Ingraham: A first lady double standard?

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I tend to put less emphasis on looks and more on intelligence and actual accomplishments.
what did Michelle accomplish?
She did turn school lunches for our kids...and had her mother live off taxpayer funds while staying YEARS in the White House!

But you don't mind your whore jetting all over the place at the taxpayers' expense to play golf and speak at idiotic campaign rallies while his third hootchy mama stayed in New York at a cost of millions.

She stayed there so the kids could attend their same school. She moved to the White House afterwards. I know how you lefties hate the idea of a mother looking out for her children instead of the government.
and Michelle's mother stayed at the White House so the daughters had THEIR OWN there with them while their parents were away.....not some high priced nanny...

Some people still believe in family, some people still believe in not cheating on your wife with a porn star and then getting caught lying about it, and then getting caught paying for it...obviously you don't have the same family values that the Obamas have

View attachment 293148

Oh, I'm sure that's the reason. Did she live with them before they moved to the White House? I've never been to the White House, but from what I understand, there are a lot of people that could have watched the kids.
Oh, cultist? Cite the statute that prohibits the president from releasing appropriated funds to foreign nations unless their leaders perform favors first...

Text - Treaty Document 106-16 - Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in ...
Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998, and with .

Dumbfuck, quote the section on there that states the president can't release funds to Ukraine unless they do us favors......


Dumbfuck, you said the law prohibits Trump from releasing funds unless they do us favors. Thanks for admitting there is no such law and that you're full of shit.


ASSWIPE, is that doing us a favor or is that EXTORTION AND BRIBERY?...I CAN WAIT!:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::321:

Is that putting a CONDITION on recieving a BILLION DOLLARS....I love pulling Pawns strings!...ROTFLMFAO!!!
what did Michelle accomplish?
She did turn school lunches for our kids...and had her mother live off taxpayer funds while staying YEARS in the White House!

But you don't mind your whore jetting all over the place at the taxpayers' expense to play golf and speak at idiotic campaign rallies while his third hootchy mama stayed in New York at a cost of millions.

She stayed there so the kids could attend their same school. She moved to the White House afterwards. I know how you lefties hate the idea of a mother looking out for her children instead of the government.
and Michelle's mother stayed at the White House so the daughters had THEIR OWN there with them while their parents were away.....not some high priced nanny...

Some people still believe in family, some people still believe in not cheating on your wife with a porn star and then getting caught lying about it, and then getting caught paying for it...obviously you don't have the same family values that the Obamas have

View attachment 293148

Oh, I'm sure that's the reason. Did she live with them before they moved to the White House? I've never been to the White House, but from what I understand, there are a lot of people that could have watched the kids.
Yes, actually...when Obama started campaigning for president, she moved in...…why does that bother you so much??

Here is another reason you dic suckers are so full of shit -- if the daughters and Michelle remained in Chicago instead of moving to DC, so they can finish idiots would be complaining about that...

How do I know....because you racist morons complained about him wearing a tan suit, so fuk what you whining about now
She did turn school lunches for our kids...and had her mother live off taxpayer funds while staying YEARS in the White House!

But you don't mind your whore jetting all over the place at the taxpayers' expense to play golf and speak at idiotic campaign rallies while his third hootchy mama stayed in New York at a cost of millions.

She stayed there so the kids could attend their same school. She moved to the White House afterwards. I know how you lefties hate the idea of a mother looking out for her children instead of the government.
and Michelle's mother stayed at the White House so the daughters had THEIR OWN there with them while their parents were away.....not some high priced nanny...

Some people still believe in family, some people still believe in not cheating on your wife with a porn star and then getting caught lying about it, and then getting caught paying for it...obviously you don't have the same family values that the Obamas have

View attachment 293148

Oh, I'm sure that's the reason. Did she live with them before they moved to the White House? I've never been to the White House, but from what I understand, there are a lot of people that could have watched the kids.
Yes, actually...when Obama started campaigning for president, she moved in...…why does that bother you so much??

Here is another reason you dic suckers are so full of shit -- if the daughters and Michelle remained in Chicago instead of moving to DC, so they can finish idiots would be complaining about that...

How do I know....because you racist morons complained about him wearing a tan suit, so fuk what you whining about now

I never complained about anything he wore. Why would I care about that? I also didn't hear many on the right making comments either.

I also didn't care much about mom moving in, but I brought it up and somebody took issue what that part of my comment.
But you don't mind your whore jetting all over the place at the taxpayers' expense to play golf and speak at idiotic campaign rallies while his third hootchy mama stayed in New York at a cost of millions.

She stayed there so the kids could attend their same school. She moved to the White House afterwards. I know how you lefties hate the idea of a mother looking out for her children instead of the government.
and Michelle's mother stayed at the White House so the daughters had THEIR OWN there with them while their parents were away.....not some high priced nanny...

Some people still believe in family, some people still believe in not cheating on your wife with a porn star and then getting caught lying about it, and then getting caught paying for it...obviously you don't have the same family values that the Obamas have

View attachment 293148

Oh, I'm sure that's the reason. Did she live with them before they moved to the White House? I've never been to the White House, but from what I understand, there are a lot of people that could have watched the kids.
Yes, actually...when Obama started campaigning for president, she moved in...…why does that bother you so much??

Here is another reason you dic suckers are so full of shit -- if the daughters and Michelle remained in Chicago instead of moving to DC, so they can finish idiots would be complaining about that...

How do I know....because you racist morons complained about him wearing a tan suit, so fuk what you whining about now

I never complained about anything he wore. Why would I care about that? I also didn't hear many on the right making comments either.

I also didn't care much about mom moving in, but I brought it up and somebody took issue what that part of my comment.
Bawahhahahahaa,...this is why republicans hate memory....

Fox News ran coverage of him wearing this suit like it was a national crisis...Actual republican congressmen were going on record complaining about a fucking suit...2014-08-29T22-28-18_6Z--1280x720.jpg Tan_suit-833x432.jpg

When Obama and his wife gave each other a fist bump...the idiots at Fox News who you get your constant stream of stupid from -- treated that story like it was a national crisis, even asking if it was a terrorist fist bump..

Basically by Obama's first year in office, Republicans were freaking out over him putting his shoes on the desk, him ordering Dijon mustard on his burger, the must idiotic shit -- by Trump's first year in office, he had half of his campaign indicted....but whenever you show Trumpers their idiocy of the recent past, they wannna pretend like it didn't happen...
qiyof68mfl7z.png do you know what someone is thinking?

All you can go by is what he said, what others testify was said and actions he made.

Many, many have been convicted on that evidence

Nobody has ever been convicted based on what other people "presumed." The only actual words out of Trump were in Sondland's testimony, where the President told him he wanted noting in return, no quid pro quo, he only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing. Other than that, everything else was based on what Democrats "thought" Trump was doing.

Could you imagine if the Republicans tried to impeach the commie because they thought Fast and Furious was about arming the drug lords to make a better case for gun control? There would have been riots in the street, and rightfully so too.
Mafia Dons (Don, nice name) were convicted all the time based on what actions they took and what others testified.

A Don never ordered......Kill Vito Corleone
They had subtle ways to order a hit

Our Don was anything but subtle when he asked for a personal favor

Again, mind reading. That's exactly what I said. Thanks for your support. Asking for a favor of a foreign leader is not a high crime or misdemeanor. Look up the word "favor" in the dictionary and see what it means. It does not mean a demand, threat, or payoff.

There is zero proof of Trump threatening aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky met his requests. The commies just made it up, and they are going to try and impeach on what they "thought" Trump meant.
That’s what jury’s do

They rarely have an outright confession. They have to piece together a conclusion based on supporting facts.

In Trumps case, we have him admitting he asked for a personal favor in return for military aid. ....The word “though” ties the two together

Wait a minute, WTF did Trump ever say he wanted a favor in exchange for military aid? Certainly not the phone call. That's what they are lying about. Trump never said anything like that. He first talked about the javelins, and later talked about the aid. He never even hinted that one had anything to do with the other.
Zelensky stated he needed Javelins
Trump: We need a favor though
what did Michelle accomplish?
She did turn school lunches for our kids...and had her mother live off taxpayer funds while staying YEARS in the White House!

But you don't mind your whore jetting all over the place at the taxpayers' expense to play golf and speak at idiotic campaign rallies while his third hootchy mama stayed in New York at a cost of millions.

She stayed there so the kids could attend their same school. She moved to the White House afterwards. I know how you lefties hate the idea of a mother looking out for her children instead of the government.
and Michelle's mother stayed at the White House so the daughters had THEIR OWN there with them while their parents were away.....not some high priced nanny...

Some people still believe in family, some people still believe in not cheating on your wife with a porn star and then getting caught lying about it, and then getting caught paying for it...obviously you don't have the same family values that the Obamas have

View attachment 293148

Oh, I'm sure that's the reason. Did she live with them before they moved to the White House? I've never been to the White House, but from what I understand, there are a lot of people that could have watched the kids.
People you would rather have than the kids grandmother?
Oh good another hate thread on the first ladies.

Seriously, the hate on the left and the right is over the top.

Sad that ignorance has risen to this level.

double standard? double standard you say?

Conservatives Criticize Michelle Obama For Bare Arms, Stay Silent On Melania Trump’s Nude Poses
by: True Activist Posted on September 21, 2016

Credit: LA Times and GQ India
Since Michelle Obama first became the First Lady of the United States, criticism of basically everything about her has been rampant among right-wing voters with racist and sexist undertones. Among this criticism is the accusation that Mrs. Obama “doesn’t look or act” like a First Lady, apparently because of her sense of fashion, which includes sleeveless dresses.

In two famous interviews with Al Shapiro from NPR at Mitt Romney events in 2012, a Virginia voter Bobbie Lussier summed up how Republicans feel about Mrs. Obama’s image. She stated that, “I mean, can you imagine you know, Kennedys or the Bushes or anybody doing pushups on the floor? I mean you know. That’s just not a first lady.” Lussier further said, “They talk about more like her dresses and how she looks and stuff and her arms and whatever. […] You see her walking around in shorts, and you know, just real casual wear.”
Conservatives Criticize Michelle Obama For Bare Arms, Stay Silent On Melania Trump’s Nude Poses

gimmee a fucking break.
Don't worry if the next President is a Prog in 2020 there will be an impeach 46 if the Repubs win the House. When ever that combination happens can bet on it.
Please try it.....if people are corrupt and breaking laws, impeach them.....

Wonder why they didn't impeach 44?? Wasn't he corrupt??

I mean, they couldn't get at least one single indictment against anyone?? Is Obama just that brilliant and powerful??


double standard? double standard you say?

Conservatives Criticize Michelle Obama For Bare Arms, Stay Silent On Melania Trump’s Nude Poses
by: True Activist Posted on September 21, 2016

Credit: LA Times and GQ India
Since Michelle Obama first became the First Lady of the United States, criticism of basically everything about her has been rampant among right-wing voters with racist and sexist undertones. Among this criticism is the accusation that Mrs. Obama “doesn’t look or act” like a First Lady, apparently because of her sense of fashion, which includes sleeveless dresses.

In two famous interviews with Al Shapiro from NPR at Mitt Romney events in 2012, a Virginia voter Bobbie Lussier summed up how Republicans feel about Mrs. Obama’s image. She stated that, “I mean, can you imagine you know, Kennedys or the Bushes or anybody doing pushups on the floor? I mean you know. That’s just not a first lady.” Lussier further said, “They talk about more like her dresses and how she looks and stuff and her arms and whatever. […] You see her walking around in shorts, and you know, just real casual wear.”
Conservatives Criticize Michelle Obama For Bare Arms, Stay Silent On Melania Trump’s Nude Poses

gimmee a fucking break.
Don't worry if the next President is a Prog in 2020 there will be an impeach 46 if the Repubs win the House. When ever that combination happens can bet on it.
Please try it.....if people are corrupt and breaking laws, impeach them.....

Wonder why they didn't impeach 44?? Wasn't he corrupt??

I mean, they couldn't get at least one single indictment against anyone?? Is Obama just that brilliant and powerful??

View attachment 293175
Wow...a total of three total indictments and one conviction on three Democratic Presidents

Over TWO HUNDRED indictments of Republicans
She did turn school lunches for our kids...and had her mother live off taxpayer funds while staying YEARS in the White House!

But you don't mind your whore jetting all over the place at the taxpayers' expense to play golf and speak at idiotic campaign rallies while his third hootchy mama stayed in New York at a cost of millions.

She stayed there so the kids could attend their same school. She moved to the White House afterwards. I know how you lefties hate the idea of a mother looking out for her children instead of the government.
and Michelle's mother stayed at the White House so the daughters had THEIR OWN there with them while their parents were away.....not some high priced nanny...

Some people still believe in family, some people still believe in not cheating on your wife with a porn star and then getting caught lying about it, and then getting caught paying for it...obviously you don't have the same family values that the Obamas have

View attachment 293148

Oh, I'm sure that's the reason. Did she live with them before they moved to the White House? I've never been to the White House, but from what I understand, there are a lot of people that could have watched the kids.
People you would rather have than the kids grandmother?

Hey, you knew that going into the job. Besides, how many times have the Obama's left the house together and not take the kids?
Nobody has ever been convicted based on what other people "presumed." The only actual words out of Trump were in Sondland's testimony, where the President told him he wanted noting in return, no quid pro quo, he only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing. Other than that, everything else was based on what Democrats "thought" Trump was doing.

Could you imagine if the Republicans tried to impeach the commie because they thought Fast and Furious was about arming the drug lords to make a better case for gun control? There would have been riots in the street, and rightfully so too.
Mafia Dons (Don, nice name) were convicted all the time based on what actions they took and what others testified.

A Don never ordered......Kill Vito Corleone
They had subtle ways to order a hit

Our Don was anything but subtle when he asked for a personal favor

Again, mind reading. That's exactly what I said. Thanks for your support. Asking for a favor of a foreign leader is not a high crime or misdemeanor. Look up the word "favor" in the dictionary and see what it means. It does not mean a demand, threat, or payoff.

There is zero proof of Trump threatening aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky met his requests. The commies just made it up, and they are going to try and impeach on what they "thought" Trump meant.
That’s what jury’s do

They rarely have an outright confession. They have to piece together a conclusion based on supporting facts.

In Trumps case, we have him admitting he asked for a personal favor in return for military aid. ....The word “though” ties the two together

Wait a minute, WTF did Trump ever say he wanted a favor in exchange for military aid? Certainly not the phone call. That's what they are lying about. Trump never said anything like that. He first talked about the javelins, and later talked about the aid. He never even hinted that one had anything to do with the other.
Zelensky stated he needed Javelins
Trump: We need a favor though

Nope, the conversation NEVER went that way. I'll quote the transcript if you'd like.
She stayed there so the kids could attend their same school. She moved to the White House afterwards. I know how you lefties hate the idea of a mother looking out for her children instead of the government.
and Michelle's mother stayed at the White House so the daughters had THEIR OWN there with them while their parents were away.....not some high priced nanny...

Some people still believe in family, some people still believe in not cheating on your wife with a porn star and then getting caught lying about it, and then getting caught paying for it...obviously you don't have the same family values that the Obamas have

View attachment 293148

Oh, I'm sure that's the reason. Did she live with them before they moved to the White House? I've never been to the White House, but from what I understand, there are a lot of people that could have watched the kids.
Yes, actually...when Obama started campaigning for president, she moved in...…why does that bother you so much??

Here is another reason you dic suckers are so full of shit -- if the daughters and Michelle remained in Chicago instead of moving to DC, so they can finish idiots would be complaining about that...

How do I know....because you racist morons complained about him wearing a tan suit, so fuk what you whining about now

I never complained about anything he wore. Why would I care about that? I also didn't hear many on the right making comments either.

I also didn't care much about mom moving in, but I brought it up and somebody took issue what that part of my comment.
Bawahhahahahaa,...this is why republicans hate memory....

Fox News ran coverage of him wearing this suit like it was a national crisis...Actual republican congressmen were going on record complaining about a fucking suit...View attachment 293166 View attachment 293170

When Obama and his wife gave each other a fist bump...the idiots at Fox News who you get your constant stream of stupid from -- treated that story like it was a national crisis, even asking if it was a terrorist fist bump..
View attachment 293172

Basically by Obama's first year in office, Republicans were freaking out over him putting his shoes on the desk, him ordering Dijon mustard on his burger, the must idiotic shit -- by Trump's first year in office, he had half of his campaign indicted....but whenever you show Trumpers their idiocy of the recent past, they wannna pretend like it didn't happen...
View attachment 293174

Oh please. The Democrats trashed Trump because he had big macs served at an event he attended. And who was it that made a big deal out of Melania's shoes that time? Or that she didn't hold his hand one time? It's Christmas time again, and yet anther bashing of White House decorations by Melania by the MSM.
But you don't mind your whore jetting all over the place at the taxpayers' expense to play golf and speak at idiotic campaign rallies while his third hootchy mama stayed in New York at a cost of millions.

She stayed there so the kids could attend their same school. She moved to the White House afterwards. I know how you lefties hate the idea of a mother looking out for her children instead of the government.
and Michelle's mother stayed at the White House so the daughters had THEIR OWN there with them while their parents were away.....not some high priced nanny...

Some people still believe in family, some people still believe in not cheating on your wife with a porn star and then getting caught lying about it, and then getting caught paying for it...obviously you don't have the same family values that the Obamas have

View attachment 293148

Oh, I'm sure that's the reason. Did she live with them before they moved to the White House? I've never been to the White House, but from what I understand, there are a lot of people that could have watched the kids.
People you would rather have than the kids grandmother?

Hey, you knew that going into the job. Besides, how many times have the Obama's left the house together and not take the kids?

Isn’t that why you want their grandmother present?
Conservatives used to claim they supported strong family structures
But with Obama, they complained about a grandparent being part of a family
Mafia Dons (Don, nice name) were convicted all the time based on what actions they took and what others testified.

A Don never ordered......Kill Vito Corleone
They had subtle ways to order a hit

Our Don was anything but subtle when he asked for a personal favor

Again, mind reading. That's exactly what I said. Thanks for your support. Asking for a favor of a foreign leader is not a high crime or misdemeanor. Look up the word "favor" in the dictionary and see what it means. It does not mean a demand, threat, or payoff.

There is zero proof of Trump threatening aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky met his requests. The commies just made it up, and they are going to try and impeach on what they "thought" Trump meant.
That’s what jury’s do

They rarely have an outright confession. They have to piece together a conclusion based on supporting facts.

In Trumps case, we have him admitting he asked for a personal favor in return for military aid. ....The word “though” ties the two together

Wait a minute, WTF did Trump ever say he wanted a favor in exchange for military aid? Certainly not the phone call. That's what they are lying about. Trump never said anything like that. He first talked about the javelins, and later talked about the aid. He never even hinted that one had anything to do with the other.
Zelensky stated he needed Javelins
Trump: We need a favor though

Nope, the conversation NEVER went that way. I'll quote the transcript if you'd like.
What is stopping you?
Last edited:
Oh, cultist? Cite the statute that prohibits the president from releasing appropriated funds to foreign nations unless their leaders perform favors first...

Text - Treaty Document 106-16 - Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in ...
Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998, and with .

Dumbfuck, quote the section on there that states the president can't release funds to Ukraine unless they do us favors......


Dumbfuck, you said the law prohibits Trump from releasing funds unless they do us favors. Thanks for admitting there is no such law and that you're full of shit.


ASSWIPE, is that doing us a favor or is that EXTORTION AND BRIBERY?...I CAN WAIT!:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::321:

Is that putting a CONDITION on recieving a BILLION DOLLARS....I love pulling Pawns strings!...ROTFLMFAO!!!

Dumbfuck, you said the law prohibits Trump from releasing funds unless they do us favors. What you just posted also fails to prove your delusions are real.

Mafia Dons (Don, nice name) were convicted all the time based on what actions they took and what others testified.

A Don never ordered......Kill Vito Corleone
They had subtle ways to order a hit

Our Don was anything but subtle when he asked for a personal favor

Again, mind reading. That's exactly what I said. Thanks for your support. Asking for a favor of a foreign leader is not a high crime or misdemeanor. Look up the word "favor" in the dictionary and see what it means. It does not mean a demand, threat, or payoff.

There is zero proof of Trump threatening aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky met his requests. The commies just made it up, and they are going to try and impeach on what they "thought" Trump meant.
That’s what jury’s do

They rarely have an outright confession. They have to piece together a conclusion based on supporting facts.

In Trumps case, we have him admitting he asked for a personal favor in return for military aid. ....The word “though” ties the two together

Wait a minute, WTF did Trump ever say he wanted a favor in exchange for military aid? Certainly not the phone call. That's what they are lying about. Trump never said anything like that. He first talked about the javelins, and later talked about the aid. He never even hinted that one had anything to do with the other.
Zelensky stated he needed Javelins
Trump: We need a favor though

Nope, the conversation NEVER went that way. I'll quote the transcript if you'd like.
Liar. That's exactly how the conversation went...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...

Text - Treaty Document 106-16 - Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in ...
Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998, and with .

Dumbfuck, quote the section on there that states the president can't release funds to Ukraine unless they do us favors......


Dumbfuck, you said the law prohibits Trump from releasing funds unless they do us favors. Thanks for admitting there is no such law and that you're full of shit.


ASSWIPE, is that doing us a favor or is that EXTORTION AND BRIBERY?...I CAN WAIT!:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::321:

Is that putting a CONDITION on recieving a BILLION DOLLARS....I love pulling Pawns strings!...ROTFLMFAO!!!

Dumbfuck, you said the law prohibits Trump from releasing funds unless they do us favors. What you just posted also fails to prove your delusions are real.

And I repeat fool
and Michelle's mother stayed at the White House so the daughters had THEIR OWN there with them while their parents were away.....not some high priced nanny...

Some people still believe in family, some people still believe in not cheating on your wife with a porn star and then getting caught lying about it, and then getting caught paying for it...obviously you don't have the same family values that the Obamas have

View attachment 293148

Oh, I'm sure that's the reason. Did she live with them before they moved to the White House? I've never been to the White House, but from what I understand, there are a lot of people that could have watched the kids.
Yes, actually...when Obama started campaigning for president, she moved in...…why does that bother you so much??

Here is another reason you dic suckers are so full of shit -- if the daughters and Michelle remained in Chicago instead of moving to DC, so they can finish idiots would be complaining about that...

How do I know....because you racist morons complained about him wearing a tan suit, so fuk what you whining about now

I never complained about anything he wore. Why would I care about that? I also didn't hear many on the right making comments either.

I also didn't care much about mom moving in, but I brought it up and somebody took issue what that part of my comment.
Bawahhahahahaa,...this is why republicans hate memory....

Fox News ran coverage of him wearing this suit like it was a national crisis...Actual republican congressmen were going on record complaining about a fucking suit...View attachment 293166 View attachment 293170

When Obama and his wife gave each other a fist bump...the idiots at Fox News who you get your constant stream of stupid from -- treated that story like it was a national crisis, even asking if it was a terrorist fist bump..
View attachment 293172

Basically by Obama's first year in office, Republicans were freaking out over him putting his shoes on the desk, him ordering Dijon mustard on his burger, the must idiotic shit -- by Trump's first year in office, he had half of his campaign indicted....but whenever you show Trumpers their idiocy of the recent past, they wannna pretend like it didn't happen...
View attachment 293174

Oh please. The Democrats trashed Trump because he had big macs served at an event he attended. And who was it that made a big deal out of Melania's shoes that time? Or that she didn't hold his hand one time? It's Christmas time again, and yet anther bashing of White House decorations by Melania by the MSM.
Show me one Democrat congressman or woman who issued a statement about what Trump eats?? what shoes Melania wears, etc etc etc....

I told you that ELECTED REPUBLICANS IN THE US CONGRESS went on Fox news to complain about every little thing Obama did....and not one of you cucks objected to it...

So I don't want to hear shit now
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