
Yes, in 2020 the number did drop tremendously, it went up each year under Trump prior to that.

I have never mad more money than I did in 2022, well except in 2023 I am making even more. Sucks to be you.
You dishonest little troll. You conveniently ignored the post about people and businesses moving to red states from blue states in large numbers. Didn’t fit your troll narrative. Why not move to Panama now? You won’t be missed.
You willing to wager on this? If you are wrong you leave the forum for a month, if I am wrong I will.
Wager on what? I told Where my info comes from. How about we just don’t engage? We get nothing out of it. Deal?

No, you are.
No you are. Most are struggling financially.
I have not voted for a Dem since 1992. Still wont.
Yet you defend their policies. So if you’re doing so well why won’t you vote for them? 🤷‍♂️
A wager on if the numbers of illegal coming in the country went up ever year Trump was in office until 2020.

I say they did, you say they did not. Are you willing to grow some balls and wager on it?
That’s dishonest. People tried to come in but deportations went up. ICE arrests went up. Trump
Acknowledged there was a problem. This is a good article from Pew on this.

Ahhh so you want the Govt to pay you. Got it. So you’re not that unhappy here.

They already are paying me, have been since 1988 and will till the day I die.

And no, I am not unhappy, I have a great life that just keeps getting better thanks to the hard work the wife and I have put in. Unlike you, we do not rely on one party or the other to make our lives better.

And in 5.5 years when we retire to Panama we will be happy there as well.

Life is to short to always be pissed off like you.
That’s dishonest. People tried to come in but deportations went up. ICE arrests went up. Trump
Acknowledged there was a problem. This is a good article from Pew on this.

So, that is a no, you will not wager.

This chat. You’re saying you have never made more money. So clearly you like their policies. Correct? Or do you like making less money.

I am not making more money due to the policies of some political party. I am doing so because the wife and I worked our asses off to get to this point. Why do you rely on the Govt to make your life better?
They already are paying me, have been since 1988 and will till the day I die.

And no, I am not unhappy, I have a great life that just keeps getting better thanks to the hard work the wife and I have put in. Unlike you, we do not rely on one party or the other to make our lives better.

And in 5.5 years when we retire to Panama we will be happy there as well.

Life is to short to always be pissed off like you.
Ha ha ha ha ha

How does one party make my life better? Do tell. It’s Ok if you’re always happy. My parents came here with nothing.
My wife and I are raising two kids in highly expensive MA. I pay High Taxes. I am Allowed to voice my opinions. You don’t like it? I do not care. I have never taken a dime from the Govt. You have.
Ha ha ha ha ha

How does one party make my life better?

You tell me, it is your claim that your life is better under the Repubs

My wife and I are raising two kids in highly expensive MA. I pay High Taxes.

So fucking move already if you are so unhappy with the Dems.

I do not care. I have never taken a dime from the Govt. You have.

I have not taken anything, I earned it. Novel concept for you I assume.
You’re dishonest. Let’s wager that Trump acknowledged the problem and put in efforts to diminish it while Biden says there isn’t a problem? Fair? Wager this. Loser leaves for life.

Yes, Trump talked about it a lot, and did not do much to change things. The numbers of crossing only went down due to COVID and not Trump
You tell me, it is your claim that your life is better under the Repubs
I said I made more money and that made my life better. I have College to pay for.
So fucking move already if you are so unhappy with the Dems.
Our parents are here and older. Unfair to them. Eventually definitely.
I have not taken anything, I earned it. Novel concept for you I assume.
You earned getting free money from the Govt? Hahahahhahahahahahahahaha

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