Indiana State Trooper shot

Cops shoot people, and people shoot cops. Just another common news story. People get shot everyday, and sometimes it's a cop that gets shot, and sometimes it's someone else. Shit happens. And, shooting will continue to happen. There's no way to avoid it. People with guns use them sometimes.
ISP: Suspect in trooper-involved shooting was under surveillance for drugs, pulled gun on trooper

#BlackLivesMatter members said 9/11 would be the day for flag burning and shooting cops and whites. Guess they started a day early.

Who said that?

F*** Yo Flag Movement Calls For Black Lives Matter Violence On 9/11

I don't know how many times we have to re-link it.

You know....the people who you Democrats support? Who want cops dead? Your votes support this. And your son is a cop. You should feel absolute shame and self disgust.
ISP: Suspect in trooper-involved shooting was under surveillance for drugs, pulled gun on trooper

#BlackLivesMatter members said 9/11 would be the day for flag burning and shooting cops and whites. Guess they started a day early.

Who said that?
psst. Right here...

F*** Yo Flag Movement Calls For Black Lives Matter Violence On 9/11

This is the part where you try to deny or minimalise it.

Oh goody, like we don't have enough with ISIS, alqaida and Iran terrorism on 9/11 to look out for
ISP: Suspect in trooper-involved shooting was under surveillance for drugs, pulled gun on trooper

#BlackLivesMatter members said 9/11 would be the day for flag burning and shooting cops and whites. Guess they started a day early.

Who said that?
psst. Right here...

F*** Yo Flag Movement Calls For Black Lives Matter Violence On 9/11

This is the part where you try to deny or minimalise it.

Or....he just stops responding haha
ISP: Suspect in trooper-involved shooting was under surveillance for drugs, pulled gun on trooper

#BlackLivesMatter members said 9/11 would be the day for flag burning and shooting cops and whites. Guess they started a day early.

Who said that?
psst. Right here...

F*** Yo Flag Movement Calls For Black Lives Matter Violence On 9/11

This is the part where you try to deny or minimalise it.

Oh goody, like we don't have enough with ISIS, alqaida and Iran terrorism on 9/11 to look out for

Those are just three "foreign" enemies. There are "domestic" enemies which are every bit as treacherous as those, one of which being the "Black Lives Matter" group.
ISP: Suspect in trooper-involved shooting was under surveillance for drugs, pulled gun on trooper

#BlackLivesMatter members said 9/11 would be the day for flag burning and shooting cops and whites. Guess they started a day early.

Who said that?
psst. Right here...

F*** Yo Flag Movement Calls For Black Lives Matter Violence On 9/11

This is the part where you try to deny or minimalise it.

Oh goody, like we don't have enough with ISIS, alqaida and Iran terrorism on 9/11 to look out for

Those are just three "foreign" enemies. There are "domestic" enemies which are every bit as treacherous as those, one of which being the "Black Lives Matter" group.

Yes, an Orange Park Florida man with a pressure cooker bomb in Kansas city
ISP: Suspect in trooper-involved shooting was under surveillance for drugs, pulled gun on trooper

#BlackLivesMatter members said 9/11 would be the day for flag burning and shooting cops and whites. Guess they started a day early.

Who said that?
psst. Right here...

F*** Yo Flag Movement Calls For Black Lives Matter Violence On 9/11

This is the part where you try to deny or minimalise it.

Oh goody, like we don't have enough with ISIS, alqaida and Iran terrorism on 9/11 to look out for

Those are just three "foreign" enemies. There are "domestic" enemies which are every bit as treacherous as those, one of which being the "Black Lives Matter" group.

Yes, an Orange Park Florida man with a pressure cooker bomb in Kansas city

A guy named "Goldberg" who wants to blow up people to commemorate 9/11? Something fishy going on there.
Who said that?
psst. Right here...

F*** Yo Flag Movement Calls For Black Lives Matter Violence On 9/11

This is the part where you try to deny or minimalise it.

Oh goody, like we don't have enough with ISIS, alqaida and Iran terrorism on 9/11 to look out for

Those are just three "foreign" enemies. There are "domestic" enemies which are every bit as treacherous as those, one of which being the "Black Lives Matter" group.

Yes, an Orange Park Florida man with a pressure cooker bomb in Kansas city

A guy named "Goldberg" who wants to blow up people to commemorate 9/11? Something fishy going on there.

Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols weren't the Islamic radical types. Their motivation was Ruby Ridge and Waco

Goldberg is a german name. Could as easily be a skinhead or neonazi 20 yr old. Goldberg is also linked to the Garland Texas killings over the Mohammad drawings, according to the FBI.
ISP: Suspect in trooper-involved shooting was under surveillance for drugs, pulled gun on trooper

#BlackLivesMatter members said 9/11 would be the day for flag burning and shooting cops and whites. Guess they started a day early.

Who said that?
psst. Right here...

F*** Yo Flag Movement Calls For Black Lives Matter Violence On 9/11

This is the part where you try to deny or minimalise it.

Or....he just stops responding haha

Please. Prove that the person who said that is associated with the BLM organization. Thanks.
ISP: Suspect in trooper-involved shooting was under surveillance for drugs, pulled gun on trooper

#BlackLivesMatter members said 9/11 would be the day for flag burning and shooting cops and whites. Guess they started a day early.

Who said that?
psst. Right here...

F*** Yo Flag Movement Calls For Black Lives Matter Violence On 9/11

This is the part where you try to deny or minimalise it.

Or....he just stops responding haha

Please. Prove that the person who said that is associated with the BLM organization. Thanks.

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

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