Infrastructure Week Finally Here! House passes $1.3T bill.

silent as a church mouse for 4 years about the
Don't know who you are talking about, lil' snowflake, but if you are suggesting it's me you're a liar...but we all know Trump-obsessed, TDS-suffering snowflakes are liars.
Which is why you continually engage in personal attacks and lie...
Sure, okay.

I'd ask for examples, but I know not to expect anything.

The only time I get personal is after it has been done to me. If you don't like that, too bad.
It’s about $550b in extra spending over years. That’s less than the Trump tax cut gave to the wealthy.
What does that have to do with the Build Better Bankruptcy plan. Trump doubled the standard deduction. How did that help the wealthy. I paid More under Trump as he capped my deductions.
What does that have to do with the Build Better Bankruptcy plan. Trump doubled the standard deduction. How did that help the wealthy. I paid More under Trump as he capped my deductions.
You’re obviously not wealthy.

Frustration noted.

Afghanistan pullout, vaccine distribution, infrastructure...Biden is succeeding where you blob failed time and time again. I'd be pissed too if I were in your cult.

Yep, and the Republicans are in total disarray.
You are spot on. This world is what we make of it. We are here a short time and improving those items you listed and exploring what’s out there are amazing goals.
And I know how to pay for it but the right will call me a damn communist but sometimes you have to mix things up to make it work!
I note that 13 Republicans voted with the Dem majority to pass this bill..thus negating the 'squad's" opposing votes! Politics does indeed make strange bedfellows~

"We did something that's long overdue, that long has been talked about in Washington, but never actually been done," Biden said Saturday from the White House of the bipartisan infrastructure bill. "A once-in-a-generation investment that's going to create millions of jobs, modernize our infrastructure, our roads, our bridges, our broadband, a whole range of things. To turn the climate crisis into an opportunity. And it puts us on a path to win the economic competition of the 21st century that we faced with China and other large countries, and the rest of the world."
The bipartisan infrastructure deal will invest $110 billion in the nation's highways, bridges and roads; $66 billion in passenger rail; $39 billion in public transit; $65 billion in broadband access; $65 billion in the nation's power grid; and $55 billion in water and wastewater infrastructure, among other areas. The White House said the plan will create on average 1.5 million jobs per year over the next decade.
Biden had taken to the phones for last-minute calls to key House members as Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed through two critical votes late Friday on the Democratic agenda: the infrastructure plan, and the $1.75 trillion "Build Back Better" social spending and climate policy package.
The final vote on the infrastructure plan, already passed by the Senate, passed 228-206, with 13 Republicans joining Democrats and six Democrats voting against. The bill will now be sent to Biden's desk for his signature.
The six Democrats who voted against the infrastructure bill were all members of the so-called "squad": Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib and Jamaal Bowman.

It’s about $550b in extra spending over years. That’s less than the Trump tax cut gave to the wealthy.
lets not forget barrag-o bailing the bank ceos out...they needed those billions in bonuses while AMERICANS suffered....remember, retard?
you'll deny this
Don't know who you are talking about, lil' snowflake, but if you are suggesting it's me you're a liar...but we all know Trump-obsessed, TDS-suffering snowflakes are liars.

of course it is you. like you would say something bad about Trump... :banana: :banana: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Joe Biden completed the first step of another key piece of legislation tonight. A much needed and long time coming shot in the arm of America’s failing infrastructure.

House passes $1.3T bipartisan hard infrastructure bill just minutes ago at 11:30 on Friday night.

House is voting on the infrastructure bill
and what do the house dems do? give themselves a massive tax cut

surprise surprise
Sure, okay.

I'd ask for examples, but I know not to expect anything.

The only time I get personal is after it has been done to me. If you don't like that, too bad.
Like when someone hits you with a cattle prod........lmao


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