Ingraham Explains The Facts O'Life, Leftists Blanch At Reality

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I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'
Billy just asking If Trump raped your wife would you still support him? Bet all your other morons here would
Because you're an idiot.
We have to stop electing Republicans to end War it seems. The only Wars now should be getting rid of totalitarian governments and establishing democracy everywhere. Civil Wars. I don't believe in reparations I believe in taxing the rich and having cheap college and training good infrastructure and Health Care daycare etc like all other rich countries... Much more opportunity and fairness. You know socialism.

Yeah .. that'll end wars, establish democracy, and create opportunities and fairness, Comrade. :lol:
a third world corrupt s******* the can't even sell its oil anymore thanks to Trump sanctions. I'm sure you have the whole story on that one, brainwashed functional moron.
A once vibrant economy that socialism destroyed in less than 2 decades, brain-dead socialist idiot.
We have to stop electing Republicans to end War it seems. The only Wars now should be getting rid of totalitarian governments and establishing democracy everywhere. Civil Wars. I don't believe in reparations I believe in taxing the rich and having cheap college and training good infrastructure and Health Care daycare etc like all other rich countries... Much more opportunity and fairness. You know socialism.

Yeah .. that'll end wars, establish democracy, and create opportunities and fairness, Comrade. :lol:
When do we get to compare ourselves to other rich countries, not corrupt third world shitholes the GOP has destroyed?
Other "rich countries" rightly envy our freedoms, our success, and our prosperity:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
We have to stop electing Republicans to end War it seems. The only Wars now should be getting rid of totalitarian governments and establishing democracy everywhere. Civil Wars. I don't believe in reparations I believe in taxing the rich and having cheap college and training good infrastructure and Health Care daycare etc like all other rich countries... Much more opportunity and fairness. You know socialism.

Yeah .. that'll end wars, establish democracy, and create opportunities and fairness, Comrade. :lol:
Socialists don't call each other comrade, that's communism, s*******.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
You’re all about teaching people lessons. When was the last time a war was fought and the victor took the land and valuables? When was the last war of conquest?
We are talking about reparations. Reparations for a practice that was ended in 1865. Your question is trying to establish what, exactly?
That D-Lady is a bitter, US-hating, Canadian leftard ... but you knew that.
Ask her how Canada treats their Indians TODAY not in 1865......
We have to stop electing Republicans to end War it seems.

Perhaps what we really need is to stop electing Democrats who make war necessary years after the fact after they've gone home and made their first 100 million and left the rest of us to clean up after their mess
Of course you are the people that deny reality our allies science fact law enforcement reality in effect. For instance ...
For instance, nothing you say or think makes a lick of sense to any full-grown adult, or for that matter, any full-grown child.
I admire and respect your brainwashed "opinion". Everything you know is wrong. Do you want a diagram? So you think Obama gave Iran the ability to make nuclear weapons? If so you are an idiot. Everyone in the world outside your bubble of GOP crap knows it. As always. The whole world of Journalism and law enforcement.
You’re all about teaching people lessons. When was the last time a war was fought and the victor took the land and valuables? When was the last war of conquest?
We are talking about reparations. Reparations for a practice that was ended in 1865. Your question is trying to establish what, exactly?
That D-Lady is a bitter, US-hating, Canadian leftard ... but you knew that.
Ask her how Canada treats their Indians TODAY not in 1865......
She is not anti-American, she is anti-American scumbags and idiots, the GOP in other words. Canada treats everyone better than we do.
You’re all about teaching people lessons. When was the last time a war was fought and the victor took the land and valuables? When was the last war of conquest?
We are talking about reparations. Reparations for a practice that was ended in 1865. Your question is trying to establish what, exactly?
That D-Lady is a bitter, US-hating, Canadian leftard ... but you knew that.
Ask her how Canada treats their Indians TODAY not in 1865......
She is not anti-American, she is anti-American scumbags and idiots, the GOP in other words. Canada treats everyone better than we do.
Then have her answer how Canadian Government is treating their Indians.....
We have to stop electing Republicans to end War it seems.

Perhaps what we really need is to stop electing Democrats who make war necessary years after the fact after they've gone home and made their first 100 million and left the rest of us to clean up after their mess
Of course you are the people that deny reality our allies science fact law enforcement reality in effect. For instance ...
For instance, nothing you say or think makes a lick of sense to any full-grown adult, or for that matter, any full-grown child.
I admire and respect your brainwashed "opinion". Everything you know is wrong. Do you want a diagram? So you think Obama gave Iran the ability to make nuclear weapons? If so you are an idiot. Everyone in the world outside your bubble of GOP crap knows it. As always. The whole world of Journalism and law enforcement.
It can't be easy to admit you're a semiliterate MORON but just so you know how I reached that conclusion, I quote you:
"Of course you are the people that deny reality our allies science fact law enforcement reality in effect." - francoHFW
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when do we get to compare ourselves with other rich countries, not third world shitholes, brainwashed functional moron?

When the majority of our illegal immigrants start coming from First World countries.

Besides, there’s nothing those other first world countries have that I want.
Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training 5 week vacation great infrastructure ID card to end illegal immigration? I do believe you are misinformed. Healthy family farms?
We have to stop electing Republicans to end War it seems.

Perhaps what we really need is to stop electing Democrats who make war necessary years after the fact after they've gone home and made their first 100 million and left the rest of us to clean up after their mess
Of course you are the people that deny reality our allies science fact law enforcement reality in effect. For instance you believe the Iran deal gave Iran nuclear weapons. Absolute idiocy. The question is does the orange clown actually believe that too.

I have seen nothing from anyone saying that the Obama Agreement "gave" them nuclear weapons. It did give them 1.8 billion dollars, however.

Perhaps you would care to clarify?
That is certainly what most dupes believe.....
I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'
the solution is as simple as true faith in our supreme law of the land can make it.
We have to stop electing Republicans to end War it seems.

Perhaps what we really need is to stop electing Democrats who make war necessary years after the fact after they've gone home and made their first 100 million and left the rest of us to clean up after their mess
Of course you are the people that deny reality our allies science fact law enforcement reality in effect. For instance you believe the Iran deal gave Iran nuclear weapons. Absolute idiocy. The question is does the orange clown actually believe that too.

I have seen nothing from anyone saying that the Obama Agreement "gave" them nuclear weapons. It did give them 1.8 billion dollars, however.

Perhaps you would care to clarify?
That is certainly what most dupes believe.....

The only dupe that seems to believe that is you, dumbass.
Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training 5 week vacation great infrastructure ID card to end illegal immigration? I do believe you are misinformed. Healthy family farms?

It’s you who are misinformed. I truly have NO INTEREST in any of that crap.
What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

“Conquest” ended after WWII. Time for FOX to enter the 21st Century.

CONQUEST has always existed and will always exist. It’s a simple fact of nature, both human nature and the natural order.

It appears to me thst the Political Left is going to need another lesson about that in the next decade or two.

You’re all about teaching people lessons. When was the last time a war was fought and the victor took the land and valuables?

When was the last war of conquest?
It was WW2 you moron. That’s what the Germans, Japs and Italians were doing.
I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'
She's still pissed about B. Clinton rejecting her advances, isn't she?
How many times have you objected to someone bringing up the Clintons in a thread where they're irrelevant?
I'm just pointing out why Ingraham is the way she is......a woman scorned.
Ingraham a woman? Either a trans or just an ugly bitch .
I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'

What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

“Conquest” ended after WWII. Time for FOX to enter the 21st Century.

Let's face it. The way of the 21st century is human trafficking and all other kinds of ills.

If you think humanity is really any better than we used to be, you're incredibly naive.
I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'
She's still pissed about B. Clinton rejecting her advances, isn't she?
How many times have you objected to someone bringing up the Clintons in a thread where they're irrelevant?
I'm just pointing out why Ingraham is the way she is......a woman scorned.
Ingraham a woman? Either a trans or just an ugly bitch .

Fascinating. Once again, Leftists reveal their enlightened views on women....

"I can't listen to her because I don't like the way she looks"

Listening to leftists talk is like lifting a rock and watching the creepy crawlies slither around
What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

“Conquest” ended after WWII. Time for FOX to enter the 21st Century.

CONQUEST has always existed and will always exist. It’s a simple fact of nature, both human nature and the natural order.

It appears to me thst the Political Left is going to need another lesson about that in the next decade or two.

You’re all about teaching people lessons. When was the last time a war was fought and the victor took the land and valuables?

When was the last war of conquest?
I asked you a question miss high and mighty. Shall we discuss Canada's treatment of their Indians?

I'm waiting too DragonCanadian....explain how beautifully you all treated the Indigenous people up there, won't you? Whatchu got?
I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'
She's still pissed about B. Clinton rejecting her advances, isn't she?
How many times have you objected to someone bringing up the Clintons in a thread where they're irrelevant?
I'm just pointing out why Ingraham is the way she is......a woman scorned.
Ingraham a woman? Either a trans or just an ugly bitch .

Hey also Issa when you come back. Maybe you could let us know if this comment, and I quote, "Ingraham a woman? Either a trans or just an ugly bitch", represents the approved Pride Month liberal way you all talk about LGBT folks.

Let us know, won't you???
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