Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

I think it's easier if YOU try to convince me why I should trust anything the Biden Adm says.

They destroyed that coke they found in the White House. That's destruction of evidence.
They said from the start that they didn't think they could find out who it belonged to.
That's horse shit.
They know everyone who went in the White House.
It's just a matter of questioning all of the staff and everyone who was in that area, and piss-testing every one of them.
They could find out in a couple of days who it belonged to if they wanted to find out.
They drug tested all of us when I was in the military. The threat of coming up hot would cause a confession in little or no time.

No, they already knew who's coke it was. They just don't want us to know who's it is.
Mud there's nothing and I mean NOTHING, I can say that will convince you of anything. I've had these conversations a million times and none of you can be convinced. The reason for that is that Trump supporters have created a nice unfalsifiable bubble were all proof can be dismissed. I'll demonstrate by having both sides of this conversation and you can prove me wrong. I'd be shocked if that happens but one never knows.

a heavily trafficked West Wing lobby where staff go in and out, and tour groups gather to drop their phones and other belongings.
Me: How do you get to the conclusion that a bag of coke in an area were tour groups literally drop of their phones belongs to the staff.
You: You believe the MSM? They are obviously lying.

Me: This is the official statement from the Secret Service. saying the exact same thing as the AP.
You: They are part of the government. Do you honestly believe that they are telling the truth?

Is this not how the discussion would go? And if that how it goes. How am I supposed to convince you, when you reject any source I provide as a part of the conspiracy?
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Mud there's nothing and I mean NOTHING, I can say that will convince you of anything. I've had these conversations a million times and none of you can be convinced. The reason for that is that Trump supporters have created a nice unfalsifiable bubble were all proof can be dismissed. I'll demonstrate by having both sides of this conversation and you can prove me wrong. I'd be shocked if that happens but you one never knows.

a heavily trafficked West Wing lobby where staff go in and out, and tour groups gather to drop their phones and other belongings.
Me: How do you get to the conclusion that a bag of coke in an area were tour groups literally drop of their phones belongs to the staff.
You: You believe the MSM? They are obviously lying.

Me: This is the official statement from the Secret Service. saying the exact same thing as the AP.
You: They are part of the government. Do you honestly believe that they are telling the truth?

Is this not how the discussion would go? And if that how it goes. How am I supposed to convince you, when you reject any source I provide as a part of the conspiracy?
I can say the same about you.
You reject any source I give you.
It doesn't matter to you what is being said but who's saying it.

The fact remains that the Swamp is expansive and they provide you all the talking-points you need to argue with people about what is going on, but those talking-points are bogus.

You're assuming that any media source can be trusted.
I don't trust any media source till what they say has been verified.
And it gets harder and harder to verify anything because as we have discovered lately, the Biden administration has been telling social media outlets to censor the news.

I can say the same about you.
You reject any source I give you.
It doesn't matter to you what is being said but who's saying it.

The fact remains that the Swamp is expansive and they provide you all the talking-points you need to argue with people about what is going on, but those talking-points are bogus.

You're assuming that any media source can be trusted.
I don't trust any media source till what they say has been verified.
And it gets harder and harder to verify anything because as we have discovered lately, the Biden administration has been telling social media outlets to censor the news.

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You haven't provided any source. You've made statements and asserted them as they were facts. It's called begging the question. I never just dismiss a source. I will sometimes say a source is known for disinformation but never without providing a substantive rebuttal of what that source says.
You haven't provided any source. You've made statements and asserted them as they were facts. It's called begging the question. I never just dismiss a source. I will sometimes say a source is known for disinformation but never without providing a substantive rebuttal of what that source says.
I've been providing tons of sources. Videos, case laws, you name it.

You're guilty of the same thing you're accusing me of.

Look in the mirror bud.
Maybe you might try reading the thread instead of expecting someone to do it for you.
No wonder you're a Democrat.
All 84 pages of it? My tolerance for stupidity isn't that big. Have you read all 84 pages? I'm guessing..... no

Hayes is a batshit insane conspiracy nut. That other woman is just another mindless drone who has no idea what she's talking about. She's actually claiming Trump set all this up by signing EO 13848 which will give him extraordinary investigative powers. Except he's out of office so he can't invoke anything from EO 13848 and even worse, it deals with foreign interference in one of our elections. But there was no foreign interference; so even if he could have used it to his advantage somehow, it doesn't even apply. Then she claims the Constitution allows the VP to unilaterally reject a state's slate of electors and send it back to the state to change their minds. That is the same level of batshit Trumptards post on this forum every single day.
Mud there's nothing and I mean NOTHING, I can say that will convince you of anything. I've had these conversations a million times and none of you can be convinced. The reason for that is that Trump supporters have created a nice unfalsifiable bubble were all proof can be dismissed. I'll demonstrate by having both sides of this conversation and you can prove me wrong. I'd be shocked if that happens but one never knows.

a heavily trafficked West Wing lobby where staff go in and out, and tour groups gather to drop their phones and other belongings.
Me: How do you get to the conclusion that a bag of coke in an area were tour groups literally drop of their phones belongs to the staff.
You: You believe the MSM? They are obviously lying.

Me: This is the official statement from the Secret Service. saying the exact same thing as the AP.
You: They are part of the government. Do you honestly believe that they are telling the truth?

Is this not how the discussion would go? And if that how it goes. How am I supposed to convince you, when you reject any source I provide as a part of the conspiracy?
That's a comical image, running sophisticated DNA tests and fingerprint searches when the had long since looked at the tapes to see who it was.
Hayes is a batshit insane conspiracy nut. That other woman is just another mindless drone who has no idea what she's talking about. She's actually claiming Trump set all this up by signing EO 13848 which will give him extraordinary investigative powers. Except he's out of office so he can't invoke anything from EO 13848 and even worse, it deals with foreign interference in one of our elections. But there was no foreign interference; so even if he could have used it to his advantage somehow, it doesn't even apply. Then she claims the Constitution allows the VP to unilaterally reject a state's slate of electors and send it back to the state to change their minds. That is the same level of batshit Trumptards post on this forum every single day.
Speaking of batshit insane nutcases.....that would be you. :iagree:
That's a comical image, running sophisticated DNA tests and fingerprint searches when the had long since looked at the tapes to see who it was.
There was no surveillance video footage found that provided investigative leads or any other means for investigators to identify who may have deposited the found substance in this area.
There was no surveillance video footage found that provided investigative leads or any other means for investigators to identify who may have deposited the found substance in this area.
What the lost all the footage from the multiple cameras?

You are welcome to buy that.
What the lost all the footage from the multiple cameras?

You are welcome to buy that.
They don't need to lose all the footage. The only thing they need is a specific area not being covered or the area being covered, and the bag just hidden from the camara, easily imaginable since cameras are line of sight kind of things. At that point what they have is a time-frame in which the bag was found. This means all people who passed including tour groups are possible suspects. They can and have according to the statement run all the people in the area, but if that bag is the only lead with no fingerprints or DNA to run against the people in the area, it'll be hard to find the person responsible.

Also, it was a small bag of cocaine. What exactly do you think would be the benefit of hiding the guilty party? Sorry, but staffers if that's who it was are a dime a dozen and easily fired if need be. And again, according to the statement the area is used by the tour groups for dropping of their phone. Something that would explain why the bag was found there in the first place.

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