Infrastructure Week Finally Here! House passes $1.3T bill.

Good lord, will you pipe down. You blabber the same shit over and over again

You loons got your boondoggle, enjoy it because Biden's fuck ups will continue. It's inevitable
Hi Sassy.................yeah I heard Brandon's Handlers have to help him with his drooling problem LOL
Nothing is free. I pay a shit ton of taxes, is wanting my bridges not to fall down too much to ask?
Yup. When a corrupt gov't pays 10 times too much to build it so they can pay the kickbacks.

Why the Fuck shouldn't that be funded by the local and state Gov'ts and RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION.

hmmm. These Trillions AREN'T ABOUT A STINKING BRIDGE and you know it. Even locally you see the BS.. They have PAVED THE SAME ROAD 5 times in my path going to work. 5 times they crush up and repave the SAME DANG ROAD.

Much like Obama’s Shovel Ready Jobs, the money is there for those who want to use it.

If Red States want to turn down money for Roads, Bridges, Rail, Water systems, High Speed Internet, EV Infrastructure just to say Fuk you Biden

I am SURE Blue States will take their money

Lets Go Brandon!
Give me one of those GOLDEN SHOVELS THEN FROM OBAMA. They dug into that money pile like a bunch of animals who have been starved for a week at feeding.

This shit is SAME OLE SAME OLE............Money Laundering to hell and back.
Why are you against... are you like 99 and about to die so you do not give a fuck about our roads and bridges?

$22 billion per year for 5 years for roads, bridges and major infrastructure projects.

And $8 billion per year for 5 years for bridge repair, replacement and rehabilitation

And $13 billion per year for 5 years in passenger and freight rail

And $13 billion per year for 5 years to rebuild the electric grid

And $11 billion per year for 5 years to upgrade water infrastructure

And Another $10 billion per year for 5 years would go toward making the water system more resilient -- protecting it from drought, floods and cyberattacks
Lets Go Brandon!
Much like Obama’s Shovel Ready Jobs, the money is there for those who want to use it.

If Red States want to turn down money for Roads, Bridges, Rail, Water systems, High Speed Internet, EV Infrastructure just to say Fuk you Biden

I am SURE Blue States will take their money

Lets Go Brandon!
It's still just more government waste.

The union crooks round me have been repaving the same 10 mile stretch if highway to 3 years now.
Give me one of those GOLDEN SHOVELS THEN FROM OBAMA. They dug into that money pile like a bunch of animals who have been starved for a week at feeding.

This shit is SAME OLE SAME OLE............Money Laundering to hell and back.

If Red State Republicans want to explain to their voters why they turned down funding for Roads, Bridges, Rail, Water systems, High Speed Internet, Power Grid

Give the funding to Blue States
Maybe you should be telling this great news to all those Keystone workers who lost their jobs, destroyed their incomes

I'm sure they'll like the news
Whine, cry, piss & moan. Bigly. The m.o. of all MAGA hatters.

Thoughts & prayers.
Yeah, no one cares

Who is this NO ONE GUY. Adding Jobs after fucking over jobs with a world wide BS pandemic lockdown.

That is kind of like an Arsonist who burns down your house coming back to you and say.......HEY MAN I REFRAMED YOUR FRONT DOOR.

Excuse me when I tell the ASSHATS like BIDEN who burned down the Fing HOUSE TO GO F THEMSELVES.

But you call it CREATING JOBS. I CALL IT BS......

Let bring the backhoe in to shovel this thread it stinks in here.

speaking of stealing.............

A.G. Schneiderman Statement On Final Trump University Settlement

New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman released the following statement upon U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s order finalizing the $25 million Trump University settlement:

“Judge Curiel's order finalizing the $25 million Trump University settlement means that victims of Donald Trump’s fraudulent university will finally receive the relief they deserve. We are particularly pleased that the final settlement we negotiated with class counsel ensures that members of the class will receive an even higher settlement than anyone originally anticipated.
This settlement marked a stunning reversal by President Trump, who for years refused to compensate the victims of his sham university.
My office won’t hesitate to hold those who commit fraud accountable, no matter how rich or powerful they may be.”

In 2013, Attorney General Schneiderman sued Donald Trump for swindling thousands of Americans out of millions of dollars through Trump University. In late 2016, Attorney General Schneiderman and class counsel announced a $25 million settlement in the Trump University case.

A.G. Schneiderman Statement On Final Trump University Settlement | New York State Attorney General

Trump 'bought painting of himself for $60k using his own charity cash, then kept it'

Ellen Manning

February 28, 2019

Trump 'bought painting of himself for $60k using his own charity cash, then kept it'

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each
Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement after Donald J. Trump was forced to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes:

“Not only has the Trump Foundation shut down for its misconduct, but the president has been forced to pay $2 million for misusing charitable funds for his own political gain. Charities are not a means to an end, which is why these damages speak to the president’s abuse of power and represent a victory for not-for-profits that follow the law. Funds have finally gone where they deserve — to eight credible charities. My office will continue to fight for accountability because no one is above the law — not a businessman, not a candidate for office, and not even the president of the United States.”

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General
I was talking about memes...
But if you want to go there...
Scandal: Detroit's Crime Boss Mayor (2002-2008)

Money: $4.5 million / worth $5 million today

Considered a rising Democratic star and celebrated as the "HipHop Mayor" after he took office as Detroit's 68th mayor in 2002, Kwame Kilpatrickquickly set about building a criminal enterprise in City Hall. Some of hisantics may have even helped set the stage for Detroit's historic bankruptcy in2013. Profiled in a 2014 episode of AmericanGreed, Kilpatrick wasdogged by scandal almost from the start, from rumors of a wild party at histaxpayer-funded residence, to hundreds of thousands of dollars in unexplaineddeposits to his personal bank account. In 2013, a federal jury in Detroitconvicted Kilpatrick on 24 counts in what prosecutors called an "astonishing"scheme to establish a "pay-for-play" system, fleecing city contractors andtaxpayers for his personal gain. Kilpatrick, who is serving a 28-year prisonsentence, has appealed his case to the Supreme Court.

Scandal: New Orleans Shakedown (2004-2010)

Money: $500,000 / worth $600,000 today

He became the public face of a battered city after HurricaneKatrina hit New Orleans in 2005. But when the city recently marked the tenthanniversary of the storm, Ray Nagin was nowhere to be seen. That's because theformer mayor is serving a ten-year federal prison sentence for corruptionbefore, during, and after Katrina. What his scam lacks in dollars compared tosome of the other Great American frauds, it makes up for in audacity. At a timewhen his city needed help the most, Nagin used the disaster as a revenuesource. He installed an associate as the city's "chief technology officer,"gaining control over millions of dollars in no-bid city contracts for thingslike computer systems and crime cameras. And Nagin used his position as mayorto steer redevelopment business to a granite company he owned with his sons.Perhaps worst of all, he let his city down during its darkest hour.


Money: $1.3 million / worth $2.5 million today

Far from the warm and friendly institutions depicted in It'sa Wonderful Life, savingsand loans by the 1980s had become cesspools of risky investments andcorruption. None was worse than Charles Keating's Lincoln Savings and Loan inCalifornia, which collapsed in 1989 leaving thousands of investors penniless.How did Keating get away with it for so long? Five U.S. senators intervenedwith regulators on his behalf in exchange for lavish campaign contributions.The Senate Ethics Committee issued a formal reprimand to California DemocratAlan Cranston, and criticized Democrats Dennis DeConcini of Arizona and DonaldRiegle of Michigan for acting improperly.

How about another?

former New York Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver was sentenced to six and a half years in prison on corruption charges. For those unfamiliar with the Silver, he was a Democratic Party kingmaker in New York for many years, serving as speaker for 20 — from Mario Cuomo to Andrew Cuomo — before being automatically expelled over a felony conviction. Silver, in fact, had gotten unanimous support from Democrats for his eleventh term as speaker in 2015, even as a federal probe was ongoing

Has that high horse kicked you in the chin yet?
Brandon is kicking it into high gear!

$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill
531,000 new jobs last month
Stock Market at RECORD highs

A disaster that just cost 13 Republicans there jobs. Their replacements will be America First people. The bill will be repealed or defunded in '22.
If Red State Republicans want to explain to their voters why they turned down funding for Roads, Bridges, Rail, Water systems, High Speed Internet, Power Grid

Give the funding to Blue States
When you Gov't leaches gonna stop holding your hands out. NEVER......Nothing new here. Just like the Cares ACT Media showing a hospital in Italy saying look what is happening in they FEASTED ON 77000 A CASE to hospitals under the Cares spots got 77 k per patient and then peeps wonder why covid patents were put in with non covid........Hospital ship hardly used........tent cities with negative ventillation hardly uesed.

As the corruption FEASTED ON THE MONEY.

I say shut down the Debt Ceiling PERMANENTLY.
Was this an accident or a suicide bomber..............What?????

At the end of the day your vote killed them
Hey Biden voters. These marines would still be alive today if you didn't sentence them to die with your vote

The Jacksonville family of 4 murdered by a retarded illegal alien being. 24 yrs old and said he was a minor

These 4 would be alive today if you liberals did not sentence them to their deaths

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