Ingraham Explains The Facts O'Life, Leftists Blanch At Reality

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George Conway, a frequent critic of the president, has since declared that “Trump lied,” calling him “pathetic” and “unfit” and urged him to resign.
It's funny how now the left is pissed at Trump for not going to war with Iran. Y'all need to take a minute to figure out what the fuck you actually want.
They tried that on The View after the Covington Kids and the BuzzFeed Fiasco. It was quite revealing:

Whoopi G - why are we so eager to swallow such obviously fake news?

Joy B - it's because we're so desperate to get rid of Trump.

That's it. They have NOTHING but seething hatred for this country and our Prez.
Why would anyone complain about people making an honest buck?

Leftists complain about and resent the guy living down the street making 10X more than they do railing about the unfairness and inequity of it all because he worked harder until they fall into money or make a success of themselves, then they become the biggest penny hoarders on the planet.
No we complain when crooks like trump and family ,Kushner and others get away with stealing from whomever they can When billionaires don't pay their fair share ,,,,,,Amazon makes billions and pays nothing in taxes etc etc
How much of what you didn't earn is your fair share?
If I was paying 15% of millions earned that would be NOT my fair share
That's not what I asked. Why do you think you're entitled to someone else's money?
I have no desire for someone else's money I have more than enough of my own Money I didn't lie for or cheat people to get like that AH trump did
George Conway, a frequent critic of the president, has since declared that “Trump lied,” calling him “pathetic” and “unfit” and urged him to resign.
It's funny how now the left is pissed at Trump for not going to war with Iran. Y'all need to take a minute to figure out what the fuck you actually want.
They tried that on The View after the Covington Kids and the BuzzFeed Fiasco. It was quite revealing:

Whoopi G - why are we so eager to swallow such obviously fake news?

Joy B - it's because we're so desperate to get rid of Trump.

That's it. They have NOTHING but seething hatred for this country and our Prez.
How about your AH running against Hillary because most if not all dem candidates are cleaning his clock?? And yes I do hate that degenerate POS and his leader in the senate McConnell
Leftists complain about and resent the guy living down the street making 10X more than they do railing about the unfairness and inequity of it all because he worked harder until they fall into money or make a success of themselves, then they become the biggest penny hoarders on the planet.
No we complain when crooks like trump and family ,Kushner and others get away with stealing from whomever they can When billionaires don't pay their fair share ,,,,,,Amazon makes billions and pays nothing in taxes etc etc
How much of what you didn't earn is your fair share?
If I was paying 15% of millions earned that would be NOT my fair share
That's not what I asked. Why do you think you're entitled to someone else's money?
I have no desire for someone else's money I have more than enough of my own Money I didn't lie for or cheat people to get like that AH trump did
Ahhh. So you want to take money away from the wealthy...why? To make you feel generous? To assuage some phantom guilt you may have?

Do you even know why?
Socialists don't call each other comrade, that's communism, s*******.
LOL! Its the same thing you stupid asshat. Lord what a dope. You must be in the top ten dumbest f*cks here.
Franco has said that he knows more about socialism and Communism than Vladimir Lenin, who said, "The goal of socialism is Communism."
Lenin was reading from the Marx/Engels pamphlet. 21st Century commies pretend they are different by denying the definition of socialism. They clearly are not different:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
No we complain when crooks like trump and family ,Kushner and others get away with stealing from whomever they can When billionaires don't pay their fair share ,,,,,,Amazon makes billions and pays nothing in taxes etc etc
How much of what you didn't earn is your fair share?
If I was paying 15% of millions earned that would be NOT my fair share
That's not what I asked. Why do you think you're entitled to someone else's money?
I have no desire for someone else's money I have more than enough of my own Money I didn't lie for or cheat people to get like that AH trump did
Ahhh. So you want to take money away from the wealthy...why? To make you feel generous? To assuage some phantom guilt you may have?

Do you even know why?
You know what fair means ? I only want fair. Republicans don't. I wonder why they keep supporting the 1% when the 1% wouldn't defecate on the best part of them
George Conway, a frequent critic of the president, has since declared that “Trump lied,” calling him “pathetic” and “unfit” and urged him to resign.
It's funny how now the left is pissed at Trump for not going to war with Iran. Y'all need to take a minute to figure out what the fuck you actually want.
They tried that on The View after the Covington Kids and the BuzzFeed Fiasco. It was quite revealing:

Whoopi G - why are we so eager to swallow such obviously fake news?

Joy B - it's because we're so desperate to get rid of Trump.

That's it. They have NOTHING but seething hatred for this country and our Prez.
How about your AH running against Hillary because most if not all dem candidates are cleaning his clock?? And yes I do hate that degenerate POS and his leader in the senate McConnell
You do harbor a lot of hatred, Comrade, but you have a lot of leftarded company. Very sad. Wallowing in hate is an awful way to live your life. Many here at USMB, including myself, mimic and/or ridicule those who have regular outbursts of irrationality often regarding the POTUS, his fam, his policies, his tweets, his appearance, his ... well ... his everything. As the phenomenon is widespread - afflicting millions of Americans including much of NY, Cali, the media, and WashDC - Psychology Today tackled the issue of whether TDS is a real mental disorder. In that the mass hysteria is readily observable behavior, the author concludes that "Such people may need mental health support."

If you still cry yourself to sleep every night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every morning, and obsess all day long I respectfully suggest you at least consider committing yourself for observation.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.
Socialists don't call each other comrade, that's communism, s*******.
LOL! Its the same thing you stupid asshat. Lord what a dope. You must be in the top ten dumbest f*cks here.
Franco has said that he knows more about socialism and Communism than Vladimir Lenin, who said, "The goal of socialism is Communism."
Lenin was reading from the Marx/Engels pamphlet. 21st Century commies pretend they are different by denying the definition of socialism. They clearly are not different:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
And moron said he knows more than the generals
George Conway, a frequent critic of the president, has since declared that “Trump lied,” calling him “pathetic” and “unfit” and urged him to resign.
It's funny how now the left is pissed at Trump for not going to war with Iran. Y'all need to take a minute to figure out what the fuck you actually want.
They tried that on The View after the Covington Kids and the BuzzFeed Fiasco. It was quite revealing:

Whoopi G - why are we so eager to swallow such obviously fake news?

Joy B - it's because we're so desperate to get rid of Trump.

That's it. They have NOTHING but seething hatred for this country and our Prez.
How about your AH running against Hillary because most if not all dem candidates are cleaning his clock?? And yes I do hate that degenerate POS and his leader in the senate McConnell
You do harbor a lot of hatred, Comrade, but you have a lot of leftarded company. Very sad. Wallowing in hate is an awful way to live your life. Many here at USMB, including myself, mimic and/or ridicule those who have regular outbursts of irrationality often regarding the POTUS, his fam, his policies, his tweets, his appearance, his ... well ... his everything. As the phenomenon is widespread - afflicting millions of Americans including much of NY, Cali, the media, and WashDC - Psychology Today tackled the issue of whether TDS is a real mental disorder. In that the mass hysteria is readily observable behavior, the author concludes that "Such people may need mental health support."

If you still cry yourself to sleep every night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every morning, and obsess all day long I respectfully suggest you at least consider committing yourself for observation.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.
Is he a relative of the doctor who gave dump a get outta nam letter?
George Conway, a frequent critic of the president, has since declared that “Trump lied,” calling him “pathetic” and “unfit” and urged him to resign.
It's funny how now the left is pissed at Trump for not going to war with Iran. Y'all need to take a minute to figure out what the fuck you actually want.
They tried that on The View after the Covington Kids and the BuzzFeed Fiasco. It was quite revealing:

Whoopi G - why are we so eager to swallow such obviously fake news?

Joy B - it's because we're so desperate to get rid of Trump.

That's it. They have NOTHING but seething hatred for this country and our Prez.
How about your AH running against Hillary because most if not all dem candidates are cleaning his clock?? And yes I do hate that degenerate POS and his leader in the senate McConnell
You do harbor a lot of hatred, Comrade, but you have a lot of leftarded company. Very sad. Wallowing in hate is an awful way to live your life. Many here at USMB, including myself, mimic and/or ridicule those who have regular outbursts of irrationality often regarding the POTUS, his fam, his policies, his tweets, his appearance, his ... well ... his everything. As the phenomenon is widespread - afflicting millions of Americans including much of NY, Cali, the media, and WashDC - Psychology Today tackled the issue of whether TDS is a real mental disorder. In that the mass hysteria is readily observable behavior, the author concludes that "Such people may need mental health support."

If you still cry yourself to sleep every night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every morning, and obsess all day long I respectfully suggest you at least consider committing yourself for observation.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.
How many Ph.d's have said trump is one warped SOB ?? My words not theirs
Jim Crow ended 60 years ago, fool.

All the discrimination is in their favor, shit for brains. What do you imagine Affirmative Action is?
Pretty much obstructed since Nixon LOL and nowhere near enough... And Jim Crow goes on to this day unofficially...
Really? How can it go on "unofficially" when Jim Crow was a set of laws that discriminated against blacks? Are you saying we have laws that aren't on the books?
no if you believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them, you are a racist like about half the GOP I would say. And not Biden.
I am saying there are a lot of racist assholes out there, most of them GOP..... Who discriminate against minorities..... If it is anti-poor, it hurts minorities more....

How much is "a lot?" A couple hundred? I think Joe Biden just proved that lots of them are Dims.

So, if you support cutting taxes, you're a racist? Is that what you're saying?
no, you are a racist if you believe a race is inferior and discriminate against them. About half the GOP. Democrats at least fight it. And not Biden. I know Republicans. Out here they don't know any, but they still....
Biden praised a known racist. In the leftwing universe that makes him worse than Bull Conner.
How much of what you didn't earn is your fair share?
If I was paying 15% of millions earned that would be NOT my fair share
That's not what I asked. Why do you think you're entitled to someone else's money?
I have no desire for someone else's money I have more than enough of my own Money I didn't lie for or cheat people to get like that AH trump did
Ahhh. So you want to take money away from the wealthy...why? To make you feel generous? To assuage some phantom guilt you may have?

Do you even know why?
You know what fair means ? I only want fair. Republicans don't. I wonder why they keep supporting the 1% when the 1% wouldn't defecate on the best part of them
Fair? The rich pay their fair share...and more.

In 2016, according to the Tax Foundation, the top 1 percent accounted for 37.3 percent of all income-tax revenue, a share that was greater than the bottom 90 percent of all payers of income tax combined. The top half of taxpayers paid 97 percent of income taxes.
I know what fair means. Obviously -- you don't.
Socialists don't call each other comrade, that's communism, s*******.
LOL! Its the same thing you stupid asshat. Lord what a dope. You must be in the top ten dumbest f*cks here.
Franco has said that he knows more about socialism and Communism than Vladimir Lenin, who said, "The goal of socialism is Communism."
Lenin was reading from the Marx/Engels pamphlet. 21st Century commies pretend they are different by denying the definition of socialism. They clearly are not different:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
And moron said he knows more than the generals
Lame deflection.
A level opportunity platfield is one that guarantees virtually every American the same opportunity - to the best of their abilities and desire

How can you guarantee something which does not exist, fool?

How do you have the same opportunity for people of all manner of skills, interests, talents and desires?

What opportunity is there for someone with no ability and desire? How do we level that with a Steve Jobs or an Elon Musk?

My first impression of you WAS correct: you are a libertarian idiot.
Wow. You really are that dense. Opportunity does not guarantee winning but rather only the opportunity to try. This isn't rocket science, cuz. It simply means our gov't doesn't allow or create factors that interfere with equal opportunity ....

Wow. You really are a fucking cement blockhead.
  • NOTHING guarantees winning, least of all government.
  • Saying opportunity creates opportunity is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard you yet say. Government doesn't create opportunity anyway, government creates not a single job; the private sector free market does that. Need creates opportunity, not regulations.
  • All government does is interfere in opportunity. Every blockade I've ever had to success in life was because government stood in my way. And over the years they have gotten their hands into more things interfering in more opportunities than ever. Government only ADDS to the cost of doing business, living and working, never reduces it.
Please take your love of socialism and big government and shove it up your ass and LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE with it.
so why are we the only modern country without free or very cheap University and training, super dupe? The government should work for the people not the GOP crap.
So because we do something for farmers hurt by the tariffs intended to level the playfield means we must embrace socialism? Is that what you imply, Comrade, because it's both a remarkably STUPID POV and typical of how the socialist "mind" operates.
The point from which you deflect is that you lied again by claiming America lacks "Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training 5 week vacation great infrastructure" and."Healthy family farms."
NO we can't embrace socialism but your kind, calling anything done to help those who have nothing. get ahead in life your asses call that socialism
Anything leftwingers have planned is socialism.
Socialism being fair capitalism with a good safety net and always Democratic as practiced in the rest of the modern world, super duper.
"Socialism is Capitalism?"

It certainly is in Spain France Scandinavia. English speakers certainly have a problem with it., since the UK and the United States are the most conservative countries going without being Nazis. Capitalist corporatist imperialist. The two worst parties in the modern world are the GOP and the Tories. But the GOP is worse much.

But if you read a book or Wikipedia, they will tell you that socialism today is yes always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The third evolution of the term. Started out as Marxist ideology-proven wrong.... Then USSR communism, until it was discovered there was no democracy involved..... And finally what all modern countries have now except us. Thanks to the scumbag GOP and dupes like you.

"We are all socialists now!"-- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Of course he did not realize the greed and corruption of the GOP.... Masters of obstruction and corruption.
Total pablum. Your post is one vast pile of horseshit.
At the moment the middle class and the working class deserve reparations from the rich as represented by the GOP the last 50 years but especially the last 35...

Good ole Uncle Bernie, savior of the left. Real state millionaire who doesn't share any of his houses with anybody poor, got thrown out of a hippie commune for beng too lazy to work. It's easy to understand his appeal to the Democratic Party base.
More garbage character assassination for dupes only
NO we can't embrace socialism but your kind, calling anything done to help those who have nothing. get ahead in life your asses call that socialism
Anything leftwingers have planned is socialism.
Socialism being fair capitalism with a good safety net and always Democratic as practiced in the rest of the modern world, super duper.
"Socialism is Capitalism?"

It certainly is in Spain France Scandinavia. English speakers certainly have a problem with it., since the UK and the United States are the most conservative countries going without being Nazis. Capitalist corporatist imperialist. The two worst parties in the modern world are the GOP and the Tories. But the GOP is worse much.

But if you read a book or Wikipedia, they will tell you that socialism today is yes always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The third evolution of the term. Started out as Marxist ideology-proven wrong.... Then USSR communism, until it was discovered there was no democracy involved..... And finally what all modern countries have now except us. Thanks to the scumbag GOP and dupes like you.

"We are all socialists now!"-- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Of course he did not realize the greed and corruption of the GOP.... Masters of obstruction and corruption.
Total pablum. Your post is one vast pile of horseshit.
Sorry about educated intelligent people....
Pretty much obstructed since Nixon LOL and nowhere near enough... And Jim Crow goes on to this day unofficially...
Ah ... the race-card. I take that to mean you are officially out of even your most absurd arguments.
Really? How can it go on "unofficially" when Jim Crow was a set of laws that discriminated against blacks? Are you saying we have laws that aren't on the books?

Activist (pronounced: leftarded) judges have for decades been usurping the authority of our federal & state legislatures and making "laws" from their benches.

Reality Trump step down
George Conway on Friday blasted President Trump’s handling of a canceled strike on Iran, tweeting, “to say this is amateur hour would defame amateurs.”

George Conway, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway’s husband, preceded the comment by asking: “Trump didn’t realize UNTIL TEN MINUTES BEFOREHAND that a planned airstrike would kill over a hundred people and would therefore be grossly disproportionate to the loss of a UAV?”

About an hour prior, Trump had tweeted an explanation for backing away from the strike after Iran’s downing of a U.S. drone.

“On Monday they shot down an unmanned drone flying in International Waters,” Trump wrote. “We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

However, inside sources have reportedly said Trump had been informed of the potential number of casualties and still gave the initial go-ahead for the retaliation, leading to speculation about why exactly the strike was called off.

George Conway, a frequent critic of the president, has since declared that “Trump lied,” calling him “pathetic” and “unfit” and urged him to resign.
It's funny how now the left is pissed at Trump for not going to war with Iran.

Y'all need to take a minute to figure out what the fuck you actually want.
If Trump had bombed some Iranian targets they would be calling him a war monger morning noon and night.
What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

Utter bullshit is right. Your post is utter bullshit.

First of all, millions of white Union soldiers died trying to crush the slave states. Do their families get reparations?

Second, it was black Africans who sold their fellow Africans into slavery. Are they going to cough up some cash for this scheme?

Third, many blacks in America today do NOT come from former slave families. Do they get money from the white families of the fallen Union soldiers for nothing?

The whole thing is STUPID and anybody who supports reparations is a half-witted braindead imbecile.
Try and remain calm, they are only talking about setting up a commission to study reparations, brainwashed functional moron. Blacks in Africa have been ripped off for all their money by whites LOL. The actual solutions is to tax the rich more than everyone else percentage-wise for a change and give more opportunities to all the non rich. But thanks for this ridiculous mess of the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, super duper.
A commission isn't needed to determine that no one living today is responsible for what happened to black people prior to the Civil War.

A "commission" is a propaganda organ funded by the taxpayers. That's one thing we definitely do not needed or wanted.

I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'

What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

“Conquest” ended after WWII. Time for FOX to enter the 21st Century.
The only problem with your logic: No one alive today is responsible for enslaving anyone.
what about Jim Crow? What about the ridiculous discrimination they go through to this day?
I'm sure American blacks are grateful to have a white liberal like you to speak for them.
Doesn't change the fact, Jack. I think they are just fine with it actually. Certainly you brainwashed functional racist assholes won't.
George Conway, a frequent critic of the president, has since declared that “Trump lied,” calling him “pathetic” and “unfit” and urged him to resign.
It's funny how now the left is pissed at Trump for not going to war with Iran. Y'all need to take a minute to figure out what the fuck you actually want.
They tried that on The View after the Covington Kids and the BuzzFeed Fiasco. It was quite revealing:

Whoopi G - why are we so eager to swallow such obviously fake news?

Joy B - it's because we're so desperate to get rid of Trump.

That's it. They have NOTHING but seething hatred for this country and our Prez.
How about your AH running against Hillary because most if not all dem candidates are cleaning his clock?? And yes I do hate that degenerate POS and his leader in the senate McConnell
You do harbor a lot of hatred, Comrade, but you have a lot of leftarded company. Very sad. Wallowing in hate is an awful way to live your life. Many here at USMB, including myself, mimic and/or ridicule those who have regular outbursts of irrationality often regarding the POTUS, his fam, his policies, his tweets, his appearance, his ... well ... his everything. As the phenomenon is widespread - afflicting millions of Americans including much of NY, Cali, the media, and WashDC - Psychology Today tackled the issue of whether TDS is a real mental disorder. In that the mass hysteria is readily observable behavior, the author concludes that "Such people may need mental health support."

If you still cry yourself to sleep every night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every morning, and obsess all day long I respectfully suggest you at least consider committing yourself for observation.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.
Is he a relative of the doctor who gave dump a get outta nam letter?
Another lame deflection. I know it can't be fun to know everyone has your number but TDS is very real and you admittedly have it bad. Take the guy's advice and seek help for your self-imposed and rigidly self-enforced suffering. Others have:

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast
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