Infanticide Will be a Major Issue in 2020:Thank You Mr. President

Despite what you might have heard, at no point did Tran try to legalize infanticide.

When Tran appeared before a statehouse subcommittee, the Republican majority leader, Todd Gilbert, presented her with an outré hypothetical. Could a woman about to go into labor request an abortion if her doctor certified that she needed one for mental health reasons? Tran said that the decision would be between a woman and her doctor, but, evidently taken aback by the question, eventually allowed that it would be permitted under her bill.

Tran handled the moment poorly. She might have pointed out that legislation is not generally written with an eye to prohibiting ridiculous and unprecedented scenarios. It is inconceivable that a doctor would certify a need for an abortion while a woman is in labor; some doctors won’t even let a woman turn down a C-section if they think a baby’s health is at risk. But Tran’s impolitic answer to a ludicrous question gave abortion opponents grist for an explosion of self-righteous outrage.
Copy and paste stupid shit says a lot about you.
You keep saying the same stupid shit.

Why is that different?
Yep abortion is the western worlds biggest hypocrisy

Pretending to care for the weak

Trump is destroying liberalism

By exposing its hypocrisies.

Yep. Human nature gets upset with hypocrisy ...and their anger then stops it. The most wise will see the hypocrisy first and these would be white males

The wise white males has judged Muellers probe as blackmail to scare trump to over look the more serious crimes by democrats

Barr is soon to be confirmed and the investigations of the deep state will begin

And soon both investigations will be looked at side by side

Barr will declare the mueller probe as a blackmail crime to cover up more serious crimes

Trump has the white men with their highest logic ability who already had judged Muellers probe as blackmail

Barr or anyone cannot afford to go against the REAL POWER. The white males

The white males has never lost a war
What about your hypocrisy? If that baby was born then ten years later got cancer, you would have it die rather than have a society that takes care of all its citizens. Your policies say you don’t care.

And let’s say a fundraiser saved that poor kid. You say insurance companies should be allowed to never insure that person because of pre existing conditions.

So I say if people don’t want to be saddled with debt, feel free to get an abortion.

Very few upper middle class women get abortions. They can afford the mistake. Or young girls who live at home with their middle class parents too. But some women just can’t be having a baby. Baby got to go. Sorry god, if there even is one. Is there?
What color is the sky on your planet?

Abortion shows how western democracies are totally hypocrites

And hypocrisy is a pre wired anger generator

This human nature law will destroy democrats
You would think it would work that way. You cons have and raise conservatives and us liberals abort ourselves into extinction
It’s easy for seniors to be conservatives. They can’t get pregnant plus they’re on social security and Medicare
Yep abortion is the western worlds biggest hypocrisy

Pretending to care for the weak

You've got no idea.

Trump is destroying liberalism

By exposing its hypocrisies.

Yep. Human nature gets upset with hypocrisy ...and their anger then stops it. The most wise will see the hypocrisy first and these would be white males

The wise white males has judged Muellers probe as blackmail to scare trump to over look the more serious crimes by democrats

Barr is soon to be confirmed and the investigations of the deep state will begin

And soon both investigations will be looked at side by side

Barr will declare the mueller probe as a blackmail crime to cover up more serious crimes

Trump has the white men with their highest logic ability who already had judged Muellers probe as blackmail

Barr or anyone cannot afford to go against the REAL POWER. The white males

The white males has never lost a war
What about your hypocrisy? If that baby was born then ten years later got cancer, you would have it die rather than have a society that takes care of all its citizens. Your policies say you don’t care.

And let’s say a fundraiser saved that poor kid. You say insurance companies should be allowed to never insure that person because of pre existing conditions.

So I say if people don’t want to be saddled with debt, feel free to get an abortion.

Very few upper middle class women get abortions. They can afford the mistake. Or young girls who live at home with their middle class parents too. But some women just can’t be having a baby. Baby got to go. Sorry god, if there even is one. Is there?
If money was the issue. Birth control is cheaper than an abortion. Go get a BC implant every 3/6 months. Done.
Don’t tell me tell the women who get pregnant.

I’m a huge fan of iuds
Isn’t it the supreme courts decision?

Well yeah! And I'm sure SCOTUS won't take a case on Abortion Until after RBG is replaced. That's what scares the hell out of the Left. A (5) Conservative Justice Majority. The biggest threat to Socialism is a Court full of Constitutionalist Judges. The worm is about to turn.:thewave:
Thank you for pointing out out how important is is that we elect Democratic Senators to protect abortion rights since those Justices are confirmed by the Senate

People needed to understand that better
Protect infanticide. Sure...voters will go for that. Abortion is an issue looney left can’t defend outside liberal media, socialist college campuses, or the leftist halls of Congress.
Nope. Just Newt Nuttiness Hyperbole.

As you know, Newt Gingrich was the driving force behind President Bill Clinton's successful economy. Why your childish effort to belittle him?

No I do not know that about Newt. Newt, the driving force of any economy is laughable.

Reprise history as you want. The internet bubble left a whole lot of room for folks to make a better mouse trap. And they did.
Despite what you might have heard, at no point did Tran try to legalize infanticide.

When Tran appeared before a statehouse subcommittee, the Republican majority leader, Todd Gilbert, presented her with an outré hypothetical. Could a woman about to go into labor request an abortion if her doctor certified that she needed one for mental health reasons? Tran said that the decision would be between a woman and her doctor, but, evidently taken aback by the question, eventually allowed that it would be permitted under her bill.

Tran handled the moment poorly. She might have pointed out that legislation is not generally written with an eye to prohibiting ridiculous and unprecedented scenarios. It is inconceivable that a doctor would certify a need for an abortion while a woman is in labor; some doctors won’t even let a woman turn down a C-section if they think a baby’s health is at risk. But Tran’s impolitic answer to a ludicrous question gave abortion opponents grist for an explosion of self-righteous outrage.
The same would apply today except three doctors would have to certify it was necessary for mental health reasons
Once again.

What's being talked about is a law that would reduce the number of doctors it takes to approve a third trimester abortion from 3 to one.


Makes sense to me!

You certainly don't want any witnesses left when you're committing murder so let's get rid of the two EXTRA DOCTORS. :D
Once again.

What's being talked about is a law that would reduce the number of doctors it takes to approve a third trimester abortion from 3 to one.

The issue is saving the mothers life
No it’s not. There is no life of the mother argument to be made for waiting until a woman is 9 months along to kill the baby.
If course there are
Conditions change during a pregnancy
There are no conditions that require an abortion during final month of pregnancy.
Despite what you might have heard, at no point did Tran try to legalize infanticide.

When Tran appeared before a statehouse subcommittee, the Republican majority leader, Todd Gilbert, presented her with an outré hypothetical. Could a woman about to go into labor request an abortion if her doctor certified that she needed one for mental health reasons? Tran said that the decision would be between a woman and her doctor, but, evidently taken aback by the question, eventually allowed that it would be permitted under her bill.

Tran handled the moment poorly. She might have pointed out that legislation is not generally written with an eye to prohibiting ridiculous and unprecedented scenarios. It is inconceivable that a doctor would certify a need for an abortion while a woman is in labor; some doctors won’t even let a woman turn down a C-section if they think a baby’s health is at risk. But Tran’s impolitic answer to a ludicrous question gave abortion opponents grist for an explosion of self-righteous outrage.
Haven’t read the law have you, just copy and paste talking point lies.

Yep abortion is the western worlds biggest hypocrisy

Pretending to care for the weak

By helping Putin ?

You've got no idea.

Trump is destroying liberalism

By exposing its hypocrisies.

Yep. Human nature gets upset with hypocrisy ...and their anger then stops it. The most wise will see the hypocrisy first and these would be white males

The wise white males has judged Muellers probe as blackmail to scare trump to over look the more serious crimes by democrats

Barr is soon to be confirmed and the investigations of the deep state will begin

And soon both investigations will be looked at side by side

Barr will declare the mueller probe as a blackmail crime to cover up more serious crimes

Trump has the white men with their highest logic ability who already had judged Muellers probe as blackmail

Barr or anyone cannot afford to go against the REAL POWER. The white males

The white males has never lost a war
What about your hypocrisy? If that baby was born then ten years later got cancer, you would have it die rather than have a society that takes care of all its citizens. Your policies say you don’t care.

And let’s say a fundraiser saved that poor kid. You say insurance companies should be allowed to never insure that person because of pre existing conditions.

So I say if people don’t want to be saddled with debt, feel free to get an abortion.

Very few upper middle class women get abortions. They can afford the mistake. Or young girls who live at home with their middle class parents too. But some women just can’t be having a baby. Baby got to go. Sorry god, if there even is one. Is there?

That's cool you have the right to an abortion. It's the law for now anyway. explain why some are paid for with taxpayers dollars.
Well yeah! And I'm sure SCOTUS won't take a case on Abortion Until after RBG is replaced. That's what scares the hell out of the Left. A (5) Conservative Justice Majority. The biggest threat to Socialism is a Court full of Constitutionalist Judges. The worm is about to turn.:thewave:
Thank you for pointing out out how important is is that we elect Democratic Senators to protect abortion rights since those Justices are confirmed by the Senate

People needed to understand that better
Protect infanticide. Sure...voters will go for that. Abortion is an issue looney left can’t defend outside liberal media, socialist college campuses, or the leftist halls of Congress.
Nope. Just Newt Nuttiness Hyperbole.

As you know, Newt Gingrich was the driving force behind President Bill Clinton's successful economy. Why your childish effort to belittle him?

No I do not know that about Newt. Newt, the driving force of any economy is laughable.

Reprise history as you want. The internet bubble left a whole lot of room for folks to make a better mouse trap. And they did.

Proving, once again, that the quote from President Reagan, holds even more true today than when he made it originally!

Face it, President Clinton had nothing, whatsoever, to do with the economy. He was the recipient of the temporary benefit of the dot com bubble. As you know, it burst and left President Bush with a recession coming into office.

Speaker Newt Gingrich was voted into office by offering the Contract with America. This appealed to the country and Republicans swept into the House of Representatives. Not all made it into law but one, after being vetoed by President Clinton twice he saw that any further veto would be overridden so he signed the Welfare Reform Act of 1996.

The change was immensely successful until it was largely destroyed by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

I know where he’s trying to go with this. None of it changes the fact if a girl finds out she’s pregnant, only she gets to decide if she has it.

There are laws. Can’t do it past a certain point, unless special circumstances. And the circumstances are different for everyone. Imo usually all late term abortions are good choices. Sucks how it’s done but how would a conservative do it? Do they have a better way to murder a retard or baby that’s going to kill the mother?

My highlights above.

My hope is that you are being facetious. You can't possibly be serious. If you were, you would know how obscene is your choice.
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

Abortion will not be a major issue in 2020. The states where it plays are already Republican. Republicans will have to explain their support for getting rid of Roe vs Wade which is supported by 60% of voters. Newt Gingrich is a victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome. To defend Trump he has to say stupid things.
Thank you for pointing out out how important is is that we elect Democratic Senators to protect abortion rights since those Justices are confirmed by the Senate

People needed to understand that better
Protect infanticide. Sure...voters will go for that. Abortion is an issue looney left can’t defend outside liberal media, socialist college campuses, or the leftist halls of Congress.
Nope. Just Newt Nuttiness Hyperbole.

As you know, Newt Gingrich was the driving force behind President Bill Clinton's successful economy. Why your childish effort to belittle him?

No I do not know that about Newt. Newt, the driving force of any economy is laughable.

Reprise history as you want. The internet bubble left a whole lot of room for folks to make a better mouse trap. And they did.

Proving, once again, that the quote from President Reagan, holds even more true today than when he made it originally!

Face it, President Clinton had nothing, whatsoever, to do with the economy. He was the recipient of the temporary benefit of the dot com bubble. As you know, it burst and left President Bush with a recession coming into office.

Speaker Newt Gingrich was voted into office by offering the Contract with America. This appealed to the country and Republicans swept into the House of Representatives. Not all made it into law but one, after being vetoed by President Clinton twice he saw that any further veto would be overridden so he signed the Welfare Reform Act of 1996.

The change was immensely successful until it was largely destroyed by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.


Clinton did do one thing that was good for the economy. He agreed to lower the capital gains tax rate which is especially helpful to tech companies. Bush was not entirely blameless. Like most politicians he supported people buying houses and let the industry excesses continue. That is the bubble that caused the recession.

Ronald Reagan would have nothing to do with Donald Trump.
LOL! Nope. Newt is a Nut.
Trump will use infanticide like a truncheon and beat the Democrats mercilessly with it. American people against the murder of healthy babies because their mother was a selfish whore.

There is no "infanticide". By age 40, 1 in 4 American women will have had one or more abortions. 70% of American think abortion should be legal. Abortions were performed in cave man times. Like prostitution, abortion has always been with us. You won't end it by making it illegal. You will just drive it back underground and women will once again, die from botched abortions.

The only lunatics opposing abortion are right wing evangelicals, and they only make up 23% of Americans. Even then evangelicals have 13% of all abortions - 100,000 abortions per year on people who claim abortion is wrong and murder. I guess it's only "wrong", when liberals get an abortion.

Only barbarian nations ban abortion.

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