Infrastructure Week Finally Here! House passes $1.3T bill.

The former guy promised a big infrastructure bill and the sheep cheered.




Guys. This is the bipartisan “hard” infrastructure deal. It has republicans support. It fixes roads and bridges. It’s not if we have to do this, it’s when. And the when is now. You shouldn’t be spewing your US Message Board filth on this bill. The other bill is the controversial one.

I swear I think you guys might be a little bit unfair to Joe and the Democrats.
The blind partisan reprehensible right doesn’t care.

Conservatives will in knee-jerk fashion oppose anything perceived to be a victory for Biden or positive for the president – no matter how beneficial to the American people.

Indeed, conservatives actually want the American people to suffer job losses and economic hardship to use as a partisan weapon against Biden and Democrats.
1. already a thread on it
2. you people are HAPPY that this is destroying the US and wasting tax $$$$--YOUR tax $$$ = you people are stupid

Why are you against... are you like 99 and about to die so you do not give a fuck about our roads and bridges?

$22 billion per year for 5 years for roads, bridges and major infrastructure projects.

And $8 billion per year for 5 years for bridge repair, replacement and rehabilitation

And $13 billion per year for 5 years in passenger and freight rail

And $13 billion per year for 5 years to rebuild the electric grid

And $11 billion per year for 5 years to upgrade water infrastructure

And Another $10 billion per year for 5 years would go toward making the water system more resilient -- protecting it from drought, floods and cyberattacks
Why are you against... are you like 99 and about to die so you do not give a fuck about our roads and bridges?

$22 billion per year for 5 years for roads, bridges and major infrastructure projects.

And $8 billion per year for 5 years for bridge repair, replacement and rehabilitation

And $13 billion per year for 5 years in passenger and freight rail

And $13 billion per year for 5 years to rebuild the electric grid

And $11 billion per year for 5 years to upgrade water infrastructure

And Another $10 billion per year for 5 years would go toward making the water system more resilient -- protecting it from drought, floods and cyberattacks
....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHgee--maybe because----aaaaa--we are in MASSIVE DEBT!!! duh!!!!
you people are just plain stupid
The blind partisan reprehensible right doesn’t care.

Conservatives will in knee-jerk fashion oppose anything perceived to be a victory for Biden or positive for the president – no matter how beneficial to the American people.

Indeed, conservatives actually want the American people to suffer job losses and economic hardship to use as a partisan weapon against Biden and Democrats.
Money laundering is a BIPRTISAN ISSUE.......LOL

Both sides feed at the trough. We have the best politicians money can buy. They don't give a damn about you are me.........They feed you crumbs and laugh at you as they take millions each.

The Founding Fathers were RIGHT about taxation and limited gov't. Corruption will prevail once Corrupt politicians get their hands on the purse.

Best thing that could happen here is PERMANENT GOV'T SHUTDOWN.
....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHgee--maybe because----aaaaa--we are in MASSIVE DEBT!!! duh!!!!
you people are just plain stupid

Yes we are. Thus they should take 9% away from the DOD budget to pay what will be added to our debt for these needed repairs and upgrades.

But it is cute to see a Trump worshiper talk about the debt after 4 years of silence
They stole snowflakes and tried to turn TDS into BDS.
Liberals are only happy when they take from others.

speaking of stealing.............

A.G. Schneiderman Statement On Final Trump University Settlement

New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman released the following statement upon U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s order finalizing the $25 million Trump University settlement:

“Judge Curiel's order finalizing the $25 million Trump University settlement means that victims of Donald Trump’s fraudulent university will finally receive the relief they deserve. We are particularly pleased that the final settlement we negotiated with class counsel ensures that members of the class will receive an even higher settlement than anyone originally anticipated.
This settlement marked a stunning reversal by President Trump, who for years refused to compensate the victims of his sham university.
My office won’t hesitate to hold those who commit fraud accountable, no matter how rich or powerful they may be.”

In 2013, Attorney General Schneiderman sued Donald Trump for swindling thousands of Americans out of millions of dollars through Trump University. In late 2016, Attorney General Schneiderman and class counsel announced a $25 million settlement in the Trump University case.

A.G. Schneiderman Statement On Final Trump University Settlement | New York State Attorney General

Trump 'bought painting of himself for $60k using his own charity cash, then kept it'

Ellen Manning

February 28, 2019

Trump 'bought painting of himself for $60k using his own charity cash, then kept it'

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each
Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement after Donald J. Trump was forced to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes:

“Not only has the Trump Foundation shut down for its misconduct, but the president has been forced to pay $2 million for misusing charitable funds for his own political gain. Charities are not a means to an end, which is why these damages speak to the president’s abuse of power and represent a victory for not-for-profits that follow the law. Funds have finally gone where they deserve — to eight credible charities. My office will continue to fight for accountability because no one is above the law — not a businessman, not a candidate for office, and not even the president of the United States.”

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General
The graduates of the Hannity/Breitbart School of Economics™ aren't gonna like this post, not on a Trumpster site!
Hi you dang Fraud. A year ago.......I forgot to ask you if you were crying when I left because I lost the bet.

Well...........WERE YOU......LMAO..... My God that was a total melt down tirade back then. Was funny as hell.
In the dark of night on a Friday, when nobody is looking....That's how your fascist assholes ram it through, then celebrate.

You slugs are beneath loathsome.
Trump got one legistlation passed. A tax giveaway to his corporate cronies & his buddies down at Mar A Lago. The same swamp that he claims to loathe. There's another conjob engineered by Trump & you asshats fell for it, but who's surprised?
Yes we are. Thus they should take 9% away from the DOD budget to pay what will be added to our debt for these needed repairs and upgrades.

But it is cute to see a Trump worshiper talk about the debt after 4 years of silence
LOL The debt can never be paid. It can only be reset. The stinking interest on the debt is closing in on our military budget. The banks are LEVERAGED to Pluto. The dollar is dying along with all the currencies in the world.

Brandon is kicking it into high gear!

$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill
531,000 new jobs last month
Stock Market at RECORD highs

The infrastructure bill was a cave. There is now zero chance of the social infrastructure bill passing. The Democratic leadership failed.
LOL The debt can never be paid. It can only be reset. The stinking interest on the debt is closing in on our military budget. The banks are LEVERAGED to Pluto. The dollar is dying along with all the currencies in the world.


Well then we should just go all in and do everything we can before the "great reset". No reason to hold back, might as well have some nice roads and bridges when hell has to be paid.
Money laundering is a BIPRTISAN ISSUE.......LOL

Both sides feed at the trough. We have the best politicians money can buy. They don't give a damn about you are me.........They feed you crumbs and laugh at you as they take millions each.

The Founding Fathers were RIGHT about taxation and limited gov't. Corruption will prevail once Corrupt politicians get their hands on the purse.

Best thing that could happen here is PERMANENT GOV'T SHUTDOWN.
Go for it, clown. And we'll laugh as you cry when your 401k & other investment's values drop to zero.
The right’s contempt for sound, responsible governance comes as no surprise.

Indeed, Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
How about you stop preaching your Gospel of IDIOCY TO ME. Your side is a CULT TO GOV'T BS.

The Federal Gov't needs to be spayed and Neutered..............NO MAS ............NO MORE OF THEM LAUNDERING MONEY. A RESET to the Constitution of this country with LIMITED POWERS and the States to rule their own ways

Permanent Gov't shutdown ...............NO MORE DEBT CEILING RAISES........Federal employees can scratch their unemployed asses like everyone else. States will take back over the overreach of the MASSIVE FEDERAL GOV'T who passes the 10000 Commandments of the CFRs

But you don't give a shit if they destroy this country now do you.
yeah just like Obama's shovel ready jobs.

This is just going to be the same old shit where the same stretches of highway get repaved every year whether they need it or not

Much like Obama’s Shovel Ready Jobs, the money is there for those who want to use it.

If Red States want to turn down money for Roads, Bridges, Rail, Water systems, High Speed Internet, EV Infrastructure just to say Fuk you Biden

I am SURE Blue States will take their money

Lets Go Brandon!

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