Infrastructure plan ..

And Obama spent Billions on illegals while our roads and dams crumble.

There is where your Shovel ready Jobs went.

Obama just picked up the shovel Kruschev handed him when he pounded the pulpit with his shoe yelling "We Will Bury You!"

Now you pound the pulpit too!

Is Obama's Shovel already up your ass?

Sorta sounds like you are butt hurt.

Sore Loserism without Lube is no way to go through life son.
And your political spectrum is for brainwashed RW morons ONLY.
Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're talking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
So, you can't answer the shit......
WTF is your question, moron. Socialism is on the left duh.
Just as big government take from the rich socialist Nazi Germany is on the left.
And Obama spent Billions on illegals while our roads and dams crumble.

There is where your Shovel ready Jobs went.

Obama just picked up the shovel Kruschev handed him when he pounded the pulpit with his shoe yelling "We Will Bury You!"

Now you pound the pulpit too!

Is Obama's Shovel already up your ass?

Sorta sounds like you are butt hurt.

Sore Loserism without Lube is no way to go through life son.

You are TOTALLY duped. He had less than a trillion altogether. Reaganism rolls on. Save the rich! Argghhh...
And your political spectrum is for brainwashed RW morons ONLY.
Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're taking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
You mean big government Nazi Germany that took from the rich for the good of the common people?

You morons and your public education keeps things like Waters World popular.
I went to private schools. The Nazis only took from rich jews. There was a hint of socialism in that they put everyone to work, but it was a sham as the industry was mainly preparing for war and in the end the debt could only be ended by conquest...
Please define accurately and with documentation this so called "Save The Rich" plan.

Thank You,

Signed The National Institute for Creative Journalism: Fake. News Division; Hollyweird California.

Then you should have a link to congress approving it, with interest....

Just post up the resolution....thanks....
Feq your FOS GOP congress when it comes to foreign policy, dupe. Too bad we can't bypass its stupid save the rich domestic policy too.
It's Reaganism duh. Read my signature.
All passed with a Democrat controlled Congress, Dufus.
Love how you morons keep shooting yourselves.
See, Dems believe in good gov't, compromise, a presidential honeymoon, that elections matter, and factual media. The New BS GOP, since Raygun, believe in pure obstruction, and bs propaganda for chumps like you. Reaganism rolls on, all for the greedy idiot rich...
So according to you Democrats passed bad laws.
And Obama spent Billions on illegals while our roads and dams crumble.

There is where your Shovel ready Jobs went.

Obama just picked up the shovel Kruschev handed him when he pounded the pulpit with his shoe yelling "We Will Bury You!"

Now you pound the pulpit too!

Is Obama's Shovel already up your ass?

Sorta sounds like you are butt hurt.

Sore Loserism without Lube is no way to go through life son.
And your political spectrum is for brainwashed RW morons ONLY.
Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're taking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
You mean big government Nazi Germany that took from the rich for the good of the common people?

You morons and your public education keeps things like Waters World popular.
I went to private schools. The Nazis only took from rich jews. There was a hint of socialism in that they put everyone to work, but it was a sham as the industry was mainly preparing for war and in the end the debt could only be ended by conquest...
Tell your mom to get her money back.
And Obama spent Billions on illegals while our roads and dams crumble.

There is where your Shovel ready Jobs went.

Obama just picked up the shovel Kruschev handed him when he pounded the pulpit with his shoe yelling "We Will Bury You!"

Now you pound the pulpit too!

Is Obama's Shovel already up your ass?

Sorta sounds like you are butt hurt.

Sore Loserism without Lube is no way to go through life son.
And your political spectrum is for brainwashed RW morons ONLY.
Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're taking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
You mean big government Nazi Germany that took from the rich for the good of the common people?

You morons and your public education keeps things like Waters World popular.
I went to private schools. The Nazis only took from rich jews. There was a hint of socialism in that they put everyone to work, but it was a sham as the industry was mainly preparing for war and in the end the debt could only be ended by conquest...
Nazi Germany was big government.
Who wants small government and who wants big government?
And your political spectrum is for brainwashed RW morons ONLY.
Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're talking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
So, you can't answer the shit......
WTF is your question, moron. Socialism is on the left duh.
Just as big government take from the rich socialist Nazi Germany is on the left.
Nazis are rightist nationalists who loved aristocrats and their corporations, unless they were Jewish, in which case they lost everything to help the cause...
And your political spectrum is for brainwashed RW morons ONLY.
Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're taking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
You mean big government Nazi Germany that took from the rich for the good of the common people?

You morons and your public education keeps things like Waters World popular.
I went to private schools. The Nazis only took from rich jews. There was a hint of socialism in that they put everyone to work, but it was a sham as the industry was mainly preparing for war and in the end the debt could only be ended by conquest...
Tell your mom to get her money back.
I have a Masters in History with a concentration on Hitler and you are a MORON. LOL.
Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're taking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
You mean big government Nazi Germany that took from the rich for the good of the common people?

You morons and your public education keeps things like Waters World popular.
I went to private schools. The Nazis only took from rich jews. There was a hint of socialism in that they put everyone to work, but it was a sham as the industry was mainly preparing for war and in the end the debt could only be ended by conquest...
Tell your mom to get her money back.
I have a Masters in History with a concentration on Hitler and you are a MORON. LOL.
So,you're a left wing fascist.....who knew....
Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're talking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
So, you can't answer the shit......
WTF is your question, moron. Socialism is on the left duh.
Just as big government take from the rich socialist Nazi Germany is on the left.
Nazis are rightist nationalists who loved aristocrats and their corporations, unless they were Jewish, in which case they lost everything to help the cause...
Hitler was such the rugged individualist.....:lol:
The Nazi moment was a Leftist Movement.

Let Me make it simple for you.

You have to be an idiot to be a liberal.

Big Government and restrictions on Individual Rights and Liberities is always Left.

Small Government and expansion of Individual Freedom is always a move to The Right.

Tyranny is Exclusively Left

Freedom is Exclusively Right.

Lies and Deception and Propaganda is Exclusively Left.

And Truth Is Exclusively Right.

This is Irregardless of The Governmental Machinery that Administers Freedom Or Tyrrany over its people or what particular mixtures of ideologies they employ.

So you have to ask yourself, do you love Freedom and seek Truth?

Or do you love Socialism, Collectivism and embrace and perpetuate lies?

Not only are you a liar, you are a bigot, according to your responses here so don't bother answering. We already know what way you lean.

Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're talking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
So, you can't answer the shit......
WTF is your question, moron. Socialism is on the left duh.
Just as big government take from the rich socialist Nazi Germany is on the left.
Nazis are rightist nationalists who loved aristocrats and their corporations, unless they were Jewish, in which case they lost everything to help the cause...
Last edited:
And your political spectrum is for brainwashed RW morons ONLY.
Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're taking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
You mean big government Nazi Germany that took from the rich for the good of the common people?

You morons and your public education keeps things like Waters World popular.
I went to private schools. The Nazis only took from rich jews. There was a hint of socialism in that they put everyone to work, but it was a sham as the industry was mainly preparing for war and in the end the debt could only be ended by conquest...
Nazi Germany was big government.
Who wants small government and who wants big government?
NG was totalitarian. They didn't waste any money on courts or legislatures, dupe. Totalitarians have huge police and military, but that's not government. Democracies have big gov't, courts and legislatures.
Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're taking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
You mean big government Nazi Germany that took from the rich for the good of the common people?

You morons and your public education keeps things like Waters World popular.
I went to private schools. The Nazis only took from rich jews. There was a hint of socialism in that they put everyone to work, but it was a sham as the industry was mainly preparing for war and in the end the debt could only be ended by conquest...
Tell your mom to get her money back.
I have a Masters in History with a concentration on Hitler and you are a MORON. LOL.
Need to get your money back.
Nazi Germany was big government.
Who wants big government, right or left?
Come on, 50/50 guess with your Masters.
The Nazi moment was a Leftist Movement.

Let Me make it simple for you[.

You have to be an idiot to be a liberal.

Big Government and restrictions on Individual Rights and Liberities is always Left.

Small Government and expansion of Individual Freedom is always a move to The Right.

Tyranny is Exclusively Left

Freedom is Exclusively Right.

Lies and Deception and Propaganda is Exclusively Left.

And Truth Is Exclusively Right.

So you have to ask yourself, do you love Freedom and seek Truth?

Or do you love Socialism, Collectivism and embrace and perpetuate lies?

Not only are you a liar, you are a bigot.

If you're talking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
So, you can't answer the shit......
WTF is your question, moron. Socialism is on the left duh.
Just as big government take from the rich socialist Nazi Germany is on the left.
Nazis are rightist nationalists who loved aristocrats and their corporations, unless they were Jewish, in which case they lost everything to help the cause...
Total, bs propaganda for the ignorant chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP, dupe. I have a Masters in history, you have one in BS Propaganda, dupe. Your bible, Liberal Fascism, is "DRIVEL". Poor America.
Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're taking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
You mean big government Nazi Germany that took from the rich for the good of the common people?

You morons and your public education keeps things like Waters World popular.
I went to private schools. The Nazis only took from rich jews. There was a hint of socialism in that they put everyone to work, but it was a sham as the industry was mainly preparing for war and in the end the debt could only be ended by conquest...
Nazi Germany was big government.
Who wants small government and who wants big government?
NG was totalitarian. They didn't waste any money on courts or legislatures, dupe. Totalitarians have huge police and military, but that's not government. Democracies have big gov't, courts and legislatures.
Tsk tsk. Your Masters you bought online is worthless.
NG had a President, Chancellor, Legislators, courts etc.

Your 4th grade understanding of history is showing.
If you're taking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
You mean big government Nazi Germany that took from the rich for the good of the common people?

You morons and your public education keeps things like Waters World popular.
I went to private schools. The Nazis only took from rich jews. There was a hint of socialism in that they put everyone to work, but it was a sham as the industry was mainly preparing for war and in the end the debt could only be ended by conquest...
Tell your mom to get her money back.
I have a Masters in History with a concentration on Hitler and you are a MORON. LOL.
Need to get your money back.
Nazi Germany was big government.
Who wants big government, right or left?
Come on, 50/50 guess with your Masters.
That's not gov't, that's their police and military apparatus, dingbat.
You mean big government Nazi Germany that took from the rich for the good of the common people?

You morons and your public education keeps things like Waters World popular.
I went to private schools. The Nazis only took from rich jews. There was a hint of socialism in that they put everyone to work, but it was a sham as the industry was mainly preparing for war and in the end the debt could only be ended by conquest...
Tell your mom to get her money back.
I have a Masters in History with a concentration on Hitler and you are a MORON. LOL.
Need to get your money back.
Nazi Germany was big government.
Who wants big government, right or left?
Come on, 50/50 guess with your Masters.
That's not gov't, that's their police and military apparatus, dingbat.
Your 4th grade history is showing again. The Reichstag was a typical left wing government.
I went to private schools. The Nazis only took from rich jews. There was a hint of socialism in that they put everyone to work, but it was a sham as the industry was mainly preparing for war and in the end the debt could only be ended by conquest...
Tell your mom to get her money back.
I have a Masters in History with a concentration on Hitler and you are a MORON. LOL.
Need to get your money back.
Nazi Germany was big government.
Who wants big government, right or left?
Come on, 50/50 guess with your Masters.
That's not gov't, that's their police and military apparatus, dingbat.
Your 4th grade history is showing again. The Reichstag was a typical left wing government.
LW radicals are communists, who are against aristocrats and corporations. Nazis are RW fascists, have no problem with them. Your theory is alternative facts, for dupes only. Poor America.
You failed history, political science, and social studies didn't you? You can't even get your lies straight enough to make your confused facts sound convincing.

It gives me a Migraine to talk to people of such low intelligence and who are so easily influenced by their own bullshit.

Not surprising when you are dealing with a poster named Franco as in Franco Mussolini who was a Tyrant, a Leftist and a Liar.

Wow...pretty pic dude....

Exactly what is right wing about socialism? Just curious.......
If you're taking about National Socialism, that's Nazism, and the socialism in its name is pure bs propaganda, which of course you fall for every time.
You mean big government Nazi Germany that took from the rich for the good of the common people?

You morons and your public education keeps things like Waters World popular.
I went to private schools. The Nazis only took from rich jews. There was a hint of socialism in that they put everyone to work, but it was a sham as the industry was mainly preparing for war and in the end the debt could only be ended by conquest...
Nazi Germany was big government.
Who wants small government and who wants big government?
NG was totalitarian. They didn't waste any money on courts or legislatures, dupe. Totalitarians have huge police and military, but that's not government. Democracies have big gov't, courts and legislatures.

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