamentally tampered with. I'll leave readers here to meditate on why that is...

Since marriage is the hub of any culture, homosexuals seeking to overtake it is one and the same as homosexuals seeking to take over a culture. A Christian who partakes in enabling that, by choice or by force, is damned either way to the pit of fire. A Christian has no choice. They MUST not participate in so-called "gay marriage". Just as they MUST not harm individual gays: Grand Theater in California Shocked Sodomite Suppression Act US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I laugh at the title of this thread BTW. "Pence running for cover"....and all the GOP bigwigs too who have got his back? I think they've seen the poll on this thread and have done the math: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 831 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


So . . . you take one stance in your first paragraph and then defend bigotry in the next five? Lol. Let your GOD be the judge. It's not your job to judge. Regardless of your religion, homosexuals are human beings.

The ill don't make great judges of their own behavior. Did you read the results of the 3,000 gay men questioned? Childhood molestation survivors and their resulting habituated behaviors are not to be mainstreamed. They are to be dealt with compassionately. You are coming from a premise of "trying to copulate with the same gender and play pretend mom and dad is OK". The Christian faith teaches that it is not. There's the impasse. And it is precisely that impasse that Pence is dealing with.

You seem to forget there are two sides to the "is homosexuality to be normalized" debate. Pence hasn't forgotten that. Neither have 82% of the repondents to the "Should Churches..." poll.

I haven't said anything about any of those things. The only reason why a person would refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple is because of their hatred. That's the bottom line. There is no other logical explanation. It's not YOUR job to judge them. God doesn't need your help. Baking a cake or taking pictures or whatever is NOT approving of anyone's lifestyle. In fact, there are a plenty of sleazy heterosexuals couples who get married for money or who have no intentions on being faithful, some are abusive, etc.

Where do you get off claiming it's hatred? You lose all credibility when you do that

What else is it? You think you're going to hell for baking a cake?

You're obviously not religious
Nope. The only time it's "wrong" in the sense that it should be outlawed is when government is involved. Private citizens haven't violated anyone's right by discriminating against them because no one has a right to be served. Making people do things is not what rights are.

Sure, I agree that they don't have to serve anyone, but it's one dumbass business decision and they WILL pay for it. Times have changed. About time some of you conservatives acknowledge that. We aren't living in the 1950s anymore.
I think your getting sucked into the Leftist narrative that conservatives are pining for any opportunity to discriminate. In fact if public accommodation laws were repealed, very little would change because racism is not a conservative value, and tolerance is and always has been. Leftists are deluded and project the impious bigotry in their own hearts onto others.

Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.
Actually the only time I see conservatives propose to turn away gay people is when their service would categorically support their lifestyle, such as catering for gay weddings. Conservatives are very easy going people and don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms until it's shoved in their faces. I think you've become convinced of a myth that never has been true.

Good Lord, baking a cake does NOT mean you support the "gay lifestyle." It's baking a damn cake. Nobody is shoving anything in your face by asking you to bake a cake.

so you'd be OK with baking a cake for a pedophile who wants to use it in a party for little boys or girls...?
Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.

Then they aren't true Christians and cannot claim to be.

In the following discussion, this article's survey of over 3,000 gay men is "the Given":

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Jude 1 divides the homosexual issue into two components and prescribes a different protocol for each:

1. The individual homosexual, who the Christian is supposed to reach out to in compassion "making a difference" in their disfigured lives. The reward for doing this is salvation for the Christian.

2. The homosexual movement, the subculture that always seeks to overthrow normal values in its twisted quest to feel legitimate and not have to face the source of its pain by bumping up against moral values. Sodom was given as an example. But in Jude 1 of the New Testament (the Bible of modern Christians) it said that the same applies to other cities like Sodom. San Francisco would be a modern example. Ancient Greece, another. The "reward" for failing to stave off this advancement is eternity in the pit of fire for any Christian who fails.

Apparently it is (very) important to God that the matrix itself within which all humans learn and live and are tested, not be fundamentally tampered with. I'll leave readers here to meditate on why that is...

Since marriage is the hub of any culture, homosexuals seeking to overtake it is one and the same as homosexuals seeking to take over a culture. A Christian who partakes in enabling that, by choice or by force, is damned either way to the pit of fire. A Christian has no choice. They MUST not participate in so-called "gay marriage". Just as they MUST not harm individual gays: Grand Theater in California Shocked Sodomite Suppression Act US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I laugh at the title of this thread BTW. "Pence running for cover"....and all the GOP bigwigs too who have got his back? I think they've seen the poll on this thread and have done the math: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 831 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


So . . . you take one stance in your first paragraph and then defend bigotry in the next five? Lol. Let your GOD be the judge. It's not your job to judge. Regardless of your religion, homosexuals are human beings.

The ill don't make great judges of their own behavior. Did you read the results of the 3,000 gay men questioned? Childhood molestation survivors and their resulting habituated behaviors are not to be mainstreamed. They are to be dealt with compassionately. You are coming from a premise of "trying to copulate with the same gender and play pretend mom and dad is OK". The Christian faith teaches that it is not. There's the impasse. And it is precisely that impasse that Pence is dealing with.

You seem to forget there are two sides to the "is homosexuality to be normalized" debate. Pence hasn't forgotten that. Neither have 82% of the repondents to the "Should Churches..." poll.

I haven't said anything about any of those things. The only reason why a person would refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple is because of their hatred. That's the bottom line. There is no other logical explanation. It's not YOUR job to judge them. God doesn't need your help. Baking a cake or taking pictures or whatever is NOT approving of anyone's lifestyle. In fact, there are a plenty of sleazy heterosexuals couples who get married for money or who have no intentions on being faithful, some are abusive, etc.

Where do you get off claiming it's hatred? You lose all credibility when you do that

What else is it? You think you're going to hell for baking a cake?

You're obviously not religious

I know enough to know that Jesus surrounded himself with "sinners." He treated them like human beings. He was on the side of Mary Magdelan the prostitute when men wanted to kill her for being a prostitute. Something like, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
Sure, I agree that they don't have to serve anyone, but it's one dumbass business decision and they WILL pay for it. Times have changed. About time some of you conservatives acknowledge that. We aren't living in the 1950s anymore.
I think your getting sucked into the Leftist narrative that conservatives are pining for any opportunity to discriminate. In fact if public accommodation laws were repealed, very little would change because racism is not a conservative value, and tolerance is and always has been. Leftists are deluded and project the impious bigotry in their own hearts onto others.

Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.
Actually the only time I see conservatives propose to turn away gay people is when their service would categorically support their lifestyle, such as catering for gay weddings. Conservatives are very easy going people and don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms until it's shoved in their faces. I think you've become convinced of a myth that never has been true.

Good Lord, baking a cake does NOT mean you support the "gay lifestyle." It's baking a damn cake. Nobody is shoving anything in your face by asking you to bake a cake.

so you'd be OK with baking a cake for a pedophile who wants to use it in a party for little boys or girls...?

Pedophilia is irrelevant. That is not two consenting parties and a child is being hurt.
Then they aren't true Christians and cannot claim to be.

In the following discussion, this article's survey of over 3,000 gay men is "the Given":

Jude 1 divides the homosexual issue into two components and prescribes a different protocol for each:

1. The individual homosexual, who the Christian is supposed to reach out to in compassion "making a difference" in their disfigured lives. The reward for doing this is salvation for the Christian.

2. The homosexual movement, the subculture that always seeks to overthrow normal values in its twisted quest to feel legitimate and not have to face the source of its pain by bumping up against moral values. Sodom was given as an example. But in Jude 1 of the New Testament (the Bible of modern Christians) it said that the same applies to other cities like Sodom. San Francisco would be a modern example. Ancient Greece, another. The "reward" for failing to stave off this advancement is eternity in the pit of fire for any Christian who fails.

Apparently it is (very) important to God that the matrix itself within which all humans learn and live and are tested, not be fundamentally tampered with. I'll leave readers here to meditate on why that is...

Since marriage is the hub of any culture, homosexuals seeking to overtake it is one and the same as homosexuals seeking to take over a culture. A Christian who partakes in enabling that, by choice or by force, is damned either way to the pit of fire. A Christian has no choice. They MUST not participate in so-called "gay marriage". Just as they MUST not harm individual gays: Grand Theater in California Shocked Sodomite Suppression Act US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I laugh at the title of this thread BTW. "Pence running for cover"....and all the GOP bigwigs too who have got his back? I think they've seen the poll on this thread and have done the math: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 831 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


The ill don't make great judges of their own behavior. Did you read the results of the 3,000 gay men questioned? Childhood molestation survivors and their resulting habituated behaviors are not to be mainstreamed. They are to be dealt with compassionately. You are coming from a premise of "trying to copulate with the same gender and play pretend mom and dad is OK". The Christian faith teaches that it is not. There's the impasse. And it is precisely that impasse that Pence is dealing with.

You seem to forget there are two sides to the "is homosexuality to be normalized" debate. Pence hasn't forgotten that. Neither have 82% of the repondents to the "Should Churches..." poll.

I haven't said anything about any of those things. The only reason why a person would refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple is because of their hatred. That's the bottom line. There is no other logical explanation. It's not YOUR job to judge them. God doesn't need your help. Baking a cake or taking pictures or whatever is NOT approving of anyone's lifestyle. In fact, there are a plenty of sleazy heterosexuals couples who get married for money or who have no intentions on being faithful, some are abusive, etc.

Where do you get off claiming it's hatred? You lose all credibility when you do that

What else is it? You think you're going to hell for baking a cake?

You're obviously not religious

I know enough to know that Jesus surrounded himself with "sinners." He treated them like human beings. He was on the side of Mary Magdelan the prostitute when men wanted to kill her for being a prostitute. Something like, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

That has nothing to do with what you call "hate". I suggest you practice what you preach....tolerance for those that do not hold your beliefs if not you are practicing tyranny
I know enough to know that Jesus surrounded himself with "sinners." He treated them like human beings. He was on the side of Mary Magdelan the prostitute when men wanted to kill her for being a prostitute. Something like, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
A great line, that he probably didn't say, but it's a good one.

And the religion of Sassy is the one that tied women to stakes, and burned them alive.
I haven't said anything about any of those things. The only reason why a person would refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple is because of their hatred. That's the bottom line. There is no other logical explanation. It's not YOUR job to judge them. God doesn't need your help. Baking a cake or taking pictures or whatever is NOT approving of anyone's lifestyle. In fact, there are a plenty of sleazy heterosexuals couples who get married for money or who have no intentions on being faithful, some are abusive, etc.

Where do you get off claiming it's hatred? You lose all credibility when you do that

What else is it? You think you're going to hell for baking a cake?

You're obviously not religious

I know enough to know that Jesus surrounded himself with "sinners." He treated them like human beings. He was on the side of Mary Magdelan the prostitute when men wanted to kill her for being a prostitute. Something like, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

That has nothing to do with what you call "hate". I suggest you practice what you preach....tolerance for those that do not hold your beliefs if not you are practicing tyranny

I should practice what I preach? I do. I don't care what gay people do in their bedroom. It's not my business. IF they are "sinning" then God will take care of it. They are STILL human beings and should be treated like human beings.
I know enough to know that Jesus surrounded himself with "sinners." He treated them like human beings. He was on the side of Mary Magdelan the prostitute when men wanted to kill her for being a prostitute. Something like, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
A great line, that he probably didn't say, but it's a good one.

And the religion of Sassy is the one that tied women to stakes, and burned them alive.

Well, I don't know her or anything about her, so I won't go there. :)
I think your getting sucked into the Leftist narrative that conservatives are pining for any opportunity to discriminate. In fact if public accommodation laws were repealed, very little would change because racism is not a conservative value, and tolerance is and always has been. Leftists are deluded and project the impious bigotry in their own hearts onto others.

Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.
Actually the only time I see conservatives propose to turn away gay people is when their service would categorically support their lifestyle, such as catering for gay weddings. Conservatives are very easy going people and don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms until it's shoved in their faces. I think you've become convinced of a myth that never has been true.

Good Lord, baking a cake does NOT mean you support the "gay lifestyle." It's baking a damn cake. Nobody is shoving anything in your face by asking you to bake a cake.

so you'd be OK with baking a cake for a pedophile who wants to use it in a party for little boys or girls...?

Pedophilia is irrelevant. That is not two consenting parties and a child is being hurt.

so you agree that there are certain times when you would not be 'baking a damn cake'.....?
Where do you get off claiming it's hatred? You lose all credibility when you do that

What else is it? You think you're going to hell for baking a cake?

You're obviously not religious

I know enough to know that Jesus surrounded himself with "sinners." He treated them like human beings. He was on the side of Mary Magdelan the prostitute when men wanted to kill her for being a prostitute. Something like, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

That has nothing to do with what you call "hate". I suggest you practice what you preach....tolerance for those that do not hold your beliefs if not you are practicing tyranny

I should practice what I preach? I do. I don't care what gay people do in their bedroom. It's not my business. IF they are "sinning" then God will take care of it. They are STILL human beings and should be treated like human beings.

None of this would be happening if they hadn't started targeting and suing. Is that acting like humans? Nope, it's pushing an agenda trying to look "normal" and it's safe to say you can't force someone to view homosexuality as normal. It's not going to happen
Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.
Actually the only time I see conservatives propose to turn away gay people is when their service would categorically support their lifestyle, such as catering for gay weddings. Conservatives are very easy going people and don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms until it's shoved in their faces. I think you've become convinced of a myth that never has been true.

Good Lord, baking a cake does NOT mean you support the "gay lifestyle." It's baking a damn cake. Nobody is shoving anything in your face by asking you to bake a cake.

so you'd be OK with baking a cake for a pedophile who wants to use it in a party for little boys or girls...?

Pedophilia is irrelevant. That is not two consenting parties and a child is being hurt.

so you agree that there are certain times when you would not be 'baking a damn cake'.....?

Face it, your analogy is stupid and doesn't even deserve to be considered. Nobody is getting hurt in an adult gay relationship. Pedophiles cannot marry their victims, as they are children, and pedophilia is a CRIME.
What else is it? You think you're going to hell for baking a cake?

You're obviously not religious

I know enough to know that Jesus surrounded himself with "sinners." He treated them like human beings. He was on the side of Mary Magdelan the prostitute when men wanted to kill her for being a prostitute. Something like, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

That has nothing to do with what you call "hate". I suggest you practice what you preach....tolerance for those that do not hold your beliefs if not you are practicing tyranny

I should practice what I preach? I do. I don't care what gay people do in their bedroom. It's not my business. IF they are "sinning" then God will take care of it. They are STILL human beings and should be treated like human beings.

None of this would be happening if they hadn't started targeting and suing. Is that acting like humans? Nope, it's pushing an agenda trying to look "normal" and it's safe to say you can't force someone to view homosexuality as normal. It's not going to happen

Because their feelings are hurt, and that makes them feel angry. I'm sure you would feel angry if someone refused your business because of such a silly reason. I disagree that it's about making it "normal" as they are a big minority. It's that they want to be treated like people and like everyone else.
What else is it? You think you're going to hell for baking a cake?

You're obviously not religious

I know enough to know that Jesus surrounded himself with "sinners." He treated them like human beings. He was on the side of Mary Magdelan the prostitute when men wanted to kill her for being a prostitute. Something like, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

That has nothing to do with what you call "hate". I suggest you practice what you preach....tolerance for those that do not hold your beliefs if not you are practicing tyranny

I should practice what I preach? I do. I don't care what gay people do in their bedroom. It's not my business. IF they are "sinning" then God will take care of it. They are STILL human beings and should be treated like human beings.

None of this would be happening if they hadn't started targeting and suing. Is that acting like humans? Nope, it's pushing an agenda trying to look "normal" and it's safe to say you can't force someone to view homosexuality as normal. It's not going to happen
Uppity *******, ah, I mean Faggots, with their demands for equality.
Sorry, I don't want to insult people, I really don't, but some people have turned their religion into a very UGLY thing. That's my opinion.

yes....the Left's 'religion' has become very ugly in its march to stamp out Christian values...
You're obviously not religious

I know enough to know that Jesus surrounded himself with "sinners." He treated them like human beings. He was on the side of Mary Magdelan the prostitute when men wanted to kill her for being a prostitute. Something like, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

That has nothing to do with what you call "hate". I suggest you practice what you preach....tolerance for those that do not hold your beliefs if not you are practicing tyranny

I should practice what I preach? I do. I don't care what gay people do in their bedroom. It's not my business. IF they are "sinning" then God will take care of it. They are STILL human beings and should be treated like human beings.

None of this would be happening if they hadn't started targeting and suing. Is that acting like humans? Nope, it's pushing an agenda trying to look "normal" and it's safe to say you can't force someone to view homosexuality as normal. It's not going to happen

Because their feelings are hurt, and that makes them feel angry. I'm sure you would feel angry if someone refused your business because of such a silly reason. I disagree that it's about making it "normal" as they are a big minority. It's that they want to be treated like people and like everyone else.

The fact still remains you can't force someone, that is tyranny

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