Infastructure, science and tech isn't the driver of the debt


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Science, tech, infrastructure never caused the debt. You could look back the past 30 years and find that this just isn't the driver.

It has stayed pretty much the same the last 30 years.

IT IS WELFARE, Free shit give aways and wars.




Sequesters really is anti-science




You see something else is driving the debt. Only a idiot would support slashing science and tech funding....


If we can't even invest into science, tech and infrastructure. Then we won't even remain a first world nation. We probably spend the 50 billion per year on science within 3-4 months at war in a shit hole. We probably spend that in a month on welfare for lazy people...We probably spend that 14 times over on defense.

What is good for our children and our nation seems to be the enemy of the right.
Guess where Obama has been cutting over the past 5 years? Yet he has been giving free shit away to his people.

Yet you are focused on this...Man people are weird.
So you want to increase that crap until it IS a driver a debt, right?

Put that one trick pony back in the barn, sonny.
So you want to increase that crap until it IS a driver a debt, right?

Put that one trick pony back in the barn, sonny.

It's not a "one trick pony".

Infrastructure, science research and education spending actually EXPAND the economy.

That's what made the US number 1.

Innovation, Science and Technology.
You're going to have to figure out how to give away math, science, and tech for free and then O will print trillions to subsidize the freebies.
And we see what public education did to science and math, just drove it right off the cliff. It's way more important to learn how to unroll a condom on a cucumber and whitewash history.
So you want to increase that crap until it IS a driver a debt, right?

Put that one trick pony back in the barn, sonny.

It's not a "one trick pony".

Infrastructure, science research and education spending actually EXPAND the economy.

That's what made the US number 1.

Innovation, Science and Technology.
Al;most none of it gov't sponsored or funded. Got it.
And we see what public education did to science and math, just drove it right off the cliff. It's way more important to learn how to unroll a condom on a cucumber and whitewash history.

Which is why almost every technological breakthrough in the last 2 centuries have come from this country.

You folks are something else.
And we see what public education did to science and math, just drove it right off the cliff. It's way more important to learn how to unroll a condom on a cucumber and whitewash history.

Which is why almost every technological breakthrough in the last 2 centuries have come from this country.

You folks are something else.

We rank 25 and 17 in math and science. I'm sure those are great numbers to aspire to in the dem camp. Its good enough for govt work, huh?
So you want to increase that crap until it IS a driver a debt, right?

Put that one trick pony back in the barn, sonny.

It's not a "one trick pony".

Infrastructure, science research and education spending actually EXPAND the economy.

That's what made the US number 1.

Innovation, Science and Technology.
Al;most none of it gov't sponsored or funded. Got it.

Well no.

Almost all of it IS government funded and Sponsored.

NOAA National Weather Service
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
National Nuclear Security Administration

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Who said these things were driving the debt?


Along with "Entitlements" they've been cutting funding for R&D.


Show me where a republican has indicated that science/infrastructure are driving the debt.

You're sucha lying sack of shit, Shallow.

Republican Budget Cuts at Heart of Medical Research: Albert Hunt - Bloomberg


You're just a "low information" dumb fuck to bitter to get out of mom's basement and shut off FOX.

NIH Funding

There is no more telling illustration than the National Institutes of Health, the center of U.S. medical research and the largest such institution in world. House Republicans want to cut NIH funding for the current year by more than $1 billion, to $29.5 billion. Obama proposes a small increase in NIH funding.

While this 5 percent reduction is less severe than other proposals in the Republican budget, it reverses a 15-year bipartisan effort to support medical research. The NIH budget has almost tripled over the last decade and a half.
So, what you're saying is that you can not provide a citation of republicans saying that science/infrasstructure are driving the debt. Noted.

There are plenty of propositions for budgeting cuts across the board. Even today, though your link is from 2011.

That doesn't lend you any credit that republicans are saying science/infrastructure are driving the debt.
It's not a "one trick pony".

Infrastructure, science research and education spending actually EXPAND the economy.

That's what made the US number 1.

Innovation, Science and Technology.
Al;most none of it gov't sponsored or funded. Got it.

Well no.

Almost all of it IS government funded and Sponsored.

NOAA National Weather Service
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
National Nuclear Security Administration
Comprehensive Cancer Information - National Cancer Institute

Really? That's your proof and response? ROFLMAO!
You're going to have to figure out how to give away math, science, and tech for free and then O will print trillions to subsidize the freebies.

FINALLY - a good idea from an ideological rw.

Maybe there's hope after all.

Naw, the R will never agree to invest in their own country.
That investment in Solyndra really worked out. "Investment" to Obama in this instance means paying off political favors to donors or other scumbags with tax payer dollars. No thanks. The private section can handle things just fine without idiots in Washington trying to pick winners and losers based on political favoritism.

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