Indiana School Arming Staff

I disagree. Lets take the case of James Holmes. His therapist told authorities he threatened her. She told authorities he was going to harm someone. Now threats in a situation like that are actionable. Authorities did nothing.

DENVER (Reuters) - A University of Colorado psychiatrist who treated convicted theater gunman James Holmes decided against placing him on a mental health hold after he expressed homicidal thoughts because it might "inflame him," police documents showed on Wednesday.

The disclosure came in notes a university police officer wrote in her discussions with psychiatrist Lynne Fenton little more than a month before the July 2012 massacre, and released by the school at the request of several media outlets.

Fenton had seen Holmes, who was in the school's neuroscience graduate program, several times in the months before the massacre. It was already known that Holmes told her of his desire to kill, but the newly released documents provided more insight into her dealings with authorities.

Holmes, 27, was convicted last month of murdering 12 people and wounding dozens in the shooting rampage at a Denver-area cinema during a midnight screening of Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises."

He was sentenced last week to 12 consecutive life sentences with no parole for the murders, and an additional 3,318 years for attempted murder and explosives charges.

In handwritten notes, university police officer Lynn Whitten wrote that Fenton said she had decided against an involuntary commitment because she thought Holmes was "borderline."

"Don't think it would help; would just inflame him," Whitten paraphrased Fenton as saying.

Fenton testified at the murder trial that Holmes told her he wanted to kill as many people as possible, but that she did not believe she had the legal authority to place him on a mental-health hold because he did not specify a target or plan.

Hindsight is always 20-20. The authorities can't do squat if the shrinks don't advise an involuntary commitment. The parameters for that are pretty strict, as they should be.
DENVER (Reuters) - A University of Colorado psychiatrist who treated convicted theater gunman James Holmes decided against placing him on a mental health hold after he expressed homicidal thoughts because it might "inflame him," police documents showed on Wednesday.

The disclosure came in notes a university police officer wrote in her discussions with psychiatrist Lynne Fenton little more than a month before the July 2012 massacre, and released by the school at the request of several media outlets.

Fenton had seen Holmes, who was in the school's neuroscience graduate program, several times in the months before the massacre. It was already known that Holmes told her of his desire to kill, but the newly released documents provided more insight into her dealings with authorities.

Holmes, 27, was convicted last month of murdering 12 people and wounding dozens in the shooting rampage at a Denver-area cinema during a midnight screening of Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises."

He was sentenced last week to 12 consecutive life sentences with no parole for the murders, and an additional 3,318 years for attempted murder and explosives charges.

In handwritten notes, university police officer Lynn Whitten wrote that Fenton said she had decided against an involuntary commitment because she thought Holmes was "borderline."

"Don't think it would help; would just inflame him," Whitten paraphrased Fenton as saying.

Fenton testified at the murder trial that Holmes told her he wanted to kill as many people as possible, but that she did not believe she had the legal authority to place him on a mental-health hold because he did not specify a target or plan.

Hindsight is always 20-20. The authorities can't do squat if the shrinks don't advise an involuntary commitment. The parameters for that are pretty strict, as they should be.

Yes, she was scared of him and what he might do to her. She relayed her concerns to the police who did nothing.

Hindsight is always 20-20. The authorities can't do squat if the shrinks don't advise an involuntary commitment. The parameters for that are pretty strict, as they should be.
And yet violent offenders are routinely released from prison against the advice of prison psychologists. It's up to the State Legislatures to solve these problems by giving the shrinks more credibility, latitude and authority.
Well of course this makes perfect sense. After all, shooters generally only like to enter gun free zones.
Terrible idea. The same folks you don't trust to teach your kids anything are the folks you want to have a gun in close proximity to your kids.

Right wing logic is non-existent.

We hardly agree on anything but on this, yes.

To my own people: it is this.

You can't call us all psychopathic groomers or whatever and then turn around and say "hey, here are some guns"

Pick a side here.
I don't trust teachers to teach, let alone have access to a gun in class.

This is actually consistent.
Time after time after time the warning signs are all there but we refuse to ask ourselves how we can better address this. To note, an armed teacher wouldn't have saved any of these kids.

Lawyer: Teen a worry months before Michigan school shooting

Our society is impossible and can't go on. We are done.

The same people who are hollering that this kid fell through the cracks are the people outraged that their kids are turned in for "violent" pictures or chewing a poptart in the shape of a gun. "HOW DARE" the schools pry into my kid's business!


"The schools" should mind their own business

But also

"The schools" should prevent every tragedy.

And that's a wrap on America, folks.
The educational system is quick to take credit for the advancements of society because of what they teach. Perhaps they should also take the blame for the degradation of society because of what they fail to teach.
You know you have no way to demonstrate this to be true.

There is no way for anyone to react in enough time in a hallway like this. This isn't a duel in the middle of the street like the old west.
I have zero issues with a teacher arming themselves if they so choose to do so. I see that as their Constitutional right. The issue I have here..................We see case after case after case of someone shooting up a school with a long history of mental health issues. People say after the fact they knew that person had issues.

How do we decide to address that? By arming people. People seem to prefer shoot outs in schools as opposed to addressing the mental health issues of the country.

No one wants a shootout. Mental illness is serious and I am empathetic to anyone going through it. In a school environment, how do you address it? Many of these schools are moving away from Accountability which makes for a fertile ground for bullying. Start by holding bullies truly accountable as they are often tormentors of kids dealing with emotional and mental issues. Kids and their families ought to feel protected when dealing with this. Simply states, live and let live. If you don’t let others live in peace, be held accountable.

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