Infanticide Will be a Major Issue in 2020:Thank You Mr. President

I know where he’s trying to go with this. None of it changes the fact if a girl finds out she’s pregnant, only she gets to decide if she has it.

There are laws. Can’t do it past a certain point, unless special circumstances. And the circumstances are different for everyone. Imo usually all late term abortions are good choices. Sucks how it’s done but how would a conservative do it? Do they have a better way to murder a retard or baby that’s going to kill the mother?

My highlights above.

My hope is that you are being facetious. You can't possibly be serious. If you were, you would know how obscene is your choice.
You are the one who doesn't get it. If you were faced with the choice you too would probably late term abort the retard too. If you wouldn't then you'd be that guy I feel sorry for pushing that retard around town for the rest of your miserable life.

I've never seen a late term abortion I disagreed with. Can you show me one example of a person who got a late term abortion for the wrong reasons? Do you even know what their reasons are?

The only reason you think I'm being obscene is because you are an ignorant person.

And if you would gladly push the retard around then god bless you. That's why you are going to heaven and I'm not.
And what about issues like spina bifida? Where you find out in the third trimester that the fetus has an exposed spine and will never be able to walk...feed be much of anything beyond a vegetable if brought to term??

These pro life idiots don't have a clue.

He should hire Peter North to train the public on avoiding unwanted pregnancy----WITHOUT birth control. Au natural !
Abortion and other parts of liberalism
Has brought this death sentence of liberal nations

This MONSTER Imbalance of young to old

This has caused liberal nations to run in the young of third world nations and these will grow up and make the non third world nations to go with third world mentality

Abortion and liberalism has brought suicides for western nations
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I know where he’s trying to go with this. None of it changes the fact if a girl finds out she’s pregnant, only she gets to decide if she has it.

There are laws. Can’t do it past a certain point, unless special circumstances. And the circumstances are different for everyone. Imo usually all late term abortions are good choices. Sucks how it’s done but how would a conservative do it? Do they have a better way to murder a retard or baby that’s going to kill the mother?

My highlights above.

My hope is that you are being facetious. You can't possibly be serious. If you were, you would know how obscene is your choice.
You are the one who doesn't get it. If you were faced with the choice you too would probably late term abort the retard too. If you wouldn't then you'd be that guy I feel sorry for pushing that retard around town for the rest of your miserable life.

I've never seen a late term abortion I disagreed with. Can you show me one example of a person who got a late term abortion for the wrong reasons? Do you even know what their reasons are?

The only reason you think I'm being obscene is because you are an ignorant person.

And if you would gladly push the retard around then god bless you. That's why you are going to heaven and I'm not.
And what about issues like spina bifida? Where you find out in the third trimester that the fetus has an exposed spine and will never be able to walk...feed be much of anything beyond a vegetable if brought to term??

"We were at a standstill," says his mother, Suzanne Poe, who was scraping by as a single parent of two in Des Moines, Iowa.

Then doctors recommended that she enroll her son in the SSI program this year, and everything changed. A monthly check of $674 helps pay for Hulston's day care, a private tutor and medicines. Perhaps most importantly, the program made Hulston newly eligible for Medicaid, the joint state-federal health insurance program for the poor. He gained access to the doctors he needed.

A Question Of Eligibility

The Globe series spurred Reps. Geoff Davis (R-KY) and Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) to request an investigation by the Government Accountability Office, which is expected to be released by the end of the year. But Republicans in Congress are not waiting for the results of the GAO study; they have twice proposed limiting SSI benefits. The House budget resolution passed earlier this year by Republicans, for example, proposed that the government could save $1.4 billion over 10 years by reducing incentives in the SSI program.

Advocates for children and people with mental illness have rallied against the potential cuts.

SSI currently provides cash assistance and Medicaid to the families of 1.2 million low-income children who struggle from severe disabilities, at a cost of $10 billion a year. Since 2000, the program has grown by about 40 percent.

"Cutting the SSI program could have disastrous consequences for families, many of which already are struggling well below the poverty line," says Rebecca Vallas, a lawyer at Community Legal Services, a Philadelphia nonprofit that also is part of the coalition.

Benefits For Disabled Children Scrutinized
Abortion and other parts of liberalism
Has brought this death sentence of liberal nations

This MONSTER Imbalance of young to old

This has caused liberal nations to run in the young of third world nations and these will grow up and make the non third world nations to. Hang

Abortion and liberalism has brought suicides for western nations

Bullshit. It's conservative policies that are destroying our middle class and causing the low birth rate. Remember all those high paying jobs you sent overseas? Those jobs made it so Americans could afford to have kids. Now the masses are having less kids because they can't afford them. Do you want to pay them more? No you do not.

Take a look at how CEO pay has skyrocketed while workers wages have been stagnant for 40 years. You said it wasn't our business if the CEO's pay goes up 600% while our wages stayed the same. So then over that 40 years less and less of us are having kids. We can't afford it.

Tell the CEO to have more kids. He can afford it.

Great example of how income inequality is fucking this nation big time.

If you want the masses to have more babies then pay them more.

You guys do realize that countries have the ability to give people incentives to have kids. Make it a right off. Good public schools. Maternity leave. Affordable daycare. We don't offer any of these things so screw having kids.

It might hurt the ponzi scheme that is social security but you republicans want to do away with that anyways.

Besides that, who cares if our population goes down? I think we are overpopulated anyways.

And besides that, people are living and working longer remember? So we don't need to replace granny when she turns 65. She has to now work until she's 70.
Abortion and other parts of liberalism
Has brought this death sentence of liberal nations

This MONSTER Imbalance of young to old

This has caused liberal nations to run in the young of third world nations and these will grow up and make the non third world nations to. Hang

Abortion and liberalism has brought suicides for western nations

Bullshit. It's conservative policies that are destroying our middle class and causing the low birth rate. Remember all those high paying jobs you sent overseas? Those jobs made it so Americans could afford to have kids. Now the masses are having less kids because they can't afford them. Do you want to pay them more? No you do not.

Take a look at how CEO pay has skyrocketed while workers wages have been stagnant for 40 years. You said it wasn't our business if the CEO's pay goes up 600% while our wages stayed the same. So then over that 40 years less and less of us are having kids. We can't afford it.

Tell the CEO to have more kids. He can afford it.

Great example of how income inequality is fucking this nation big time.

If you want the masses to have more babies then pay them more.

You guys do realize that countries have the ability to give people incentives to have kids. Make it a right off. Good public schools. Maternity leave. Affordable daycare. We don't offer any of these things so screw having kids.

It might hurt the ponzi scheme that is social security but you republicans want to do away with that anyways.

Besides that, who cares if our population goes down? I think we are overpopulated anyways.

And besides that, people are living and working longer remember? So we don't need to replace granny when she turns 65. She has to now work until she's 70.

Wrong dead wrong

The reason why all western democracies are running the youth of third world nations is because of this one thing

This monster imbalance of young to old

This brings a death sentence for the nations

The third world young replacing the liberal nations will then make laws against all of the nations

Total destruction of western democracies because of liberalism !!
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

This is a VERY pertinent thread, cause the Left is in a box on this, and with over 80% of the independents agreeing with Trumps SOTU, it appears at this exact point in time, the Left is in a precarious position!

They can deflect, spin, or stand on their heads all they want. Pelosi, Chuckie Shmucky, and Socialist Bernie are aware of this also, and if the Leftists clowns on this board are to dumb to see it, GOOD FOR US-)
Killing a healthy child is barbaric. Democratic Party needs to wear it like an anchor around its neck.

You SJWer's lie about your opposition all the time. Why should anyone believe you now?

Too bad Republicans only care about the fetus.

It would be great if they cared about the born.
As I put posted many times before the infant mortality rate is way up in the Appalachian area.
Is letting white babies in the Appalachian area die a form of infanticide? By refusing to provide healthcare and investing in these areas are Republicans killing these babies?
Why don’t they care?
Without life, there is no chance for liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

In New Mexico this week, an abortion bill passed the state house and would allow abortion without restriction and for any reason. If there's ever been a time to not dilute the cause, it's now.

In the not too distant past, Democrats claimed they wanted abortion to be "safe, legal, and rare." In 2019, that old mantra has been exchanged for the most horrific thing imaginable: abortion at any time, for any reason. And this is considered progress? It is nothing short of barbaric.

There is no room for abortion within a civilized society, and there is no place for it among those who call themselves conservatives.
Jesus, the tards like BS Filter actually line up to make public asses of themselves, parroting their idiot propagandists!
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

Abortion will not be a major issue in 2020. The states where it plays are already Republican. Republicans will have to explain their support for getting rid of Roe vs Wade which is supported by 60% of voters. Newt Gingrich is a victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome. To defend Trump he has to say stupid things.
To independent voters and Catholic blue state voters it will be an issue.

Try using your head not your libido. The Republicans will have to defend wanting to get rid of Roe vs Wade which is supported by around 60% of voters.

The Virginia bill is not infanticide. It reduces the number of doctors required for a late term abortion from 3 to 1 and allows the procedure to be done in a clinic. That is all.
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

Abortion will not be a major issue in 2020. The states where it plays are already Republican. Republicans will have to explain their support for getting rid of Roe vs Wade which is supported by 60% of voters. Newt Gingrich is a victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome. To defend Trump he has to say stupid things.
To independent voters and Catholic blue state voters it will be an issue.

Try using your head not your libido. The Republicans will have to defend wanting to get rid of Roe vs Wade which is supported by around 60% of voters.

The Virginia bill is not infanticide. It reduces the number of doctors required for a late term abortion from 3 to 1 and allows the procedure to be done in a clinic. That is all.
Supreme Court decisions aren't based on polling voters. A late term abortion is killing a human being.
Jesus, the tards like BS Filter actually line up to make public asses of themselves, parroting their idiot propagandists!
Fact. The democrat party sat on their hands when offered the opportunity to make a statement against infanticide. You're too late with your cover. It's blown. Everyone now knows exactly who and what the democrat party is now.
Without life, there is no chance for liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

In New Mexico this week, an abortion bill passed the state house and would allow abortion without restriction and for any reason. If there's ever been a time to not dilute the cause, it's now.

In the not too distant past, Democrats claimed they wanted abortion to be "safe, legal, and rare." In 2019, that old mantra has been exchanged for the most horrific thing imaginable: abortion at any time, for any reason. And this is considered progress? It is nothing short of barbaric.

There is no room for abortion within a civilized society, and there is no place for it among those who call themselves conservatives.

In what way will that alter the current law in NM?
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

Abortion will not be a major issue in 2020. The states where it plays are already Republican. Republicans will have to explain their support for getting rid of Roe vs Wade which is supported by 60% of voters. Newt Gingrich is a victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome. To defend Trump he has to say stupid things.
To independent voters and Catholic blue state voters it will be an issue.

Try using your head not your libido. The Republicans will have to defend wanting to get rid of Roe vs Wade which is supported by around 60% of voters.

The Virginia bill is not infanticide. It reduces the number of doctors required for a late term abortion from 3 to 1 and allows the procedure to be done in a clinic. That is all.
Supreme Court decisions aren't based on polling voters. A late term abortion is killing a human being.

So would you be okay with surgically removing a near term fetus who dies in the womb of a severe deformation which went undetected by today's modern imagine techniques?

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