Indiana Synagogue Vandal Says He Was Radicalized By Ben Shapiro, Far-Right Media

You live in a very simple minded world, kid.

You are incapable of seeing the world in anything but binary so ascribe all opinions different than those of the leftist hive mind as being "rightard" . In similar fashion, you lump the entire right into one big group, characterizing them all by their most extreme and extremely uncharacteristic members.

I would suggest growing up and learning to reason, myself
Here you are at a debate site hopelessly unable to debate.
^^^ Rightard speak for, I still can't corroborate my bullshit, so I'll simply throw invective against the wall to see what sticks.

... and still, the part you avoided addressing.... Brewer never blamed Shapiro for inspiring him to vandalize a synagogue.

This is what I am responding to: (from post 1)

Ben "BS" Shapiro, and the far rightwing radicalized this boy into committing a heinous act.
That is not quite accurate. The article states that Shapiro radicalized his wife. And then he and his wife, both radicalized by various rightwing extremists, vandalized a synagogue. But there is no claim that Shapiro instructed either of them to attack a synagogue: only that Brewer's wife was radicalized by Shapiro, among others.

And by radicalized...she lied to smear Ben who is a Jew.
She also credited Stormfront. Employing your logic, she lied about Stormfront to smear white national racists.

That’s part of her little coy plan. And you fell for it. Are you smarter than a racist 17 yr old? LOL
^^^ Rightard speak for, I still can't corroborate my bullshit, so I'll simply throw invective against the wall to see what sticks.

... and still, the part you avoided addressing.... Brewer never blamed Shapiro for inspiring him to vandalize a synagogue.

This is what I am responding to: (from post 1)

Ben "BS" Shapiro, and the far rightwing radicalized this boy into committing a heinous act.
That is not quite accurate. The article states that Shapiro radicalized his wife. And then he and his wife, both radicalized by various rightwing extremists, vandalized a synagogue. But there is no claim that Shapiro instructed either of them to attack a synagogue: only that Brewer's wife was radicalized by Shapiro, among others.

And by radicalized...she lied to smear Ben who is a Jew.
She also credited Stormfront. Employing your logic, she lied about Stormfront to smear white national racists.

That’s part of her little coy plan. And you fell for it. Are you smarter than a racist 17 yr old? LOL
Hopefully. But I'm certainly smarter than you. It didn't even occur to you that when she claims to have been radicalized by Ben Shapiro, as an irrational anti-Semite, she means pro-Israel and pro-Jewish comments he makes, trigger her.
This is what I am responding to: (from post 1)

Ben "BS" Shapiro, and the far rightwing radicalized this boy into committing a heinous act.
That is not quite accurate. The article states that Shapiro radicalized his wife. And then he and his wife, both radicalized by various rightwing extremists, vandalized a synagogue. But there is no claim that Shapiro instructed either of them to attack a synagogue: only that Brewer's wife was radicalized by Shapiro, among others.

And by radicalized...she lied to smear Ben who is a Jew.
She also credited Stormfront. Employing your logic, she lied about Stormfront to smear white national racists.

That’s part of her little coy plan. And you fell for it. Are you smarter than a racist 17 yr old? LOL
Hopefully. But I'm certainly smarter than you. It didn't even occur to you that when she claims to have been radicalized by Ben Shapiro, as an irrational anti-Semite, she means pro-Israel and pro-Jewish comments he makes, trigger her.

Possibly. But then she would have said “angered” or “triggered”. My point is that she did this because her thought process is disparate from Ben’s and this is not what the OP insinuated. As far as being smarter than me, so far you have yet to prove it. Maybe you’re playing coy too.
^^^ Rightard speak for, I still can't corroborate my bullshit, so I'll simply throw invective against the wall to see what sticks.

... and still, the part you avoided addressing.... Brewer never blamed Shapiro for inspiring him to vandalize a synagogue.

This is what I am responding to: (from post 1)

Ben "BS" Shapiro, and the far rightwing radicalized this boy into committing a heinous act.
That is not quite accurate. The article states that Shapiro radicalized his wife. And then he and his wife, both radicalized by various rightwing extremists, vandalized a synagogue. But there is no claim that Shapiro instructed either of them to attack a synagogue: only that Brewer's wife was radicalized by Shapiro, among others.

And by radicalized...she lied to smear Ben who is a Jew.
She also credited Stormfront. Employing your logic, she lied about Stormfront to smear white national racists.

That’s part of her little coy plan. And you fell for it. Are you smarter than a racist 17 yr old? LOL
This thread really does act as an intelligence test, doesn't it?
According to this recent Buzzfeed article:

Ben "BS" Shapiro, and the far rightwing radicalized this boy into committing a heinous act.

How many more are next?

How many of you USMBers are BS fans?

Rabbi of vandalized synagogue: 'Linking Ben Shapiro to an act of anti-Semitism is laughable'

And that’s all there is to this story. No quotes. No explanation of when or where Brewer made this claim. And no explanation of how it fits with the idea that Brewer’s wife Kiyomi was raised to believe in the inferiority of other races from an early age.

In fact, this story doesn’t fit well with the other document Buzzfeed published, a sentencing memo produced by prosecutors in the case. That document includes a 99-page FBI interview transcript in which several agents arrest Brewer and question him at length about the vandalism and what led up to it. Brewer was informed during the interview that lying to the FBI was an additional crime and that he should tell them the whole truth. During that interview, Brewer mentioned his wife Kiyomi spending time on two apps, Discord and Telegram, where she chatted frequently with other white supremacists including someone called “Asbestos Peter.” He was the person who allegedly convinced them to carry out the synagogue attack. In fact, he wanted them to burn the place down but they were afraid and wound up spray painting a concrete wall behind a dumpster instead.

Nowhere in the 99-page transcript does Brewer say anything about Fox News, Breitbart or Ben Shapiro being part of Kiyomi’s radicalization.

Similarly, Rabbi Sendrow was present for Brewer’s sentencing hearing and says Brewer’s attorney never once mentioned any of these things as helping radicalize him. “We sat through a five-hour sentencing hearing. Ben Shapiro’s name was never mentioned,” Sendrow said. He continued, “In fact the attempt was, by the defense attorney for Mr. Brewer, to paint him as a totally decent person who had been radicalized by his wife. By his wife. Only by his wife. The rest of this stuff, I guess he came up with it too late after the sentencing hearing.”
This is what I am responding to: (from post 1)

Ben "BS" Shapiro, and the far rightwing radicalized this boy into committing a heinous act.
That is not quite accurate. The article states that Shapiro radicalized his wife. And then he and his wife, both radicalized by various rightwing extremists, vandalized a synagogue. But there is no claim that Shapiro instructed either of them to attack a synagogue: only that Brewer's wife was radicalized by Shapiro, among others.

And by radicalized...she lied to smear Ben who is a Jew.
She also credited Stormfront. Employing your logic, she lied about Stormfront to smear white national racists.

That’s part of her little coy plan. And you fell for it. Are you smarter than a racist 17 yr old? LOL
Hopefully. But I'm certainly smarter than you. It didn't even occur to you that when she claims to have been radicalized by Ben Shapiro, as an irrational anti-Semite, she means pro-Israel and pro-Jewish comments he makes, trigger her.

She didn't...

Rabbi of vandalized synagogue: 'Linking Ben Shapiro to an act of anti-Semitism is laughable'

And that’s all there is to this story. No quotes. No explanation of when or where Brewer made this claim. And no explanation of how it fits with the idea that Brewer’s wife Kiyomi was raised to believe in the inferiority of other races from an early age.

In fact, this story doesn’t fit well with the other document Buzzfeed published, a sentencing memo produced by prosecutors in the case. That document includes a 99-page FBI interview transcript in which several agents arrest Brewer and question him at length about the vandalism and what led up to it. Brewer was informed during the interview that lying to the FBI was an additional crime and that he should tell them the whole truth. During that interview, Brewer mentioned his wife Kiyomi spending time on two apps, Discord and Telegram, where she chatted frequently with other white supremacists including someone called “Asbestos Peter.” He was the person who allegedly convinced them to carry out the synagogue attack. In fact, he wanted them to burn the place down but they were afraid and wound up spray painting a concrete wall behind a dumpster instead.

Nowhere in the 99-page transcript does Brewer say anything about Fox News, Breitbart or Ben Shapiro being part of Kiyomi’s radicalization.

Similarly, Rabbi Sendrow was present for Brewer’s sentencing hearing and says Brewer’s attorney never once mentioned any of these things as helping radicalize him.

“We sat through a five-hour sentencing hearing. Ben Shapiro’s name was never mentioned,” Sendrow said. He continued, “In fact the attempt was, by the defense attorney for Mr. Brewer, to paint him as a totally decent person who had been radicalized by his wife. By his wife. Only by his wife. The rest of this stuff, I guess he came up with it too late after the sentencing hearing.”
The criminal HIMSELF, referred to BS, and other of the extreme far rightwing in this country, radicalized him to conduct vandalism on the Jewish synagogue.

Criminal aren't the brightest bulbs out there, but BS, and others of the extreme far rightwing in this country knows this and uses violent rhetoric to radicalize their susceptible minds.

LoLing @ "Hot Air"

The criminal HIMSELF, referred to BS, and other of the extreme far rightwing in this country, radicalized him to conduct vandalism on the Jewish synagogue.

Criminal aren't the brightest bulbs out there, but BS, and others of the extreme far rightwing in this country knows this and uses violent rhetoric to radicalize their susceptible minds.

LoLing @ "Hot Air"


Rabbi of vandalized synagogue: 'Linking Ben Shapiro to an act of anti-Semitism is laughable'

And that’s all there is to this story. No quotes. No explanation of when or where Brewer made this claim. And no explanation of how it fits with the idea that Brewer’s wife Kiyomi was raised to believe in the inferiority of other races from an early age.

In fact, this story doesn’t fit well with the other document Buzzfeed published, a sentencing memo produced by prosecutors in the case. That document includes a 99-page FBI interview transcript in which several agents arrest Brewer and question him at length about the vandalism and what led up to it. Brewer was informed during the interview that lying to the FBI was an additional crime and that he should tell them the whole truth. During that interview, Brewer mentioned his wife Kiyomi spending time on two apps, Discord and Telegram, where she chatted frequently with other white supremacists including someone called “Asbestos Peter.” He was the person who allegedly convinced them to carry out the synagogue attack. In fact, he wanted them to burn the place down but they were afraid and wound up spray painting a concrete wall behind a dumpster instead.

Nowhere in the 99-page transcript does Brewer say anything about Fox News, Breitbart or Ben Shapiro being part of Kiyomi’s radicalization.

Similarly, Rabbi Sendrow was present for Brewer’s sentencing hearing and says Brewer’s attorney never once mentioned any of these things as helping radicalize him.

“We sat through a five-hour sentencing hearing. Ben Shapiro’s name was never mentioned,” Sendrow said. He continued, “In fact the attempt was, by the defense attorney for Mr. Brewer, to paint him as a totally decent person who had been radicalized by his wife. By his wife. Only by his wife. The rest of this stuff, I guess he came up with it too late after the sentencing hearing.”
Some of my best friends are Jews.

In fact, I'm a spiritual Jew myself.
The criminal HIMSELF, referred to BS, and other of the extreme far rightwing in this country, radicalized him to conduct vandalism on the Jewish synagogue.

Criminal aren't the brightest bulbs out there, but BS, and others of the extreme far rightwing in this country knows this and uses violent rhetoric to radicalize their susceptible minds.

LoLing @ "Hot Air"


Yeah, and the rest of us, that are not mental basket cases, can look at the ravings of an idiot and say "Yeah, he's nuts".

The fact you are here standing up for what is clearly, and obviously the ravings of a lunatic, that somehow a religious Jew convinced someone to attack religious Jews, shows that you are not a person of character or of rational thought.

This thread reflects far more on your dishonesty, than it does on Ben Shapiro, or the people who listen to Ben Shapiro.

This thread is Jesse Smollett. You have only identified yourself to be on the level of Jesse Smollett. That is the ONLY takeaway from this thread.
No, im not into bullshit, like your OP. I do however love Ben shapiro.'re a BS fan.


Wow. I see what you did there. Hilarious.

Meanwhile, Ben Shapiro is a brilliant man with to add to the debate. I can see why you would want to marginalize him. Because you know that you cannot refute ANYTHING.

Can you even imagine the hilarity that would ensue if Marc here tried to debate Ben Shapiro? That was be so brutal, even I would start to be embarrassed for Marc.
The article only says Brewer's wife was radicalized by Shapiro, among other right wingnuts. It doesn't say Shapiro radicalized anyone to attack a synagogue. Brewer and his wife got that idea either on their own or by other righties on sites like Discord and Stormfront.
All these radical USMB far rightwingers THINK they are attacking me, when I'm simply bringing to the forefront that the CRIMINAL, himself, stated that he was radicalized by BS and the far rightwing media.


Sick people don't have much credibility for their alibis. They really don't understand political platforms or nuisances... That's why the Grand Dragon of the KKK preferred Obama to McCain... There is no shelter in either of the 2 brand names parties for these peoples. Just like there's no shelter for anarchists in either party.

White Supremacist indicted for threatening Trump

But it IS likely that they are on par with YOUR primitive political understandings if you think Ben Shapiro was the "gateway drug" for this creep... :biggrin:
According to this recent Buzzfeed article:

Ben "BS" Shapiro, and the far rightwing radicalized this boy into committing a heinous act.

How many more are next?

How many of you USMBers are BS fans?

There's a lot of weak minded people who want to blame or credit someone else's opinions on why they acted out. So was there a Democrat who is at fault for radicalizing the shooter who shot up a Republican softball game? We really need someone to blame here.
You just can't make this stuff up.
Once again MarcATL get's caught with his pants down in his daily copy-n-paste threads.

The article claims a person was radicalized by a devout jew to attack a jewish synagogue.

The article only says Brewer's wife was radicalized by Shapiro, among other right wingnuts. It doesn't say Shapiro radicalized anyone to attack a synagogue. Brewer and his wife got that idea either on their own or by other righties on sites like Discord and Stormfront.

When a person is radicalized, they join the SAME agenda as the one who radicalized them.

Why is that do difficult for you people to understand?

Says who?

Besides, he mentioned several rightwingers or rightwing sites which radicalized him and his wife.

The bottom line is ... he and his synagogue trashing wife are rightwingnuts. The extremists who radicalized them are rightwingnuts. The constant theme running through the veins of this story is extremist rightwingnuts.
Says anybody capable of basic reason.

Blaming Ben Shapiro for somebody vandalizing a synagogue is as stupid as blaming MLK for Dylan Roof attacking a black church.
"Says anybody capable of basic reason."

^^^ Rightard speak for, I made it up.

"Blaming Ben Shapiro for somebody vandalizing a synagogue is as stupid as blaming MLK for Dylan Roof attacking a black church."

Brewer never blamed Shapiro for inspiring him to vandalize a synagogue.

Shouldn’t you be addressing this to the OP?

MarcATL titled the thread specifically to say that the vandal claimed he was radicalized by Shapiro and far right media even though the article he linked says nothing of the sort. So why aren’t you correcting him?

You’ve corrected everyone but the person who started the thread based on a false claim.
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