Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

You know that is not an objective presentation of the case right? That’s a defense for trump. Is that really how you get your news? Let other people analyze and tell you what to think?

No, the indictment is an objective presentation.

Where do they grow idiots like you.
Tell me, please.
Don't see the circularity of your argument? Want me to list Biden' 10,000 lies?

That's the point JESH, Smith is saing Trump's words themselves are criminal. Not that they lead to criminality. Saying the words themselves is criminal.

Let me give you an example

Smith is saying that Trump's questioning of fraud in the PA vote alone is criminal Uttering those words is criminal. You don't see the problem with that?
Words that are intended to create criminal acts are, indeed, criminal themselves. This is good law, and it prevents criminal pervs from corrupting free speech.
You know that is not an objective presentation of the case right? That’s a defense for trump. Is that really how you get your news? Let other people analyze and tell you what to think?
OK. Seems you're saying he wasn't indicted for his words. What act did Trump take that is alleged in the indictment that is criminal.
OK. Seems you're saying he wasn't indicted for his words. What act did Trump take that is alleged in the indictment that is criminal.
But….but….but….”fight like hell ”
It’s ALL they have
I can only assume that the long term effects of MAGA is the gradual deterioration of brain cells. This country is a country of rules and laws, not "Cause Donald said so." He had every right in the world to challenge the 2020 elections results. He did and he lost in court over 60 times. The only case he won was his challenge of how far the repub observers need to stand away from the vote counting. AND HE KNEW HE LOST, BUT HE KEPT LYING ABOUT IT.

Unbelievably, it's actually getting worse. Before, they believed there was voter fraud because they believed him. But now they're learning he was full of shit, but they're so committed to him and the Big Lie, they'll reject reality, IGNORE that it's exposed he was lying to them, and continue to believe there was widespread fraud anyway. Because they're incapable of separating him from the Big Lie. They're still compelled to support both.
OK. Seems you're saying he wasn't indicted for his words. What act did Trump take that is alleged in the indictment that is criminal.
He used his position as president to direct his people and his Justice department to try and defraud an election. It’s all laid out in detail for pages. Describes the charges, conspirators, and actions taken.

You should read it



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