Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

Trump-commissioned report undercut his claims of dead and double voters

“So dead people voted, and I think the number is close to 5,000 people. And they went to obituaries. They went to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number, and a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters,” he said, without citing his study.

But a report commissioned by his own campaign dated one day prior told a different story: Researchers paid by Trump’s team had “high confidence” of only nine dead voters in Fulton County, defined as ballots that may have been cast by someone else in the name of a deceased person. They believed there was a “potential statewide exposure” of 23 such votes across the Peach State — or 4,977 fewer than the “minimum” Trump claimed.

This is what we find throughout Trump's indictment. Trump lied, and knew he was lying.

His own research firms proved there was no fraud which would affect the outcome of the election.

A second firm hired by Trump campaign found no evidence of election fraud

“No substantive voter fraud was uncovered in my investigations looking for it, nor was I able to confirm any of the outside claims of voter fraud that I was asked to look at,” he said. “Every fraud claim I was asked to investigate was false.”

Block said he recently received a subpoena from special counsel Jack Smith’s office and met with federal prosecutors in Washington, but he declined to discuss his interactions with them. Block said he contemporaneously sent his findings disputing fraud claims in writing to the Trump campaign in late 2020.

So not just one, but TWO research firms hired by Trump found no fraud.

And what did Trump do with these reports?

He BURIED them. And then continued his Big Lie.

Shit for brains-

The fraud was right out in the open.
He is also accountable by the first amendment. These amendments are based on good faith principles. trump has never done anything with that intent in mind.
How about the success of the Opportunity zones? Trump cannot possibly be as bad as the media portrays him. You just show how gullible and stupid some people are. You are just one of those stupid people.
Did you not say this violated Trump's first amendment rights?
I did and I will say it again. This is about an opinion Trump and half the country has. The election was stolen and Trump can say it was as many times and as long as he wants because that is his right.
Unbelievably, it's actually getting worse. Before, they believed there was voter fraud because they believed him. But now they're learning he was full of shit, but they're so committed to him and the Big Lie, they'll reject reality, IGNORE that it's exposed he was lying to them, and continue to believe there was widespread fraud anyway. Because they're incapable of separating him from the Big Lie. They're still compelled to support both.
Rudy even came out and admitted he was lying about the poll workers in Georgia. I can only hope that objective independent voters are watching this and noting how totally clueless they are.
How about the success of the Opportunity zones? Trump cannot possibly be as bad as the media portrays him. You just show how gullible and stupid some people are. You are just one of those stupid people.

Honestly, when someone posts statements as arbitrary and broad as ole stann has.

Simply best ignored.
Here Child -

Former President Donald Trump, who is running for president again in 2024 for the Republican nomination, has once again been indicted on Aug. 1 by Special Counsel Jack Smith, this time for challenging the results of the 2020 election, alleging Trump “spread lies that there had been outcome-determinative fraud in the election and that he had actually won. These claims were false, and the Defendant knew that they were false.”

According to the indictment, Trump’s electoral challenges, which are allowed under the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, the press and the right petition the government for redress of grievances, and also by the Electoral Count Act, which allows objections to be raised on the floor of Congress, right or wrong, were “uniformly unsuccessful.” In particular, the Electoral Count Act simply provides a procedure for waging challenges, requiring one member of the House and one member of the Senate for the state raising the challenge to hear the objection. That was done, with challenges ready to be heard for the states of Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia on Jan. 6, 2021.

Trump additionally had claimed prior to Jan. 6, 2021 that under the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution, Vice President Pence had the power to unilaterally hear the alternate slates of electors that the Trump campaign was putting forward, and to otherwise send the election back to the states for recertification, a point of law that Pence disputed, saying it was up to the states to put forward their electors, which they already had. They disagreed about that, but Trump still persisted in exercising his First Amendment right to raise the challenge and attempt to persuade both Pence and Congress to consider the alternate slates of electors put forth, and if that failed, for Congress to discount the Electoral College votes from the states raising challenges under the objection process provided for under the Electoral Count Act.


You poor thing. You can't even think for yourself. From where did you plagiarize that tripe? It's bullshit. Not that you would know since you refuse to read the indictment for yourself. But it's dead wrong. It's based on the premise that Trump was indicted for challenging the election. He wasn't. In fact the indictment says he had every right to challenge it and did challenge it. You'd know that if only you read the indictment.
Read it, coward.
Read it.
Entirely speculative about what his free speech might have meant to some. What people decide to do is on them and not Trump. They are not robots sent into action by their master like you lib loons are wishing for
That’s a weak baseless argument… these indictments are products of years of investigations. You’re fabricating the link to Bidens congressional investigation
So the DAY AFTER some damning evidence comes out about Biden’s corruption is when it comes down? The purpose was to get everyone focused on Trump and forget about the real criminal.
See when phrases like “and directing a crime” are used its cart before the horse because what was committed had to actually be a crime and not merely construed as one.
This whole farce is a thinkers paradise and will be legally dismissed and they know that. The idea is to smear and hamper Trump. It’s Covid 2.0
No bail, not chance, no way. We would be sitting behind bars right now, as many who committed lesser crimes that trump are.
Agreed. I've said all along the only reason these people were / are treated with kid gloves is because they are Americans. If foreigners attacked the Capitol Most or all of them would have been shot and killed, those who survived the siege would have been hauled off to Guantanamo Bay to never be heard of again. They would have been treated as the terrorists they are. And the Capitol Police would not have held back on lethal force. All of them would have gotten medals for protecting the US.
In every single public statement, Trump has maintained his Nov. 4, 2020 declaration that there had been “fraud” in the 2020 election, even after he exhausted all legal means of overturning the result. He never wavered. And even if Trump privately expressed doubts about the challenges or after the vote had been certified or after President Joe Biden had been inaugurated—if so, Special Counsel Smith did not present evidence that Trump disbelieved his core assertion of “fraud”—Trump had the right to raise the challenges, whether in courts, state legislatures, the Vice President, Congress or with a rally.

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