Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

Comeback from what? You didn't post anything. You asked which jurisdiction was led by Republicans after denying any were; and I showed you. Your limp-wristed retort about payoffs yous can't prove didn't mean shit.
The problem with you is you're a fool.
You think that Republicans are all the same.
You think that if they trashed Trump or assisted the left in any way, it means they're doing it without being extorted or bribed to do it. It never crossed your mind that RINOs are everywhere in Washington, and it took someone like Trump to expose them.
Because almost everyone who is against Trump is doing it to help maintain the status quo.
He's not a member of their club. A club that has a bigger tent than just Democrats in it. I have news for you....there are Republicans that are just as much in on the scam as the Democrats.
Unfortunately Americans have become way more stupid and and manipulatable and irresponsible snd Dems reward and even create that.
Thinkers are dwindling and the moochers are grabbing the government to direct their lives and eliminate any opposition
I’ve often thought that. This would NEVER have happened 50 years ago. We have been dumbed down, where success gets a scolding (“you didn’t build that!”) and failure gets all sorts of excuses. The result is a populace that doesn’t want to sacrifice and work hard to succeed but rather sit back, telecommute (“waaaaa….I don‘t wanna commute), and look to Government, as you point out, to fabricate charges against anyone who might block a dumbed-down life.
Yes you're incapable of verbalizing how it's about free speech ... because ... derp.
Try reading the 1st Amendment.

First Amendment​

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Just because Smith says something does not make it true or even legal. That is not his place. Abuse of power is again obvious so you will deny it.

Same shit, different day.
Trump had the right to raise the challenges, whether in courts, state legislatures, the Vice President, Congress or with a rally.

Smith acknowledged that right in the indictment. So now where does that lead your unwavering, devoted defense of Trump?


So now you're saying Trump DIDN'T have the right to challenge the election results?

You're so ignorant and confused, you don't know what you're saying anymore.
Try reading the 1st Amendment.

First Amendment​

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Great, now what does that have to do with the indictment?
You don't get indicted unless you are accused of doing something illegal.
A jury of Trump's peers will decide his guilt or innocence, not memebrs of the Trump cult.
You all are incapable of thinking for yourself. Trump thinks for you. Scary.
It won’t be a jury of Trump’s peers. It will be a jury of DC’s hateful, brainwashed leftists.
If this is allowed to proceed, the U.S. government has essentially demonstrated that they can throw anyone in prison for saying - or even THINKING - something they disagree with.

Bear this in mind when polls show that Trump and Biden are tied. A very large percentage of Republicans have seen that if they take a position that dissents from the Biden Regime - or more broadly, the Democrat Regime - the punishment can be harsh.

My parents’ neighbors, who escaped Communist China is the 60s to move to the freedom of America, have told me they are appalled.

You truly live in bizarro world. :cuckoo:
Americans who care about justice are now a cult? What does that say about the people running things? Your foot is in your stupid mouth. You need to put it back in your ass and taste it again.

FruitLoops, if you cared about justice, you would have read the indictment if you wanted a true discussion about it. You want neither.
Just because Smith says something does not make it true or even legal. That is not his place. Abuse of power is again obvious so you will deny it.

Same shit, different day.
Which part of the grand jury testimony and evidence do you think equates to abuse of power by Jack Smith?
Chuck SChumer

Oh horseshit.

His statement on the Senate Floor:

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,”

Clearly he means that their party will pay the price. In the heat of the moment, he wasn't articulate.

You're in la la land.

Did any democrat threaten any republican like they did to Shaye Moss and Ruby Friedman when Trump dissed them? Like they did to Rusty Bower when Trump dissed him? I could go on.

TWO firms Trump hired found no fraud.


Trump buried those reports and continued to lie.

The Michigan Republican House Speaker and Republican Senate Majority Leader said there was no fraud and would certify the election. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The US Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

A recount in Wisconsin demanded by Trump found there was no fraud and actually increased Trump's loss by a wider margin. Trump continued to lie.

State and federal courts, including many helmed by Trump appointees, found no proof of fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The Director of National Intelligence informed Trump the election was secure and there was no fraud. Trump ignored him and continued to lie.

The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The senior White House attorneys told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

Senior staffers of Trump's own campaign team told him he had lost! Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

State legislators and secretaries of state all around the country, many of whom were Republicans who had backed Trump's re-election, told Trump there was no fraud and he had lost. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

With his Big Lie defeated at every turn, Trump drafted illegal fake electors in seven states. And that crime has fuck-all to do with free speech.
Wow....this big lie keeps expanding as time goes along.

Is this like the AZ Attorney General threatening prosecution of anyone who didn't vote to certify the AZ election?
The same AG that stole the election and put herself in the Governor's Mansion?

He threatened him with a crime if he didn't look for more votes after being told his claims of fraud were debunked.
You don't get indicted unless you are accused of doing something illegal.
A jury of Trump's peers will decide his guilt or innocence, not memebrs of the Trump cult.
You all are incapable of thinking for yourself. Trump thinks for you. Scary.

What peers will that be?

Blue shithole demoncrats?

Sure thing.

Keep dreaming.

The problem with you is you're a fool.
You think that Republicans are all the same.
You think that if they trashed Trump or assisted the left in any way, it means they're doing it without being extorted or bribed to do it. It never crossed your mind that RINOs are everywhere in Washington, and it took someone like Trump to expose them.
Because almost everyone who is against Trump is doing it to help maintain the status quo.
He's not a member of their club. A club that has a bigger tent than just Democrats in it. I have news for you....there are Republicans that are just as much in on the scam as the Democrats.

Do you even hear yourself? According to you, no one is a real Republican unless they lie for Trump when he loses and declare he really won.

You Qultists are out of your collective fucking minds. :cuckoo:
What about the way Biden treated our top secrets? He stole classified docs out of the SCIF when he just a senator. The Deep State didn’t even TELL us what was in his! That right there shows that the Deep State is protecting the real criminal and trying to imprison Trump for exercising his 1st Amendment Rights.
Unlike trump, Pence and Biden did not even know the documents were transfered. Do you actually believe men of such stature packed or moved those boxes. No, they had workers do it.

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