Ingraham Explains The Facts O'Life, Leftists Blanch At Reality

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Just because life ain't fair is no reason we should not use gov't to try to provide as level an opportunity playfield as possible. We have long had anti-trust, anti-predation, and anti-discrimination laws that help level our domestic commercial markets. I see no reason our gov't should not use tariffs or other tools at their disposal to level our global trade.
Because you can't use government to FIX government. The reason why things aren't fair in the first place is BECAUSE of government, and no act of force can change human nature before humans are ready for said change.
No. Gov't is not the reason I'm not 6'9" and don't have a 35" vertical leap.
What has that to do with anything?
Gov't is not the reason we all don't breeze through higher math and science courses
What has that to do with anything?
or have a great voice and great hair and manage to master the guitar
Still missing what that has to do with anything?
As long as we need gov'ts through which we organize societies, we can and will use them to fix them.
Government is there to lend law and order to society, not to ensure everyone is 6'9" or breezes through higher math. You are a very confused person.
  • If you are 6'9", be a runner. If you are 5'3", be a philosopher.
  • If you breeze through higher math, be a teacher. If you don't, be a learner.
  • If you have a great voice, be a singer. If you have a bad voice, be a writer.
If you think government can make you taller, or smarter or a better entertainer, you are a fool.
If you expect government will make short people competitive with runners, idiots competitive with physicists or talentless people compete with musicians, you are an imbecile.

You've confused equality with equity; Equality is an illusion because we are all different, we cannot all be the same in identical ways so nature intends we all be equal in different ways. Government can't do that; at best, laws can give each of us an equal boost in some things so that shorter people come out higher ahead, but then, taller people getting an equal boost will come out higher still. That's the unavoidable fact of life.

Equity is putting a different size box under each person ------ EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS (Gee, where have I heard THAT before?), but nowhere in nature do different things all come out equal, only in the fiction of socialism and liberal thought and government force. WHO DECIDES what size box a person gets or needs? Government? That most inept and corrupt and inefficient of all?

YOU ARE A VERY CONFUSED PERSON. You want to acquiesce to people thinking it will make them more fair when they would crush your bones under their wheel without a second thought. I don't want or need government any more in my life than absolutely necessary. Maybe you want them putting a box under your feet raising you up to be something you are not fit to do, but I don't. I don't need government figuring out what I'm good at, I can do that very well for myself.
Wow. I'm sorry ... I didn't realize I had to make it simple for you.

If I had those physical qualities I'd play NBA ball and make $250 million over a 10 yr career. If I could breeze through higher math or science courses I'd be much sought after by industry and well paid. It's not govt's fault that those paths were not available to me nor to most Americans but gov't can insure relatively level opportunity playfields so that the vast majority of us have at least a chance at winning. Comprende?
Pretty much obstructed since Nixon LOL and nowhere near enough... And Jim Crow goes on to this day unofficially...
Ah ... the race-card. I take that to mean you are officially out of even your most absurd arguments.
Really? How can it go on "unofficially" when Jim Crow was a set of laws that discriminated against blacks? Are you saying we have laws that aren't on the books?

Activist (pronounced: leftarded) judges have for decades been usurping the authority of our federal & state legislatures and making "laws" from their benches.

Reality Trump step down
George Conway on Friday blasted President Trump’s handling of a canceled strike on Iran, tweeting, “to say this is amateur hour would defame amateurs.”

George Conway, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway’s husband, preceded the comment by asking: “Trump didn’t realize UNTIL TEN MINUTES BEFOREHAND that a planned airstrike would kill over a hundred people and would therefore be grossly disproportionate to the loss of a UAV?”

About an hour prior, Trump had tweeted an explanation for backing away from the strike after Iran’s downing of a U.S. drone.

“On Monday they shot down an unmanned drone flying in International Waters,” Trump wrote. “We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

However, inside sources have reportedly said Trump had been informed of the potential number of casualties and still gave the initial go-ahead for the retaliation, leading to speculation about why exactly the strike was called off.

George Conway, a frequent critic of the president, has since declared that “Trump lied,” calling him “pathetic” and “unfit” and urged him to resign.
What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole.
Tell that to members of:
  • The Trojan War
  • The Roman Republic
  • The spread of Persia
  • Alexander the Great at Babylon
  • The Punic War
  • Hannibal
  • The Conquest of Greece
  • The Roman Empire
  • Julius Caesar
  • Caligula
  • Nero
  • The Visigoths
  • Arabian siege of Constantinople
  • Charlemagne
  • The Viking Conquests
  • Spaniard destruction of the Aztec Empire
  • The Ottoman Empire
  • Joan of Arc
  • The Dark Ages
  • The Mongols
  • The American Indian
  • The Soviet Union
  • Mao Zedong
  • The Nazis
What kind of BLABBERING, MINDLESS IDIOT are you to talk of "making people whole?" What makes the enslavement of other races for cheap labor centuries ago any worse or more deserving than these? And if this is the "Age of Reparations," why stop with just the Blacks? You really think they've been the only ones wronged?


Now that we have that out of our system, and everyone has paid back everyone else a Trillion Trillion Trillion dollars, let every Black alive today who has documented claim to a loss he has personally suffered due to slavery come forward and make his claim of the party who inflicted the injury, and I'll be 100% behind them!

THAT’s the way of the 21st Century.
Great. Next time someone suffers from slavery in the 21st Century, DO LET US KNOW.

MEANTIME: NOTHING STOPPING YOU from repaying reparations! How much have you repaid Blacks so far??????? ZERO? The least you could do is cook and clean for some Black family, maybe give them your house?

Reparations: Ain't never ever ever gonna happen. At best, it is a Fool's Idea of causing a NEW injustice inflicted on INNOCENT people just to make some other group feel better about themselves and create a whole new injustice all over. You CANNOT repay dead people for a crime committed them centuries after they are long dead and buried. You could never "repay" them even if they were still alive.
We have to stop electing Republicans to end War it seems. The only Wars now should be getting rid of totalitarian governments and establishing democracy everywhere. Civil Wars.

I don't believe in reparations I believe in taxing the rich and having cheap college and training good infrastructure and Health Care daycare etc like all other rich countries...

Much more opportunity and fairness. You know socialism.

It would be nice if the United States of America was a rich country, but it is not. It is $21+ Trillion in debt, with future unfunded liabilities of well over $100 Trillion.
The 1% aren't complaining Ivanka and scumbag husband made 135 million last year Wonder how
Why would anyone complain about people making an honest buck?

Leftists complain about and resent the guy living down the street making 10X more than they do railing about the unfairness and inequity of it all because he worked harder until they fall into money or make a success of themselves, then they become the biggest penny hoarders on the planet.
Tell that to members of:
  • The Trojan War
  • The Roman Republic
  • The spread of Persia
  • Alexander the Great at Babylon
  • The Punic War
  • Hannibal
  • The Conquest of Greece
  • The Roman Empire
  • Julius Caesar
  • Caligula
  • Nero
  • The Visigoths
  • Arabian siege of Constantinople
  • Charlemagne
  • The Viking Conquests
  • Spaniard destruction of the Aztec Empire
  • The Ottoman Empire
  • Joan of Arc
  • The Dark Ages
  • The Mongols
  • The American Indian
  • The Soviet Union
  • Mao Zedong
  • The Nazis
What kind of BLABBERING, MINDLESS IDIOT are you to talk of "making people whole?" What makes the enslavement of other races for cheap labor centuries ago any worse or more deserving than these? And if this is the "Age of Reparations," why stop with just the Blacks? You really think they've been the only ones wronged?


Now that we have that out of our system, and everyone has paid back everyone else a Trillion Trillion Trillion dollars, let every Black alive today who has documented claim to a loss he has personally suffered due to slavery come forward and make his claim of the party who inflicted the injury, and I'll be 100% behind them!

Great. Next time someone suffers from slavery in the 21st Century, DO LET US KNOW.

MEANTIME: NOTHING STOPPING YOU from repaying reparations! How much have you repaid Blacks so far??????? ZERO? The least you could do is cook and clean for some Black family, maybe give them your house?

Reparations: Ain't never ever ever gonna happen. At best, it is a Fool's Idea of causing a NEW injustice inflicted on INNOCENT people just to make some other group feel better about themselves and create a whole new injustice all over. You CANNOT repay dead people for a crime committed them centuries after they are long dead and buried. You could never "repay" them even if they were still alive.
We have to stop electing Republicans to end War it seems. The only Wars now should be getting rid of totalitarian governments and establishing democracy everywhere. Civil Wars.

I don't believe in reparations I believe in taxing the rich and having cheap college and training good infrastructure and Health Care daycare etc like all other rich countries...

Much more opportunity and fairness. You know socialism.

It would be nice if the United States of America was a rich country, but it is not. It is $21+ Trillion in debt, with future unfunded liabilities of well over $100 Trillion.
The 1% aren't complaining Ivanka and scumbag husband made 135 million last year Wonder how
Why would anyone complain about people making an honest buck?

Leftists complain about and resent the guy living down the street making 10X more than they do railing about the unfairness and inequity of it all because he worked harder until they fall into money or make a success of themselves, then they become the biggest penny hoarders on the planet.
No we complain when crooks like trump and family ,Kushner and others get away with stealing from whomever they can When billionaires don't pay their fair share ,,,,,,Amazon makes billions and pays nothing in taxes etc etc
Just because life ain't fair is no reason we should not use gov't to try to provide as level an opportunity playfield as possible. We have long had anti-trust, anti-predation, and anti-discrimination laws that help level our domestic commercial markets. I see no reason our gov't should not use tariffs or other tools at their disposal to level our global trade.
Because you can't use government to FIX government. The reason why things aren't fair in the first place is BECAUSE of government, and no act of force can change human nature before humans are ready for said change.
No. Gov't is not the reason I'm not 6'9" and don't have a 35" vertical leap.
What has that to do with anything?
Gov't is not the reason we all don't breeze through higher math and science courses
What has that to do with anything?
or have a great voice and great hair and manage to master the guitar
Still missing what that has to do with anything?
As long as we need gov'ts through which we organize societies, we can and will use them to fix them.
Government is there to lend law and order to society, not to ensure everyone is 6'9" or breezes through higher math. You are a very confused person.
  • If you are 6'9", be a runner. If you are 5'3", be a philosopher.
  • If you breeze through higher math, be a teacher. If you don't, be a learner.
  • If you have a great voice, be a singer. If you have a bad voice, be a writer.
If you think government can make you taller, or smarter or a better entertainer, you are a fool.
If you expect government will make short people competitive with runners, idiots competitive with physicists or talentless people compete with musicians, you are an imbecile.

You've confused equality with equity; Equality is an illusion because we are all different, we cannot all be the same in identical ways so nature intends we all be equal in different ways. Government can't do that; at best, laws can give each of us an equal boost in some things so that shorter people come out higher ahead, but then, taller people getting an equal boost will come out higher still. That's the unavoidable fact of life.

Equity is putting a different size box under each person ------ EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS (Gee, where have I heard THAT before?), but nowhere in nature do different things all come out equal, only in the fiction of socialism and liberal thought and government force. WHO DECIDES what size box a person gets or needs? Government? That most inept and corrupt and inefficient of all?

YOU ARE A VERY CONFUSED PERSON. You want to acquiesce to people thinking it will make them more fair when they would crush your bones under their wheel without a second thought. I don't want or need government any more in my life than absolutely necessary. Maybe you want them putting a box under your feet raising you up to be something you are not fit to do, but I don't. I don't need government figuring out what I'm good at, I can do that very well for myself.
Wow. I'm sorry ... I didn't realize I had to make it simple for you.

If I had those physical qualities I'd play NBA ball and make $250 million over a 10 yr career. If I could breeze through higher math or science courses I'd be much sought after by industry and well paid. It's not govt's fault that those paths were not available to me nor to most Americans but gov't can insure relatively level opportunity playfields so that the vast majority of us have at least a chance at winning. Comprende?

Do you know that most of the richest people in the world never were good at math? Maybe never even went to college? Many of your most successful Hollywood stars can barely spell or write? Many of the greatest musicians never took a day of music school? Obviously my words flew right over your head so I shant try again, government CANNOT create "level opportunity playfields"------ success comes from within, from hard work, from applying yourself towards those goals most suited towards your talents and abilities. There are no level opportunity playing fields because each of us is different. The playing field is different for each person. The key to success is not government creating an artificial pathway at other people's expense, it is in your intelligently choosing and finding that pathway best suited for you in harmony with nature that provides the least resistance going downhill toward your own goal.
Those that claim that whites took land from Native American tribes is correct. While some treaties were honored into present day, others were outright taken by force, which cannot be denied. However, throughout their history on the North American continent, various tribes, forced other tribes out of regions by force. It's all a part of history, across the world; war and territorial conquest has gone on and on. Persia created an empire by conquering territory and had slaves (white, black, olive skinned, men and women). Greek empire....same thing. Roman empire, same thing. On and on, wars and conquering and loss of land and among the strife....slaves, again, white, black, olive skinned and included men, women and children. Slavery still exist and people of varying colors are living on lands that at some point was conquered territory. So, life goes on and there is no going back, only moving forward...and, will there continue to be wars and territorial conquests and loss?, most likely. We are what we are, human and flawed.
what about Jim Crow? What about the ridiculous discrimination they go through to this day?

Jim Crow ended 60 years ago, fool.

All the discrimination is in their favor, shit for brains. What do you imagine Affirmative Action is?
Pretty much obstructed since Nixon LOL and nowhere near enough... And Jim Crow goes on to this day unofficially...
Really? How can it go on "unofficially" when Jim Crow was a set of laws that discriminated against blacks? Are you saying we have laws that aren't on the books?
no if you believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them, you are a racist like about half the GOP I would say. And not Biden.
I am saying there are a lot of racist assholes out there, most of them GOP..... Who discriminate against minorities..... If it is anti-poor, it hurts minorities more....

How much is "a lot?" A couple hundred? I think Joe Biden just proved that lots of them are Dims.

So, if you support cutting taxes, you're a racist? Is that what you're saying?
no, you are a racist if you believe a race is inferior and discriminate against them. About half the GOP. Democrats at least fight it. And not Biden. I know Republicans. Out here they don't know any, but they still....
What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

Utter bullshit is right. Your post is utter bullshit.

First of all, millions of white Union soldiers died trying to crush the slave states. Do their families get reparations?

Second, it was black Africans who sold their fellow Africans into slavery. Are they going to cough up some cash for this scheme?

Third, many blacks in America today do NOT come from former slave families. Do they get money from the white families of the fallen Union soldiers for nothing?

The whole thing is STUPID and anybody who supports reparations is a half-witted braindead imbecile.

'free' white labor was far worse off than slaves, so blacks would come at the end of line when handing them out anyway, behind Irish and Germans fleeing famines, and eastern Europeans fleeing the czars and Poles.
That is ridiculous. You basically have to be a racist to believe that crap. Slavery sucked read a book.
We have to stop electing Republicans to end War it seems. The only Wars now should be getting rid of totalitarian governments and establishing democracy everywhere. Civil Wars.

I don't believe in reparations I believe in taxing the rich and having cheap college and training good infrastructure and Health Care daycare etc like all other rich countries...

Much more opportunity and fairness. You know socialism.

It would be nice if the United States of America was a rich country, but it is not. It is $21+ Trillion in debt, with future unfunded liabilities of well over $100 Trillion.
The 1% aren't complaining Ivanka and scumbag husband made 135 million last year Wonder how
Why would anyone complain about people making an honest buck?

Leftists complain about and resent the guy living down the street making 10X more than they do railing about the unfairness and inequity of it all because he worked harder until they fall into money or make a success of themselves, then they become the biggest penny hoarders on the planet.
No we complain when crooks like trump and family

Right there you are already wrong. You complain when crooks like Trump and family (merely good business people), but where are your complaints when crooks like Bill and Hillary and Obama and others? THEY ARE ALL CROOKS of a sort, otherwise they WOULD NOT BE WHERE THEY ARE. No one ever got rich or successful in this world be being honest and benevolent and altruistic. As to the tax thing, yes, I'm still waiting for a simple flat tax where people pay across the board by what they simply make and spend. The very fact that the tax code is 10,000 pages long can only be designed to allow people loopholes to avoid paying.

The biggest winners in the long tax code is that it necessitates having a vast IRS needing untold thousands of employees and 12 billion budget a year. The biggest losers in a flat tax would be the government itself because we could literally close half the Dept. of Treasury.
Those that claim that whites took land from Native American tribes is correct. While some treaties were honored into present day, others were outright taken by force, which cannot be denied. However, throughout their history on the North American continent, various tribes, forced other tribes out of regions by force. It's all a part of history, across the world; war and territorial conquest has gone on and on. Persia created an empire by conquering territory and had slaves (white, black, olive skinned, men and women). Greek empire....same thing. Roman empire, same thing. On and on, wars and conquering and loss of land and among the strife....slaves, again, white, black, olive skinned and included men, women and children. Slavery still exist and people of varying colors are living on lands that at some point was conquered territory. So, life goes on and there is no going back, only moving forward...and, will there continue to be wars and territorial conquests and loss?, most likely. We are what we are, human and flawed.
About 90% of the Indians died from disease so. But yes they deserve reparations give them Kansas and North Dakota and some Eastern woods LOL...
Well I guess all the disgruntled confederates are out of excuses or are they somehow justified in their 150 year old grudges and losing their shit when some monument gets removed?

You seem to be conflating widely different groups.
It would be nice if the United States of America was a rich country, but it is not. It is $21+ Trillion in debt, with future unfunded liabilities of well over $100 Trillion.
The 1% aren't complaining Ivanka and scumbag husband made 135 million last year Wonder how
Why would anyone complain about people making an honest buck?

Leftists complain about and resent the guy living down the street making 10X more than they do railing about the unfairness and inequity of it all because he worked harder until they fall into money or make a success of themselves, then they become the biggest penny hoarders on the planet.
No we complain when crooks like trump and family

Right there you are already wrong. You complain when crooks like Trump and family (merely good business people), but where are your complaints when crooks like Bill and Hillary and Obama and others? THEY ARE ALL CROOKS of a sort, otherwise they WOULD NOT BE WHERE THEY ARE. No one ever got rich or successful in this world be being honest and benevolent and altruistic. As to the tax thing, yes, I'm still waiting for a simple flat tax where people pay across the board by what they simply make and spend. The very fact that the tax code is 10,000 pages long can only be designed to allow people loopholes to avoid paying.

The biggest winners in the long tax code is that it necessitates having a vast IRS needing untold thousands of employees and 12 billion budget a year. The biggest losers in a flat tax would be the government itself because we could literally close half the Dept. of Treasury.
They could certainly make it simple, but a flat tax is what we have now if you count all taxes and fees,And it is a huge giveaway to the rich. Everyone else in the world has a progressive tax system for many good reasons. The Republican propaganda machine makes this mess possible.
It would be nice if the United States of America was a rich country, but it is not. It is $21+ Trillion in debt, with future unfunded liabilities of well over $100 Trillion.
The 1% aren't complaining Ivanka and scumbag husband made 135 million last year Wonder how
Why would anyone complain about people making an honest buck?

Leftists complain about and resent the guy living down the street making 10X more than they do railing about the unfairness and inequity of it all because he worked harder until they fall into money or make a success of themselves, then they become the biggest penny hoarders on the planet.
No we complain when crooks like trump and family

Right there you are already wrong. You complain when crooks like Trump and family (merely good business people), but where are your complaints when crooks like Bill and Hillary and Obama and others? THEY ARE ALL CROOKS of a sort, otherwise they WOULD NOT BE WHERE THEY ARE. No one ever got rich or successful in this world be being honest and benevolent and altruistic. As to the tax thing, yes, I'm still waiting for a simple flat tax where people pay across the board by what they simply make and spend. The very fact that the tax code is 10,000 pages long can only be designed to allow people loopholes to avoid paying.

The biggest winners in the long tax code is that it necessitates having a vast IRS needing untold thousands of employees and 12 billion budget a year. The biggest losers in a flat tax would be the government itself because we could literally close half the Dept. of Treasury.
Great argument for corruption, brainwashed. The GOP is the swamp thanks to people like you. functional moron.
The 1% aren't complaining Ivanka and scumbag husband made 135 million last year Wonder how
Why would anyone complain about people making an honest buck?

Leftists complain about and resent the guy living down the street making 10X more than they do railing about the unfairness and inequity of it all because he worked harder until they fall into money or make a success of themselves, then they become the biggest penny hoarders on the planet.
No we complain when crooks like trump and family

Right there you are already wrong. You complain when crooks like Trump and family (merely good business people), but where are your complaints when crooks like Bill and Hillary and Obama and others? THEY ARE ALL CROOKS of a sort, otherwise they WOULD NOT BE WHERE THEY ARE. No one ever got rich or successful in this world be being honest and benevolent and altruistic. As to the tax thing, yes, I'm still waiting for a simple flat tax where people pay across the board by what they simply make and spend. The very fact that the tax code is 10,000 pages long can only be designed to allow people loopholes to avoid paying.

The biggest winners in the long tax code is that it necessitates having a vast IRS needing untold thousands of employees and 12 billion budget a year. The biggest losers in a flat tax would be the government itself because we could literally close half the Dept. of Treasury.
They could certainly make it simple, but a flat tax is what we have now if you count all taxes and fees,And it is a huge giveaway to the rich. Everyone else in the world has a progressive tax system for many good reasons. The Republican propaganda machine makes this mess possible.

How is it a flat tax when it is a progressive tax? How is it a huge giveaway to the rich when the rich pay all the taxes? How is it a giveaway to the rich when the top 5% pay a huge percentage of all taxes paid while the bottom 50% pay ZERO? Loopholes for the rich is just so that they don't end up paying so much tax they end up stopping BEING rich because without making money there is no stimulus to the economy. The economy depends on rich people having the money to start businesses and hiring people. But then why did I ever think I'd have an intelligent conversation with an idiot like you? But I tried.
What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

Utter bullshit is right. Your post is utter bullshit.

First of all, millions of white Union soldiers died trying to crush the slave states. Do their families get reparations?

Second, it was black Africans who sold their fellow Africans into slavery. Are they going to cough up some cash for this scheme?

Third, many blacks in America today do NOT come from former slave families. Do they get money from the white families of the fallen Union soldiers for nothing?

The whole thing is STUPID and anybody who supports reparations is a half-witted braindead imbecile.

'free' white labor was far worse off than slaves, so blacks would come at the end of line when handing them out anyway, behind Irish and Germans fleeing famines, and eastern Europeans fleeing the czars and Poles.
That is ridiculous. You basically have to be a racist to believe that crap. Slavery sucked read a book.

You 've never read any books, I have; all the real ones say 'free' white labor had it far worse than slaves, something you would know if had ever read any books. Nobody is talking about whether it sucked or not, dumbass.

Obivously the HFW stands for HalFWit.
Why would anyone complain about people making an honest buck?

Leftists complain about and resent the guy living down the street making 10X more than they do railing about the unfairness and inequity of it all because he worked harder until they fall into money or make a success of themselves, then they become the biggest penny hoarders on the planet.
No we complain when crooks like trump and family

Right there you are already wrong. You complain when crooks like Trump and family (merely good business people), but where are your complaints when crooks like Bill and Hillary and Obama and others? THEY ARE ALL CROOKS of a sort, otherwise they WOULD NOT BE WHERE THEY ARE. No one ever got rich or successful in this world be being honest and benevolent and altruistic. As to the tax thing, yes, I'm still waiting for a simple flat tax where people pay across the board by what they simply make and spend. The very fact that the tax code is 10,000 pages long can only be designed to allow people loopholes to avoid paying.

The biggest winners in the long tax code is that it necessitates having a vast IRS needing untold thousands of employees and 12 billion budget a year. The biggest losers in a flat tax would be the government itself because we could literally close half the Dept. of Treasury.
They could certainly make it simple, but a flat tax is what we have now if you count all taxes and fees,And it is a huge giveaway to the rich. Everyone else in the world has a progressive tax system for many good reasons. The Republican propaganda machine makes this mess possible.

How is it a flat tax when it is a progressive tax? How is it a huge giveaway to the rich when the rich pay all the taxes? How is it a giveaway to the rich when the top 5% pay a huge percentage of all taxes paid while the bottom 50% pay ZERO? Loopholes for the rich is just so that they don't end up paying so much tax they end up stopping BEING rich because without making money there is no stimulus to the economy. The economy depends on rich people having the money to start businesses and hiring people. But then why did I ever think I'd have an intelligent conversation with an idiot like you? But I tried.
Of course as a brainwashed GOP dupe, all you can think about is federal income tax, the only progressive tax we have. Everything else is against the non Rich- payroll taxes state and local taxes just kill the non Rich. I'm not kidding it is a flat tax for everyone. Google the only tax graph you need to know. End of story
Those that claim that whites took land from Native American tribes is correct. While some treaties were honored into present day, others were outright taken by force, which cannot be denied.

Name some, and let's see if the whole stories match the propaganda.

However, throughout their history on the North American continent, various tribes, forced other tribes out of regions by force. It's all a part of history, across the world; war and territorial conquest has gone on and on. Persia created an empire by conquering territory and had slaves (white, black, olive skinned, men and women). Greek empire....same thing. Roman empire, same thing. On and on, wars and conquering and loss of land and among the strife....slaves, again, white, black, olive skinned and included men, women and children. Slavery still exist and people of varying colors are living on lands that at some point was conquered territory. So, life goes on and there is no going back, only moving forward...and, will there continue to be wars and territorial conquests and loss?, most likely. We are what we are, human and flawed.

Yet the whiners never demand anybody else but white Americans pay 'reparations'. That's because white Christians are the only humans who ever express regrets or even concern themselves with such tripe as 'reparations'. Never hear Any Sioux expressing a need to pay reparations to other tribes, or the white families they massacred for sport and entertainment, for instance.Never hear of any black people running around advocating the Zulu pay reparations to the black tribes they decimated and enslaved. they know they don't give a shit and would just laugh at them, just as they would if they were expected to pay them to anybody. It's ridiculous nonsense, and just another example of how dumbed down and weak the culture has become. It can't even keep self-mutilating sexual fetishist freaks away from kids and out of school restrooms and showers any more, thanks to degenerate vermin.
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What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

Utter bullshit is right. Your post is utter bullshit.

First of all, millions of white Union soldiers died trying to crush the slave states. Do their families get reparations?

Second, it was black Africans who sold their fellow Africans into slavery. Are they going to cough up some cash for this scheme?

Third, many blacks in America today do NOT come from former slave families. Do they get money from the white families of the fallen Union soldiers for nothing?

The whole thing is STUPID and anybody who supports reparations is a half-witted braindead imbecile.

'free' white labor was far worse off than slaves, so blacks would come at the end of line when handing them out anyway, behind Irish and Germans fleeing famines, and eastern Europeans fleeing the czars and Poles.
That is ridiculous. You basically have to be a racist to believe that crap. Slavery sucked read a book.

You 've never read any books, I have; all the real ones say 'free' white labor had it far worse than slaves, something you would know if had ever read any books. Nobody is talking about whether it sucked or not, dumbass.

Obivously the HFW stands for HalFWit.
Sounds like GOP propaganda books, Super Dupe. I do have a master's in history and I know I read books about slavery. Free whites did okay. You have no clue. Of course the South will always have a lot of white trash. LOL
Just because life ain't fair is no reason we should not use gov't to try to provide as level an opportunity playfield as possible. We have long had anti-trust, anti-predation, and anti-discrimination laws that help level our domestic commercial markets. I see no reason our gov't should not use tariffs or other tools at their disposal to level our global trade.
Because you can't use government to FIX government. The reason why things aren't fair in the first place is BECAUSE of government, and no act of force can change human nature before humans are ready for said change.
No. Gov't is not the reason I'm not 6'9" and don't have a 35" vertical leap.
What has that to do with anything?
Gov't is not the reason we all don't breeze through higher math and science courses
What has that to do with anything?
or have a great voice and great hair and manage to master the guitar
Still missing what that has to do with anything?
As long as we need gov'ts through which we organize societies, we can and will use them to fix them.
Government is there to lend law and order to society, not to ensure everyone is 6'9" or breezes through higher math. You are a very confused person.
  • If you are 6'9", be a runner. If you are 5'3", be a philosopher.
  • If you breeze through higher math, be a teacher. If you don't, be a learner.
  • If you have a great voice, be a singer. If you have a bad voice, be a writer.
If you think government can make you taller, or smarter or a better entertainer, you are a fool.
If you expect government will make short people competitive with runners, idiots competitive with physicists or talentless people compete with musicians, you are an imbecile.

You've confused equality with equity; Equality is an illusion because we are all different, we cannot all be the same in identical ways so nature intends we all be equal in different ways. Government can't do that; at best, laws can give each of us an equal boost in some things so that shorter people come out higher ahead, but then, taller people getting an equal boost will come out higher still. That's the unavoidable fact of life.

Equity is putting a different size box under each person ------ EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS (Gee, where have I heard THAT before?), but nowhere in nature do different things all come out equal, only in the fiction of socialism and liberal thought and government force. WHO DECIDES what size box a person gets or needs? Government? That most inept and corrupt and inefficient of all?

YOU ARE A VERY CONFUSED PERSON. You want to acquiesce to people thinking it will make them more fair when they would crush your bones under their wheel without a second thought. I don't want or need government any more in my life than absolutely necessary. Maybe you want them putting a box under your feet raising you up to be something you are not fit to do, but I don't. I don't need government figuring out what I'm good at, I can do that very well for myself.
Wow. I'm sorry ... I didn't realize I had to make it simple for you.

If I had those physical qualities I'd play NBA ball and make $250 million over a 10 yr career. If I could breeze through higher math or science courses I'd be much sought after by industry and well paid. It's not govt's fault that those paths were not available to me nor to most Americans but gov't can insure relatively level opportunity playfields so that the vast majority of us have at least a chance at winning. Comprende?

Do you know that most of the richest people in the world never were good at math? Maybe never even went to college? Many of your most successful Hollywood stars can barely spell or write? Many of the greatest musicians never took a day of music school? Obviously my words flew right over your head so I shant try again, government CANNOT create "level opportunity playfields"------ success comes from within, from hard work, from applying yourself towards those goals most suited towards your talents and abilities. There are no level opportunity playing fields because each of us is different...
Indeed we often win thanks to individual talents, ambition, and hard work - I spelled that out in my OP (reposted below) - but those factors function best when the opportunity playfield is as level as possible and that is where gov't can be useful and effective. I doubt I must explain how our gov't has at times oppressed some while benefiting others. Our Democrat Socialists would use our gov't to again determine winners and losers. I prefer a level opportunity playfield on which we can all strut our stuff, whatever that stuff may be.

Just because life ain't fair is no reason we should not use gov't to try to provide as level an opportunity playfield as possible. We have long had anti-trust, anti-predation, and anti-discrimination laws that help level our domestic commercial markets. I see no reason our gov't should not use tariffs or other tools at their disposal to level our global trade.
Leftists complain about and resent the guy living down the street making 10X more than they do railing about the unfairness and inequity of it all because he worked harder until they fall into money or make a success of themselves, then they become the biggest penny hoarders on the planet.
No we complain when crooks like trump and family

Right there you are already wrong. You complain when crooks like Trump and family (merely good business people), but where are your complaints when crooks like Bill and Hillary and Obama and others? THEY ARE ALL CROOKS of a sort, otherwise they WOULD NOT BE WHERE THEY ARE. No one ever got rich or successful in this world be being honest and benevolent and altruistic. As to the tax thing, yes, I'm still waiting for a simple flat tax where people pay across the board by what they simply make and spend. The very fact that the tax code is 10,000 pages long can only be designed to allow people loopholes to avoid paying.

The biggest winners in the long tax code is that it necessitates having a vast IRS needing untold thousands of employees and 12 billion budget a year. The biggest losers in a flat tax would be the government itself because we could literally close half the Dept. of Treasury.
They could certainly make it simple, but a flat tax is what we have now if you count all taxes and fees,And it is a huge giveaway to the rich. Everyone else in the world has a progressive tax system for many good reasons. The Republican propaganda machine makes this mess possible.

How is it a flat tax when it is a progressive tax? How is it a huge giveaway to the rich when the rich pay all the taxes? How is it a giveaway to the rich when the top 5% pay a huge percentage of all taxes paid while the bottom 50% pay ZERO? Loopholes for the rich is just so that they don't end up paying so much tax they end up stopping BEING rich because without making money there is no stimulus to the economy. The economy depends on rich people having the money to start businesses and hiring people. But then why did I ever think I'd have an intelligent conversation with an idiot like you? But I tried.
Of course as a brainwashed GOP dupe, all you can think about is federal income tax, the only progressive tax we have. Everything else is against the non Rich- payroll taxes state and local taxes just kill the non Rich. I'm not kidding it is a flat tax for everyone. Google the only tax graph you need to know. End of story

You forgot school taxes.
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