Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

In every single public statement, Trump has maintained his Nov. 4, 2020 declaration that there had been “fraud” in the 2020 election, even after he exhausted all legal means of overturning the result. He never wavered. And even if Trump privately expressed doubts about the challenges or after the vote had been certified or after President Joe Biden had been inaugurated—if so, Special Counsel Smith did not present evidence that Trump disbelieved his core assertion of “fraud”—Trump had the right to raise the challenges, whether in courts, state legislatures, the Vice President, Congress or with a rally.



Trump knew he lost. Trump knew there was no fraud.



I did and I will say it again. This is about an opinion Trump and half the country has. The election was stolen and Trump can say it was as many times and as long as he wants because that is his right.
Was that Trump's opinion or was it a lie?

Did you see this in the indictment?

It's in meme form so you can understand it.

OK. Seems you're saying he wasn't indicted for his words. What act did Trump take that is alleged in the indictment that is criminal.

Conspiring to get fake electors sent to Congress.
No you didn't. Your orange god told you there was fraud and you blindly bleeved him.

He was lying to you.



The indictment is no more than an opinion based on what Trump said, not did. It has no legal standing because of the 1st amendment. It makes our DOJ look like the Gestapo. Is that what you losers want? Because that is what you got.
No you didn't. Your orange god told you there was fraud and you blindly bleeved him.

He was lying to you.




I watched it for months -

States changed the way that mail-in ballots were handled without legally changing the way mail in ballots were handled.
Are you able to comprehend all of those words, in the order in which they are written?
It reads as a projection of what the grand jury felt Trump was thinking and what his intent was
Never seen anything like this ever.
The corruption in Biden's DOJ is frightening.

There is no doubt that this will go down as the most corrupt administration in history.
trump's administration already has that moniker. Pile on all the Favoritism and Cronyism and the picture gets even worse. He almost doubled the national debt BEFORE the COVID Pandemic started. No big cost projects to help improve the nation , really bad cuts on Immigration to create worsening problems in immigration that would continue to build until a real president could take over and actually start fixing the problem. Worse of all he disbanded the pandemic early warning committee and didn't give the CDC his full support instead of flip-flopping on the issue that would have saved hundreds of thousands of American lives.So where did all that money go ?
Great comeback. *not*

Comeback from what? You didn't post anything. You asked which jurisdiction was led by Republicans after denying any were; and I showed you. Your limp-wristed retort about payoffs yous can't prove didn't mean shit.
See when phrases like “and directing a crime” are used its cart before the horse because what was committed had to actually be a crime and not merely construed as one.
This whole farce is a thinkers paradise and will be legally dismissed and they know that. The idea is to smear and hamper Trump. It’s Covid 2.0
And the way this is written….OMG. “When the defendant launched his criminal scheme….”?

And they have the chutzpah to do this when the one with the real, and MASSIVE, criminal scheme is the one committed by the Mob Boss now impersonating a president? Does the DOJ think Americans are so stupid as to not see the two- tier system of justice?

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