Inflation Panic Turns Out To Only Be Contrived BS

READ: "Apparenty you all didn't get the memo!! Trump isn't the President now, we are supposed to protect this President and ignore problems! I am very angry right now at you guys!!"

Democrats remind me of that reporter in Iraq during the GW days who was on television stating there was no war going on behind him and there was nothing but fire and buildings being destroyed. They still actually believe that if you tell a lie often enough, others will accept the lie as the truth. When was the last time a Democrat admitted they were at fault on anything?
Democrats remind me of that reporter in Iraq during the GW days who was on television stating there was no war going on behind him and there was nothing but fire and buildings being destroyed. They still actually believe that if you tell a lie often enough, others will accept the lie as the truth. When was the last time a Democrat admitted they were at fault on anything?
I don't think I've seen that even once here in 5 years of posting. And I really mean not even once.
In this case however there is some truth to the fact that the administration's hydrocarbons fuels policy kicked off the latest round of super inflation. By removing the futures from the market that would have impacted the total commodities trade ( keystone) at the very least throughout the entire Central part of the country.... In effect they tightened up the price movements and removed competitive pressures.

I have a theory about this. The very same motion immediately drove up the price of coal which is now being sent mostly to China by means of Berkshire Hathaway's holdings in the railroad companies. Buffett is a close associate of Biden. In almost every instance you can trace back these policies to their money roots.

They Keystone was just the start and it brought prices up by a quarter or so. The real kicker was when he announced no new drilling permits or exploration permits on public land. Afterwards when our largest gasoline pipeline got hacked, he made a public statement it's a private matter and not a government one, while allowing Russians to build their pipeline.

I've spent a few years in the commodities market. I know how that animal works. They recently announced that they were going to stop another Canadian pipeline into Michigan, and at least over here, gasoline went up to $3.35 per gallon and has held steady for the past few weeks. If they actually do it, look for $4.00 a gallon very soon afterwards.
They Keystone was just the start and it brought prices up by a quarter or so. The real kicker was when he announced no new drilling permits or exploration permits on public land. Afterwards when our largest gasoline pipeline got hacked, he made a public statement it's a private matter and not a government one, while allowing Russians to build their pipeline.

I've spent a few years in the commodities market. I know how that animal works. They recently announced that they were going to stop another Canadian pipeline into Michigan, and at least over here, gasoline went up to $3.35 per gallon and has held steady for the past few weeks. If they actually do it, look for $4.00 a gallon very soon afterwards.
Are you stupid? There was no recession under Clinton.
Tell us all what Bush policies enacted during his first month that caused a recession, Stupid.

The second flaw marring the Clinton economic story is recession. President Clinton did not leave his successor a booming economy. He left President George W. Bush a recession. The recession began in March of 2001, two months after Clinton left office. Even the most rabid leftist cannot blame George Bush for the 2001 recession. It was the Clinton recession.
Tell us all what Bush policies enacted during his first month that caused a recession, Stupid.

The second flaw marring the Clinton economic story is recession. President Clinton did not leave his successor a booming economy. He left President George W. Bush a recession. The recession began in March of 2001, two months after Clinton left office. Even the most rabid leftist cannot blame George Bush for the 2001 recession. It was the Clinton recession.
The dailysignal??? Pound salt dude. You’re reaching using that rag. Clinton ran 8 years of historical expansion. You’re gonna claim that Gearge Bush ran a solid economy if it wasn’t for Clinton policies?!?? Dumbass President nearly broke the bank on wars, killed tax revenue, and passed off a historic recession of the likes we’ve never seen. Ha ha. Your positioning of Bish as a victim is pathetic dude.
The dailysignal??? Pound salt dude. You’re reaching using that rag. Clinton ran 8 years of historical expansion. You’re gonna claim that Gearge Bush ran a solid economy if it wasn’t for Clinton policies?!?? Dumbass President nearly broke the bank on wars, killed tax revenue, and passed off a historic recession of the likes we’ve never seen. Ha ha. Your positioning of Bish as a victim is pathetic dude.
So are you claiming the recession didn't hit in March 2001?

The dailysignal??? Pound salt dude. You’re reaching using that rag. Clinton ran 8 years of historical expansion. You’re gonna claim that Gearge Bush ran a solid economy if it wasn’t for Clinton policies?!?? Dumbass President nearly broke the bank on wars, killed tax revenue, and passed off a historic recession of the likes we’ve never seen. Ha ha. Your positioning of Bish as a victim is pathetic dude.
killed tax revenue,

Tax revenue when Bush took over:

$1.991 Trillion

Tax revenue when Bush was done:

$2.568 Trillion.

Your lie is exposed.
It happens. What infuriates me is when Lies are used to gain advantage. The repub party is using media outlets like FOX and Newsmax to spread disinformation. That is sad.

What? After MSM, CNN, MSNBC have been maintained on mountains of lies for the last 5 years, at the least!
Crawl back under your rock quisling!!
Democrats remind me of that reporter in Iraq during the GW days who was on television stating there was no war going on behind him and there was nothing but fire and buildings being destroyed. They still actually believe that if you tell a lie often enough, others will accept the lie as the truth. When was the last time a Democrat admitted they were at fault on anything?

You mean Baghdad Bob? That dude was on TV telling the Iraqi people they were winning the war and you can see an American M1 Abrams tank roll down the road behind him. That was great.
It happens. What infuriates me is when Lies are used to gain advantage. The repub party is using media outlets like FOX and Newsmax to spread disinformation. That is sad.

What disinformation? Your big three cable networks have been lying for years and still lying today. Fox is not number one in cable news because they are spreading anything but truth. It's also why CNN only has a few thousand viewers every night. People aren't stupid. When they report a story of a white kid shooting three other white people; two of them to death, and say it has something to do with race, even a mentally retarded person understands that race had zero to do with the story. It's too bad Democrats can't catch up to those mentally retarded people.
Last year? You mean when everyone was one lock down? Gotcha....:abgg2q.jpg:

Only in commie cities. In true American cities and states, we were wide open and gasoline on the national average wasn't even $2.00 a gallon when Trump left the White House.

  • The cost of gas is up by 50%
  • The cost of a rental car is up 42.9%
  • The cost of buying a used car is 26%
  • The cost of turkey is up 20.2%
  • The cost of bacon is up 20.2%
  • The cost of beef is up 20.1%
  • The cost of frozen fruits and vegetables is up 7.5%
  • The cost of baby food is up 8%
  • The cost of television is up 10%
  • The cost of bedroom furniture is up 12%

  • The cost of gas is up by 50%
  • The cost of a rental car is up 42.9%
  • The cost of buying a used car is 26%
  • The cost of turkey is up 20.2%
  • The cost of bacon is up 20.2%
  • The cost of beef is up 20.1%
  • The cost of frozen fruits and vegetables is up 7.5%
  • The cost of baby food is up 8%
  • The cost of television is up 10%
  • The cost of bedroom furniture is up 12%

That's gonna leave a mark.

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