Indiana makes it legal to shoot cops who illegally enter your home

All right. Let's think this through.

The cops get a warrant to enter a house. Due to some kind of screwup along the line, they enter the wrong house.

If you are innocent and hear the cops illegally breaking into your house, are you going to say to yourself, "Oh, I can start shooting these guys legally!"?

Sure. Go right ahead. How likely is your survival if you start blasting away at a boatload of cops?

From the cops' perspective, a bad guy opened up on them and they responded with about 438 rounds. You're dead. Your wife is dead. Your baby is dead. Your dog is dead. The fleas in your bed are dead.

I'd say this law has made it inevitable that a lot more innocent people are going to get killed.

All the cops on a murder charge, because a death occurred in the pursuit of what turned out to be a crime, illegally entering a home?
Hard to believe we need laws to justify something that should be a natural right. Anyone breaks into your home - you have the right to shoot.

Refreshing News: Indiana passes law that will allow citizens to shoot police officers who illegally enter their homes

June 12, 2012

Indiana passes law that will allow citizens to shoot police officers who illegally enter their homes
Police officers in Indiana are upset over a new law allowing residents to use deadly force against public servants, including law enforcement officers, who unlawfully enter their homes. It was signed by Republican Governor Mitch Daniels in March.

The first of its kind in the United States, the law was adopted after the state Supreme Court went too far in one of its rulings last year, according to supporters. The case in question involved a man who assaulted an officer during a domestic violence call. The court ruled that there was “no right to reasonably resist unlawful entry by police officers.”

The National Rifle Association lobbied for the new law, arguing that the court decision had legalized police to commit unjustified entries.

That was one stupid law's going to open up a can of worms before they fix it.
I think the law is meant more to Defend people from Dirty Cops. Who use their Badge to Commit Crimes. Somehow I think if the Cops simply have the Wrong address and come in, and the Home Owner Shoots them, That home owner wont be enjoying the Protection of this law. lol

You're right.

The problem of course is that not everyone will understand that detail.

Here's a hypothetical.

Cops execute a no-knock warrant on the wrong house. The owner of the house heard about this law on the teevee, and starts shooting at the cops. The cops return fire.

People die.

While the law specifically doesn't allow this, that doesn't change the fact that both parties (the cops and the homeowner) believe themselves to be in the right.

That's what I mean by needless deaths.

Too many times innocent homeowners have been shot dead while the cops were breaking into the wrong house. Worse, one guy tried to defend himself and shot back, the cops failed to identify themselves. He went on trial for murder. Perhaps this law is to protect people like him?

You know, it's really rare that I end up sorta defending cops.

I know how many innocent homeowners have been shot dead by mistake by cops. I've participated in demonstrations against cops for killing unarmed men. I'm active in a number of organizations who spend large amounts of time screaming about cops killing people by mistake.

But this law isn't going to make cops more careful about making mistakes - because mistakes are accidental. Mistakes will ALWAYS happen. All this law will do is make a firefight more likely to occur.
Hard to believe we need laws to justify something that should be a natural right. Anyone breaks into your home - you have the right to shoot.

Refreshing News: Indiana passes law that will allow citizens to shoot police officers who illegally enter their homes

June 12, 2012

Indiana passes law that will allow citizens to shoot police officers who illegally enter their homes
Police officers in Indiana are upset over a new law allowing residents to use deadly force against public servants, including law enforcement officers, who unlawfully enter their homes. It was signed by Republican Governor Mitch Daniels in March.

The first of its kind in the United States, the law was adopted after the state Supreme Court went too far in one of its rulings last year, according to supporters. The case in question involved a man who assaulted an officer during a domestic violence call. The court ruled that there was “no right to reasonably resist unlawful entry by police officers.”

The National Rifle Association lobbied for the new law, arguing that the court decision had legalized police to commit unjustified entries.
Now they're doing something right.

Sends a clear message to all those corrupt men in blue.
Simply make sure you have a good planter facing the door with the walkway running perpendicular to and ending at the door way. Wire some flash bangs to the entry so that a violent breach of the alarm, such as a police or gang battering ram, detonates the flash bangs wired in the shrubbery and in the leaf gutters above. The entry teams will retreat so quickly there will be foot prints on their backs.
I think the law is meant more to Defend people from Dirty Cops. Who use their Badge to Commit Crimes. Somehow I think if the Cops simply have the Wrong address and come in, and the Home Owner Shoots them, That home owner wont be enjoying the Protection of this law. lol

You're right.

The problem of course is that not everyone will understand that detail.

Here's a hypothetical.

Cops execute a no-knock warrant on the wrong house. The owner of the house heard about this law on the teevee, and starts shooting at the cops. The cops return fire.

People die.

While the law specifically doesn't allow this, that doesn't change the fact that both parties (the cops and the homeowner) believe themselves to be in the right.

That's what I mean by needless deaths.

Funny thing, the same thing happens even when cops serve no knock warrants on the right house. I think it makes more sense to get rid of no knock warrants than to let police get away with invading homes at whim, but I have always thought that rights are more important that state power.

I agree completely with that.
You're right.

The problem of course is that not everyone will understand that detail.

Here's a hypothetical.

Cops execute a no-knock warrant on the wrong house. The owner of the house heard about this law on the teevee, and starts shooting at the cops. The cops return fire.

People die.

While the law specifically doesn't allow this, that doesn't change the fact that both parties (the cops and the homeowner) believe themselves to be in the right.

That's what I mean by needless deaths.

Too many times innocent homeowners have been shot dead while the cops were breaking into the wrong house. Worse, one guy tried to defend himself and shot back, the cops failed to identify themselves. He went on trial for murder. Perhaps this law is to protect people like him?

You know, it's really rare that I end up sorta defending cops.

I know how many innocent homeowners have been shot dead by mistake by cops. I've participated in demonstrations against cops for killing unarmed men. I'm active in a number of organizations who spend large amounts of time screaming about cops killing people by mistake.

But this law isn't going to make cops more careful about making mistakes - because mistakes are accidental. Mistakes will ALWAYS happen. All this law will do is make a firefight more likely to occur.

Funny, I never said the law was going to make cops less likely to make mistakes. In fact, I actually think it is going to make cops more likely to shoot than they would be without it. The thing is, I care more about people having the right to defend themselves from rogue cops and the abuse of power in a police state than I do about the individual lives lost in pursuit of that goal.
Too many times innocent homeowners have been shot dead while the cops were breaking into the wrong house. Worse, one guy tried to defend himself and shot back, the cops failed to identify themselves. He went on trial for murder. Perhaps this law is to protect people like him?

You know, it's really rare that I end up sorta defending cops.

I know how many innocent homeowners have been shot dead by mistake by cops. I've participated in demonstrations against cops for killing unarmed men. I'm active in a number of organizations who spend large amounts of time screaming about cops killing people by mistake.

But this law isn't going to make cops more careful about making mistakes - because mistakes are accidental. Mistakes will ALWAYS happen. All this law will do is make a firefight more likely to occur.

Funny, I never said the law was going to make cops less likely to make mistakes. In fact, I actually think it is going to make cops more likely to shoot than they would be without it. The thing is, I care more about people having the right to defend themselves from rogue cops and the abuse of power in a police state than I do about the individual lives lost in pursuit of that goal.

For me, human lives trump ideology - and I think "rights" don't exist, only individual choices.

This law won't change the way I would react if the cops broke down my door.
Too many times innocent homeowners have been shot dead while the cops were breaking into the wrong house. Worse, one guy tried to defend himself and shot back, the cops failed to identify themselves. He went on trial for murder. Perhaps this law is to protect people like him?

You know, it's really rare that I end up sorta defending cops.

I know how many innocent homeowners have been shot dead by mistake by cops. I've participated in demonstrations against cops for killing unarmed men. I'm active in a number of organizations who spend large amounts of time screaming about cops killing people by mistake.

But this law isn't going to make cops more careful about making mistakes - because mistakes are accidental. Mistakes will ALWAYS happen. All this law will do is make a firefight more likely to occur.

Funny, I never said the law was going to make cops less likely to make mistakes. In fact, I actually think it is going to make cops more likely to shoot than they would be without it. The thing is, I care more about people having the right to defend themselves from rogue cops and the abuse of power in a police state than I do about the individual lives lost in pursuit of that goal.

It's better to make laws that protect people than laws that harm people.

A better law would be tough penalties for bad cops.

I read this applies officers approaching cars as well.
You know, it's really rare that I end up sorta defending cops.

I know how many innocent homeowners have been shot dead by mistake by cops. I've participated in demonstrations against cops for killing unarmed men. I'm active in a number of organizations who spend large amounts of time screaming about cops killing people by mistake.

But this law isn't going to make cops more careful about making mistakes - because mistakes are accidental. Mistakes will ALWAYS happen. All this law will do is make a firefight more likely to occur.

Funny, I never said the law was going to make cops less likely to make mistakes. In fact, I actually think it is going to make cops more likely to shoot than they would be without it. The thing is, I care more about people having the right to defend themselves from rogue cops and the abuse of power in a police state than I do about the individual lives lost in pursuit of that goal.

It's better to make laws that protect people than laws that harm people.

A better law would be tough penalties for bad cops.

I read this applies officers approaching cars as well.

They pretty much have that.
The In Supreme Court decision that made this necessary involved a cop breaking into a guy's home and basically assaulting him. The Court ruled the homeowner had no recourse but to file a complaint after it was all over.
Fuck that.
LEO are taught to control the situation first, then worry about other things.

This law makes them accountable in a way that enshrines citizen rights.

It's a good law.
I bet Mitt Romney won't impersonate a State Trooper in Indiana.
Yup. Name it.

No wind is right. People still fall for the nigerion (sp) prince scam..people are stupid.

"Nigerian". I dont know what a prince scam is.
As for the second part of that, speak for yourself.

Do you really think people are so stupid as to open fire on cops, having thoroughly studied the details of this law?

Do you really think that anyone is going to bother "studying the details" of this law?

And this is a Nigerian Prince scam:
No wind is right. People still fall for the nigerion (sp) prince scam..people are stupid.

"Nigerian". I dont know what a prince scam is.
As for the second part of that, speak for yourself.

Do you really think people are so stupid as to open fire on cops, having thoroughly studied the details of this law?

Do you really think that anyone is going to bother "studying the details" of this law?
No, of course they won't. Exactly my point.
the only time it will come into play is after the incident when the homeowner can point to this law to say he was justified in what he did.
Thank you. That proves it.
Here's a hypothetical.

Cops execute a no-knock warrant on the wrong house. The owner of the house heard about this law on the teevee, and starts shooting at the cops. The cops return fire.

People die.

Your hypothetical presents a person who just likes to kill people because he finds an excuse to do so. Such people hardly need legal permission, nor are bound by legal prohibition.
You know, it's really rare that I end up sorta defending cops.

I know how many innocent homeowners have been shot dead by mistake by cops. I've participated in demonstrations against cops for killing unarmed men. I'm active in a number of organizations who spend large amounts of time screaming about cops killing people by mistake.

But this law isn't going to make cops more careful about making mistakes - because mistakes are accidental. Mistakes will ALWAYS happen. All this law will do is make a firefight more likely to occur.

Funny, I never said the law was going to make cops less likely to make mistakes. In fact, I actually think it is going to make cops more likely to shoot than they would be without it. The thing is, I care more about people having the right to defend themselves from rogue cops and the abuse of power in a police state than I do about the individual lives lost in pursuit of that goal.

It's better to make laws that protect people than laws that harm people.

A better law would be tough penalties for bad cops.

I read this applies officers approaching cars as well.

Laws do not protect people.

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