Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

That's a whole lot of propaganda bullshit in 2 minutes. You must like being brainwashed.
Read the indictment.
Watch the Jan. 6th Committee hearings from last summer.
Educate yourself on the facts...instead of just talking outta your ass about shit you don't even really understand.
There is plenty of evidence that shows Trump's actions were illegal.
He has committed multiple felonies. Whether he is held accountable is another question. But people are sitting in jail right now, because they listened to him.
I agree. Maybe you should take it to heart, and truly examine how much of what you believe you can actually support using verifiable facts.
Well I do know one thing for sure, you cannot trust anything that anyone says if they are in the Biden Administration.

When it comes to impeachments and indictments.....both are nothing but claims that aren't verified with actual evidence until both sides are allowed to present their case in a court of law.

You can't assume that an indictment is a fact because it has to go thru the process in court.
That means both sides get to present evidence and you weigh what is more compelling.
Up to this point we haven't seen both sides of the story, only one side.

You cannot claim that any of the "Facts" the Deep State/Swamp produces are verifiable simply by siting a story in the NYSlimes or the Washington Compost either.
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No....what Jack Smith is doing is trying to make legal actions appear to be illegal.
The major flaw in all of this is the Dems tried pretty much the same exact thing when Trump won, and then carried it even further by creating Russian Collusion which was outright fraud.
Every person involved in this plot would be shot in the back of the head if it had been done in countries these commies greatly admire.

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I think it's time to drop the Dem / Marxist label as they've gone full Bolshevik. Using the power of federal agencies that are corrupt to the core, the Bolsheviks will continue to bring phony charges against Trump because he is an enemy of the Bolshevik State. As we see with the diversity hire judge who will preside over the farce led by Jack Smith, the Bolsheviks found an angry, Bolshevik comrade with deep ties to the Biden Crime Family and the Bolshevik party.

you're certifiable.
Well I do know one thing for sure, you cannot trust anything that anyone says if they are in the Biden Administration.

When it comes to impeachments and indictments.....both are nothing but claims that aren't verified with actual evidence until both sides are allowed to present their case in a court of law.

You can't assume that an indictment is a fact because it has to go thru the process in court.
That means both sides get to present evidence and you weigh what is more compelling.
Up to this point we haven't seen both sides of the story, only one side.

You cannot claim that any of the "Facts" the Deep State/Swamp produces are verifiable simply by siting a story in the NYSlimes or the Washington Compost either.
Well I do know one thing for sure, you cannot trust anything that anyone says if they are in the Biden Administration.
This is a verifiable fact to you? Pray tell give me a reason you cannot trust any of the millions of civil servants in the Biden administration?

As for your indictment riff.
-A lot of what is in there is in the public realm.
-Smith had to present all the evidence in the indictment to a grand jury. If you think he's lying I have good news. Discovery will show that leading to a quick dismissal and if the lies are egregious Smith will face sanctions.
-As for both sides. You are right we haven't heard both sides present their case in court. We have both sides speak in public though. On side considerably more than the other. I've been paying attention to what that one side (Trump's side) has been saying. I have to say, most of it is not a valid legal defense.
This is a verifiable fact to you? Pray tell give me a reason you cannot trust any of the millions of civil servants in the Biden administration?

As for your indictment riff.
-A lot of what is in there is in the public realm.
-Smith had to present all the evidence in the indictment to a grand jury. If you think he's lying I have good news. Discovery will show that leading to a quick dismissal and if the lies are egregious Smith will face sanctions.
-As for both sides. You are right we haven't heard both sides present their case in court. We have both sides speak in public though. On side considerably more than the other. I've been paying attention to what that one side (Trump's side) has been saying. I have to say, most of it is not a valid legal defense.
I think it's easier if YOU try to convince me why I should trust anything the Biden Adm says.

They destroyed that coke they found in the White House. That's destruction of evidence.
They said from the start that they didn't think they could find out who it belonged to.
That's horse shit.
They know everyone who went in the White House.
It's just a matter of questioning all of the staff and everyone who was in that area, and piss-testing every one of them.
They could find out in a couple of days who it belonged to if they wanted to find out.
They drug tested all of us when I was in the military. The threat of coming up hot would cause a confession in little or no time.

No, they already knew who's coke it was. They just don't want us to know who's it is.

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