Inflation Panic Turns Out To Only Be Contrived BS

I would say the majority of Americans disagree and they do so not because of what partisan politicians and cable news host say but because of the prices they are now paying for things.
Can't wait for the November numbers to come out so I can humiliate you the meantime, here is the most recent numbers (still well below the US)

The Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing costs (CPIH) rose by 3.8% in the 12 months to October 2021,

If you calculate it the same way US inflation is even higher. The CPI excludes food, fuel and housing costs.
Highest rate in thirty years and it’s just starting. Inflation has to be dealt with quickly or its very difficult to stop...

This one's going to play out I'm afraid
for many reasons. The main one of course is that the current administration thought they were being smart by pushing an inflationary policy on hydrocarbons in the name of green energy. It's the worst decision they could have made because it inflates everything else by association.They can't reverse the decision because they'll lose most of their base. But they're losing their base anyway to high gasoline prices and the resulting transportation fees that stack on top of already rising grocery prices. This is going to suck pretty bad before it gets better.
List them with credible links.

What are the chances of flipping a coin and having it be “heads” 10 out of 11 times? I’ll give you a hint… almost nothing. It can’t be a coincidence.

Very well, then let's talk about some of the most recent:

A worldwide pandemic that left most nations in shambles had zero to do with President Trump, yet your so-called statistics point to him as the culprit.

The one before that actually started under Obama. It was caused by the housing collapse which did happen under Bush, but had plenty of Democrat fingerprints on it, especially when the Republican Congress wanted to create an oversight committee of Fanny and Freddy that the Democrats stopped. The genesis of it all started under Bill Clinton when his goal was to get more minorities (not a constituency group of the GOP) into their own houses. As they kept weakening the standards, it eventually led to a collapse.

GW was in the wrong place at the wrong time in the very beginning of his first term when the tech bubble exploded, almost immediately following was the worst terrorist attack in US history which he was in no way responsible for either.

Ronald Reagan was handed a shit sandwhich with extremely high interest rates and inflation thanks to Carter policies. The recession started under him but his policies put things back on track.

So it's easy to point fingers and say "he was in charge" assuming our President is king and has control over every aspect of government. But there is no truth to that.
If you calculate it the same way US inflation is even higher. The CPI excludes food, fuel and housing costs.
Yeah that's always been totally ridiculous. Just because those things don't follow the same increase and decrease curves as the rest of the commoditized economy doesn't mean they don't inflate.
Inflation is a genuine problem, but it’s hardly spinning out of control. Inflation panic, on the other hand, is getting ridiculous.

Can we find vivid but misleading individual tales that make inflation look as if it’s not at 6 percent but at 100 percent? Run ’em! How about a hundred articles on why inflation is derailing President Biden’s agenda and sending Democrats into disarray? Heck yeah. How is Britney Spears coping with inflation now that she’s free of her conservatorship? I’m sure we’ll find out.

Another contrived pile of right wing BS, goes swirling down the toilet.
So, it’s only a problem at 100%?

Why do you hate the poor?
Very well, then let's talk about some of the most recent:

A worldwide pandemic that left most nations in shambles had zero to do with President Trump, yet your so-called statistics point to him as the culprit.

The one before that actually started under Obama. It was caused by the housing collapse which did happen under Bush, but had plenty of Democrat fingerprints on it, especially when the Republican Congress wanted to create an oversight committee of Fanny and Freddy that the Democrats stopped. The genesis of it all started under Bill Clinton when his goal was to get more minorities (not a constituency group of the GOP) into their own houses. As they kept weakening the standards, it eventually led to a collapse.

GW was in the wrong place at the wrong time in the very beginning of his first term when the tech bubble exploded, almost immediately following was the worst terrorist attack in US history which he was in no way responsible for either.

Ronald Reagan was handed a shit sandwhich with extremely high interest rates and inflation thanks to Carter policies. The recession started under him but his policies put things back on track.

So it's easy to point fingers and say "he was in charge" assuming our President is king and has control over every aspect of government. But there is no truth to that.
In this case however there is some truth to the fact that the administration's hydrocarbons fuels policy kicked off the latest round of super inflation. By removing the futures from the market that would have impacted the total commodities trade ( keystone) at the very least throughout the entire Central part of the country.... In effect they tightened up the price movements and removed competitive pressures.

I have a theory about this. The very same motion immediately drove up the price of coal which is now being sent mostly to China by means of Berkshire Hathaway's holdings in the railroad companies. Buffett is a close associate of Biden. In almost every instance you can trace back these policies to their money roots.
So, it’s only a problem at 100%?

Why do you hate the poor?
They just can't face the fact that what's good for the goose is good for the gander. One of the main reasons you don't pin inflation woes on the presidency is because the president has a very limited effect on monetary policy. In this instance however we have an exception.

There is no question that the immediate attack on the keystone XL pipeline set off an inflation trigger in the hydrocarbons commodities. That in turn snowballed into an economy wide effect on prices of almost everything. Combining that with the devaluation of the dollar as the two trillion dollar pandemic spending bill begins to valuate its way into the money cycle and you have a perfect storm of effect that creates a spending hardship on anybody below the top 5%.

So here we are again with the Democrats scolding the public because they're complaining about high prices. It didn't work for them very well at Barry's mid-cycle and it's not going to work very well for Biden either. What amazes me about the left is that they train their troops to respond with maximum vituperosity to all external stimuli.Then they expect them to quickly shift gears to understand the intricate layers of money policy when it suits their purpose only to find that they're very well trained troops are incapable of doing that. It's a riot to watch.

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Because it proves you're a DUMBASS.
Clearly english if your second language, because you said "the judge in the op didn't mention QAnon"
and not "the judge, in the op didn't mention QAnon"

Your limited english referred to the judge, not the op.

And the judge clearly mentioned QAnon. DUMBASS !!!!!
What the???
Very well, then let's talk about some of the most recent:

A worldwide pandemic that left most nations in shambles had zero to do with President Trump, yet your so-called statistics point to him as the culprit.

The one before that actually started under Obama. It was caused by the housing collapse which did happen under Bush, but had plenty of Democrat fingerprints on it, especially when the Republican Congress wanted to create an oversight committee of Fanny and Freddy that the Democrats stopped. The genesis of it all started under Bill Clinton when his goal was to get more minorities (not a constituency group of the GOP) into their own houses. As they kept weakening the standards, it eventually led to a collapse.

GW was in the wrong place at the wrong time in the very beginning of his first term when the tech bubble exploded, almost immediately following was the worst terrorist attack in US history which he was in no way responsible for either.

Ronald Reagan was handed a shit sandwhich with extremely high interest rates and inflation thanks to Carter policies. The recession started under him but his policies put things back on track.

So it's easy to point fingers and say "he was in charge" assuming our President is king and has control over every aspect of government. But there is no truth to that. seems Democrats believe that conditions in this nation begin with the swearing in ceremony. But only for Republicans..
Inflation is a genuine problem, but it’s hardly spinning out of control. Inflation panic, on the other hand, is getting ridiculous.

Can we find vivid but misleading individual tales that make inflation look as if it’s not at 6 percent but at 100 percent? Run ’em! How about a hundred articles on why inflation is derailing President Biden’s agenda and sending Democrats into disarray? Heck yeah. How is Britney Spears coping with inflation now that she’s free of her conservatorship? I’m sure we’ll find out.

Another contrived pile of right wing BS, goes swirling down the toilet.
READ: "Apparenty you all didn't get the memo!! Trump isn't the President now, we are supposed to protect this President and ignore problems! I am very angry right now at you guys!!"
Inflation is a genuine problem, but it’s hardly spinning out of control. Inflation panic, on the other hand, is getting ridiculous.

Can we find vivid but misleading individual tales that make inflation look as if it’s not at 6 percent but at 100 percent? Run ’em! How about a hundred articles on why inflation is derailing President Biden’s agenda and sending Democrats into disarray? Heck yeah. How is Britney Spears coping with inflation now that she’s free of her conservatorship? I’m sure we’ll find out.

Another contrived pile of right wing BS, goes swirling down the toilet.
Food prices didn't go down when Pres. Trump was behind the wheel. It is because the product manufacturers kept the price at the same even though they were paying less on fuel for transporting their products. But the manufacturers were making more money while under Pres. Trump. But they never brought down the prices most likely because they didn't know how long the spree was going to last. Or when a Democrat worms its way back into power.

But some stores had bargain deals here and there. But now the manufacturers and stores are not profiting as much when Pres. Trump was in office.

But prices of products are going up gradually because of the fuel prices, minimum wage hike and the lost revenue during the pandemic. The Globalists made sure that all the profits that these companies made goes back down the drain. Making sure that they will not have enough money to upgrade their equipment for the global warming deal, that they will have to borrow from one of the Globalists owned banks that will leave them into a greater debt. That they will die broke while owing the bankers.

The Globalists don't want anyone to be able to climb up the money tree to get to the leaves. That they are the only ones that are able to have a clubhouse in the top of these trees.

But Biden is one of their little imps. That he get paid by them through his son's great artwork like the way Obama get paid by them through his book writing skills.

The first error is that there is a very small group of people who secretly run the world with all-powerful and unrestrained dictatorial powers. The second error is that there is a large amorphous and secret organization that runs the world. In both cases, the use of the word “they” becomes the culprit for all our troubles, whoever “they” might be. If taxes go up, it is “they” that did it. If the stock market goes down, “they” are to blame. Of course, nobody really knows who “they” are so a few figureheads (people or organizations) are often made out to be the scapegoats.

Depending on a person’s politics and philosophy, the scapegoats could be the U.S. President, the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, or Vladimir Putin. The point is, the real power structure is not correctely defined, and thus escapes exposure.


Went back as far as the dot com bubble burst recession under Clinton they are pinning on Bush to see your list is shit.


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