Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

Great, now what does that have to do with the indictment?
You asked about freedom of speech.
The indictment really doesn't have much to do with the law.
  • Jack Smith claims that Trump doesn't have the right to claim that there was election fraud.
  • Jack Smith claims that Trump caused people to riot inside the Capital.
  • Jack Smith claims that Trump tried to illegally prevent the counting and certification of electors
  • Jack Smith claims that Trump intimidated people.
Problem with all of this is Trump had every right to do exactly what he did, especially since Democrats tried to do exactly the same thing in 2017 after Trump won.
Oh horseshit.

His statement on the Senate Floor:

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,”

Clearly he means that their party will pay the price. In the heat of the moment, he wasn't articulate.

You're in la la land.

Did any democrat threaten any republican like they did to Shaye Moss and Ruby Friedman when Trump dissed them? Like they did to Rusty Bower when Trump dissed him? I could go on.

He was not on the Senate floor. He was addressing a mob in front of the Supreme Court

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are not in a party. They are Associate Justices of the Supreme Court. He threatened them with violence. And some loon listening to his violent rhetoric tried to assassinate Kavanaugh.
He threatened him with a crime if he didn't look for more votes after being told his claims of fraud were debunked.
He was a Republican too. One of the good ones. He was honest. Like trump said to Pence. " You're too honest. " trump knew all along what he was trying to do was a CRIME, he just thought he could get away with this one too. What's one more after you've been committing crimes your whole life. Basically blackmail.

So now you're saying Trump DIDN'T have the right to challenge the election results?

You're so ignorant and confused, you don't know what you're saying anymore.
I never said that. You are one stupid traitor.
The indictment is no more than an opinion based on what Trump said, not did. It has no legal standing because of the 1st amendment. It makes our DOJ look like the Gestapo. Is that what you losers want? Because that is what you got.
Of course you don't know this because you have not seen the GJ evidence or testimony but you say it anyhow because... cult.
You asked about freedom of speech.
The indictment really doesn't have much to do with the law.
  • Jack Smith claims that Trump doesn't have the right to claim that there was election fraud.
  • Jack Smith claims that Trump caused people to riot inside the Capital.
  • Jack Smith claims that Trump tried to illegally prevent the counting and certification of electors
  • Jack Smith claims that Trump intimidated people.
Problem with all of this is Trump had every right to do exactly what he did, especially since Democrats tried to do exactly the same thing in 2017 after Trump won.
Please cite the indictment that applies to any of the points you made.

Please be specific. If you give up, say all of them.
He was a Republican too. One of the good ones. He was honest. Like trump said to Pence. " You're too honest. " trump knew all along what he was trying to do was a CRIME, he just thought he could get away with this one too. What's one more after you've been committing crimes your whole life. Basically blackmail.
Well I guess this hogwash is going to court.

Now, thanks to this indictment, all of Trump's evidence of election fraud will finally make it into a courtroom.
Of course you don't know this because you have not seen the GJ evidence or testimony but you say it anyhow because... cult.
I know this is still part of a cover up of the fraud in 2020. I hope it backfires with discovery and subpoena power for Trump.

Do you really want the 1st amendment gone?
He can't. He needs someone else else to tell him what to say. Which is why there's no need for him to read the indictment. He'll still need someone to tell him what to say.
If trump is ever put under oath in one of these cases, game over. Truth is not his friend.
If trump is ever put under oath in one of these cases, game over. Truth is not his friend.
Lawfare is not his game. That is on the corrupt illegitimate government in power. Almost 3 years and the cover up had failed miserably and given us countless examples of abuses of power and lies. Proven lies.
The words of a Trump braindead cult member. A person who does not believe in America.
August 2, 2023

Justice in a skin suit: Trump's latest indictment a travesty of justice​

By Monica Showalter

So President Trump is not even allowed to have an opinion about whether the 2020 election was free or fair? And those blocked windows in the vote-counting office in Detroit and those rolled-out suitcases in Atlanta after the election observers were forced from the room, and that truck driver who was told to take his ballot boxes from state to state, just never happened? And that Zuckerbucks, state-sponsored Twitter censorship, and the "conspiracy" to save America never happened either? And all was free and fair, or here comes the prosecutor to set you right is how things are done now?

That's all one can conclude now that special counsel Jack Smith has charged Trump with four felonies connected with the January 6 capital riot over election fraud and he did it with speed and urgency to ensure it got done just ahead of the 2024 election.
It's the most partisan maneuver yet from Smith and his leftist pals; the act of a flaming Trump-hater with some serious conflicts of interest of his own, seeking to knock out the most popular candidate in the 2024 race from the choices of America's voters and not caring whether he burns the republic down. You can see it in his dark, ragged, raging, tormented, fanatic face in the news photos.
And now we are supposed to believe that a D.C. jury, from the same jury pool that let an FBI falsifier of documents off scot-free, is going to be all impartial and serious about justice in this case, instead of voting their election choices? No, no, they wouldn't dream of doing that. If the case is so strong, why didn't Smith choose a venue where there could be a Republican on that jury? As it stands now, Trump is to be judged by a wall of Democrats just ahead of election time. Sound fair? This is why you don't prosecute candidates in the middle of the race, but Smith doesn't care.

And as for the judge, we have another winner -- Obama-appointed U.S. District Court Tanya Chutkan, who's gotten herself famous for holding January 6 defendants in prison without trial for extended periods in heinous conditions, something that would get a hapless third-world judge on the international sanctions lists, and then sentencing them to harsher jail terms than prosecutors sought. We are supposed to believe she, too, is all about fairness and impartiality to all sides here and has no opinion whatsoever about these charges and only wants what's best for justice, without a political bone in her body.


And the potential sentence? Based on all the charges suddenly leveled at President Trump over the past few months as elections approached, Trump is looking at 600 years in prison, which they will gladly dish out once the all-Democrat judges and juries are done with him. And for what? The actual crime is running for re-election. But 600 years? Not even Putin does that to his opponents.
Let's cut the crap here. We all know that this is about destroying President Trump who is leading in the polls so that flailing Joe Biden can "win" a second four years in office after an utterly failed first term, brought on by a severely tainted election. The result of that fraudfest speaks for itself because it is not the pattern of American voters to elect these kinds of failures. Defective candidate, defective presidency, and now the revelations are rolling out about Biden's foreign money corruption scandal on a multi-million-dollar scale never before seen in American politics.

That, of course, is being dismissed by the cognoscenti and expected to be consequence-free for the Bidens.
But Trump is a different matter. Since they can't take out Trump through the ballot box, they'll do it from the courtroom because as they say on the left, 'by any means necessary.'
Yet it's a strange maneuver to see it -- given that every attack against Trump fuels his political strength, like gasoline on a fire. Voters who were inclined to vote for Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis and hoping to see how he could advance the prosperity that Trump started have now reflexively moved into the Trump camp, vowing to vote for him even if they throw him in prison. That's because this usurpation of power by the prosecutors and the judges and the partisan, corrupted Department of Justice is screaming for a fix.

Maybe they will win. Maybe they won't. It's uncharted waters now, the steering of the great United States republic into banana republic status, astonishing to see in a large and powerful country.
What's horrible here is the damage this does to the republic as another bottom drops out. What they have done to Trump can now just as easily be done from the other side, just as excused election fraud opens the gates to "two can play that game." What kind of country is the U.S. going to be with this obvious unfairness now the natural course of government? It's as if we now well on the road to becoming Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia or one of the wretched Central Asian or sub-Saharan African republics who claim the title of 'democracy.' Whatever we have here, the social capital and culture of civility, the actual trust that has characterized this country is going, going, gone now, crashing down in a miasma of Mobuto-style corruption.

What a terrible fate for the country we once called exceptional.
What about Biden? Look at how his $50 million bribery scheme has fallen to page 87.
Maybe because the theory is based on BS and the opinion from a vanishing whistle blower. Like Joe said, "Where is the money?"

We all know you are crying foul to take pressure off your career criminal, trump. Go ahead and nominate him. That will be fun!
Katie Hobbs-Democrat -Was SOS of Arizona in 2020

Georgia looks like it was Republican-controlled, but Zuckerberg paid for the poll workers and centers.
So, you went from all swing states were controlled by Democrats except to all but Georgia. Bad news for you though.
Barbara Cegavske - Wikipedia Nevada Secretary of State in 2020

So that's 2 if you want to describe "control" as a function of whom was SOS.

As for Zuckerberg. Your fever dreams don't really concern me. YOU WERE SIMPLY WRONG. If you want to crawl into another rabbit hole so you can feel better about yourself, you're welcome to do so. I simply choose not to follow.
You asked about freedom of speech.
The indictment really doesn't have much to do with the law.
  • Jack Smith claims that Trump doesn't have the right to claim that there was election fraud.
  • Jack Smith claims that Trump caused people to riot inside the Capital.
  • Jack Smith claims that Trump tried to illegally prevent the counting and certification of electors
  • Jack Smith claims that Trump intimidated people.
Problem with all of this is Trump had every right to do exactly what he did, especially since Democrats tried to do exactly the same thing in 2017 after Trump won.

Jack Smith claims that Trump doesn't have the right to claim that there was election fraud.

That's a lie. Jack Smith actually said, "The defendant had a right, like every American to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won."

Jack Smith claims that Trump caused people to riot inside the Capital.

That's a lie. Smith didn't say Trump caused the riot. Jack Smith actually said Trump, "attempted to exploit the violence and chaos at the Capitol by calling lawmakers to convince them, based on knowingly false claims of election fraud, to delay the certification."

Jack Smith claims that Trump tried to illegally prevent the counting and certification of electors

That's true, Smith did say that. And it's true. Trump attempted to get fake electors counted instead of real electors. He also tried to get Pence to throw out the election results.

Jack Smith claims that Trump intimidated people.

That's true, Smith did say that. And it's true. Trump threatened Georgia's Secretary of State with committing a crime if he didn't look for more illegal votes, even after being told they did that already and didn't find any.

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