Indiana is for Bigots - video and Pence running for cover

I'm still waiting for any business in Indiana to refuse far? Nothing and guess what? I can't find where any did before this.
Makes you wonder why they needed to ADD a law (did someone say that Republicans were for smaller government? :lol:), doesn't it?
How does this law grows the government? Did they create an enforcement agency and hired a bunch of people or something? Just wanna know since you said it grew the government.
"The hits just keep on coming for the state of Indiana.

Since the signing of the so-called the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law on Thursday, one of the top trending topics on Twitter is #BoycottIndiana.

With Gov. Mike Pence (R) taking a beating on Twitter, and businesses reviewing their plans in the state, little beyond next week’s Final Four in Indianapolis is going right for the Hoosier State.

With that in mind, the good folks at the Internet Action Force have stepped up and pitched in, creating a tourist pitch selling Indiana as ” It’s a great place to be a bigot.”


Well kids, the days of beating on the gays are coming to an end. It's time to move on, deal with the fact that business is business, not church, and cash, not Jesus, is king in this case. Have your faith but bake the cake, or face this from all sides.

You're the bigot and the hater, not the state of Indiana. And you are grossly distorting the intent of the law. But don't let facts and logic get in your way.
"The hits just keep on coming for the state of Indiana.

Since the signing of the so-called the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law on Thursday, one of the top trending topics on Twitter is #BoycottIndiana.

With Gov. Mike Pence (R) taking a beating on Twitter, and businesses reviewing their plans in the state, little beyond next week’s Final Four in Indianapolis is going right for the Hoosier State.

With that in mind, the good folks at the Internet Action Force have stepped up and pitched in, creating a tourist pitch selling Indiana as ” It’s a great place to be a bigot.”


Well kids, the days of beating on the gays are coming to an end. It's time to move on, deal with the fact that business is business, not church, and cash, not Jesus, is king in this case. Have your faith but bake the cake, or face this from all sides.

You're the bigot and the hater, not the state of Indiana. And you are grossly distorting the intent of the law. But don't let facts and logic get in your way.

Then tell us in your own words, for clarification, what the Indiana law does and doesn't do in regards to gay Americans.
So, we won't a religion to practice human sacrifice, or polygamy, for example, even if those are religious beliefs,

so we know it's permissible to limit religious freedom legally.

But if a religious practice violates someone else's civil rights to a lesser degree, why would it suddenly become illegal to limit that practice?

Where's the line?

Nobody has a civil right to patronize a business.

Really? You've never heard of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
"The hits just keep on coming for the state of Indiana.

Since the signing of the so-called the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law on Thursday, one of the top trending topics on Twitter is #BoycottIndiana.

With Gov. Mike Pence (R) taking a beating on Twitter, and businesses reviewing their plans in the state, little beyond next week’s Final Four in Indianapolis is going right for the Hoosier State.

With that in mind, the good folks at the Internet Action Force have stepped up and pitched in, creating a tourist pitch selling Indiana as ” It’s a great place to be a bigot.”


Well kids, the days of beating on the gays are coming to an end. It's time to move on, deal with the fact that business is business, not church, and cash, not Jesus, is king in this case. Have your faith but bake the cake, or face this from all sides.

I seriously doubt there will be any real number of businesses that refuse to serve gays. However, that's not the point here. The bill if it becomes law will be mean spirited and hateful meant to encourage discrimination against gays and the nation is taking note.

A CEO looking to expand or relocate to Indiana has to ask is this the type of climate I want to bring my gay employees and clients to. A committee searching for a city for a major convention may just bypass Indianapolis rather than risk having to deal with some embarrassing incident that would be sure to draw nationwide attention.
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"The hits just keep on coming for the state of Indiana.

Since the signing of the so-called the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law on Thursday, one of the top trending topics on Twitter is #BoycottIndiana.

With Gov. Mike Pence (R) taking a beating on Twitter, and businesses reviewing their plans in the state, little beyond next week’s Final Four in Indianapolis is going right for the Hoosier State.

With that in mind, the good folks at the Internet Action Force have stepped up and pitched in, creating a tourist pitch selling Indiana as ” It’s a great place to be a bigot.”


Well kids, the days of beating on the gays are coming to an end. It's time to move on, deal with the fact that business is business, not church, and cash, not Jesus, is king in this case. Have your faith but bake the cake, or face this from all sides.

You're the bigot and the hater, not the state of Indiana. And you are grossly distorting the intent of the law. But don't let facts and logic get in your way.

I'll bite, what is the intent of the law if not to allow people with strong religious convictions to get away with blatant discrimination?
Average street-engagement range is about 2 meters.

First off, this us the United States we do not use the metric system so stuff your meters up your ass.

Secondly, I've watched trained LEOs and competition shooters miss the effective area of a silhouette target 7 feet in front of them by damn near 2 feet.
Paint my House: I'd put on my best Fag accent and you wouldn't know the difference.

Learned it from this guy.

Lots of people here want "A country where they turn back time...". Any other 70's pop culture tests?

Yes, and I want a liberal country based on the principles our liberal founders instilled in us that it's not government's job to tell people what to do just because they have the force to make them do it

Wow, another vote for slavery.
Religion is a choice, in most cases, and that's protected so, relax little friend, we are just expanding the protected "choices".

Religion is protected by the Constitution. Faggotry is not.

Homophobes like you are mostly closeted homosexuals.

Come out of the closet. Know real freedom.

When are you going to post videos of your "ok to be gay" tour in Yemen?
Not okay there, so, you want to be like them right?

I want to point out the inconsistency of a "gay muslim". In countries where her religion is dominant, she would be hung. Why would anyone who preaches tolerance be part of such an intolerant religion? I know even you must have asked yourself this.

The Indiana law would allow a community to impose Sharia law, claim it's a religious practice, and have free rein.
Faggots should stop suing people who refuse to cater to their "lifestyle" and laws like this wouldn't be needed but of course the people in the right are blamed as usual. Indiana will survive and faggots will get over it.

Let's rephrase that, shall we?

"Blacks should stop suing people who refuse to cater to their "lifestyle" and laws like this wouldn't even be needed but of course the people in the right are blamed as usual. Indiana will survive and blacks will get over it".

See how that looks?
Faggots should stop suing people who refuse to cater to their "lifestyle" and laws like this wouldn't be needed but of course the people in the right are blamed as usual. Indiana will survive and faggots will get over it.

Let's rephrase that, shall we?

"Blacks should stop suing people who refuse to cater to their "lifestyle" and laws like this wouldn't even be needed but of course the people in the right are blamed as usual. Indiana will survive and blacks will get over it".

See how that looks?
There are a lot of crazies here who have no issue with discriminating in either situation.
Childless two-income households have a lot of disposable income to spend elsewhere. Maybe Jesus will replace all the lost revenue?
Yeah, we know the queers will flock to Indiana if they repeal this bill.

Are you joking?
Faggots should stop suing people who refuse to cater to their "lifestyle" and laws like this wouldn't be needed but of course the people in the right are blamed as usual. Indiana will survive and faggots will get over it.

Let's rephrase that, shall we?

"Blacks should stop suing people who refuse to cater to their "lifestyle" and laws like this wouldn't even be needed but of course the people in the right are blamed as usual. Indiana will survive and blacks will get over it".

See how that looks?
There are a lot of crazies here who have no issue with discriminating in either situation.

The amount of blatant racism that goes on on this forum is almost unbelievable in this day and age. Then again, I blame the moderators.
Faggots should stop suing people who refuse to cater to their "lifestyle" and laws like this wouldn't be needed but of course the people in the right are blamed as usual. Indiana will survive and faggots will get over it.

Let's rephrase that, shall we?

"Blacks should stop suing people who refuse to cater to their "lifestyle" and laws like this wouldn't even be needed but of course the people in the right are blamed as usual. Indiana will survive and blacks will get over it".

See how that looks?
There are a lot of crazies here who have no issue with discriminating in either situation.

The amount of blatant racism that goes on on this forum is almost unbelievable in this day and age. Then again, I blame the moderators.

There's mostly a bunch of sanctimonious liberals who scream racism at the drop of hat.

By the way, homosexuality isn't a race. Black and Hispanics are offended when turds like you compare homosexuals to them.
Liberals Evolve; Conservatives DEvolve. Why is that? FEAR that the reality depicted in the Old Testament may not be true?

BTW, why did God seem so stuck in the time of when he created everything? It was like he didn't know anything about the future - other his own delusional narcissism (keeping in mind that ancient men wrote the Old Testament).

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