Indisputable proof that progressivism destroyed the U.S.

Progressivism destroys everything it touches - including education in America...

Just like every progressive program in history, conservatives warned against it and accurately predicted exactly what would happen. Social Security (like all unconstitutional progressive programs) was always unsustainable. But that reality was exacerbated by a corrupt federal government which raided the Social Security fund like it was their own personal piggy bank.

Projections Differ, but Social Security Is in Deep Trouble
More indisputable proof that progressives have destroyed the United States. Just look at what they've done to our education system...
  • Less than 50% (of youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age polled by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs) could identify New York and Ohio on a U.S. map
  • 60% could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map of the Middle East
  • 75% could not find Iran or Israel
  • 44% could not locate even one of those four countries.
According to a Philadelphia magazine article:
  • The percentage of college grads who can read and interpret a food label has fallen from 40% to 30%
  • They are 6x's likelier to know who won “American Idol” than they are to know the name of the speaker of the House
  • A high school teacher in California handed out an assignment that required students to use a ruler. Not a single student knew how
According to a study done by the American Institutes for Research:
  • Revealed over 75% of two-year college students and 50% of four-year college students were incapable of completing everyday tasks.
  • About 20% of four-year college students demonstrated only basic mathematical ability
  • While a steeper 30% of two-year college students could not progress past elementary arithmetic
NBC News reported:
  • Fortune 500 companies spend about $3 billion annually to train employees in “basic English.”
Reported by Just Facts:
  • In 2009, the Pentagon estimated that 65% of 17- to 24-year-olds in the U.S. were unqualified for military service because of weak educational skills, poor physical fitness, illegal drug usage, medical conditions, or criminal records.
  • In January 2014, the commander of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command estimated this figure at 77.5%
  • And in June 2014, the Department of Defense estimated this figure at 71%.
The Astonishing Ignorance of Young Adults
There is nothing more regressive than progressivism. It continues to set society back centuries - destroying morals, economies, civility, race relations, and more...

"Once having joined these [ethnic] organizations, the more likely [students] were to feel that they were in this zero-sum relationship with other ethnic groups on campus, and the greater level of hostility they had towards other members on campus, the greater the degree to which they felt ethnically victimized by other ethnic groups on campus," Sidanius claimed in 2004.

Black Harvard Professor: Safe Spaces Harmful
Hmmm ...I see proof of a froot loop opinion but no link to proof of progressives destroying the US or proof that the US has been destroyed.

Ya wanna try again?

While you're thrashing around, desperately trying to make your case, you might want to look at the numerous times DuhDonuld has stated he will destroy the US Constitution.

Including today.


OMG, the US has been destroyed. Can you believe it? The world is coming to an end. We better elect Hitler as our new leader to save the world.
Hmmm ...I see proof of a froot loop opinion but no link to proof of progressives destroying the US or proof that the US has been destroyed.

Ya wanna try again?

While you're thrashing around, desperately trying to make your case, you might want to look at the numerous times DuhDonuld has stated he will destroy the US Constitution.

Including today.


OMG, the US has been destroyed. Can you believe it? The world is coming to an end. We better elect Hitler as our new leader to save the world.
Drama Queen much? Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler? Really? :eusa_doh:

Donald Trump is a jack-ass of monumental proportions. But he's not Adolf Hitler, drama queen.
Conservatives continue with a 100% accuracy rate on predicting the results of idiot progressive policies. We accurately predicted the results of Social Security. We accurately predicted the results of Welfare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicare. We accurately predicted the results of Medicaid. And we were scary accurate with our predictions of Obamacare.

You can now officially add "Fight for $15" to the list. Progressives are too stupid to understand basic economics and so ideological that they prefer no-wage jobs over low-wage jobs.

Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks Nationwide
A prime example here of how progressive policy continues to fail society. After Martin Shkreli purchased the rights to the anti-parasitic drug Daraprim and raised the price from $13.50 per tablet to $750 per tablet, a high school student went out and created the medication for $2 per tablet. The free market flawlessly solving problems as it always does.

But....idiotic progressive top-down, centralized-controlled, centralized-planning communism. Business Insider explains:

But while the drug is still incredibly expensive in the U.S., in most countries, including Australia, it’s available for around $1 or $2 per tablet.

That’s because the drug is out of patent, but Turing Pharmaceuticals controls its distribution in the States through a loophole called the ‘closed distribution model‘.

That means for a competitor – such as the students’ new drug – to be able to be sold on the U.S. open market, it would have to be compared in trials to Shkreli’s product.

High school students make Martin Shkreli’s $750 drug Daraprim for $2
Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015

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