

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
This is about the latest hoax perpetrated on not only the US, but the entire world- it's 8700 words, with a couple of references to articles (and comments on articles) reaching 31,000 words- the opening of this article is as honest as the day is long. The whole of the article presents both sides of the argument- make your own decision as to veracity. I'm including a couple of the comments after the article for your entertainment.

comment: Does COVID-19 even exist? At least does it exist as something more than a harmless or nearly harmless cold virus? Is there really a surge of respiratory disease all around the world? How do we know any of those things are true except by taking known liars in government and media at their word? I don’t believe them. These are, after all, the same individuals who tell me there is no such thing as race but that all black failures are caused by white racism, that pathological individuals magically switch genders on their own say-so, that a projected increase of 2C will make the planet uninhabitable, that Joe Biden was legitimately elected, etc. ad nauseam. In short, those who tell me COVID-19 is real and a deadly disease lie about everything and I don’t believe about anything.

comment: The US strategy seems to be retarded superficial locked downs when the hospitals are full, open up when the patients leave.
This is herd immunity strategy 1000%.
But then mutations happen, now what? Vaccines become useless. The virus may become seasonal like the flu.
Even if covid 19 is the same deadliness as the flu like the retards claimed. But it spreads to every damn person within breathing distance. 60k deaths per year from the flu. with how contagious covid is we should expect few hundred thousands death every year.
So many retards.

comment: This hypothesis as to the origins of the virus as a bio weapon is probably correct, as far as it goes. But Ron is missing the bigger picture. China was not the sole target. The target was the entire world. The virus was weaponized by scientific fraud, fake statistics, and endless propaganda to perform a controlled demolition of the world economy and of civil society. The goal is The Great Reset proclaimed by the World Economic Forum. It amounts to a power grab by globalist oligarchs who are establishing a technologically enforced global neofeudalism. The vaccines may or may not be genocidal but the vaccine passports are obviously going to evolve into a China-style global social credit system. All of your rights are belong to us.

comment: Even counting “excess deaths from all causes” is somewhat meaningless, since the LOCKDOWNS in of themselves are somewhat dangerous and unpredictable. Deaths from such things as drug overdoses, poor nutrition, suicide, not getting enough exercise, not going out in the sun. People not getting their cancer treatments, or in fear of going to the doctor or hospital. Homicide via BLM riots or lack of police. Excess nursing home deaths from the granny killer governors. People losing hope from losing jobs. The weird disappearance of the “flu season”. We have no idea at this point the damaging effects of the upheaval of society has had on “excess deaths”. In short, how many “excess deaths” were due to COVID and how many were due to “government over reach” is a difficult question to answer. So gauging the effects of COVID via “excess deaths” is a poor indicator and would only have meaning if society were allowed to function in a “normal” manner.

The article is 8700 words. Don't hurt yourselves gaining information.


Winston Churchill famously observed that in wartime the truth must be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies. Many of my own long and most controversial articles have followed a somewhat analogous presentation, with the opening sections that sometimes run hundreds of words or longer often being rather innocuous or even somewhat off-topic. These are intended to serve as a bland or sugar-coated introduction to the far more dangerous material that then follows, which might otherwise tend to alarm and deter the casual reader if introduced too quickly.

Although I think this approach has its benefits, there are disadvantages as well. An unknown number of casual or busy readers may abandon the piece at that early stage, finding it too uninteresting to continue through to the more explosive elements. So there is probably value in extracting and highlighting some of the latter for a different sort of audience, and this may be especially true with regard to the current Covid-19 outbreak in America, which recently marked its first anniversary.


From the very beginning, “Covid Skeptics” have fiercely disputed such official totals. They have noted the considerable confusion between “dying from Covid-19” and “dying with Covid-19,” plausibly arguing that such postmortem diagnoses are often ambiguous, with many deaths of infected individuals having primarily been due to other factors. But it also seems quite likely that many Covid-19 deaths may not have been officially recorded as such. Given such problems of both over-counting and under-counting, the most reliable metric would be the total number of “excess deaths,” those above and beyond the normal figure for a given period. But considering these much more solid estimates for the actual death toll suffered during our current epidemic actually reveals a picture far worse than those official numbers.

Two months ago a large team of nearly a dozen Wall Street Journal reporters published a 2,000 word article entitled “The Covid-19 Death Toll Is Even Worse Than It Looks” which carefully analyzed the worldwide losses, finding that the CDC figures for total deaths during the first 11 months of 2020 suggested some grim conclusions:

In the U.S. alone, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data show more than 475,000 excess deaths through early December, a time frame that also included about 281,000 deaths linked to Covid-19, according to Johns Hopkins University.
The pandemic led U.S. deaths to climb at least 10% last year. Typically U.S. deaths grow about 1.6% a year as the population grows and ages.

Covid-19, Its Impact and Origins After One Year
I think it all had to do with Timing. Isn't abit odd that all this came about in late 2019? But in 2020, the world felt the full brute of it? So much so, we witnessed one of the worst Stock Market crash worldwide. Oil shortages. And on top of all that, the Democrats found the "Holy Grail". They perfectly took advantage of the lockdowns, mask wearing wasn't mandated until May 2020. Everything just pretty much took a hit. Businesses were closed, or went out of business in the Fall of 2020, and into 2021. Just as one of the Biden advisor said, "The COVID was the best thing that has happened to Biden."

Don't get me started with the New York fiasco.
This is about the latest hoax perpetrated on not only the US, but the entire world- it's 8700 words, with a couple of references to articles (and comments on articles) reaching 31,000 words- the opening of this article is as honest as the day is long. The whole of the article presents both sides of the argument- make your own decision as to veracity. I'm including a couple of the comments after the article for your entertainment.

comment: Does COVID-19 even exist? At least does it exist as something more than a harmless or nearly harmless cold virus? Is there really a surge of respiratory disease all around the world? How do we know any of those things are true except by taking known liars in government and media at their word? I don’t believe them. These are, after all, the same individuals who tell me there is no such thing as race but that all black failures are caused by white racism, that pathological individuals magically switch genders on their own say-so, that a projected increase of 2C will make the planet uninhabitable, that Joe Biden was legitimately elected, etc. ad nauseam. In short, those who tell me COVID-19 is real and a deadly disease lie about everything and I don’t believe about anything.

comment: The US strategy seems to be retarded superficial locked downs when the hospitals are full, open up when the patients leave.
This is herd immunity strategy 1000%.
But then mutations happen, now what? Vaccines become useless. The virus may become seasonal like the flu.
Even if covid 19 is the same deadliness as the flu like the retards claimed. But it spreads to every damn person within breathing distance. 60k deaths per year from the flu. with how contagious covid is we should expect few hundred thousands death every year.
So many retards.

comment: This hypothesis as to the origins of the virus as a bio weapon is probably correct, as far as it goes. But Ron is missing the bigger picture. China was not the sole target. The target was the entire world. The virus was weaponized by scientific fraud, fake statistics, and endless propaganda to perform a controlled demolition of the world economy and of civil society. The goal is The Great Reset proclaimed by the World Economic Forum. It amounts to a power grab by globalist oligarchs who are establishing a technologically enforced global neofeudalism. The vaccines may or may not be genocidal but the vaccine passports are obviously going to evolve into a China-style global social credit system. All of your rights are belong to us.

comment: Even counting “excess deaths from all causes” is somewhat meaningless, since the LOCKDOWNS in of themselves are somewhat dangerous and unpredictable. Deaths from such things as drug overdoses, poor nutrition, suicide, not getting enough exercise, not going out in the sun. People not getting their cancer treatments, or in fear of going to the doctor or hospital. Homicide via BLM riots or lack of police. Excess nursing home deaths from the granny killer governors. People losing hope from losing jobs. The weird disappearance of the “flu season”. We have no idea at this point the damaging effects of the upheaval of society has had on “excess deaths”. In short, how many “excess deaths” were due to COVID and how many were due to “government over reach” is a difficult question to answer. So gauging the effects of COVID via “excess deaths” is a poor indicator and would only have meaning if society were allowed to function in a “normal” manner.

The article is 8700 words. Don't hurt yourselves gaining information.


Winston Churchill famously observed that in wartime the truth must be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies. Many of my own long and most controversial articles have followed a somewhat analogous presentation, with the opening sections that sometimes run hundreds of words or longer often being rather innocuous or even somewhat off-topic. These are intended to serve as a bland or sugar-coated introduction to the far more dangerous material that then follows, which might otherwise tend to alarm and deter the casual reader if introduced too quickly.

Although I think this approach has its benefits, there are disadvantages as well. An unknown number of casual or busy readers may abandon the piece at that early stage, finding it too uninteresting to continue through to the more explosive elements. So there is probably value in extracting and highlighting some of the latter for a different sort of audience, and this may be especially true with regard to the current Covid-19 outbreak in America, which recently marked its first anniversary.


From the very beginning, “Covid Skeptics” have fiercely disputed such official totals. They have noted the considerable confusion between “dying from Covid-19” and “dying with Covid-19,” plausibly arguing that such postmortem diagnoses are often ambiguous, with many deaths of infected individuals having primarily been due to other factors. But it also seems quite likely that many Covid-19 deaths may not have been officially recorded as such. Given such problems of both over-counting and under-counting, the most reliable metric would be the total number of “excess deaths,” those above and beyond the normal figure for a given period. But considering these much more solid estimates for the actual death toll suffered during our current epidemic actually reveals a picture far worse than those official numbers.

Two months ago a large team of nearly a dozen Wall Street Journal reporters published a 2,000 word article entitled “The Covid-19 Death Toll Is Even Worse Than It Looks” which carefully analyzed the worldwide losses, finding that the CDC figures for total deaths during the first 11 months of 2020 suggested some grim conclusions:

In the U.S. alone, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data show more than 475,000 excess deaths through early December, a time frame that also included about 281,000 deaths linked to Covid-19, according to Johns Hopkins University.
The pandemic led U.S. deaths to climb at least 10% last year. Typically U.S. deaths grow about 1.6% a year as the population grows and ages.

Covid-19, Its Impact and Origins After One Year
Sorry. Can'

Besides, Joe is President now, the crisis is over.
It was used to get rid of Trump...all along the dems knew China would give them a dream crisis they could use to change election rules...but that being said...the GOP let them do it was a combined effort....
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the dems knew China would give them a dream crisis they could use to change election rules.
Didn't read the article I see- see, that's what happens when assuming-

What Did the Chinese Know and When Did They Know It?

According to the widely accepted conventional narrative, the original Covid-19 outbreak began during late 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Given the catastrophic consequences both for America and the entire world, our leading media organs and their teams of investigative journalists have naturally made every effort over the last year to establish the exact chronology of those crucial early days, also prompted by the sometimes reckless accusations of the Trump Administration and its political allies. As I previously wrote in April 2020:

For obvious reasons, the Trump Administration has become very eager to emphasize the early missteps and delays in the Chinese reaction to the viral outbreak in Wuhan, and has presumably encouraged our media outlets to direct their focus in that direction.

As an example of this, the Associated Press Investigative Unit recently published a rather detailed analysis of those early events purportedly based upon confidential Chinese documents. Provocatively entitled “China Didn’t Warn Public of Likely Pandemic for 6 Key Days”, the piece was widely distributed, running in abridged form in the NYT and elsewhere. According to this reconstruction, the Chinese government first became aware of the seriousness of this public health crisis on Jan. 14th, but delayed taking any major action until Jan. 20th, a period of time during which the number of infections greatly multiplied.

Last month, a team of five WSJ reporters produced a very detailed and thorough 4,400 word analysis of the same period, and the NYT has published a helpful timeline of those early events as well. Although there may be some differences of emphasis or minor disagreements, all these American media sources agree that Chinese officials first became aware of the serious viral outbreak in Wuhan in early to mid-January, with the first known death occurring on Jan. 11th, and finally implemented major new public health measures later that same month. No one has apparently disputed these basic facts.

But the most detailed and exhaustive analysis of the circumstances of the Wuhan outbreak appeared outside the traditional media, published last August and September in Quillette, a well-regarded independent webzine. The author was Philippe Lemoine, a Cornell graduate student originally from France, and his remarkable four-part 31,000 word analysis remains the definitive work on the subject:

Later in the article

Then on Jan. 23rd and after only 17 deaths, the Chinese government took the astonishing step of locking down and quarantining the entire 11 million inhabitants of the city of Wuhan, a story that drew worldwide attention. They soon extended this policy to the 60 million Chinese of Hubei province, and not longer afterward shut down their entire national economy and confined 700 million Chinese to their homes, a public health measure probably a thousand times larger than anything previously undertaken in human history. So either China’s leadership had suddenly gone insane, or they regarded this new virus as an absolutely deadly national threat, one that needed to be controlled at any possible cost.
Given these dramatic Chinese actions and the international headlines that they generated, the current accusations by Trump Administration officials that China had attempted to minimize or conceal the serious nature of the disease outbreak are so ludicrous as to defy rationality. In any event, the record shows that on December 31st, the Chinese had already alerted the World Health Organization to the strange new illness, and Chinese scientists published the entire genome of the virus on Jan. 12th, allowing diagnostic tests to be produced worldwide.
Accusations of a Chinese Lab Leak

The claims that the Chinese had failed to warn the world in timely fashion of the deadly new threat became ubiquitous in American-influenced media, but the weakness of such blatant falsehoods soon led Trump partisans to begin promoting far more shocking claims. As I wrote last year:

I do not think these particular facts are much disputed except among the most blinkered partisans, and the Trump Administration probably recognizes the hopelessness of arguing otherwise. This may explain its recent shift towards a far more explosive and controversial narrative, namely claiming that Covid-19 may have been the product of Chinese research into deadly viruses at a Wuhan laboratory, which suggests that the blood of hundreds of thousands or millions of victims around the world will be on Chinese hands. Dramatic accusations backed by overwhelming international media power may deeply resonate across the globe.
News reports appearing in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times have been reasonably consistent. Senior Trump Administration officials have pointed to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a leading Chinese biolab, as the possible source of the infection, with the deadly virus having been accidentally released, subsequently spreading first throughout China and later worldwide. Trump himself has publicly voiced similar suspicions, as did Secretary of State and former CIA Director Mike Pompeo in a FoxNews interview. Private lawsuits against China in the multi-trillion-dollar range have already been filed by rightwing activists and Republican senators Tom Cotton and Lindsey Graham have raised similar governmental demands.

Within a few weeks, these claims had already become strongly embedded within American public opinion:

According to a poll taken at the end of April, a remarkable 45% of Americans believed that the deadly virus had “probably” or “definitely” originated in such a laboratory, with 74% of Republicans having that belief.

This isn't a Party politic thing- the pandemic is the epidemic of assumption-by Party hacks-

This article has more information- BUT- one has to remove the blinders and lay aside arrogance in order to see the information- this crap ain't about a Party, one way or the other-
That was a pretty good analysis of everything I've known and have read.

One thing I would like to add, is that folks within the Trump administration, IMO, I believe, in concert with the Chinese knew this was all going to go down. All of the global oligarchs knew what the state of the global economy is, or was, we should say, vis-à-vis the state of AI and robotics. This has to do with Davos, the World Economic Forum and the Trilaterals.

See, that Corbett Report I follow, did a terrific documentary on the 9/11 disaster, which exposes the real key players, in much the same way that the journalists took down and exposed the truth about Watergate.


. . . anyone that doesn't know who W. Mark Felt is? Yeah, that's Deep Throat. So who has profited the most from this. . . "crisis?"

Who has gained the most power, the most money, and. . . the most control? :dunno:

(Whinety Webb is mostly working with this guy now, Ryan Christian)

First published at 06:04 UTC on June 20th, 2020.
BlackRock Archives - The Last American Vagabond

Here they are, (this guy makes Rush Limbaugh look like a pre-schooler:heehee:)

How BlackRock & The US Gov Used COVID-19 To Bailout Big Business AGAIN, Shifting The Burden Onto Y..

The BlackRock Take Over Of America, Brought To You By COVID-19

The COVID Coup: The BlackRock Takeover Of American Interests
You listen to these, you will know why these elites have made masks "mandatory." I have no doubt, all those in the know, have invested in the "right," funds back in 2019.


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